Kari Lake calls for imprisoning Maricopa County election officials

Where is YOUR source? I don't see a link, hun.


I really do get a creepy feeling that you are trying to achieve an uncomfortable level of intimacy with me.

Stop it.

Oh, and I don't need a link to know that wikipedia is a bunch of lying leftist vermin, or to be surprised that you belong to the cult that buys their bullshit.

Her last stand.....is disputing 1300 ballots. More than an order of magnitude fewer than she needs.

And she's losing that too.

When she loses, what snivelling conspiracy excuse will you give? Give us a preview of all those MAGA tears.

I already said the Reich will never allow her to prevail, this isn't a nation of laws after all.

But this just adds to the reality that NO ONE can deny - we don't have free and fair elections. It's a rigged game that puts in who the Oligarchs chose.

Your fellow Nazi sinkwar doesn't like it - but time to start hanging the Oligarchs from lamp posts.
I already said the Reich will never allow her to prevail, this isn't a nation of laws after all.

But this just adds to the reality that NO ONE can deny - we don't have free and fair elections. It's a rigged game that puts in who the Oligarchs chose.

Your fellow Nazi sinkwar doesn't like it - but time to start hanging the Oligarchs from lamp posts.
will hanging oligarchs involve you getting off yoar couch? cuz that could totally crimp yoar style, kwim?
I already said the Reich will never allow her to prevail, this isn't a nation of laws after all.

But this just adds to the reality that NO ONE can deny - we don't have free and fair elections. It's a rigged game that puts in who the Oligarchs chose.

Your fellow Nazi sinkwar doesn't like it - but time to start hanging the Oligarchs from lamp posts.

Oh, you've already started building your NEXT conspiracy to explain the failure your LAST conspiracy. Exactly as I predicted you would.

What choice do you and your ilk have? What, abandoned your unearned sense of entitlement to positions of power the people didn't choose you for? Acknowledge your own horrid judgment in selecting a former newscaster with zero relevant experience to govern a State?

Of course not. You're incapable of that kind of self reflection or personal responsibility. Your failures have to be someone else's fault.

So you'll do what you always do: make up more elaborate fantasies, adding layers of complication to an already absurd collection of excuses for why you're a victim. And Trump's a victim. And Kari's a victim.

Good luck with that.
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Oh, you've already started building your NEXT conspiracy to explain the failure your LAST conspiracy. Exactly as I predicted you would.

What choice do you and your ilk have? What, abandoned your unearned sense of entitlement to positions of power the people didn't choose you for? Acknowledge your own horrid judgment in selecting a former newscaster with zero relevant experience to governor a State?

Of course not. You're incapable of that kind of self reflection or personal responsibility. Your failures have to be someone else's fault.

So you'll do what you always do: make up more elaborate fantasies, adding layers of complication to an already absurd collection of excuses for why you're a victim. And Trump's a victim. And Kari's a victim.

Good luck with that.
"we are all victims" was trumps battle cry for years. especially for the ga runoffs. lol. and then those landslide victories were unceremoniously stripped away from those losers as well. such a shame.
"we are all victims" was trumps battle cry for years. especially for the ga runoffs. lol. and then those landslide victories were unceremoniously stripped away from those losers as well. such a shame.

Victim hood and grievance are the two defining characteristics of the modern conservative mindset. Its what their entire culture war is based on. Which is why they worship failure the way they do. The harder Trump or Kari fails, the more conservatives venerate and revere them.

The party should swap out the elephant for an 8-ball gag at this point.
Is that the official position of DailyKOS and the other Nazi hate sites that do your thinking for you?

You're projecting. Just because your ilk is mechanically posting whatever Gateway Pundit tells them to think doesn't mean I'm similarly encumbered.

Kari Lake failed to cite even ONE disenfranchised voter. Let alone all the other standards she had to meet.....and failed.


I really do get a creepy feeling that you are trying to achieve an uncomfortable level of intimacy with me.

Stop it.

Oh, and I don't need a link to know that wikipedia is a bunch of lying leftist vermin, or to be surprised that you belong to the cult that buys their bullshit.

How odd that you would "think" that.
Well MAGA MAGGOT, all you have is twitter post from a MAGA Bimbo. She offers no proof. Her word ain't enough. Meanwhile in Georgia, a ReNaziKlan by the of Ferguson committed real Election Fraud by THREE FUCKING TIMES IN A COUNTY HE LONGER LIVES IN.

Impressive use of the English Language there....
Kari Lake is awesome! I have this bad feeling the Arizona judge is going to toss the lawsuit right after Christmas tho because that's how Arizona "law" works when it comes to politics.
Kari Lake is a mini-Trump, and the cult can't get enough.
Wouldn't it be great if Trump won in 2024 and Kari Lake was his VP? :113:

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