Kari's Attorneys are Confident on Their Lawsuits!

This is sad. We all know the truth, but we also know nothing will come of it. The system has collapsed. This is how revolutions begin

And here's the revolutionary...

Biden has to stand responsible for the criminal behaviour of his demonrat party. There's simply no way that anybody can accept that Kari lost her election. That would be equivalent to the defeat of motherhood!

Your proof of fraud is . . . ?


Maricopa County Recount Raises Red Flags As Republicans Are Excluded From Hand Counting Boards​

Although it was legal to have a table without Republican oversight, there were enough Republicans to ensure full participation in the process. According to Swodoba, some tables had two Republican observers and one Democrat.
Yeah, when Trump tweeted she was on his legal team and would be part of his "elite strike force", he must have been having a stroke or something.
You show me a signed retainer agreement.

Otherwise, you’re just full of shit, Farty 👍
I didn't say he hired her. Pay attention, Cletus!
We all read what you said, dipshit. And unlike you, we know what words mean.
If he didn't, then the only mistake made was believing the orange pile of shit. So go whine to your orange lard and master.
You don’t know much of anything, in fact. But that’s ok, Farty. Giving you any credence would be silly.
Farty is having trouble posting right now. Lol.

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