Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

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Yeah all women testifying against scumbag republicans are lying All 18 against the pos in our WH are liars

Don't think I discount your ability to be like a ground hog popping up with off topic comments. Truly an entertaining quality that serves me well. You, not so much.

Point one, Ford hasn't testified. Point two, no one is supporting her statements, including people she said there witnesses. Also, it is everyone's White House, you just can't accept Hillary lost. That is your problem and failure not mine.
That's how much she hates Kavanaugh. Anyone who still claims her accusation isn't politically motivated is just a lying douchebag or suffering brain damage.

Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, considered moving to another country following Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement earlier this year, her husband says.

“She was like, ‘I can’t deal with this. If he becomes the nominee, then I’m moving to another country. I cannot live in this country if he’s in the Supreme Court,’” her husband, Russell Ford, told The Washington Post for a story published Saturday. “She wanted out.”

This lady is looking crazier with each passing day.:cuckoo:
That's how much she hates Kavanaugh. Anyone who still claims her accusation isn't politically motivated is just a lying douchebag or suffering brain damage.

Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, considered moving to another country following Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement earlier this year, her husband says.

“She was like, ‘I can’t deal with this. If he becomes the nominee, then I’m moving to another country. I cannot live in this country if he’s in the Supreme Court,’” her husband, Russell Ford, told The Washington Post for a story published Saturday. “She wanted out.”

Why would she have been worried about Kavanaugh being chosen to replace Scalia when he wasn’t added to the list until late 2017?
How does it support a political agenda? A personal one yes, but not sure how it supports a political agenda

Personal - Her family had a bad experience with Kavanaugh's mom.

Political - She fears a conservative Supreme Court.

Any Trump pick would fill that fear.

Thanks for the info Mz. Ford.

You are an odd one. I have 400 post supporting Kavanaugh and because I do not see eye to eye with you on this one stupid thing I am suddenly on Ford's side.

Fuck, every time I read a post like this from one of you sheep I am so very thankful I have not sold my soul and brain to a political party.
That's how much she hates Kavanaugh. Anyone who still claims her accusation isn't politically motivated is just a lying douchebag or suffering brain damage.

Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, considered moving to another country following Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement earlier this year, her husband says.

“She was like, ‘I can’t deal with this. If he becomes the nominee, then I’m moving to another country. I cannot live in this country if he’s in the Supreme Court,’” her husband, Russell Ford, told The Washington Post for a story published Saturday. “She wanted out.”
I don't know weather to feel sorry for him or point and laugh.

How do people become so insecure
They get sexually assaulted, stupid. How can you Dupes get so f***** up?
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How does it support a political agenda? A personal one yes, but not sure how it supports a political agenda

Personal - Her family had a bad experience with Kavanaugh's mom.

Political - She fears a conservative Supreme Court.

Any Trump pick would fill that fear.

Thanks for the info Mz. Ford.

You are an odd one. I have 400 post supporting Kavanaugh and because I do not see eye to eye with you on this one stupid thing I am suddenly on Ford's side.

Fuck, every time I read a post like this from one of you sheep I am so very thankful I have not sold my soul and brain to a political party.

I merely pointed out you were speaking for her. Possibly in an accurate fashion. Relax this is suppose to be fun.
I think she moved to another country in her feels and mind a long time ago. Why does her employer put up with this mockery?

She is employed by a cesspool of lower learning and indoctrination. A place where curiosity is forbidden and intellect crushed. A place where information goes to die.
Too bad you never got any education, super duper.
How does it support a political agenda? A personal one yes, but not sure how it supports a political agenda

Personal - Her family had a bad experience with Kavanaugh's mom.

Political - She fears a conservative Supreme Court.

Any Trump pick would fill that fear.

Thanks for the info Mz. Ford.

You are an odd one. I have 400 post supporting Kavanaugh and because I do not see eye to eye with you on this one stupid thing I am suddenly on Ford's side.

Fuck, every time I read a post like this from one of you sheep I am so very thankful I have not sold my soul and brain to a political party.

I merely pointed out you were speaking for her. Possibly in an accurate fashion. Relax this is suppose to be fun.

I was not speaking for her, I was pointing out that Kavanaugh was not the only Conservative on the list Trump was using
I was not speaking for her, I was pointing out that Kavanaugh was not the only Conservative on the list Trump was using

Quite likely the least objectionable. Frankly, I consider him to be borderline liberal with his talk of interpreting the Constitution.
Too bad you never got any education, super duper.

What's the problem? Did he use too many multiple syllable words?
No he parotidp stupid anti-intellectual anti Higher Learning garbage propaganda. The dupes believe Higher Learning is bad so it is a good thing to make it as expensive and difficult as possible. Brainwashed idiocy.
Also, Judge Kavanaugh has been in prominent positions for years. Why is the Supreme Court bothering her? The decisions made by the court are unlikely to have major impact on her at all.
That's how much she hates Kavanaugh. Anyone who still claims her accusation isn't politically motivated is just a lying douchebag or suffering brain damage.

Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, considered moving to another country following Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement earlier this year, her husband says.

“She was like, ‘I can’t deal with this. If he becomes the nominee, then I’m moving to another country. I cannot live in this country if he’s in the Supreme Court,’” her husband, Russell Ford, told The Washington Post for a story published Saturday. “She wanted out.”
You provided no proof that she lied.

There is no proof either way. It’s called hearsay. You may as well blame the guy the the Kennedy assassination. There’s tons of conspiracy theories there too.

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Wait, Ford said she was too afraid of flying to fly to DC to testify. So how did she plan to get to New Zealand? Walking on water? She's also been surfing in Hawaii in the past, another place that is impossible to get to without flying, unless you're macho enough to swim 2500 miles. Ergo, she's making up bullshit excuses to delay testifying, making her look more full of shit than ever.
the only ones full of shit are scumbag trump and his pos traitors , kiss assers in congress... trump says shit and his congress says what color
That's how much she hates Kavanaugh. Anyone who still claims her accusation isn't politically motivated is just a lying douchebag or suffering brain damage.

Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, considered moving to another country following Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement earlier this year, her husband says.

“She was like, ‘I can’t deal with this. If he becomes the nominee, then I’m moving to another country. I cannot live in this country if he’s in the Supreme Court,’” her husband, Russell Ford, told The Washington Post for a story published Saturday. “She wanted out.”
I don't know weather to feel sorry for him or point and laugh.

How do people become so insecure
I'm not the spelling mod gramps but just to help you out ,it's spelled whether ...not like the weather is bad Just trying to help
I suggest it is not too late to move to another country. And I’ll bet it won’t be Mexico. These liberals only dream of the “white commonwealth”. Even Ginsbergs threats to move involved New Zealand.
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