Kari's Attorneys are Confident on Their Lawsuits!

There is nothing in her lawsuit that says she would win
Try reading, Leftwhiner.

This fairly brief portion alone could change the outcome of the election:


Try looking at the complaint starting right after Paragraph numbered 43 through paragraph numbered 62. That’s a good start.

Again. I’m not suggesting that she will win the lawsuit. What I am suggesting is that it’s a valid complaint on its face. And since it carefully describes the failure of the AZ election officials to conduct the election as required by law, revealing problems so significant that they show that the outcome of the election is likely to have been altered, the requested judicial relief is perfectly appropriate. Either declare Lake the winner or conduct elections anew in the affected voting districts.

Likely? No. Possible? Absolutely.

If the evidence supports the complaint (after the hearings, if ordered), then one or the other remedy is very much required.
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There is no longer any doubt that Kari Lake was cheated out of her election!

Don't allow the discussion to die. The democratic will of the American people is being hijacked by Biden and his band of thieves.

LOL. Hope you guys are sending her all your money. This is a sure thing, don't you know. :auiqs.jpg:
What do they fear? Dare anyone spell it out in simple to understand language?

Or are the demonrats just going to continue to steal elections for their commie friends?

Do you still have a country??
They fear your guns, the fear of such dominates them, there are 400-million firearms in private hands in the United States, "We The People" outgun them, including all federal LEA, DoD, ect ect combined by hundreds to one!

This is the one and only reason you are yet in possession of them at all, despite all of their illicit efforts to strip you of them, they fear them above all else. They are NOT the armed forces, they do NOT fly the jets, they do NOT drive the tanks, and they do NOT sail the warships let alone man the wall, we do that...

Such is why the very first thing the demonic Joe Biden did upon usurping the presidency, was to immediately begin attacking the nations warrior class embedded within the nations armed forces, he has never ceased in this endeavor, do you not recall the ringing in of Washington DC in bobwire/razor ribbon and national guard troops manning machine gun posts following the 2020 election, every single guardsman was first thoroughly investigated, right down to who it was they voted for, do you recall any of that, I do!

They are not afraid of your vote as they have cracked that egg wide open, and they are not afraid of meeting you in court because they are that court, they are afraid of your guns, and well they should be...
Try reading, Leftwhiner.

This fairly brief portion alone could change the outcome of the election:


Try looking at the complaint starting right after Paragraph numbered 43 through paragraph numbered 62. That’s a good start.

Again. I’m not suggesting that she will win the lawsuit. What I am suggesting is that it’s a valid complaint on its face. And since it carefully describes the failure of the AZ election officials to conduct the election as required by law, revealing problems so significant that they show that the outcome of the election is likely to have been altered, the requested judicial relief is perfectly appropriate. Either declare Lake the winner or conduct elections anew in the affected voting districts.

Likely? No. Possible? Absolutely.

If the evidence supports the complaint (after the hearings, if ordered), then one or the other remedy is very much required.
At best she can get a ruling of…….try better next time

There is nothing justifying a new election and definitely nothing justifying declaring Lake the winner
At best she can get a ruling of…….try better next time

There is nothing justifying a new election and definitely nothing justifying declaring Lake the winner
Ignorant opinion. And wrong, too.

You don’t read well or you don’t bother to even try to comprehend it.
You're not gonna defeat them in their courts, anymore than you will at their ballot centers, you have one thing they fear and that one thing only, and it is absolutely none of the above!
How about Buffalo Man.
We fear HIM!

There is no longer any doubt that Kari Lake was cheated out of her election!

Don't allow the discussion to die. The democratic will of the American people is being hijacked by Biden and his band of thieves.

There is no doubt that is a lie. Arizona voters chose Hobbs not Lake. Live with it.


Maricopa County Recount Raises Red Flags As Republicans Are Excluded From Hand Counting Boards​

More fake news.
Try reading, Leftwhiner.

This fairly brief portion alone could change the outcome of the election:


Try looking at the complaint starting right after Paragraph numbered 43 through paragraph numbered 62. That’s a good start.

Again. I’m not suggesting that she will win the lawsuit. What I am suggesting is that it’s a valid complaint on its face. And since it carefully describes the failure of the AZ election officials to conduct the election as required by law, revealing problems so significant that they show that the outcome of the election is likely to have been altered, the requested judicial relief is perfectly appropriate. Either declare Lake the winner or conduct elections anew in the affected voting districts.

Likely? No. Possible? Absolutely.

If the evidence supports the complaint (after the hearings, if ordered), then one or the other remedy is very much required.

They show no such thing. There is no valid complaint.
There is no longer any doubt that Kari Lake was cheated out of her election!

Don't allow the discussion to die. The democratic will of the American people is being hijacked by Biden and his band of thieves.

All lawyers are confident about their cases...until they lose.
Try reading, Leftwhiner.

This fairly brief portion alone could change the outcome of the election:


Try looking at the complaint starting right after Paragraph numbered 43 through paragraph numbered 62. That’s a good start.

Again. I’m not suggesting that she will win the lawsuit. What I am suggesting is that it’s a valid complaint on its face. And since it carefully describes the failure of the AZ election officials to conduct the election as required by law, revealing problems so significant that they show that the outcome of the election is likely to have been altered, the requested judicial relief is perfectly appropriate. Either declare Lake the winner or conduct elections anew in the affected voting districts.

Likely? No. Possible? Absolutely.

If the evidence supports the complaint (after the hearings, if ordered), then one or the other remedy is very much required.
No validity to the lawsuit at all.

No validity to the lawsuit at all.

Your opinion is baseless and of no consequence.
I read the suit filed and it ain't no great shakes as the lawyer boasts, it's filled with innuendo but not any evidence, that she or her voters wwere cheated, any more than Hobbs and her voters were cheated.

if the guy had a solid case he'd be doing his lawyer interviews with a legitimate news source instead of the Gatewaypundit....
We've got some shills (paid?) pushing the Gateway Pundit recently.

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