Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Christine Blasey Ford Agrees To ‘Provide Firsthand Knowledge’ About Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Allegation

It’s still unclear whether Blasey, who has accused the Supreme Court nominee of sexual assault, will be testifying at an open hearing.

Christine Blasey Ford “accepts” the Senate Judiciary Committee’s invitation to “provide first-hand knowledge” next week about a high school party where she says she was sexually assaulted by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, according to an email from her attorneys obtained by Politico on Saturday.

The letter became public minutes after a 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time deadline for Blasey’s final decision, set by committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). Attorneys for Blasey have been sparring with committee Republicans over conditions for her testimony all week, accusing Grassley and his colleagues of bullying their client by setting “arbitrary” deadlines.

Democrats have refused to participate in the negotiations, saying the alleged assault should first be investigated by the FBI.


Christine Blasey Ford Agrees To 'Provide Firsthand Knowledge' About Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Allegation

I hope it's a public hearing - and I hope Democrats will decide to participate. Otherwise, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford will be at the mercy of unfair Republican wolves.
If she doesn't testify in open session, then the impact of her testimony will be zero. If she does testify in open session, the impact of her testimony will be less than zero. It has already become obvious that she's a pathological liar. Once she comes under questioning, it will be undeniable.
GOP Aide In Kavanaugh Confirmation Resigns As Sexual Harassment Claim Surfaces

Garrett Ventry’s exit marks another moment of turmoil in Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

Garrett Ventry, a communications adviser to the Senate Judiciary Committee, has abruptly resigned after NBC News inquired about a past sexual harassment allegation against him.


Another GOP pervert bites the dust.
Are we now going to investigate every Republican in the Senate and everyone who works for them?
Republicans ? You mean all senators don't you ?
The accuser set a precondition that the FBI investigate her claims prior to her testifying.

Since when does an accuser have the right to "set the preconditions" of a hearing? It doesn't work that way. The committee sets the preconditions of the hearing. You either accept or decline.

You're blind if you can't see that the Ford team set this up so they can make an excuse why they aren't coming.

The vastly more powerful Republican-controlled Senate denied her that righteous response and played chicken with her.

The Republicans had nothing to do with it. The FBI stated the case was laughable and is outside their purview. They don't investigate local teen house parties.
This is not about a house party but rather about a Supreme Court nominee. Every Senator should be screaming for the truth.

Yes.....well.....nobody knows the truth and never will given the fact it's been over 35 years and Ford wants to make this an issue now.

So all we really have is he said/ she said, and nothing more.

If the nomination depends on this house party, it's not the business of the FBI as it is not a federal issue--especially since he too was a minor at the time.

Now if local agencies were involved, that's a different subject. Apparently nobody knew about this so-called attack so nothing was documented to make this about Kavanaugh's nomination.
The fact that a woman can just jump up and claim sexual assault at the very moment the Demon-crats have exhausted every avenue and used every stall tactic and/or resistance known to them in order to stop Kavanaugh's confirmation is amazing really. It's so hard for me to believe that one of the strongest nation's in the world can be reduced to this kind of circus act as is seen now in this kind of bullcrap that is being seen in regards to our government operations and leadership.

I believe that somehow, some way, they will continue to try and stall even more.
Christine Blasey Ford Agrees To ‘Provide Firsthand Knowledge’ About Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Allegation

It’s still unclear whether Blasey, who has accused the Supreme Court nominee of sexual assault, will be testifying at an open hearing.

Christine Blasey Ford “accepts” the Senate Judiciary Committee’s invitation to “provide first-hand knowledge” next week about a high school party where she says she was sexually assaulted by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, according to an email from her attorneys obtained by Politico on Saturday.

The letter became public minutes after a 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time deadline for Blasey’s final decision, set by committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). Attorneys for Blasey have been sparring with committee Republicans over conditions for her testimony all week, accusing Grassley and his colleagues of bullying their client by setting “arbitrary” deadlines.

Democrats have refused to participate in the negotiations, saying the alleged assault should first be investigated by the FBI.


Christine Blasey Ford Agrees To 'Provide Firsthand Knowledge' About Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Allegation

I hope it's a public hearing - and I hope Democrats will decide to participate. Otherwise, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford will be at the mercy of unfair Republican wolves.
Oh, those mean Republicans! How dare they ask her for details about her accusation! They are misogynists! And how dare the use a female lawyer to ask her those questions? She is also a misogynist!
The accuser set a precondition that the FBI investigate her claims prior to her testifying.

Since when does an accuser have the right to "set the preconditions" of a hearing? It doesn't work that way. The committee sets the preconditions of the hearing. You either accept or decline.

You're blind if you can't see that the Ford team set this up so they can make an excuse why they aren't coming.

The vastly more powerful Republican-controlled Senate denied her that righteous response and played chicken with her.

The Republicans had nothing to do with it. The FBI stated the case was laughable and is outside their purview. They don't investigate local teen house parties.
This is not about a house party but rather about a Supreme Court nominee. Every Senator should be screaming for the truth.

Yes.....well.....nobody knows the truth and never will given the fact it's been over 35 years and Ford wants to make this an issue now.

So all we really have is he said/ she said, and nothing more.

If the nomination depends on this house party, it's not the business of the FBI as it is not a federal issue--especially since he too was a minor at the time.

Now if local agencies were involved, that's a different subject. Apparently nobody knew about this so-called attack so nothing was documented to make this about Kavanaugh's nomination.
The fact that a woman can just jump up and claim sexual assault at the very moment the Demon-crats have exhausted every avenue and used every stall tactic and/or resistance known to them in order to stop Kavanaugh's confirmation is amazing really. It's so hard for me to believe that one of the strongest nation's in the world can be reduced to this kind of circus act as is seen now in this kind of bullcrap that is being seen in regards to our government operations and leadership.

I believe that somehow, some way, they will continue to try and stall even more.
At the last minute she will insist on some condition that Grassley can't possibly grant without exposing himself as lacking an ounce of self respect.
Since when does an accuser have the right to "set the preconditions" of a hearing? It doesn't work that way. The committee sets the preconditions of the hearing. You either accept or decline.

You're blind if you can't see that the Ford team set this up so they can make an excuse why they aren't coming.

The Republicans had nothing to do with it. The FBI stated the case was laughable and is outside their purview. They don't investigate local teen house parties.
This is not about a house party but rather about a Supreme Court nominee. Every Senator should be screaming for the truth.

Yes.....well.....nobody knows the truth and never will given the fact it's been over 35 years and Ford wants to make this an issue now.

So all we really have is he said/ she said, and nothing more.

If the nomination depends on this house party, it's not the business of the FBI as it is not a federal issue--especially since he too was a minor at the time.

Now if local agencies were involved, that's a different subject. Apparently nobody knew about this so-called attack so nothing was documented to make this about Kavanaugh's nomination.
The fact that a woman can just jump up and claim sexual assault at the very moment the Demon-crats have exhausted every avenue and used every stall tactic and/or resistance known to them in order to stop Kavanaugh's confirmation is amazing really. It's so hard for me to believe that one of the strongest nation's in the world can be reduced to this kind of circus act as is seen now in this kind of bullcrap that is being seen in regards to our government operations and leadership.

I believe that somehow, some way, they will continue to try and stall even more.
At the last minute she will insist on some condition that Grassley can't possibly grant without exposing himself as lacking an ounce of self respect.

I think that will be known tomorrow. Supposedly, they are going to work out the final details of her testimony.

More than likely Katz will ask for another day for negotiations IF Grassley stands his ground.
MSNBC: Grassley just granted Dr. Ford another extention.

The Republicans are accommodating a difficult witness. They should be rewarded with greater control of Congress in November.

Accommodating? That sadly funny - especially considering no investigation or witnesses allowed. Republicans just want to keep it a "she said, he said".

Keep it that way? She hasn't presented anything more than that. No one has supported her story, and she's been given an opportunity to make her case, but she's been uncooperative, making ridiculous demands. It's time to put up or shut up.
At this point the deal should be closed. We gave you yesterday until 10:00pm, and extended it to today at 2:00pm and you're still jacking us around. Deal off. There will be no testimony.

It's called negotiating. Is it too late for Kavanaugh to apologize?

He has nothing to apologize for. She does perhaps, but not him.

They've been making arrangements for a week, that''s negotiating. Now it's pure stalling

No, it's still negotiating - especially considering how one-sided it is.

There is literally nothing to negotiate. She either shows up or she doesnt

Why are you so afraid of fairness and "due process"?

She appears to fear it quite a bit with her demands that no lawyers question her and the accused testify first.
This is not about a house party but rather about a Supreme Court nominee. Every Senator should be screaming for the truth.

Yes.....well.....nobody knows the truth and never will given the fact it's been over 35 years and Ford wants to make this an issue now.

So all we really have is he said/ she said, and nothing more.

If the nomination depends on this house party, it's not the business of the FBI as it is not a federal issue--especially since he too was a minor at the time.

Now if local agencies were involved, that's a different subject. Apparently nobody knew about this so-called attack so nothing was documented to make this about Kavanaugh's nomination.
The fact that a woman can just jump up and claim sexual assault at the very moment the Demon-crats have exhausted every avenue and used every stall tactic and/or resistance known to them in order to stop Kavanaugh's confirmation is amazing really. It's so hard for me to believe that one of the strongest nation's in the world can be reduced to this kind of circus act as is seen now in this kind of bullcrap that is being seen in regards to our government operations and leadership.

I believe that somehow, some way, they will continue to try and stall even more.
At the last minute she will insist on some condition that Grassley can't possibly grant without exposing himself as lacking an ounce of self respect.

I think that will be known tomorrow. Supposedly, they are going to work out the final details of her testimony.

More than likely Katz will ask for another day for negotiations IF Grassley stands his ground.
Gonna be a circus... Don't know how the alledged most powerful people in the world are reduced to such petty bullcrap as we see in this kind of tactic and/or ridiculousness.

Once her early on statements showed conflicting or lacking information it should have been ended. Period.

Now we have not only this left-wing radical and her band of demons to deal with, but here we have our government looking like complete fools for going further with the bullcrap, and all because the Demon-crats said so ??

Grow a spine Republicans, and bring order back to our government already.
It's called negotiating. Is it too late for Kavanaugh to apologize?

He has nothing to apologize for. She does perhaps, but not him.

They've been making arrangements for a week, that''s negotiating. Now it's pure stalling

No, it's still negotiating - especially considering how one-sided it is.

There is literally nothing to negotiate. She either shows up or she doesnt

Why are you so afraid of fairness and "due process"?

She appears to fear it quite a bit with her demands that no lawyers question her and the accused testify first.

I'm not sure, but it appears she doesn't want any lawyers to question her, but her lawyers to cross-examine Kavanaugh. After all, there will be cross-examination. Who does she think will do it if not her lawyers?
Sexual Assault Groups Stop Work With Senators Over Treatment Of Christine Blasey Ford

Advocates for survivors of sexual violence are suspending their work with the Senate Judiciary Committee to protest how senators are reacting to Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

“Your actions and comments in the past week have taken us back 25 years,” a coalition of advocates wrote the Senate Judiciary Committee.

For two years, a task force of national sexual assault and domestic violence groups has been working behind the scenes with the Senate Judiciary Committee to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, which expires this year.

Now the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence is suspending negotiations with the committee over its treatment of Christine Blasey Ford, the psychology professor who says Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were teens.

Sexual Assault Groups Stop Work With Senators Over Treatment Of Christine Blasey Ford

Republicans are sinking.
Yes.....well.....nobody knows the truth and never will given the fact it's been over 35 years and Ford wants to make this an issue now.

So all we really have is he said/ she said, and nothing more.

If the nomination depends on this house party, it's not the business of the FBI as it is not a federal issue--especially since he too was a minor at the time.

Now if local agencies were involved, that's a different subject. Apparently nobody knew about this so-called attack so nothing was documented to make this about Kavanaugh's nomination.
The fact that a woman can just jump up and claim sexual assault at the very moment the Demon-crats have exhausted every avenue and used every stall tactic and/or resistance known to them in order to stop Kavanaugh's confirmation is amazing really. It's so hard for me to believe that one of the strongest nation's in the world can be reduced to this kind of circus act as is seen now in this kind of bullcrap that is being seen in regards to our government operations and leadership.

I believe that somehow, some way, they will continue to try and stall even more.
At the last minute she will insist on some condition that Grassley can't possibly grant without exposing himself as lacking an ounce of self respect.

I think that will be known tomorrow. Supposedly, they are going to work out the final details of her testimony.

More than likely Katz will ask for another day for negotiations IF Grassley stands his ground.
Gonna be a circus... Don't know how the alledged most powerful people in the world are reduced to such petty bullcrap as we see in this kind of tactic and/or ridiculousness.

Once her early on statements showed conflicting or lacking information it should have been ended. Period.

Now we have not only this left-wing radical and her band of demons to deal with, but here we have our government looking like complete fools for going further with the bullcrap, and all because the Demon-crats said so ??

Grow a spine Republicans, and bring order back to our government already.

I think if not so close to midterms, we would be seeing a tougher Grassley.

Right now he has a lot to worry about. He has to worry about keeping leadership in both houses, he has to worry about the RINO Republicans that may vote Kavanaugh down, he has to worry about how women will look at his stance on this.

Sure, we would all like to see Grassley tell Katz to F herself (which I'm sure she does often) but he's in a precarious situation right now.
Advocates for survivors of sexual violence are suspending their work with the Senate Judiciary Committee to protest how senators are reacting to Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

“Your actions and comments in the past week have taken us back 25 years,” a coalition of advocates wrote the Senate Judiciary Committee.

For two years, a task force of national sexual assault and domestic violence groups has been working behind the scenes with the Senate Judiciary Committee to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, which expires this year.

Now the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence is suspending negotiations with the committee over its treatment of Christine Blasey Ford, the psychology professor who says Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were teens.

Sexual Assault Groups Stop Work With Senators Over Treatment Of Christine Blasey Ford

Republicans are sinking.

Sorry, turd, but the Democrats are the ones who have made utter fools of themselves with their handling of this controversy. They have all proved that they are shameless douchebags who will say and do anything, no matter how sleazy and underhanded, to advance their agenda.
The fact that a woman can just jump up and claim sexual assault at the very moment the Demon-crats have exhausted every avenue and used every stall tactic and/or resistance known to them in order to stop Kavanaugh's confirmation is amazing really. It's so hard for me to believe that one of the strongest nation's in the world can be reduced to this kind of circus act as is seen now in this kind of bullcrap that is being seen in regards to our government operations and leadership.

I believe that somehow, some way, they will continue to try and stall even more.
At the last minute she will insist on some condition that Grassley can't possibly grant without exposing himself as lacking an ounce of self respect.

I think that will be known tomorrow. Supposedly, they are going to work out the final details of her testimony.

More than likely Katz will ask for another day for negotiations IF Grassley stands his ground.
Gonna be a circus... Don't know how the alledged most powerful people in the world are reduced to such petty bullcrap as we see in this kind of tactic and/or ridiculousness.

Once her early on statements showed conflicting or lacking information it should have been ended. Period.

Now we have not only this left-wing radical and her band of demons to deal with, but here we have our government looking like complete fools for going further with the bullcrap, and all because the Demon-crats said so ??

Grow a spine Republicans, and bring order back to our government already.

I think if not so close to midterms, we would be seeing a tougher Grassley.

Right now he has a lot to worry about. He has to worry about keeping leadership in both houses, he has to worry about the RINO Republicans that may vote Kavanaugh down, he has to worry about how women will look at his stance on this.

Sure, we would all like to see Grassley tell Katz to F herself (which I'm sure she does often) but he's in a precarious situation right now.
He isn't helping himself with this constant back peddling on calling a vote for this nomination.
I believe that somehow, some way, they will continue to try and stall even more.
At the last minute she will insist on some condition that Grassley can't possibly grant without exposing himself as lacking an ounce of self respect.

I think that will be known tomorrow. Supposedly, they are going to work out the final details of her testimony.

More than likely Katz will ask for another day for negotiations IF Grassley stands his ground.
Gonna be a circus... Don't know how the alledged most powerful people in the world are reduced to such petty bullcrap as we see in this kind of tactic and/or ridiculousness.

Once her early on statements showed conflicting or lacking information it should have been ended. Period.

Now we have not only this left-wing radical and her band of demons to deal with, but here we have our government looking like complete fools for going further with the bullcrap, and all because the Demon-crats said so ??

Grow a spine Republicans, and bring order back to our government already.

I think if not so close to midterms, we would be seeing a tougher Grassley.

Right now he has a lot to worry about. He has to worry about keeping leadership in both houses, he has to worry about the RINO Republicans that may vote Kavanaugh down, he has to worry about how women will look at his stance on this.

Sure, we would all like to see Grassley tell Katz to F herself (which I'm sure she does often) but he's in a precarious situation right now.
He isn't helping himself with this constant back peddling on calling a vote for this nomination.

I don't think he's worried about himself as he's worried about the long term consequences. Remember: Republicans play chess, and Democrats play checkers. Perhaps Grassley is thinking five moves ahead of time while Democrats are so desperate, they are looking for immediate results.

He gave Ford's team one more chance to come through. If he caves on anymore of her demands, then I'll say he's not doing the job he's supposed to be doing.
I don't want this Kavanaugh guy in at the SCOTUS...BUT, I do not think whatever this woman says about him should make a difference to his nomination (BTW - I am not saying the event did or did not happen...I don't know).

I know women freak at this - but the woman should have come forward at the time of the alleged rape. I don't even begin to care how difficult it is for the women - they have a duty to other women to report their attackers. How the 'f' are rapists going to be stopped if women just think of themselves and don't tell the authorities so that the perpetrators can be brought to justice?
My sister (whom I love very much) stayed in a physically abusive marriage for years...and I say the same thing to her. Stop thinking of only yourself and think of your children and/or future victims of your husband/scumbag...REPORT HIM. NO MATTER HOW DIFFICULT IT IS.
And please save the lecture ladies...I watched my mother get physically abused for years, I know first hand how tough it can be on the women. It changes nothing. You HAVE to report these scumbags to stop them doing this to others (and to yourself).

Do your duty as a human being to other women/potential victims. Sure society often makes it tough/VERY tough on the women in these cases. Do the right thing anyway...no excuse.

As much as I don't want this guy in the SCOTUS, I do not think this woman's accusations (unless they can be FACTUALLY proven - say with DNA evidence or numerous and unbiased eye-witnesses/video evidence/etc.) should exclude Kavanaugh from being approved.

Being a good/terrible person is nothing to do with being on the SCOTUS. It is strictly how good you are at interpreting the Constitution.
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I don't want this Kavanaugh guy in at the SCOTUS...BUT, I do not think whatever this woman says about him should make a difference to his nomination (BTW - I am not saying the event did or did not happen...I don't know).

I know women freak at this - but the woman should have come forward at the time of the alleged rape. I don't even begin to care how difficult it is for the women - they have a duty to other women to report their attackers. How the 'f' are rapists going to be stopped if women just think of themselves and don't tell the authorities so that the perpetrators can be brought to justice?
My sister (whom I love very much) stayed in a physically abusive marriage for years...and I say the same thing to her. Stop thinking of only yourself and think of your children and/or future victims of your husband/scumbag...REPORT HIM. NO MATTER HOW DIFFICULT IT IS.
And please save the lecture ladies...I watched my mother get physically abused for years, I know first hand how tough it can be on the women. It changes nothing. You HAVE to report these scumbags to stop them doing this to others (and to yourself).

Do your duty as a human being to other women/potential victims. Sure society often makes it tough/VERY tough on the women in these cases. Do the right thing anyway...no excuse.

As much as I don't want this guy in the SCOTUS, I do not think this woman's accusations (unless they can be FACTUALLY proven - say with DNA evidence or numerous and unbiased eye-witnesses/video evidence/etc.) should exclude Kavanaugh from being approved.

Being a good/terrible person is nothing to do with being on the SCOTUS. It is strictly how good you are at interpreting the Constitution.

It's not so black and white.

I know why Christine Blasey Ford didn’t come forward earlier. I didn’t, either.

I was sexually assaulted. Here’s why I don’t remember many of the details.
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