Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

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That's how much she hates Kavanaugh. Anyone who still claims her accusation isn't politically motivated is just a lying douchebag or suffering brain damage.

Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, considered moving to another country following Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement earlier this year, her husband says.

“She was like, ‘I can’t deal with this. If he becomes the nominee, then I’m moving to another country. I cannot live in this country if he’s in the Supreme Court,’” her husband, Russell Ford, told The Washington Post for a story published Saturday. “She wanted out.”
You provided no proof that she lied.
The three witnesses she named all said she's lying. Case closed.
Her attorneys and Democrats are coaching her how to respond. She will make a statement, answer Democrats softball question...and her attorney won’t let her answer any GOP questions.

WTF do you think Kavanaugh has been doing for the past week?
Are you this stupid?
He has nothing to hide. BTW he was an accomplished lawyer before was a respected and renowned Judge in the federal courts. He can handle himself. The nut jobber Ford cannot.

That's not what I was referring to, idiot.
I said he's been prepping for this hearing, too.
Go the fuck away, you're too stupid to deal with.
I'll do way more than cry, silly old cocksocket.
And so will millions of others this November.
Trump is the one who will be WHINING on Twitter about how the midterms were rigged when the House turns blue.
Want to bet?
There will be no blue wave. Young whites are leaving Democratic Party.

There are more women in this country in total who are fed up with trash like Trump than white people between the ages of 18-25.
You're bi-asss is really showin', gramps.
My name isn't Bush92 ya idiot

I didn't say it was, idiot.
There are a lot of old, crusty, impotent white men on here railing against any woman who stands up for herself, and especially if she stands up against another white man.
She is a liar and stands for nothing. Just another liberal with derangement syndrome.

That's what I mean.
You have not heard a single word from her mouth and yet you've decided she's lying.
You're a fucking fool, nothing but Trump fodder.
Dumber than a rock.
Wait, Ford said she was too afraid of flying to fly to DC to testify. So how did she plan to get to New Zealand? Walking on water? She's also been surfing in Hawaii in the past, another place that is impossible to get to without flying, unless you're macho enough to swim 2500 miles. Ergo, she's making up bullshit excuses to delay testifying, making her look more full of shit than ever.

Where did she say she was afraid of flying?
Put up or STFU.
Your kind and others like you post drive-by bullshit without ever bothering to verify your comments.
Either you're just too damn stupid to use Google or just too fucking lazy.
Probably both.

You're getting your info from bi-asssed bloggers, from what I can see.
At any rate, she's on her way to D.C.
It's been agreed.
She's got more guts and balls in her little finger than Grassley got in his tiny little jock strap.
Oh, you mean like the unverifiable shit that she is making up about a good family man? But your Antifa so we know your a goddamn retard.

You must be desperate, throwing out ANTIFA just because I am asking for a link to corroborate the statement about Ford's fear of flying.
Go clutch your pearls, old man, you're out of your depth.
AND PLEASE....Don't ever complain about anyone judging someone in the court of public opinion, OK?
Because in that case, YOU are guilty.
“Court of public opinion.” Judge Kavanaugh does not deal with “court of public opinion”...he deals with evidence and facts. None of which Ford has.

Damn, Maybe flash cards would work better for you.
I said YOU were judging Dr. Ford in the court of public opinion.
Learn to read first, post second.
If she would have not shot off her big mouth in a politically motivated effort to stop a Trump nominee then nobody would even be talking about her sorry ass. I hope Justice Department is on standby to hammer her ass when she lies before a Senate committee.
I think she moved to another country in her feels and mind a long time ago. Why does her employer put up with this mockery?
Her very strong reaction does support the fact that Kavanaugh manhandled her, though.

I considered moving to another country when BO was elected. I haven’t shared this with anybody ever before, so bear with me. When I was younger my family took a vacation to Hawaii. I was on the beach when a handsome mulatto asked if I wanted to go for a walk. As soon as we were out of sight from others, he grabbed me and tried to pull down my swimsuit. I blocked the incident from my mind ......until I saw he was running for POTUS. I know exactly how Ms. Ford feels.
And STILL there is nothing you can do but cry about it.


I'll do way more than cry, silly old cocksocket.
And so will millions of others this November.
Trump is the one who will be WHINING on Twitter about how the midterms were rigged when the House turns blue.
Want to bet?
There will be no blue wave. Young whites are leaving Democratic Party.

There are more women in this country in total who are fed up with trash like Trump than white people between the ages of 18-25.
You're bi-asss is really showin', gramps.
My name isn't Bush92 ya idiot

I didn't say it was, idiot.
There are a lot of old, crusty, impotent white men on here railing against any woman who stands up for herself, and especially if she stands up against another white man.
She's a piece of shit who is trying to smear an innocent man.
There will be no blue wave. Young whites are leaving Democratic Party.

There are more women in this country in total who are fed up with trash like Trump than white people between the ages of 18-25.
You're bi-asss is really showin', gramps.
My name isn't Bush92 ya idiot

I didn't say it was, idiot.
There are a lot of old, crusty, impotent white men on here railing against any woman who stands up for herself, and especially if she stands up against another white man.
She is a liar and stands for nothing. Just another liberal with derangement syndrome.

That's what I mean.
You have not heard a single word from her mouth and yet you've decided she's lying.
You're a fucking fool, nothing but Trump fodder.
Dumber than a rock.
So she didn’t give a statement to Di Fi that was presented to the world as reason to smear a good man? You want to buy some beach front property in Florida from me? You buy into anything because of your gullibility.
And STILL there is nothing you can do but cry about it.


I'll do way more than cry, silly old cocksocket.
And so will millions of others this November.
Trump is the one who will be WHINING on Twitter about how the midterms were rigged when the House turns blue.
Want to bet?
There will be no blue wave. Young whites are leaving Democratic Party.

There are more women in this country in total who are fed up with trash like Trump than white people between the ages of 18-25.
You're bi-asss is really showin', gramps.
My name isn't Bush92 ya idiot

I didn't say it was, idiot.
There are a lot of old, crusty, impotent white men on here railing against any woman who stands up for herself, and especially if she stands up against another white man.
Has nothing to do with skin color you fucking brainwashed retard
Wait, Ford said she was too afraid of flying to fly to DC to testify. So how did she plan to get to New Zealand? Walking on water? She's also been surfing in Hawaii in the past, another place that is impossible to get to without flying, unless you're macho enough to swim 2500 miles. Ergo, she's making up bullshit excuses to delay testifying, making her look more full of shit than ever.

Where did she say she was afraid of flying?
Put up or STFU.
Your kind and others like you post drive-by bullshit without ever bothering to verify your comments.
Either you're just too damn stupid to use Google or just too fucking lazy.
Probably both.

You're getting your info from bi-asssed bloggers, from what I can see.
At any rate, she's on her way to D.C.
It's been agreed.
She's got more guts and balls in her little finger than Grassley got in his tiny little jock strap.

No, you fucking piece of shit LIAR, her story is too full of lies, contradictions and memory-lapses, only you violent, bloodthirsty, hatemongering liberals would be sick enough to believe this National Enquirer level crap about Kavanaugh. Your own liberal behavior over the past few years proves that you are pathologically lying, American-hating, child-abusing, felony-assault, ultra-violent psychopaths who have ZERO credibility. I have caught so many liberalfilth in so many lies, about so many things, for so many years, I refuse to believe anything from a mouth that has a muslim penis in it.
when you take your tongue out of trumps ass maybe then you'll be believed

Maybe when you disengage your mouth from the child-molesting, beheading-fetish human rights atrocity, constant-genocide-history, sadistic muslim cock YOU'LL be believed, you traitor who wants to sell this country out to the lowest, criminal dregs of the 3rd world. Pig.
child molesting? Roy Moore the pos your asshole supported ?? How many pussies did you grab today
I think she moved to another country in her feels and mind a long time ago. Why does her employer put up with this mockery?
Her very strong reaction does support the fact that Kavanaugh manhandled her, though.

I considered moving to another country when BO was elected. I haven’t shared this with anybody ever before, so bear with me. When I was younger my family took a vacation to Hawaii. I was on the beach when a handsome mulatto asked if I wanted to go for a walk. As soon as we were out of sight from others, he grabbed me and tried to pull down my swimsuit. I blocked the incident from my mind ......until I saw he was running for POTUS. I know exactly how Ms. Ford feels.
:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301: Did he have the smallest penis in “Amurica?”
Wait, Ford said she was too afraid of flying to fly to DC to testify. So how did she plan to get to New Zealand? Walking on water? She's also been surfing in Hawaii in the past, another place that is impossible to get to without flying, unless you're macho enough to swim 2500 miles. Ergo, she's making up bullshit excuses to delay testifying, making her look more full of shit than ever.

Where did she say she was afraid of flying?
Put up or STFU.
Your kind and others like you post drive-by bullshit without ever bothering to verify your comments.
Either you're just too damn stupid to use Google or just too fucking lazy.
Probably both.

You're getting your info from bi-asssed bloggers, from what I can see.
At any rate, she's on her way to D.C.
It's been agreed.
She's got more guts and balls in her little finger than Grassley got in his tiny little jock strap.
Oh, you mean like the unverifiable shit that she is making up about a good family man? But your Antifa so we know your a goddamn retard.

You must be desperate, throwing out ANTIFA just because I am asking for a link to corroborate the statement about Ford's fear of flying.
Go clutch your pearls, old man, you're out of your depth.
AND PLEASE....Don't ever complain about anyone judging someone in the court of public opinion, OK?
Because in that case, YOU are guilty.
“Court of public opinion.” Judge Kavanaugh does not deal with “court of public opinion”...he deals with evidence and facts. None of which Ford has.

Damn, Maybe flash cards would work better for you.
I said YOU were judging Dr. Ford in the court of public opinion.
Learn to read first, post second.

Whatever the hell you're blabbering about, I take it as a pure compliment coming from such an America-hating, low character like yourself. What more do you want me to say?
Wait, Ford said she was too afraid of flying to fly to DC to testify. So how did she plan to get to New Zealand? Walking on water? She's also been surfing in Hawaii in the past, another place that is impossible to get to without flying, unless you're macho enough to swim 2500 miles. Ergo, she's making up bullshit excuses to delay testifying, making her look more full of shit than ever.

Where did she say she was afraid of flying?
Put up or STFU.
Your kind and others like you post drive-by bullshit without ever bothering to verify your comments.
Either you're just too damn stupid to use Google or just too fucking lazy.
Probably both.

You're getting your info from bi-asssed bloggers, from what I can see.
At any rate, she's on her way to D.C.
It's been agreed.
She's got more guts and balls in her little finger than Grassley got in his tiny little jock strap.

No, you fucking piece of shit LIAR, her story is too full of lies, contradictions and memory-lapses, only you violent, bloodthirsty, hatemongering liberals would be sick enough to believe this National Enquirer level crap about Kavanaugh. Your own liberal behavior over the past few years proves that you are pathologically lying, American-hating, child-abusing, felony-assault, ultra-violent psychopaths who have ZERO credibility. I have caught so many liberalfilth in so many lies, about so many things, for so many years, I refuse to believe anything from a mouth that has a muslim penis in it.
when you take your tongue out of trumps ass maybe then you'll be believed

Maybe when you disengage your mouth from the child-molesting, beheading-fetish human rights atrocity, constant-genocide-history, sadistic muslim cock YOU'LL be believed, you traitor who wants to sell this country out to the lowest, criminal dregs of the 3rd world. Pig.
child molesting? Roy Moore the pos your asshole supported ?? How many pussies did you grab today
She was proven to have faked the writing in yearbook. How many years did she wait before those accusations? Oh, it was a politically opportunistic moment...kinda like Ford.
There are more women in this country in total who are fed up with trash like Trump than white people between the ages of 18-25.
You're bi-asss is really showin', gramps.
My name isn't Bush92 ya idiot

I didn't say it was, idiot.
There are a lot of old, crusty, impotent white men on here railing against any woman who stands up for herself, and especially if she stands up against another white man.
She is a liar and stands for nothing. Just another liberal with derangement syndrome.

That's what I mean.
You have not heard a single word from her mouth and yet you've decided she's lying.
You're a fucking fool, nothing but Trump fodder.
Dumber than a rock.
So she didn’t give a statement to Di Fi that was presented to the world as reason to smear a good man? You want to buy some beach front property in Florida from me? You buy into anything because of your gullibility.
You're supposed to believe that Kavanaugh is a rapist, based on what her letter to Di Fi and her lawyer says, but you can't believe anything else unless it comes directly from her mouth?

This is exactly the proposition that this brain damaged moron is asking us to believe.
Last edited:
Let's review the human behavior factor here: a woman FAMOUS for lying, and famous for being her high school whore who will fuck anything that walks on two legs (or MORE than two legs or LESS than two legs) is making a vague accusation decades later with ZERO proof, memory gaps and glaring contradictions, liberalfilth automatically believes such an obvious lie just to hatefully spite someone President Trump nominated. Including badgering his innocent wife and children with millions of rape and death threats. Which just happens to be exactly the way liberals' muslim whoremasters behave when they don't get their way and have a bloodthirsty baby tantrum.
That's how much she hates Kavanaugh. Anyone who still claims her accusation isn't politically motivated is just a lying douchebag or suffering brain damage.

Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, considered moving to another country following Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement earlier this year, her husband says.

“She was like, ‘I can’t deal with this. If he becomes the nominee, then I’m moving to another country. I cannot live in this country if he’s in the Supreme Court,’” her husband, Russell Ford, told The Washington Post for a story published Saturday. “She wanted out.”
How could she do that if she can't even stand to take a plane across the US?
I think her testimony will go something like this: “I was chasing a rabbit through the woods...then I fell down a hole. It is at that time a met a giant caterpillar sitting on a large mushroom smoking a hookah. He asked me ‘Who are you...?’ I replied that I’m a girl that was raped at a party in high-school. I thought it was Napoleon Bonaparte who did it...but then the name Kavanaugh came to me.” :cuckoo:
That's how much she hates Kavanaugh. Anyone who still claims her accusation isn't politically motivated is just a lying douchebag or suffering brain damage.

Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, considered moving to another country following Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement earlier this year, her husband says.

“She was like, ‘I can’t deal with this. If he becomes the nominee, then I’m moving to another country. I cannot live in this country if he’s in the Supreme Court,’” her husband, Russell Ford, told The Washington Post for a story published Saturday. “She wanted out.”
You provided no proof that she lied.

You have no proof he lied.
That's how much she hates Kavanaugh. Anyone who still claims her accusation isn't politically motivated is just a lying douchebag or suffering brain damage.

Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, considered moving to another country following Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement earlier this year, her husband says.

“She was like, ‘I can’t deal with this. If he becomes the nominee, then I’m moving to another country. I cannot live in this country if he’s in the Supreme Court,’” her husband, Russell Ford, told The Washington Post for a story published Saturday. “She wanted out.”
You provided no proof that she lied.

You have no proof he lied.
There is no proof period

If there is no proof no one can be proven guilty

If no one can be proven guilty no one committed a crime
And STILL there is nothing you can do but cry about it.


I'll do way more than cry, silly old cocksocket.
And so will millions of others this November.
Trump is the one who will be WHINING on Twitter about how the midterms were rigged when the House turns blue.
Want to bet?
There will be no blue wave. Young whites are leaving Democratic Party.

There are more women in this country in total who are fed up with trash like Trump than white people between the ages of 18-25.
You're bi-asss is really showin', gramps.
My name isn't Bush92 ya idiot

I didn't say it was, idiot.
There are a lot of old, crusty, impotent white men on here railing against any woman who stands up for herself, and especially if she stands up against another white man.
She is not standing up for “herself.” She is a delusional moron standing for a political agenda.
I think her testimony will go something like this: “I was chasing a rabbit through the woods...then I fell down a hole. It is at that time a met a giant caterpillar sitting on a large mushroom smoking a hookah. He asked me ‘Who are you...?’ I replied that I’m a girl that was raped at a party in high-school. I thought it was Napoleon Bonaparte who did it...but then the name Kavanaugh came to me.” :cuckoo:

Heehee, I was hearing the Grace Slick song "White Rabbit" in my head when I read the post. Makes it all the more fun! You know I mean that in a good way, of course.
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