Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

Those California motherfuckers!
California is the most fucked up state we have. It’s unbelievable how fucked up they are.

How soon can we give that pile of shit back to Mexico?

Not before they stop funding the white trash of Virginia, else where will you guys get your Mountain Dew and meth? That's not a joke Cletus, check the numbers.
Virginia is a blue state, of course they're white trash.

I am proud to be white trash and thank God I am not a brain dead liberal idiot.

Chaos is coming to this country sooner rather than later.
No offense intended, Jim.
California is the most fucked up state we have. It’s unbelievable how fucked up they are.

How soon can we give that pile of shit back to Mexico?

Not before they stop funding the white trash of Virginia, else where will you guys get your Mountain Dew and meth? That's not a joke Cletus, check the numbers.
Virginia is a blue state, of course they're white trash.

Actually, it just recently turned to a blue State. And, as one would expect, the amount of federal dollars (net) it takes in has been steadily decreasing ever since.

Kinda fell on your face there, Herr Fuckface.
As I said, cock gobbler....Virginia is a blue state full of white trash.

Just less full, since it became a blue State. And all the white trash like you votes red.
The bullet ricocheted before hitting her. Sounds like an accident to me. If it was a white male gun owner you'd be saying let him go free it was an accident
No I would not...he should have received a verdict that would of punished his actions and he didn't. He gets to walk. We don't even know if he will be deported. How you can argue that this was justice served is a mystery to me.

He received a fair trial.
I'm saying hundreds die in accidental shootings each year that the right has no problem ignoring. This one is no different
The politics and the illegal alien coddling in San Francisco and California has caused this. For you too try and equate this to an accidental shooting is absurd. Was it an accident that he was here in the first place or was it a crime that he was here?

The bullet ricocheted before hitting her. Sounds like an accident to me. If it was a white male gun owner you'd be saying let him go free it was an accident.

He wasn't a "gun owner" he was a convicted felon in possession of a stolen firearm. Illegals aren't even eligible to legally own a firearm.

You're obviously a clueless eftist idiot and nothing I could say is going to reach you, so I'll just add you to the ignore list. Goodbye.
How soon can we give that pile of shit back to Mexico?

Not before they stop funding the white trash of Virginia, else where will you guys get your Mountain Dew and meth? That's not a joke Cletus, check the numbers.
Virginia is a blue state, of course they're white trash.

Actually, it just recently turned to a blue State. And, as one would expect, the amount of federal dollars (net) it takes in has been steadily decreasing ever since.

Kinda fell on your face there, Herr Fuckface.
As I said, cock gobbler....Virginia is a blue state full of white trash.
You say that like its a bad thing.
Fort Fag here seems to think it is....
Apparently Willowtree has lost all sense in his rage and needs to go take a cold shower.
Translation. I stopped you cold in yer tracks. You have no answers except that you believe a seven time felon who broke into the country five times, stole a gun. Tried to kick it into the bay after killing an American woman. Yep. You are a libtard.

Please quote where I said any of that treasure trove of bullshit you just posted! You have done nothing but lie about me since this thread started. Why are you being such a jackass?
Straighten me out then. Stare your case! Make it crystal clear

How does one "stare" their case?

I asked a fucking question and you answered it! Thank you!

He was found not guilty of murder probably because there was no intent to murder her. That sucks!

I knew this was a possibility as soon as I learned the bullet ricocheted before striking her. Too bad the prosecution did not take that into account and drop the murder charge.

Is the illegal guilty of murder? No. He was acquitted.

Is he guilty of something else? Damn straight, but they didn't charge him with that, so he walks.

At least they got him on something! Thank God!
Thanks for pointing out my spelling error. I bet you think OJ was innocent too. Or that lying asshole who killed her baby and stuffed her body in the trunk. Casey Anthony! Yep, that’s why we call you libtards.

Go to bed. You're drunk or on something else.
How soon can we give that pile of shit back to Mexico?

Not before they stop funding the white trash of Virginia, else where will you guys get your Mountain Dew and meth? That's not a joke Cletus, check the numbers.
Virginia is a blue state, of course they're white trash.

Actually, it just recently turned to a blue State. And, as one would expect, the amount of federal dollars (net) it takes in has been steadily decreasing ever since.

Kinda fell on your face there, Herr Fuckface.
As I said, cock gobbler....Virginia is a blue state full of white trash.

Just less full, since it became a blue State. And all the white trash like you votes red.
I'm sorry to break it to you, but I am not white trash. I'm not even 100% white.
He deserves the death penalty.
So much for innocent until proven guilty or even innocent after proven innocent if you are on the Right-wing hate list.
He fucking admitted to shooting her.
ACCIDENTALLY shooting her.
Lying scum POS
You are the fucking liar, you puss bucket.

That was no accidental shot, idiot.
The bullet ricocheted on the pier's concrete walkway before it struck Steinle, you can't get more accidental than that.
He deserves the death penalty.
So much for innocent until proven guilty or even innocent after proven innocent if you are on the Right-wing hate list.
So he didn't murder her?
No he didn't MURDER her, it was an accidental death.
Ewe believed him? Really?
The jury unanimously did
Just like OJ and Casey Anthony. All are miscarriages of justice. I bet Pelosi and Feinstein are backslapping each other tonight.
Not before they stop funding the white trash of Virginia, else where will you guys get your Mountain Dew and meth? That's not a joke Cletus, check the numbers.
Virginia is a blue state, of course they're white trash.

Actually, it just recently turned to a blue State. And, as one would expect, the amount of federal dollars (net) it takes in has been steadily decreasing ever since.

Kinda fell on your face there, Herr Fuckface.
As I said, cock gobbler....Virginia is a blue state full of white trash.

Just less full, since it became a blue State. And all the white trash like you votes red.
I'm sorry to break it to you, but I am not white trash. I'm not even 100% white.

Oh, your spot on impression fooled me, Herr Mutt.
He deserves the death penalty.
So much for innocent until proven guilty or even innocent after proven innocent if you are on the Right-wing hate list.
He fucking admitted to shooting her.
ACCIDENTALLY shooting her.
Lying scum POS
You are the fucking liar, you puss bucket.

That was no accidental shot, idiot.
The bullet ricocheted on the pier's concrete walkway before it struck Steinle, you can't get more accidental than that.

No, it grazed something, they dont know what, but it did not alter the bullets trajectory, numbnuts.

God defend your murderous racist wetbacks if you want, but I am through with you jack off pervs.
I'm saying hundreds die in accidental shootings each year that the right has no problem ignoring. This one is no different
The politics and the illegal alien coddling in San Francisco and California has caused this. For you too try and equate this to an accidental shooting is absurd. Was it an accident that he was here in the first place or was it a crime that he was here?

The bullet ricocheted before hitting her. Sounds like an accident to me. If it was a white male gun owner you'd be saying let him go free it was an accident.

He wasn't a "gun owner" he was a convicted felon in possession of a stolen firearm. Illegals aren't even eligible to legally own a firearm.

You're obviously a clueless eftist idiot and nothing I could say is going to reach you, so I'll just add you to the ignore list. Goodbye.

You are obviously a clueless racist. Your hate for hispanics if blinding the fact he was found not guilty in a fair trial.
Illegal aliens are already behind most of the hit-and-run accidents in San Francisco. Now they can shoot-and-run?
They are just trying to assimilate..
Mexico is the murder capital of the world, buddy. He isn't assimilating, he's culturally enriching us.
The US enjoys a hearty murder also, look at revenues for murder movies...

The inner city shitheads, illegals and druggies are the ones doing most of the killings. If you are an Illegal in Queer City and shoot a White girl with a stolen gun then you have nothing to worry about.
Only if the prosecution tries to do murder one with a situation that is clearly manslaughter....They should change the name to humanslaughter to include females...

He was charged with second degree murder.

California love illegals and hates Americans, so no chance of a fair trial was ever present,
He deserves the death penalty.
So much for innocent until proven guilty or even innocent after proven innocent if you are on the Right-wing hate list.
He fucking admitted to shooting her.
ACCIDENTALLY shooting her.
Lying scum POS
You are the fucking liar, you puss bucket.

That was no accidental shot, idiot.
The bullet ricocheted on the pier's concrete walkway before it struck Steinle, you can't get more accidental than that.
Are there pictures of the ricocheted marks somewhere?
Our President used this as a poster case that all illegals are murderers

The jury said he was wrong

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