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Kavanaugh/Ford Opinon threads from Saturday, Sept 23, 2018

Will Ford Actually Make The Hearing On Thursday?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 30.8%
  • No

    Votes: 36 69.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The ignorant slut is just doing the Democrat's bidding by trying to delay the vote on Kavanaugh until after the November elections in the hope they will be back in power and can fill the court vacancy with another lefty liberal loon. .... :cool:
Please, there is NO reason to call her a slut.

I wouldn't use that word and I don't like it much. But I do feel bad for 15 yo Christine and I do wonder where her mother was, as I posted on another thread. She is reported to have slept with a LOT of boys/men before she left high school. I mean upwards of 50. I see that as a mother that neglected her duty, and I don't wonder that Ford was in therapy for it. That in itself is a form of abuse for a young woman, and where was the mother? Or even the father, for pity's sake?
Ford based on her claimed symptoms and her voluntary use of the brainwashing technique Recovered Memory Therapy (The inspiration for "The Manchurian Candidate" movies) would seem to indicate some sort of neuro-psych problem. Ford shows every indication that she's knows she is off her rocker. Psych work ups have not found anything useful. The other possibility is that she has suffered some sort of relatively minor brain injury at an early age but she has still managed to have a successful career.

Hate on her borderline psychopath "therapist" and her sleazy legal team as much as you want but why hate on the victim of dirtbags like Feinstein, Booker and Schumer?
I'm not at all convinced that she is their victim either. Scrubbing her social media indicates she's a participant.

She scrubbed her social media??
So it appears.
Kavanaugh accuser Blasey Ford scrubbed her social media profiles BEFORE she went public with baseless allegations
She has attacked a man without evidence, without witnesses...she is a known bernie sanders activist, and she is working with the democrat party in an obvious political operation ......... She initiated the attack against a man who at this point has a sterling reputation.....she is trying to smear him forever .... that is why.

So...you are saying...regardless of what happened...how dare she attack a man of such sterling reputation? That is why women are so reluctant to speak up.

No.... I am saying I don't believe her. I am saying she can't tell us when it happened, where it happened, all 3 people who she allegedly named as being there say it didn't happen and her girlfriend at the alleged party says it didn't happen......her story has changed from 4 boys to two, and she didn't send a letter to the chairman of the committee but to the democrats....who sat on this without telling anyone, and to this day have not shown the original letter to the chairman of the committee.....so no, I don't believe her.

there is nothing about this that is remotely credible.....she is a bernie sanders supporter who scrubbed her social media before going public........ she is a left wing hack, doing whatever she has to to stop Kavanaugh from being legitimately appointed to the Supreme Court...... this is one of the most vile political attacks in our history.
Your entire last paragraph essentially says you don’t believe her while you shred her character.
Now why don’t you list the things that make her believable? Being a woman isn’t one of them.
She is a intelligent, well educated, well known in her field?

What makes the POS Kavanaugh believable??? Because he is a lawyer? Really?

Because....moron..... he has had 6, deep, FBI background checks to get various positions in the Government and a long work history without any blemishes......you moron. And every single person indicated as having knowledge of this alleged attack has now gone on record as saying it didn't happen...... the only person who is not under oath at this point is Ford.....Kavanaugh and the others have made statements to the committee either at a hearing or in writing and lying in either one is a jailable offense....you moron.
Did she think she could make such an accusation and not face the accused? He has a right to face his accuser does he not?

If you fall on procedure, The Judiciary Committee invited her to testify. They indicated to her and her lawyers the testimony could be public or private. They indicated to her and her lawyers if she couldn't come to them, they would go to California.

They indicated to her and her lawyers she had until 10:00 hrs on Friday to decide if she wanted to testify on Monday. They indicated to her and her lawyers that if Monday was not possible they could make it Wednesday. When she missed the 10:00 hrs deadline, they extended it 12 hours to 22:00 hrs. When she missed the 22:00 hrs deadline, they have given her another 24 hours.

She doesn't get to pick the particulars of the venue outside of location if she chooses California. She doesn't get to decide the procedures under which the testimony will occur if and when she decides to testify. It has been established Anglo Saxon Law for more than 800 years that the accused gets to respond after the accuser testifies.

I don't necessarily want to believe either Dr. Ford or Brett Kavanuagh, but I can say the Judiciary Committee has done enough to offer Dr. Ford the ability to testify.

And it is now coming out that the lie about not wanting to fly........? She flew to Hawaii for an internship.....and I am sure that she has flown other times in her life as well...

Poking a Hole in Professor Ford's 'Fear of Flying' Excuse

One of her recent excuses was based on the claim that she couldn’t possibly make it to the hearing in time because Ford has a fear of flying (aviophobia) and would have to drive. Now, let’s put aside the fact that Republicans have literally offered to come out to California to accommodate her, and look into this claim. According to a report from ABC News, we get the following nugget of information.


This was written in a profile of Ford on September 19th:

Dr. Blasey developed a passion for surfing, which she shares with her husband and two sons. “She’s been chasing waves,” said Beth Stannard, a friend and former co-worker, who said Dr. Blasey’s decisions to teach at Pepperdine, in Malibu, Calif., and to complete an internship at the University of Hawaii were at least partly informed by the campuses’ seaside locations. She and her family live in Palo Alto — where she has volunteered for her sons’ schools and junior lifeguard training, has restored her midcentury modern home with an eye toward historical preservation, and has attended Stanford football and basketball games with her family. The family also has a house in Santa Cruz, famed for its beaches and breaks.

Did Ford swim to Hawaii for that internship? Did she ride a pontoon? Are we expected to believe she took a boat?
Why are you working so hard to destroy her reputation?

She has attacked a man without evidence, without witnesses...she is a known bernie sanders activist, and she is working with the democrat party in an obvious political operation ......... She initiated the attack against a man who at this point has a sterling reputation.....she is trying to smear him forever .... that is why.
She attacked a man whom she KNEW sexually assaulted her.




And from Charles C.W. Cooke...

And Then There Was One . . . | National Review

Well, we seem to have hit a brick wall. All four of the people named by Kavanaugh’s accuser have now given their accounts to the Senate. And all four of them have said either that Kavanaugh is innocent of all charges, or that they have no recollection of his doing anything — anything — wrong. Put as simply as can be, there is nothing in the testimony of any of the named witnesses that corroborates, supports, or even implies Dr. Ford’s allegations. Of the five people who were supposedly at the party, only the accuser has suggested misconduct.

Stranger still, Dr. Ford remains the only person within the saga who has not subjected herself to an oath. In various forms, everyone else has given written information that, if false, can lead to serious punishment. Dr. Ford has not — and, as of this writing, she is still doing everything she can to avoid changing that.
No.... I am saying I don't believe her. I am saying she can't tell us when it happened, where it happened, all 3 people who she allegedly named as being there say it didn't happen and her girlfriend at the alleged party says it didn't happen......her story has changed from 4 boys to two, and she didn't send a letter to the chairman of the committee but to the democrats....who sat on this without telling anyone, and to this day have not shown the original letter to the chairman of the committee.....so no, I don't believe her.

there is nothing about this that is remotely credible.....she is a bernie sanders supporter who scrubbed her social media before going public........ she is a left wing hack, doing whatever she has to to stop Kavanaugh from being legitimately appointed to the Supreme Court...... this is one of the most vile political attacks in our history.
Your entire last paragraph essentially says you don’t believe her while you shred her character.
Now why don’t you list the things that make her believable? Being a woman isn’t one of them.
She is a intelligent, well educated, well known in her field?

What makes the POS Kavanaugh believable??? Because he is a lawyer? Really?
Because he is intelligent well educated, well known in his field, a lawyer, and a judge!

Blood sucking layers are always honest & tell the truth.

He has something to lose.

She has nothing to gain.

Moron, she is going to be the first #MeToo millionaire no matter how she testifies on Thursday...or whenever......she has the Golden Ticket. She will get a book deal, a movie deal, she has just increased her lecture and speaking fees by about 500%, she will now be able to teach at any Ivy League school she wants, and will get Dept. Head in record time......she is the only person set to gain anything here....not to forget the Red Carpet Treatment at this years Oscars as she will be invited by every slime ball in Hollywood to make an appearance........
Seventy-Five Women Voice Support for Kavanaugh
Sarah Fagen, a former colleague of Kavanaugh’s from the George W. Bush administration, asserted the women felt compelled to stand with the nominee because the allegation presented does not fit with what they’ve come to know about his conscience and character.

Ford is a lying twat nd those who believe are just as dumbed down as the next idiots who actually believes God is coming tomorrow.,

You are being lead into a lie just as you same morons were being lead to NOT LIKE TRUMP you are to gawd dam stupid to see this is what they do to maek you/the majority of the population NOT LIKE or want TRUMP, Kavanaugh, Pence or any other idiots you leftist claim is a rapist, or oh my gawd save the children, omg he's tearing the children from mommy . Wake up losers.
No worries Mind.....just look at the traffic on these threads even since yesterday morning. These progressive mofu's are spending the day making sure the supply of KY doesnt run low.....lots of trips to CVS. It's called preparation for the bumpy.....a handful of the real mental cases will still be posting but the whole Dr Ford shit is suddenly pretty much a train wreck!:113::113:
The ignorant slut is just doing the Democrat's bidding by trying to delay the vote on Kavanaugh until after the November elections in the hope they will be back in power and can fill the court vacancy with another lefty liberal loon. .... :cool:
Please, there is NO reason to call her a slut.

She self identifies as a slut.
In fact she told her buddy she regretted being one.
The ignorant slut is just doing the Democrat's bidding by trying to delay the vote on Kavanaugh until after the November elections in the hope they will be back in power and can fill the court vacancy with another lefty liberal loon. .... :cool:
Even if the Democrats win in November, the Republican Majority is in power until January 2019 when the new Senators are sworn in... there is plenty of time, so that's not the strategy.... besides, it is NOT the Senate that the Dems are suppose to win the majority, it is the House....

Maybe if the FBI had reopened their back ground check when this was revealed, and taken the 3 days to investigate, this would all be over with already, but nooooooooooooooo, they could not do that...oh Lordy, they could not do that.... instead we have a long, dragged out, dog and pony show....
You do realize Kavanaugh has had 6 fbi back ground checks, and he cleared them all?
Apparently there was a third person in the room. He was Besties with Brett Kavanaugh. And he refuses to swear under oath. Fuking hilarious!
My oh my. Did she just make up this memory in some shoddy therapy work or what? What is going on here?

The last of Ford's four named "witnesses" released a statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee through her attorney. Leland Keyser says she doesn't remember EVER attending a party where Brett Kavanaugh was in attendance, with or without Christina Ford.

So what could her testimony be now? This is what I remember, despite absolutely no evidence to support it? I mean that's great...I guess. I once remember winning a billion dollars though I have absolutely no evidence to support it.

Hey, where my money at? Someone give me my money back. It happened, it did, I remember it!!

Leland Ingham Keyser -- Christine Blasey Ford's Friend Contradicts Her on Party | National Review

Frankly I am surprised Christine Ford's sexual assault allegation is the most nefarious card the radical Left has so far played against Kavanaugh, that we know about. Really quite shocking they haven't attempted violent direct action—yet. After all, with abortion's ideological neck on the chopping block, one might reasonably conclude the radical Left would try anything to postpone or destroy any threat to its survival. Perhaps Ford is a diversion of some kind, who knows.
Hey....he never tried to rape me

That proves he is not a rapist
My oh my. Did she just make up this memory in some shoddy therapy work or what? What is going on here?

The last of Ford's four named "witnesses" released a statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee through her attorney. Leland Keyser says she doesn't remember EVER attending a party where Brett Kavanaugh was in attendance, with or without Christina Ford.

So what could her testimony be now? This is what I remember, despite absolutely no evidence to support it? I mean that's great...I guess. I once remember winning a billion dollars though I have absolutely no evidence to support it.

Hey, where my money at? Someone give me my money back. It happened, it did, I remember it!!

Leland Ingham Keyser -- Christine Blasey Ford's Friend Contradicts Her on Party | National Review

Frankly I am surprised Christine Ford's sexual assault allegation is the most nefarious card the radical Left has so far played against Kavanaugh, that we know about. Really quite shocking they haven't attempted violent direct action—yet. After all, with abortion's ideological neck on the chopping block, one might reasonably conclude the radical Left would try anything to postpone or destroy any threat to its survival. Perhaps Ford is a diversion of some kind, who knows.

Yep......she is a bernie supporter and it was a bernie supporter who tried to murder the Republican baseball team.... the left are becoming more and more unhinged....the threat of more violence is becoming real...
Now, a FOURTH purported "witness" claims NO knowledge of Kavanaugh assault

Now, a FOURTH purported claims NO knowledge of Kavanaugh assault
Epic Fail: Conservatives were disappointed Saturday to learn that Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, had caved to demands from Christine Blasey Ford for "more time" before she is prepared to testify before the panel regarding her allegations that SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her more than three decades ago. In agreeing to delay Ford's testimony, Grassley appeared to be taking the side of one woman with a sketchy claim who appears to have been involved with Democrats in delaying Kavanaugh's nomination to more than 75 women who have come forward to vouch for the nominee. Now, there is even less of a reason to believe Ford or to delay voting on Kavanaugh's confirmation any longer.

A fourth so-called "witness" to Kavanaugh's assault has now claimed to have no recollection of it.
Fox News reports:
Another person claimed by Christine Blasey Ford to have attended a gathering decades ago during which, Ford claims, she was sexually assaulted by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has denied any recollection of having attended the party.
In an email to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Saturday, Leland Ingham Keyser, a former classmate of Ford's at the Holton-Arms all-girls school in Maryland, said she doesn't know Kavanaugh or remember being at the party with him.

Good news. We knew Ed Whelan, legal investigator, had the names and homes of all the other 3 teens Ford claimed were at the "party". None put Kavanaugh there. Will they be used to counter Ford's allegations of assault?
Meanwhile, "Ford's witnesses have all been completely consistent. Kavanaugh's nomination must be withdrawn immediately."
So glad we have heard from all the people Ms. Ford said were present at this fuzzy memory of a party laced with drink, sex and drugs.
Would love (and be eternally relieved) to have Senator Grassley move forward expeditiously with Judge Kavanaugh confirmation so the nation can move onto equally pressing needs to remove criminally-inclined operatives from the offices of our government. The Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat modern method of lynching conservatives.
Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats
and the rest of the lefties are unrelenting. They will do anything to sabotage any sane proposal. That is a given. What sends me over the top is when some from the GOP (yes Collins, Flake, and Murkowski I am speaking to you and some of your cohorts) go along with this stuff. They are buying into identity politics just as much. The point of a nomination to the SC is simple, the President has made a pick and they are asked to consent to it, NOT approve it. He won, he gets to pick. Without a provable character flaw, not some political disagreement by the senator, he is to be confirmed.
Now, a FOURTH purported claims NO knowledge of Kavanaugh assault
Epic Fail: Conservatives were disappointed Saturday to learn that Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, had caved to demands from Christine Blasey Ford for "more time" before she is prepared to testify before the panel regarding her allegations that SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her more than three decades ago. In agreeing to delay Ford's testimony, Grassley appeared to be taking the side of one woman with a sketchy claim who appears to have been involved with Democrats in delaying Kavanaugh's nomination to more than 75 women who have come forward to vouch for the nominee. Now, there is even less of a reason to believe Ford or to delay voting on Kavanaugh's confirmation any longer.

A fourth so-called "witness" to Kavanaugh's assault has now claimed to have no recollection of it.
Fox News reports:
Another person claimed by Christine Blasey Ford to have attended a gathering decades ago during which, Ford claims, she was sexually assaulted by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has denied any recollection of having attended the party.
In an email to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Saturday, Leland Ingham Keyser, a former classmate of Ford's at the Holton-Arms all-girls school in Maryland, said she doesn't know Kavanaugh or remember being at the party with him.

Good news. We knew Ed Whelan, legal investigator, had the names and homes of all the other 3 teens Ford claimed were at the "party". None put Kavanaugh there. Will they be used to counter Ford's allegations of assault?
Meanwhile, "Ford's witnesses have all been completely consistent. Kavanaugh's nomination must be withdrawn immediately."
So glad we have heard from all the people Ms. Ford said were present at this fuzzy memory of a party laced with drink, sex and drugs.
Would love (and be eternally relieved) to have Senator Grassley move forward expeditiously with Judge Kavanaugh confirmation so the nation can move onto equally pressing needs to remove criminally-inclined operatives from the offices of our government. The Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat modern method of lynching conservatives.
Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats
and the rest of the lefties are unrelenting. They will do anything to sabotage any sane proposal. That is a given. What sends me over the top is when some from the GOP (yes Collins, Flake, and Murkowski I am speaking to you and some of your cohorts) go along with this stuff. They are buying into identity politics just as much. The point of a nomination to the SC is simple, the President has made a pick and they are asked to consent to it, NOT approve it. He won, he gets to pick. Without a provable character flaw, not some political disagreement by the senator, he is to be confirmed.

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