Kari Lake loses last court case to overturn Arizona Governor's vote

We don't support Loser Pussy no matter the party. Lake aka Loser Pussy go the fuck home you're pathetic
YOU paid shills of the DNC are the pathetic losers,you cant counter these facts here of evidence the most massive vote fraud happened in presidential history,i have been waiting for just ONE person tr and refute it but none have you have tried cause you all know your licked.

LARamFan, there is no evidence of massive, systemic electoral fraud.
You lost fairly and squarely, and that Real America rejected your delusions only feeds them more.
You indict yourself, no one else.
soon as YOU accept it that she did NOT lose fairly and lost from vote fraud THEN we will move on as soon as YOU accept that instead of running off from the evidence in this op that none of you trolls have been able to address or counter sockpuppet.

you changed the subject on that thread and retreated to THIS thread and subject when you were backed up against the wall with nowhere to run. :auiqs.jpg:

Kari Lake lost the election, and lost her case. No other way around it. I read the article, did you?
End of story.
LARamFan, there is no evidence of massive, systemic electoral fraud.
You lost fairly and squarely, and that Real America rejected your delusions only feeds them more.
You indict yourself, no one else.
LA RAM FAN you lost. You are delusional. If you are doing this for fun, you should stop. Keri Lake lost. She lost her case.
Did you read the article? It was great.
soon as you debunk this evidence that trump lost because of vote fraud that you ran off from you can say that,till then shut the fuck up sockpuppet troll.

oh and as far as Lake is concerned,you have shit all over your face in embarrassment. :auiqs.jpg:

She presented plenty of new evidence.
She showed that as many as 300,000 mail-in ballots weren't properly verified for signatures.
None of them were rejected even when thousands of signatures didn't match.

The Courts setup and approved the following:
1.) You can't monitor drop boxes within 500yds or other BS.
2.) No one is allowed to review GOVT camera of drop boxes.
3.) No one is allowed to access SIGNATURE SCANS or the Envelopes (destroyed at opening?)
4.) Machine errors affecting a big number of Ballots in 60% of wealthy suburb voters is allowed.
5.) Simply going thru the motions on SIG review is sufficient.

Court has approved Election Fraud is legal (2022), same as they did in 2020.

i just gave you an embarrassing ass beating there so badly you will never be able to sit down again without screaming in pain. :auiqs.jpg:

Keri lake lost. End of story. Read this fabulous article. Quit buying into the conspiracy theories. I am going to be honest. It makes you look "uneducated".
I didn't want to say "stupid" but I will. It makes you look stupid. Yes, it does.
YOU paid shills of the DNC are the pathetic losers,you cant counter these facts here of evidence the most massive vote fraud happened in presidential history,i have been waiting for just ONE person tr and refute it but none have you have tried cause you all know your licked.

Attention DNC, if you are paying, you don't have my address or bank account correct. I have not received a payment.
Send me a PM and we can square up the details. Thanks.

Wow just wow. What a great article. Keri Lake lost her case. Who would have thought? :itsok:
Dims have stopped benefitting from all the cheating that has been exposed.
Even your own lemmings are questioning how ballots can be "verified" at the speed of light.
You Dimbulbs are going to have to get a lot more creative for 2024 and you might want to stop talking Trump up so much.

Great article. Keri lake lost her case. Stop drinking the KOOL-AID

Gloating because the country is turning to shit is quite becoming on you.

Kari predictably failed. We told you exactly how this was going to go down. We told you how you'd react.

And everything we predicted happened how we predicted it....including you make up a new conspiracy to explain the failure of the old conspiracy.

How did we know?

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