Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

Lol. Look at you cheering the verdict. If we needed any proof you were a leftist, this post would be it.
Who on earth needs proof? I put that asshat on ignore because he's a fraud. I don't talk to frauds
Murked, you have cleaned up your act some but not enough for me to associate with you. Templar, you have not grown up at all.
Lol, your standards are garbage. How dare you attempt to judge me.
You judge yourself every time you post, TK. You are a walking joke. You need to grow up, get a job, and be responsible, instead of passing your opinion on others. Just the way it is.

Let's just say this: The next time some POS illegally enters this country and decides to murder someone, I just hope that it's someone you love: Maybe a friend, a family member. Maybe then you'll have a clue as to what is happening in this country.
Karma, you bottom bang, is a bitch.

The prosecution did not prove the case.
The prosecution tried to prove it was murder, but they failed to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt...The act was more termed an accident than premeditated murder...He was twirling the gun on his finger, the gun fired, the bullet bounced off the pavement and hit the woman in the back....

Well isn't that "involuntary manslaughter"? He wasn't even convicted of that.

You don't see how fucked up this is, do you? If you picked up a gun you claimed to have found on the sidewalk, and it went off, killing someone, you'd be put away for a lengthy period of time.

Was he charged with that? If not, that is the prosecution's fault for overcharging.

The prosecution fucked up. The only thing he was charged with was felon in possession of a firearm. He'll also get time served.
He deserves the death penalty.
So much for innocent until proven guilty or even innocent after proven innocent if you are on the Right-wing hate list.
I don't know what all the evidence was and how the prosecution laid out their case.....but I'm gonna get a rope! <<<<says many on this thread.
The prosecution tried to prove it was murder, but they failed to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt...The act was more termed an accident than premeditated murder...He was twirling the gun on his finger, the gun fired, the bullet bounced off the pavement and hit the woman in the back....

Well isn't that "involuntary manslaughter"? He wasn't even convicted of that.

You don't see how fucked up this is, do you? If you picked up a gun you claimed to have found on the sidewalk, and it went off, killing someone, you'd be put away for a lengthy period of time.

Was he charged with that? If not, that is the prosecution's fault for overcharging.
He was found guilty of felon in possession of a firearm...Which sends him back to prison...or deportation....
The prosecution tried to prove it was murder, but they failed to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt...The act was more termed an accident than premeditated murder...He was twirling the gun on his finger, the gun fired, the bullet bounced off the pavement and hit the woman in the back....

Well isn't that "involuntary manslaughter"? He wasn't even convicted of that.

You don't see how fucked up this is, do you? If you picked up a gun you claimed to have found on the sidewalk, and it went off, killing someone, you'd be put away for a lengthy period of time.

Was he charged with that? If not, that is the prosecution's fault for overcharging.

The prosecution fucked up. The only thing he was charged with was felon in possession of a firearm. He'll also get time served.
Is that why he is in jail?
Who on earth needs proof? I put that asshat on ignore because he's a fraud. I don't talk to frauds
Murked, you have cleaned up your act some but not enough for me to associate with you. Templar, you have not grown up at all.
Lol, your standards are garbage. How dare you attempt to judge me.
You judge yourself every time you post, TK. You are a walking joke. You need to grow up, get a job, and be responsible, instead of passing your opinion on others. Just the way it is.

Let's just say this: The next time some POS illegally enters this country and decides to murder someone, I just hope that it's someone you love: Maybe a friend, a family member. Maybe then you'll have a clue as to what is happening in this country.
Karma, you bottom bang, is a bitch.

The prosecution did not prove the case.

Fuck off. I don't believe in karma, I believe in Glock.
I wonder why Fox didn't include that in the article about the verdict. Strange.
Do not know but get back to me libtard when yew figure out why the Steinle family is suing the BLM.

You have the gonads to call me a libtard when I asked a simple question because I had just read the article and saw no mention that there was any evidence that he had taken the gun.

I can see your prescription of asshole pills is working as expected.
Get back to me libtard when you have figured out why the Steinle family is suing the BLM. Or not.

If the car was unlocked, as it was alleged, they could be suing for negligence, and that has nothing to do whether the illegal found it or was the one who stole it.

Is that clear enough for your apparently tiny little mind to process?

You started being the asshole and I am merely accommodating you, dumb ass!
Horseshit. He changed his story three times, he lied about his name, he broke into the country five times and he tried to get rid of the gun by kicking it into the bay! And, ewe believe him! That makes you the dumbass.

Where did I say anything of the sort?

You just need to cool your jets here partner! You are in some kind of blind rage accusing people of things they have not done and things they have not posted.

I am trying to reason why the verdict was reached the way it was. If you have your mind made up, go find another thread.

Go take a cold shower and cool your jets man! You are seriously pissing people off here!
Murked, you have cleaned up your act some but not enough for me to associate with you. Templar, you have not grown up at all.
Lol, your standards are garbage. How dare you attempt to judge me.
You judge yourself every time you post, TK. You are a walking joke. You need to grow up, get a job, and be responsible, instead of passing your opinion on others. Just the way it is.

Let's just say this: The next time some POS illegally enters this country and decides to murder someone, I just hope that it's someone you love: Maybe a friend, a family member. Maybe then you'll have a clue as to what is happening in this country.
Karma, you bottom bang, is a bitch.

The prosecution did not prove the case.

Fuck off. I don't believe in karma, I believe in Glock.
Last thing I said to Dad was"are you sure the safety is on?"...
Murked, you have cleaned up your act some but not enough for me to associate with you. Templar, you have not grown up at all.
Lol, your standards are garbage. How dare you attempt to judge me.
You judge yourself every time you post, TK. You are a walking joke. You need to grow up, get a job, and be responsible, instead of passing your opinion on others. Just the way it is.

Let's just say this: The next time some POS illegally enters this country and decides to murder someone, I just hope that it's someone you love: Maybe a friend, a family member. Maybe then you'll have a clue as to what is happening in this country.
Karma, you bottom bang, is a bitch.

The prosecution did not prove the case.

Fuck off. I don't believe in karma, I believe in Glock.
You are nothing but talk.

Sooner or later the guy is going to die by the gun. The prosecution did not convince the jury.
The prosecution tried to prove it was murder, but they failed to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt...The act was more termed an accident than premeditated murder...He was twirling the gun on his finger, the gun fired, the bullet bounced off the pavement and hit the woman in the back....

Well isn't that "involuntary manslaughter"? He wasn't even convicted of that.

You don't see how fucked up this is, do you? If you picked up a gun you claimed to have found on the sidewalk, and it went off, killing someone, you'd be put away for a lengthy period of time.

Was he charged with that? If not, that is the prosecution's fault for overcharging.

The prosecution fucked up. The only thing he was charged with was felon in possession of a firearm. He'll also get time served.
Is that why he is in jail?

Just fuck off. You are now persona non grata, so enjoy being on my blocked list, shithead.
" Garcia Zarate was formerly known as Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, one of several aliases he is known to have used. CNN and other media outlets previously identified him as Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez."

They don't even know what his actual birth name is. Way to go, California fucktards. I'd be calling for a tax revolt if I were a resident of that shithole state. It is a mini example of all the Frankfurt School's goals being met:

1. The creation of racism offences.√
2. Continual change to create confusion.√
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.√
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.√
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.√
6. The promotion of excessive drinking & drug abuse.√
7. Emptying of churches√
8.****An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.****√
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.√
10. Control and dumbing down of media.√
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.√.....

While I am still on this earth, I refuse to let my country go the way of Commiefilthia.
The Earthquake can't come soon enough.

Fuck San Francisco.

Fuck all the communist scum who lives there!
You alt right scum bags are going to have to accept we are country that goes by Rule of Law.

Step back.
Lol. Look at you cheering the verdict. If we needed any proof you were a leftist, this post would be it.
Who on earth needs proof? I put that asshat on ignore because he's a fraud. I don't talk to frauds
Murked, you have cleaned up your act some but not enough for me to associate with you. Templar, you have not grown up at all.
Lol, your standards are garbage. How dare you attempt to judge me.
You judge yourself every time you post, TK. You are a walking joke. You need to grow up, get a job, and be responsible, instead of passing your opinion on others. Just the way it is.
Lol Jake, at least I can walk and stand upright. You spend most of your time on your knees.
The prosecution tried to prove it was murder, but they failed to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt...The act was more termed an accident than premeditated murder...He was twirling the gun on his finger, the gun fired, the bullet bounced off the pavement and hit the woman in the back....

Well isn't that "involuntary manslaughter"? He wasn't even convicted of that.

You don't see how fucked up this is, do you? If you picked up a gun you claimed to have found on the sidewalk, and it went off, killing someone, you'd be put away for a lengthy period of time.

Was he charged with that? If not, that is the prosecution's fault for overcharging.

The prosecution fucked up. The only thing he was charged with was felon in possession of a firearm. He'll also get time served.
Is that why he is in jail?

Just fuck off. You are now persona non grata, so enjoy being on my blocked list, shithead.
:) ^^^ typical alt right: can't take what he dishes
They will never get it until it happens to one of their loved ones. Fuck liberals and fuck California.
That's the way I feel about parents of teenaged girls.....................in the South. Parents won't get it until.

But not having been on this jury....not having heard the evidence.....not having learned what he could be found guilty of as opposed to perhaps lesser crimes the jury was NOT given the option to find him guilty of...I can only be puzzled.
So you are good with an asshole who has been deported five times sneaking back into this country, stealing a 9mm weapon and shooting an American citizen? Then you are an asshole!
Where in the world did you come up with that? If you think there won't be a political backlash your nuts. This will add fuel to the fire that we need a wall, conservative judges and the best way to get that is to re elect Trump. Fuel for the Trump train...

Apparently Willowtree has lost all sense in his rage and needs to go take a cold shower.
Translation. I stopped you cold in yer tracks. You have no answers except that you believe a seven time felon who broke into the country five times, stole a gun. Tried to kick it into the bay after killing an American woman. Yep. You are a libtard.
Lol, your standards are garbage. How dare you attempt to judge me.
You judge yourself every time you post, TK. You are a walking joke. You need to grow up, get a job, and be responsible, instead of passing your opinion on others. Just the way it is.

Let's just say this: The next time some POS illegally enters this country and decides to murder someone, I just hope that it's someone you love: Maybe a friend, a family member. Maybe then you'll have a clue as to what is happening in this country.
Karma, you bottom bang, is a bitch.

The prosecution did not prove the case.

Fuck off. I don't believe in karma, I believe in Glock.
Last thing I said to Dad was"are you sure the safety is on?"...

Glocks don't have safeties. You have to be smart enough to keep your booger-hooks off the trigger.
Last edited:
Lol. Look at you cheering the verdict. If we needed any proof you were a leftist, this post would be it.
Who on earth needs proof? I put that asshat on ignore because he's a fraud. I don't talk to frauds
Murked, you have cleaned up your act some but not enough for me to associate with you. Templar, you have not grown up at all.
Lol, your standards are garbage. How dare you attempt to judge me.
You judge yourself every time you post, TK. You are a walking joke. You need to grow up, get a job, and be responsible, instead of passing your opinion on others. Just the way it is.
Lol Jake, at least I can walk and stand upright. You spend most of your time on your knees.
You are now reduced to taunts. You have learned nothing here worthwhile since you joined. :)
You judge yourself every time you post, TK. You are a walking joke. You need to grow up, get a job, and be responsible, instead of passing your opinion on others. Just the way it is.

Let's just say this: The next time some POS illegally enters this country and decides to murder someone, I just hope that it's someone you love: Maybe a friend, a family member. Maybe then you'll have a clue as to what is happening in this country.
Karma, you bottom bang, is a bitch.

The prosecution did not prove the case.

Fuck off. I don't believe in karma, I believe in Glock.
Last thing I said to Dad was"are you sure the safety is on?"...

Glocks don't have safeties.
I am sure the owner/operator knows where it is...

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