Kari Lake calls for imprisoning Maricopa County election officials

Maybe its me, but somehow I don't think this helps your standing among the Arizona electorate to call for imprisoning election officials because you lost.

So imprison them for running crooked elections and fake ballots as an organized crime enterprise.
Lake discussed her election contest at length, repeating unproven allegations about both the 2020 presidential election

I just love the pussified PC media any more! They now qualify every claim with the words "unproven, baseless, or debunked!" Is it too hard for these idiots to understand that if they were PROVEN, then they'd no longer BE allegations! They would be FACTS.
I don't think this helps your standing among the Arizona electorate to call for imprisoning election officials because you lost.

It does for me! It proves to me that Lake GETS IT and that America has HAD IT with constant election cheating and fraud. It's a CRIME---- it is after all what you are trying to PUT TRUMP IN PRISON FOR RIGHT NOW, claiming falsely that he tried to "overturn an election."

BY YOUR OWN STANDARD THEN, this is a CRIME and I hope she succeeds in not only denying Hobbs her stolen governorship, but that she ends up in PRISON for stealing a state election BLATANTLY.
Not to mention she is a powerless, impotent twit with no power to fo anything.
Except the power to exercise the rule of law to the full extent granted her by the Constitution right up to the Supreme Court. Ooops, I know how you neo-Marxists hate to be reminded of that.

Kari Lake is a nobody.
She is America's hero. It is YOU who are a nobody.

Now shes an irrelevant nobody.
Famous last words by a no one proving just how yellow-piss scared you are this bitch could win. Me, I'd pay good money to see her and Hobbs put in a ring and SETTLE IT OUT. I bet Lake would beat the living SNOT out of that feckless, yellow coward sissy Hobbs.
You're inserting 'if' into her statement. She said no such thing. You insist that we must look at her statement in context.....then hallucinate caveats, conditions and qualifiers that she never uttered.

And the 'people' she's referring to.....were the Maricopa County Election Officials. We understand her context perfectly.

She insists that Maricopa County Election officials should be imprisoned.

It's interesting how lefties always hear things that were never said, but don't hear what was actually said.

She was talking about fraud, that she sued the election officials over. Tell me, what should happen if she's right?

You leftist snowflakes are talking for over six years about putting Trump, and everyone around him in jail, and actively working on it, despite that you have nothing on him, and you don't see any problem with it. How is that different than what she said? Fucking hypocrites.
Maybe its me, but somehow I don't think this helps your standing among the Arizona electorate to call for imprisoning election officials because you lost.
They belong in GITMO, if not chucked out of helicopters.
wanna start a pool to guess how many narratives Lake will try and flop with?

It’s all for fundraising and ego. That’s it. Same thing Trump did

Your pathetic attempts to smear Lake say so much about you and your cult.

I mean beyond the fact that you're functionally illiterate.

I stay on topic and post actual arguments. You dodge insult troll and harp on typos. What youre doing does not reflect intelligence. It shows lack of understand ing and immaturity. This is the 5th reply you’ve had now that’s off topic

Call them what you will. Your "actual arguments" are nothing but flaccid attempts to destroy a strong, intelligent, moral woman. What "youre" doing is pissing in the wind. Enjoy the shower, little one.

Sorry to hear that christianity has been removed. All those churches are empty now?
Many are. The older cities have closed many churches. They have closed many parochial schools also in parishes. You do not just remove pillars of civilization without creating a vacuum. The city I grew up in is not same as when I left it. And it was in flux even then. Go up and down many Northeast and Northern Midwest cities and it is the same. Only now the taxes are through the roof to pay for irresponsible ways to compensate what was done much cheaper in those no-good Christian days. Just saying.
wanna start a pool to guess how many narratives Lake will try and flop with?

It’s all for fundraising and ego. That’s it. Same thing Trump did
The real power control most of the mechanisms of our nation. Kari Lake is not a person who will have the past come to reality. She is a modern woman who is promoting sense for most of the citizens of all backgrounds to survive in. And it does not get through your prog skulls.
As an update. Looks like she lost in part and won in part.
PHOENIX (AP) — A judge on Monday dismissed part of a lawsuit filed by Kari Lake, the defeated Republican candidate for Arizona governor, but will allow her to call witnesses in an attempt to prove that she lost because of misconduct by election officials.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson dismissed eight of the 10 claims Lake raised in her lawsuit, which asks the judge to either declare her the winner or hold a revote in the county. Thompson took no position on the merits of Lake’s two surviving claims, but he wrote that the law allows her to make her case.

Lake lost to Democrat Katie Hobbs by just over 17,000 votes out of 2.6 million cast. She will attempt to prove in a two-day hearing scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday that ballot printers malfunctioned in Maricopa County because of intentional interference by election officials and that ballots were improperly added at a county contractor that handles returned mail ballots.


A representative for Lake will be allowed to examine 150 ballots on Tuesday.

“Buckle up, America. This is far from over,” Lake wrote on Twitter after the ruling.

She faces the extremely high bar of proving not only that misconduct occurred but that it affected the outcome of her race. Thompson will make a final decision, which will likely be appealed to the Arizona Supreme Court.

Article with attached actual ruling.
Whether or not the election was run like shit? Whether or not the machine failures were programmed? They need a new election. You do not think Hobbs would win again?
Share with us your expertise in running elections. What training have you had?

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