Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Threads -- Monday Sept 24th 2018

Did you bother reading this new woman’s account? She was shitfaced drunk and had no idea who it was. Totally unreliable testimony and the people there already refute it.
And yet HALF the population (the democrat half) treat it as though it were fact. America is doomed.
Why? The whole point of a background check is to provide information to the person appointing the subject, and in this case to the committee voting on their nomination.

Since there is no documentation of either of these accusations, a further check would be pointless.

Right. In an ethical administration, the man making the appointment would request the FBI look into Blasey Ford's allegations, including questioning any alleged witnesses.

I know that's out of the question.

How about in an ethical opposition they release any accusations ahead of time instead of waiting until the last minute?

Thou doth protest too much.

Plus these accusations have ZERO credible documentation to them.

I grant you the last-minute nature bringing this forward arouses pushback. It's the nature of sexual assault that it normally occurs in private, and that there is zero documentation absent immediate reporting and a rape kit.

Also, 30+ years later and none of the named witnesses remember anything happening.

And not date, time or location has been given.

What the last minute thing arouses is confirmed assumption of this being nothing more than a political hit job.

It doesn't appear Blasey Ford controlled the timing, and I'll listen to her sworn testimony. Any contradiction of that testimony should be sworn as well.

The timing was controlled by political hacks.

She may or may not be one of them.
So now we know.... Not only did the New York Times decline to print the accusation.... but so did The Washington Post and NBC.
Did you bother reading this new woman’s account? She was shitfaced drunk and had no idea who it was. Totally unreliable testimony and the people there already refute it.
The name Deborah Ramirez, first came to the public's attention through The New Yorker about 7 hours ago. While it seems everyone has opinions on it, I'm looking to see how its being vetted by the professional media. So far, none of the majors has said anything outside reporting The New Yorker article.
^ Lol this rape enabler’s posting phony graphics calling for victims to be believed, while he spends his time enabling rapists and demonizing women.
Just posting the facts traitor.
You got BlackFag on defense. Won't change Democrat dirty tricks, but they know they've been exposed.
You're the one defending rapists killers and liars.
You created this thread to defend a rapist and liar.
You are a liar. There is no proof Kav raped anyone. I created this thread to show what filthy hypocrites liberals ALL are.
....Really, this, right?

View attachment 218211
^ Lol this rape enabler’s posting phony graphics calling for victims to be believed, while he spends his time enabling rapists and demonizing women.
Just posting the facts traitor.
Clinton has allegations like Trump, Kavanaugh, and Roy Moore but you worship those 3. Booker was a 15 year old consensually making out with another 15 year old. Ellison did not beat his ex. And Kennedy was before my time and I don’t care, but it was an accident. He did not intend to kill her while rapists like Kavanaugh do intend to rape.
Clinton, unlike all the others you spew about, lied under oath. He's a criminal pos. Kennedy may have had an accident, but leaving her to drown was no accident, criminal lover.
You were at Chappaquiddick? You should have come forward with your info decades ago!
Just posting the facts traitor.
You got BlackFag on defense. Won't change Democrat dirty tricks, but they know they've been exposed.
You're the one defending rapists killers and liars.
You created this thread to defend a rapist and liar.
You are a liar. There is no proof Kav raped anyone. I created this thread to show what filthy hypocrites liberals ALL are.
There’s no proof Clinton raped anyone. You’ve spent decades condemning him for it. Put your money where your mouth is. You have a chance to oppose another alleged rapist. Will you do it, or will you be a filthy hypocrite?
^ Lol this rape enabler’s posting phony graphics calling for victims to be believed, while he spends his time enabling rapists and demonizing women.
Just posting the facts traitor.
You got BlackFag on defense. Won't change Democrat dirty tricks, but they know they've been exposed.
You're the one defending rapists killers and liars.
You created this thread to defend a rapist and liar.
Says the Russian bot here to lie and divide.

Prove you are not Russian.
Hey Mike....just checked DRUDGE....they have a current photo up of Dr Ford!!!

OMG.....a total feminist bulldog type. What a surprise, huh??!! I knew she'd be a bulldog....aren't they all? What a load of dog doo....and let's see this Rodreiguez woman. Dollar to a bagel shes another train wreck looking bulldog.......and take a gander with all the women supporting them! All man-hating bulldogs!:gtssmiley2:
^ Lol this rape enabler’s posting phony graphics calling for victims to be believed, while he spends his time enabling rapists and demonizing women.
Just posting the facts traitor.
You got BlackFag on defense. Won't change Democrat dirty tricks, but they know they've been exposed.
You're the one defending rapists killers and liars.
You created this thread to defend a rapist and liar.
who did he rape?

we know who's lying.
Just posting the facts traitor.
You got BlackFag on defense. Won't change Democrat dirty tricks, but they know they've been exposed.
You're the one defending rapists killers and liars.
You created this thread to defend a rapist and liar.
Says the Russian bot here to lie and divide.

Prove you are not Russian.
Easy. I’m not trolling the world with Trump praise. There.
Just posting the facts traitor.
You got BlackFag on defense. Won't change Democrat dirty tricks, but they know they've been exposed.
You're the one defending rapists killers and liars.
You created this thread to defend a rapist and liar.
who did he rape?

we know who's lying.
He tried to rape Ford. In my eyes, anyone who tries to trap force himself on a woman is a rapist. A 2nd and now potentially a 3rd person are accusing him of full on rape.
....Really, this, right?

View attachment 218211
^ Lol this rape enabler’s posting phony graphics calling for victims to be believed, while he spends his time enabling rapists and demonizing women.
Just posting the facts traitor.
Clinton has allegations like Trump, Kavanaugh, and Roy Moore but you worship those 3. Booker was a 15 year old consensually making out with another 15 year old. Ellison did not beat his ex. And Kennedy was before my time and I don’t care, but it was an accident. He did not intend to kill her while rapists like Kavanaugh do intend to rape.
Clinton, unlike all the others you spew about, lied under oath. He's a criminal pos. Kennedy may have had an accident, but leaving her to drown was no accident, criminal lover.
You young pup! Those of us old enough to remember when Mary Jo was murdered remember why. She was pregnant and ready to sink Teddy's political future. It was no accident.
You got BlackFag on defense. Won't change Democrat dirty tricks, but they know they've been exposed.
You're the one defending rapists killers and liars.
You created this thread to defend a rapist and liar.
Says the Russian bot here to lie and divide.

Prove you are not Russian.
Easy. I’m not trolling the world with Trump praise. There.
Hardly proof.
I don't believe you.
You got BlackFag on defense. Won't change Democrat dirty tricks, but they know they've been exposed.
You're the one defending rapists killers and liars.
You created this thread to defend a rapist and liar.
You are a liar. There is no proof Kav raped anyone. I created this thread to show what filthy hypocrites liberals ALL are.
There’s no proof Clinton raped anyone. You’ve spent decades condemning him for it. Put your money where your mouth is. You have a chance to oppose another alleged rapist. Will you do it, or will you be a filthy hypocrite?

No proof Kavanaugh did either

You're the one defending rapists killers and liars.
You created this thread to defend a rapist and liar.
Says the Russian bot here to lie and divide.

Prove you are not Russian.
Easy. I’m not trolling the world with Trump praise. There.
Hardly proof.
I don't believe you.
That’s because you’re dumber than a pile of shit.
You got BlackFag on defense. Won't change Democrat dirty tricks, but they know they've been exposed.
You're the one defending rapists killers and liars.
You created this thread to defend a rapist and liar.
who did he rape?

we know who's lying.
He tried to rape Ford. In my eyes, anyone who tries to trap force himself on a woman is a rapist. A 2nd and now potentially a 3rd person are accusing him of full on rape.
The democrat political smear machine in full roar.

Start putting these women in prison and the fake rape claims will stop. We should have started with Anita Hill. Her ass should still be behind bars.

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