Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

we can dump Kavanaugh and have an equally conservative nominee in 10 seconds. problem solved!
/——/ No we can’t do that. No reason for Kavanaugh to drop out. Libtards will do the same thing with the next appointee.
And yet, oddly, none of this occurred for Yeti Pube's last nominee, Gorsuch.

Because there wasn't as much on the line for Democrats as there is now. Now they are in desperation mode. Do or die.
Test the theory. Nominate someone else.
Here's a real hilarious one. Senator Blumenthal said Trump should withdraw Kavanaugh from nomination because this is about honesty, trust and integrity. Some of you may remember Blumenthal is the jerk that lied about his military service. Stolen valor. Democrats make me want to puke.
The FBI isn't going to waste their time investigating a bullshit case like this, even if it was within their jurisdiction to do so, which it isn't. This is stalling, pure and simple. The GOP has offered Ford her chance to testify, if she doesn't take it then the Senate Judiciary Committee should hold their vote immediately. If she does testify, then they question her and Kavanaugh, and then hold their vote the next day anyway. That's Tuesday the 25th. I don't know what the Senate rules are for doing the full Senate Confirmation vote, but whatever it is, schedule that asap. Assuming the Judiciary Committee votes to proceed on the Kavanaugh Confirmation vote.

Enough with the Democratic bullshit, there's really nothing to deliberate on. Get this mockery of the political process over with. I really hope the Dems pay big time for this bullshit in the election. The dishonesty and total lack of integrity on the part of the Dems is astounding; this isn't a swamp, this is a sewer.
If you cannot keep your story straight I get why you dont want to testify.
She has never said she doesn't want to testify, she just wants the FBI to conduct interviews and present facts. The only person who, so far, refuses to testify is Bart O'Kavanagh's blackout buddy.
why is that their job? and why does she think she can just make a request? I want hitlery investigated. let's do that? I don't get to make that demand. so who's on first?
The state of Maryland has no statue of limitations on violent sex crimes which is what he is being accused of, right libs? The proper Maryland authorities need to interview her and make a decision. Her therapist that did not report a sex crime against a minor that he became aware about in 2012 need to be brought up on charges, as he is mandated to report sex crimes disclosed by either the victim or perpetrator to the police within 48 hours.

If she refuses to be interviewed by the Maryland authorities, arrest her on a material witness warrant. All this debate about victimhood, put it before a state judge in Maryland.
Only partisan cowards would be afraid of a thorough investigation.
Only partisan assholes would be demanding an investigation in the first place.

So what does that say about countries where authoritarian dictators don't allow investigation and public discourse?
Go live in Russia, dumbass.
Trump's hero, Vlad, makes the rules.

If they want an investigation, they need to go to their local authorities where this took place. Of course (surprise) she doesn't remember where it took place, when it took place, how it took place.

Of course, even if she did remember, said law enforcement would answer, "That was 30 years ago. What do you think we can do about it now? Here, here's the number for Victim Services. They can recommend counseling."
that costs money. she think people should pay for her investigation? fk her.
Here's a real hilarious one. Senator Blumenthal said Trump should withdraw Kavanaugh from nomination because this is about honesty, trust and integrity. Some of you may remember Blumenthal is the jerk that lied about his military service. Stolen valor. Democrats make me want to puke.

That's because another nomination process will take this past midterms which is their goal.
we can dump Kavanaugh and have an equally conservative nominee in 10 seconds. problem solved!
/——/ No we can’t do that. No reason for Kavanaugh to drop out. Libtards will do the same thing with the next appointee.
And yet, oddly, none of this occurred for Yeti Pube's last nominee, Gorsuch.

Because there wasn't as much on the line for Democrats as there is now. Now they are in desperation mode. Do or die.
Test the theory. Nominate someone else.

Oh, I'm sure you and your ilk would love that.
Liars don't ask for the FBI to investigate their stories...

Just sayin'...

Sure they do. This one just did.
Why would she do that, knowing full well that this is not within the FBI's jurisdiction?

It is within their jurisdiction, fool.
The FBI conducted his background check.
Trump simply needs to ask them to look into this new information as a part of that.
separate issues spanky. since when is a background check and an investigation the same? oh, since you need it to be.

game over, man.
Grassley Says He Won't Delay Kavanaugh Hearing As Moderate Republicans Fall In Line

A background check is an investigation, fool.

It's exactly what Trump had the FBI do when allegations against Rob Porter were made.
then in that case FOOL hes been investigated 6 times. gobthe fuck away now.
Sure they do. This one just did.
Why would she do that, knowing full well that this is not within the FBI's jurisdiction?

It is within their jurisdiction, fool.
The FBI conducted his background check.
Trump simply needs to ask them to look into this new information as a part of that.
separate issues spanky. since when is a background check and an investigation the same? oh, since you need it to be.

game over, man.
Grassley Says He Won't Delay Kavanaugh Hearing As Moderate Republicans Fall In Line

A background check is an investigation, fool.

It's exactly what Trump had the FBI do when allegations against Rob Porter were made.
then in that case FOOL hes been investigated 6 times. gobthe fuck away now.
he's doing a political who's on first. repeat and do it again. it's hilarious.
Sure they do. This one just did.
Why would she do that, knowing full well that this is not within the FBI's jurisdiction?

It is within their jurisdiction, fool.
The FBI conducted his background check.
Trump simply needs to ask them to look into this new information as a part of that.
separate issues spanky. since when is a background check and an investigation the same? oh, since you need it to be.

game over, man.
Grassley Says He Won't Delay Kavanaugh Hearing As Moderate Republicans Fall In Line

A background check is an investigation, fool.

It's exactly what Trump had the FBI do when allegations against Rob Porter were made.
then in that case FOOL hes been investigated 6 times. gobthe fuck away now.
BTW, the next time he posts investigate, I will post First Base.
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this is equivalent to political blackmail.

I wish to sue diane feinstein for blackmailing my senators.
I still can't believe that the Senate NaziCons want Dr. Ford to sit at the same table with Kavanaugh. Unbelievable.

Totally crazy how we want to give him due process and give her an opportunity to make her claim.

Funny how you don't want that. It's almost like you do t care about a fair hearing

Due process requires an investigation, fool.

Ummmm, no, no it doesn't

Sure it does. A single hearing with two witnesses does not get to any of the facts.
An investigation will.

What are you afraid of?
The accuser doesn't remember the date or place this traumatic event occurred. Idiot.

So what. The date and place is not as important as witnesses who can corroborate the allegation. There already is a therapist and her husband. There is also no doubt several others who knew at the time. All of whom could be inteviewed by the FBI.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.
Fuck that bitch. She can’t even provide enough information to start an investigation. Like where? When? Who was there?

She has clearly stated all such information.

"Sometime in the 80s, some house near a country club don't know whose, I have no idea how I got there, some party don't know who was there."

Yeah, very clearly stated. Uh huh.
Totally crazy how we want to give him due process and give her an opportunity to make her claim.

Funny how you don't want that. It's almost like you do t care about a fair hearing

Due process requires an investigation, fool.

Ummmm, no, no it doesn't

Sure it does. A single hearing with two witnesses does not get to any of the facts.
An investigation will.

What are you afraid of?
The accuser doesn't remember the date or place this traumatic event occurred. Idiot.

So what. The date and place is not as important as witnesses who can corroborate the allegation. There already is a therapist and her husband. There is also no doubt several others who knew at the time. All of whom could be inteviewed by the FBI.
her witness said he had no knowledge of her party.
Totally crazy how we want to give him due process and give her an opportunity to make her claim.

Funny how you don't want that. It's almost like you do t care about a fair hearing

Due process requires an investigation, fool.

Ummmm, no, no it doesn't

Sure it does. A single hearing with two witnesses does not get to any of the facts.
An investigation will.

What are you afraid of?
The accuser doesn't remember the date or place this traumatic event occurred. Idiot.

So what. The date and place is not as important as witnesses who can corroborate the allegation. There already is a therapist and her husband. There is also no doubt several others who knew at the time. All of whom could be inteviewed by the FBI.
/----/ I'm sure you'd have no issue having your life destroyed on such flimsy "evidence"

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