Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

Look at the murderer Garcia Shitface Zarate scum!

He is the one who should be dead !

Not Kate Steinle.

The jury decision was unanimous.

7 felony convictions
5 deportations
Ice had a hold placed on him and the city let him go anyway. The city is guilty of negligent homicide imo. I hope they pay DEARLY.

He deserves the death penalty.

Another accidental shooting. Thanks gun culture. These things wouldn't happen if guns weren't everywhere.
You don't see a previously convicted felon having a firearm in his hand as being "criminal negligence or recklessness"?

Correct, it is not necessarily criminal recklessness or negligence. That's just a simple reality of legal code, though a prosecutor can attempt top prove that it is one of those things. Also, there is the possibility that being convicted of that lesser charge wasn't actually an option for the jury; you would have to sift through the details of the case.

Apparently, the jurors were not convinced that the shooting was intentional. Thus, acquittal.

And you're ok with this?
We are not going back to the bad old ways.
A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

This will be a rallying cry to end DACA. This will be a rallying cry to initiate President Eisenhower's old government plan 'Operation Wetback' on a larger scale.
Does this mean President Trump will apologize to the defendant for wrongly accusing him?
A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

This will be a rallying cry to end DACA. This will be a rallying cry to initiate President Eisenhower's 'Operation Wetback' on a larger scale.
Yes, where we will round all Alt Righties and ship them to their ancestral homelands.
The jury decision was unanimous.

7 felony convictions
5 deportations
Ice had a hold placed on him and the city let him go anyway. The city is guilty of negligent homicide imo. I hope they pay DEARLY.

He deserves the death penalty.

Another accidental shooting. Thanks gun culture. These things wouldn't happen if guns weren't everywhere.
Guns don't go off by themselves.
The jury decision was unanimous.

7 felony convictions
5 deportations
Ice had a hold placed on him and the city let him go anyway. The city is guilty of negligent homicide imo. I hope they pay DEARLY.

He deserves the death penalty.

But he's an illegal alien, so that makes him too precious to be held to the laws meant for the proles.
They are just trying to assimilate..
Mexico is the murder capital of the world, buddy. He isn't assimilating, he's culturally enriching us.
The US enjoys a hearty murder also, look at revenues for murder movies...

The inner city shitheads, illegals and druggies are the ones doing most of the killings. If you are an Illegal in Queer City and shoot a White girl with a stolen gun then you have nothing to worry about.
Only if the prosecution tries to do murder one with a situation that is clearly manslaughter....They should change the name to humanslaughter to include females...

The illegals sonofabitch shot that White girl with a stolen firearm. The queers on the jury let the sonofabitch off because they didn't have the moral courage to do the right thing in that filthy ass politically correct sancuary city. Disgusting, isn't it?

Trump will shove this up the Libtards asses. It will be his mantra for the next couple of months. Funding for the wall will pass and he will get tougher on these cities that refuse to abide by Federal laws.

One filthy murderous Mexican got off free but many more will pay for it.
I think 2018 and 2020 are locked up too!
The jury decision was unanimous.

7 felony convictions
5 deportations
Ice had a hold placed on him and the city let him go anyway. The city is guilty of negligent homicide imo. I hope they pay DEARLY.

He deserves the death penalty.

Another accidental shooting. Thanks gun culture. These things wouldn't happen if guns weren't everywhere.
Guns don't go off by themselves.

But they do go off accidently quite often. Just ignore this one like you ignore all the other accidental death.
The jury decision was unanimous.

7 felony convictions
5 deportations
Ice had a hold placed on him and the city let him go anyway. The city is guilty of negligent homicide imo. I hope they pay DEARLY.

He deserves the death penalty.

Another accidental shooting. Thanks gun culture. These things wouldn't happen if guns weren't everywhere.

Stop with the idiocy. The pistol belonged to an employee of the government. Are you saying the police shouldn't have firearms?
A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

This will be a rallying cry to end DACA. This will be a rallying cry to initiate President Eisenhower's 'Operation Wetback' on a larger scale.
Yes, where we will round all Alt Righties and ship them to their ancestral homelands.
Won't happen! We people the founders specifically created this country for have White Privilege.
So you are good with an asshole who has been deported five times sneaking back into this country, stealing a 9mm weapon and shooting an American citizen? Then you are an asshole!
Where in the world did you come up with that? If you think there won't be a political backlash your nuts. This will add fuel to the fire that we need a wall, conservative judges and the best way to get that is to re elect Trump. Fuel for the Trump train...

Apparently Willowtree has lost all sense in his rage and needs to go take a cold shower.
Translation. I stopped you cold in yer tracks. You have no answers except that you believe a seven time felon who broke into the country five times, stole a gun. Tried to kick it into the bay after killing an American woman. Yep. You are a libtard.

Please quote where I said any of that treasure trove of bullshit you just posted! You have done nothing but lie about me since this thread started. Why are you being such a jackass?
Straighten me out then. Stare your case! Make it crystal clear

How does one "stare" their case?

I asked a fucking question and you answered it! Thank you!

He was found not guilty of murder probably because there was no intent to murder her. That sucks!

I knew this was a possibility as soon as I learned the bullet ricocheted before striking her. Too bad the prosecution did not take that into account and drop the murder charge.

Is the illegal guilty of murder? No. He was acquitted.

Is he guilty of something else? Damn straight, but they didn't charge him with that, so he walks.

At least they got him on something! Thank God!
The jury decision was unanimous.

7 felony convictions
5 deportations
Ice had a hold placed on him and the city let him go anyway. The city is guilty of negligent homicide imo. I hope they pay DEARLY.

He deserves the death penalty.

Get used to it Gramps.

White people are second class citizens in our own country now.

I cant help but wonder what the racial composition of that jury was.

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