Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

The prosecution tried to prove it was murder, but they failed to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt...The act was more termed an accident than premeditated murder...He was twirling the gun on his finger, the gun fired, the bullet bounced off the pavement and hit the woman in the back....

Well isn't that "involuntary manslaughter"? He wasn't even convicted of that.

You don't see how fucked up this is, do you? If you picked up a gun you claimed to have found on the sidewalk, and it went off, killing someone, you'd be put away for a lengthy period of time.

Was he charged with that? If not, that is the prosecution's fault for overcharging.
He was found guilty of felon in possession of a firearm...Which sends him back to prison...or deportation....
Fat lot of good deportation does right moonglow?
If you twas to send him deported in a body bag it would...
He fucking admitted to shooting her.
ACCIDENTALLY shooting her.
Lying scum POS
That is negligent homicide &/or involuntary manslaughter.
The only one lying here is YOU, to yourself.
But NOT murder.
Dead is dead you stupid fuck. HE KILLED HER
ACCIDENTALLY, you worthless POS.
The prosecution tried to prove it was murder, but they failed to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt...The act was more termed an accident than premeditated murder...He was twirling the gun on his finger, the gun fired, the bullet bounced off the pavement and hit the woman in the back....

Well isn't that "involuntary manslaughter"? He wasn't even convicted of that.

You don't see how fucked up this is, do you? If you picked up a gun you claimed to have found on the sidewalk, and it went off, killing someone, you'd be put away for a lengthy period of time.

Was he charged with that? If not, that is the prosecution's fault for overcharging.
He was found guilty of felon in possession of a firearm...Which sends him back to prison...or deportation....
Fat lot of good deportation does right moonglow?
If you twas to send him deported in a body bag it would...
we may have reached an agreement!
He fucking admitted to shooting her.
ACCIDENTALLY shooting her.
Lying scum POS
That is negligent homicide &/or involuntary manslaughter.
The only one lying here is YOU, to yourself.
But NOT murder.
Dead is dead you stupid fuck. HE KILLED HER
ACCIDENTALLY, you worthless POS.
Your excuse of this travesty of justice has earned you a spot next to fake jake at the dumbfucks table (aka ignore)

Bye & good riddance
Trump will ram this up the Moon Bat asses. He will get his wall and few million more votes.

The queer Moon Bat jury in that filthy ass sanctuary city fucked up real bad.
Trump can't do shit, or shinola...

He can ram this stupid verdict up the asses of the Moon Bats.

The fucking Illegals will get off free because of the stupid verdict but Trump will stop million more of the Illegals from coming here and shooting our White girls.

Except for the stupid Moon Bats that have no moral foundation America will be pissed at this verdict.
You alt right scum bags are going to have to accept we are country that goes by Rule of Law.

Step back.

If by the "rule of law" you mean the United States Constitution, that doesn't give illegals and non-citizens the same right as American citizens.

The fucker should have been taken to the nearest tree and lynched. Without a trial.
There you have it.
He fucking admitted to shooting her.
ACCIDENTALLY shooting her.
Lying scum POS
That is negligent homicide &/or involuntary manslaughter.
The only one lying here is YOU, to yourself.
But NOT murder.
Dead is dead you stupid fuck. HE KILLED HER
ACCIDENTALLY, you worthless POS.

So why wasn't he convicted of involuntary manslaughter? If you accidentally killed someone, you'd get a lengthy stay in the ass-pound prison.
Illegal aliens are already behind most of the hit-and-run accidents in San Francisco. Now they can shoot-and-run?
They are just trying to assimilate..
Mexico is the murder capital of the world, buddy. He isn't assimilating, he's culturally enriching us.
The US enjoys a hearty murder also, look at revenues for murder movies...
If we got rid of the blacks and Mexicans, it'd go down dramatically. Even the white murder rate would go down because they include mexicans/mestizos as part of the white demographic in their stats.
You judge yourself every time you post, TK. You are a walking joke. You need to grow up, get a job, and be responsible, instead of passing your opinion on others. Just the way it is.
Lol Jake, at least I can walk and stand upright. You spend most of your time on your knees.
You are now reduced to taunts. You have learned nothing here worthwhile since you joined. :)
Don't mention his low scale job as a caterer..
If TK is actually working and holding down a job, that is better than some years ago. That's good!
They finally gave me my operation and I got to go back to work in July..He could move down here and get a real job...
I don't give blow jobs, Moonie.
Trump will ram this up the Moon Bat asses. He will get his wall and few million more votes.

The queer Moon Bat jury in that filthy ass sanctuary city fucked up real bad.
Trump can't do shit, or shinola...

He can ram this stupid verdict up the asses of the Moon Bats.

The fucking Illegals will get off free because of the stupid verdict but Trump will stop million more of the Illegals from coming here and shooting our White girls.

Except for the stupid Moon Bats that have no moral foundation. America will be pissed at this verdict.
Not if they understand the why....
ACCIDENTALLY, you worthless POS
Accidentally? doesn't that equal manslaughter? the justice system is to provide justice to the accused and the victim and the victims family. If that now is broken in San Francisco due to such unbridled liberalism then safety for people of that city can not be assured to the degree in can be in more sane cities.
So you are good with an asshole who has been deported five times sneaking back into this country, stealing a 9mm weapon and shooting an American citizen? Then you are an asshole!
Where in the world did you come up with that? If you think there won't be a political backlash your nuts. This will add fuel to the fire that we need a wall, conservative judges and the best way to get that is to re elect Trump. Fuel for the Trump train...

Apparently Willowtree has lost all sense in his rage and needs to go take a cold shower.
Translation. I stopped you cold in yer tracks. You have no answers except that you believe a seven time felon who broke into the country five times, stole a gun. Tried to kick it into the bay after killing an American woman. Yep. You are a libtard.

Please quote where I said any of that treasure trove of bullshit you just posted! You have done nothing but lie about me since this thread started. Why are you being such a jackass?
Straighten me out then. Stare your case! Make it crystal clear
Lol Jake, at least I can walk and stand upright. You spend most of your time on your knees.
You are now reduced to taunts. You have learned nothing here worthwhile since you joined. :)
Don't mention his low scale job as a caterer..
If TK is actually working and holding down a job, that is better than some years ago. That's good!
They finally gave me my operation and I got to go back to work in July..He could move down here and get a real job...
I don't give blow jobs, Moonie.
I bet....I'm a mason, I make Grandpa's masonry look like shit....
Illegal aliens are already behind most of the hit-and-run accidents in San Francisco. Now they can shoot-and-run?
They are just trying to assimilate..
Mexico is the murder capital of the world, buddy. He isn't assimilating, he's culturally enriching us.
The US enjoys a hearty murder also, look at revenues for murder movies...

The inner city shitheads, illegals and druggies are the ones doing most of the killings. If you are an Illegal in Queer City and shoot a White girl with a stolen gun then you have nothing to worry about.
Illegal aliens are already behind most of the hit-and-run accidents in San Francisco. Now they can shoot-and-run?
They are just trying to assimilate..
Mexico is the murder capital of the world, buddy. He isn't assimilating, he's culturally enriching us.
The US enjoys a hearty murder also, look at revenues for murder movies...
If we got rid of the blacks and Mexicans, it'd go down dramatically. Even the white murder rate would go down because they include mexicans/mestizos as part of the white demographic in their stats.
Ever hear of the Caucasian race?
If you accidentally killed someone, you'd get a lengthy stay in the ass-pound prison.

Not necessarily true at all.

And the jury did not find cause to convict him of involuntary manslaughter, a conviction for which means that it is shown beyond any reasonable doubt that the perpetrator acted with criminal negligence or recklessness, resulting in a homicide.
Illegal aliens are already behind most of the hit-and-run accidents in San Francisco. Now they can shoot-and-run?
They are just trying to assimilate..
Mexico is the murder capital of the world, buddy. He isn't assimilating, he's culturally enriching us.
The US enjoys a hearty murder also, look at revenues for murder movies...

The inner city shitheads, illegals and druggies are the ones doing most of the killings. If you are an Illegal in Queer City and shoot a White girl with a stolen gun then you have nothing to worry about.
Only if the prosecution tries to do murder one with a situation that is clearly manslaughter....They should change the name to humanslaughter to include females...

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