Kari Lake calls for imprisoning Maricopa County election officials

Maybe its me, but somehow I don't think this helps your standing among the Arizona electorate to call for imprisoning election officials because you lost.
She's right, they are all traitors theives and criminals like all leftists.
She's right, they are all traitors theives and criminals like all leftists.

Call them what you will. Your "actual arguments" are nothing but flaccid attempts to destroy a strong, intelligent, moral woman. What "youre" doing is pissing in the wind. Enjoy the shower, little one.

Strike 16! I’m the only one making arguments and points that have to do with the topic. Your replies are just pathetic attempts to insult and dodge the topic. That’s a waste of time and not reflective of strength, intellect, or morals.
The real power control most of the mechanisms of our nation. Kari Lake is not a person who will have the past come to reality. She is a modern woman who is promoting sense for most of the citizens of all backgrounds to survive in. And it does not get through your prog skulls.
No she is a propagandist and an opportunist. She is using Trump playbook and making a mockery of herself while regrading our great country. She should be ashamed of herself. But I doubt her ego will let her feel that.
Lake will be in court this Wednesday and Thursday. She will prove what she says.
Yawn… and when she fails to prove what she says, like trumps team failed time and time again, you’ll just be lazy and say the system is corrupt, the judges are scared.

Your games are old and very transparent
Strike 16! I’m the only one making arguments and points that have to do with the topic. Your replies are just pathetic attempts to insult and dodge the topic. That’s a waste of time and not reflective of strength, intellect, or morals.

Yet you can't stop coming back for more.

You're a ME junkie!

Maybe its me, but somehow I don't think this helps your standing among the Arizona electorate to call for imprisoning election officials because you lost.
She's just bucking to be Trump's vp candidate.
That "proof" word means something different to them. For us, it's "prove it in a court of law", to them it's "prove it to other Trumpsters".

Who knows. We'll see.

You know, I really thought you had a bit more intellect going for you.

I want my fan club dues back and I'm sending back my Mac1958-Bot secret decoder ring.

She was cheated and she has her chance to prove a new election is necessary. I think that terrifies you.


There's the dickhead who found an unflattering picture of her and kept posting and reposting it, making it bigger each time. Is that a scream for psychiatric care or what?

Maybe its me, but somehow I don't think this helps your standing among the Arizona electorate to call for imprisoning election officials because you lost.
Whatever Lake thinks about the Arizona electoral officials is interesting but it hardly rises to the level of a current event. Vindictive democrats (no doubt with the help of George Soros) dug up dirt on a NY republican named Santos, who won the election, because he wasn't white enough for them.

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