KARMA:Glenn Beck loses voice.

Free speech is clearly one of the Left's biggest bête noires.

Weather by "shut up", speech codes, hecklers veto's or by pushing "political correctness " they just can't take rational (or otherwise) argument on it's face.

"Somebody stop that guy... he's talking..." - Liberal Pussy
Glenn Beck lost his voice, Limbaugh has hearing problems, Hannity better schedule an eye exam.

Glenn Beck?s teary-eyed silent monologue: ?My vocal chords [sic] are paralyzed? | The Raw Story

shallow and petty..but it's touching how much you all care about people

cheering hearing loss, etc etc...the left wings sites are so full of love for others

Evil people deserve such things.

Actually, you deserve better than that.

it's ironic that you start a thread about karma and don't seem to understand it.
Glenn Beck lost his voice, Limbaugh has hearing problems, Hannity better schedule an eye exam.

While I'm no great fan of any of those guys, your attempt to discredit them is rather lame. I supposed when you're incapable of criticizing with specificity, logic or reason, it's best to launch a childish attack akin to a grade school taunt...:doubt:

Pathetic, really.

If you'd like to point out something specific they said...a policy position or actual stated opinion...then feel free to come back and debate with the grown ups.
If noose4 was King George, his reply to the Declaration of Independence would have been a comment about Jefferson's ability to speak only 5 languages.
Let's put that to the test.

What have you got?

Already have multiple times. For the past several years. This thread is a perfect example of it.
So, you have nothing. :lol:

No. I've got plenty. It's not my problem if you don't bother reading any of the threads.

Find a Beck thread. Any one. You will find nothing but mudslinging against him. You wont find anyone actually addressing his points.
You wont find anyone actually addressing his points.

They don't do specificity. If they do, they lose. Better to stick with ad hominem attacks, non sequiters, red herrings and straw man arguments. :eusa_shhh:

...and if that fails, just call the other guy a racist!
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Glenn Beck lost his voice, Limbaugh has hearing problems, Hannity better schedule an eye exam.

While I'm no great fan of any of those guys, your attempt to discredit them is rather lame. I supposed when you're incapable of criticizing with specificity, logic or reason, it's best to launch a childish attack akin to a grade school taunt...:doubt:

Pathetic, really.

If you'd like to point out something specific they said...a policy position or actual stated opinion...then feel free to come back and debate with the grown ups.

Yeah not a fan, I believe that one.
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