KARMA:Glenn Beck loses voice.

I see that many of you did not read those cards he held up at all.
You should read what it said.
Mainly the part where he was once vile and said mean things and that it didn't work.
He changed in the 90's and still has changed in the last few years.
I see that many of you did not read those cards he held up at all.
You should read what it said.
Mainly the part where he was once vile and said mean things and that it didn't work.
He changed in the 90's and still has changed in the last few years.

His past is catching up with him, his act is so transparent but like P.T. Barnum said,"There's a sucker born every minute."

Karma would be you losing your voice because you want other people to.

However, this hasnt shut Glenn up. He's still exposing the administration.

Somebody sprEading evil with their voice then losing their voice indeed fits the concept of Karma.
Listen up, idiot! People you disagree with are not evil, no matter what michelle obama tells you.
How many times have our Liberal friends told us that our Conservative voices were haters? Seems pretty hateful to me to wish Beck's problems were permanent.

But, I guess it's OK when you're an enlightened, tolerant Liberal.
Glenn Beck lost his voice, Limbaugh has hearing problems, Hannity better schedule an eye exam.

Glenn Beck?s teary-eyed silent monologue: ?My vocal chords [sic] are paralyzed? | The Raw Story

shallow and petty..but it's touching how much you all care about people

cheering hearing loss, etc etc...the left wings sites are so full of love for others

Evil people deserve such things.

good then yours is coming
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