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Kavanaugh/Ford Opinon threads from Saturday, Sept 23, 2018

Will Ford Actually Make The Hearing On Thursday?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 30.8%
  • No

    Votes: 36 69.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
uh-huh. i pity any so called 'conservatives' on this this thread. hopefully none of you have daughters.

i wonder if any of that ilk also believe that a 'man' shouldn't be charged with raping his wife after she refuses him.... that rape doesn't exist in a 'marriage'.

I pity any defendant if you or your liberal friends are on jury duty, because you’re supposed to be innocent until proven guilty! Right?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

lol... just like you presumed OJ was innocent b4 they said so?
because her testimony can be corroborated with witness'.


Really? What witnesses have come forward? I mean actual witnesses who have not retracted. What you got?

her doctor & her husband dating back to 2012. what harm is it to have them testify under oath? because it's' time saving?'


Those aren't witnesses. She basically told them what she remembered. They weren't there. And we already have the therapist's notes which don't even name Kavanaugh

you have the notes? they were released? oh the fact that it was from 6 years ago, loooooooooooooong before trump & the 'election' & the 2nd nomination has credence. her husband who DID say she named kavanaugh back then certainly has merit too. & if this is all political & she's some kind of plant, then it will come out. btw- she could have very well gone after justice gorsuch - who your pussy grabbing president got onto the SC... they both went to the same school, but she didn't. why not?

chew on that one, suzy.

She apparently "recovered" these memories in therapy. That's a dubious practice even in the arena of psychology. That's for starters. For enders, not one of the four people she named as witnesses collaborate her story under oath. Not. One.

This is all but over

PTSD & it's effects are nothing to ponder when you haven't been thru it, nor understand the consequences of it.. so your point about that is dismissed.

'For enders, not one of the four people she named as witnesses collaborate her story under oath. Not. One.'

when were they under oath? & she isn't being doubted by at least one, & why.

Christine Blasey Ford moves closer to deal with Senate Republicans to testify against Kavanaugh
But only if you're a Conservative, of course. I mean, of course.

This is your daily reminder that if you're a Democrat, you can beat up your girlfriend on Domestic Violence charges and the Left won't whisper a peep. Heck, you can engage in shenanigans in the Oval Office with an intern and be impeached and STILL be lauded as a great statesman decades later.

But if your record is spotless save for one woman who says, 36 years later, that you once did things with her she didn't like, when you were both drunk and you were 17--your ship is sunk. Butamotral person in Trump. You ekected the most vile, disgusted, wioman abusing .. again: only if you're Conservative. This would be laughed off if you were a Democrat, because of COURSE you did those things.

They'd call you Uncle Brett for it. Maybe they'd wonder why you didn't drive her into a lake.
You Conservatives re-elected David Vitter when Spitzer was ousted. Conservatives voted Donald Trump, the most vile, amoral, women abusers of all time. Trump had an affair with a porn star, Edwards was ousted. You ignore that Kavaugh was a drunk in high school & tried to rape a girl.
Don't lie & pretend that Conservatives are the party of family values.
No proof has been offered. The accuser is too cowardly to testify!
In real life Willow, it is extremely difficult for a victim of sexual assault to face her attacker.
Did she think she could make such an accusation and not face the accused? He has a right to face his accuser does he not?

it can be done via closed circuit. it's done all the time.
Says you, citing your imagination.

Ford says that she was pulled into the bedroom against her will, that they turned up music so no one would be able to hear her, that Kavanaugh held her down, that Kavanaugh covered her mouth when she tried to scream to such an extent that Ford thought that Kavanaugh might kill her inadvertantly.

That Kavanaugh tried to remove her swimsuit while she was pinned and kept from screaming.

That's forcible attempted rape.
Rape is ictually going into the vagina. Grabbing a breast is not rape Skyliar

Per Ford's account, Kavanaugh tried to pull off her swim suit while holding his hand over her mouth when she tried to scream.

That's attempted forcible rape.
Wrong silly. Others chime in
You are stabbing yourself to death in front of us. Might wanna stop

covering her mouth to muffle her screams

turning up the radio to muffle her screams

lying on top of her to prevent her from leaving

attempting to take off her bathing suit against her consent

all add up to attempted sexual assault.

& the term 'rape' is legally defined as more than what you described.

educate yourself.
I know it appeals to your feelings to exaggerate a youthful roll about as rape but even if every word was true it’s not rape. Since she was drunk and there of her own accord I doubt a case can even be made for attempted sexual assault of a minor by a minor
I am educated and driven by fact and not what I feel nor wish

^^^ total bullshit ^^^
But only if you're a Conservative, of course. I mean, of course.

This is your daily reminder that if you're a Democrat, you can beat up your girlfriend on Domestic Violence charges and the Left won't whisper a peep. Heck, you can engage in shenanigans in the Oval Office with an intern and be impeached and STILL be lauded as a great statesman decades later.

But if your record is spotless save for one woman who says, 36 years later, that you once did things with her she didn't like, when you were both drunk and you were 17--your ship is sunk. Butamotral person in Trump. You ekected the most vile, disgusted, wioman abusing .. again: only if you're Conservative. This would be laughed off if you were a Democrat, because of COURSE you did those things.

They'd call you Uncle Brett for it. Maybe they'd wonder why you didn't drive her into a lake.
You Conservatives re-elected David Vitter when Spitzer was ousted. Conservatives voted Donald Trump, the most vile, amoral, women abusers of all time. Trump had an affair with a porn star, Edwards was ousted. You ignore that Kavaugh was a drunk in high school & tried to rape a girl.
Don't lie & pretend that Conservatives are the party of family values.
No proof has been offered. The accuser is too cowardly to testify!
In real life Willow, it is extremely difficult for a victim of sexual assault to face her attacker.
Did she think she could make such an accusation and not face the accused? He has a right to face his accuser does he not?

it can be done via closed circuit. it's done all the time.
What are you afraid of? What is she afraid of? Face him. Speak and stop laying down conditions. You started this shit babe now come forth and speak or let’s hold the fucking vote!
Kavanaugh's victim did not speak about this for years. Why should these people remember something they never considered significant? Ms. Ford will speak on Thursday. You rape enablers failed to silence or destroy her, as you have done to countless rape victims.

Hey Moron.

The lifelong friend of this Loon Ford, a woman---who Ford says was at the Party...do you know what she said?

She did not say she was at the party with Kavanaugh and didn't see or hear anything.

She said she was NOT at the party AND that she has never met Kavanaugh.

No way around it---she completely destroys her life-long friend's BULLSHIT.
The ignorant slut is just doing the Democrat's bidding by trying to delay the vote on Kavanaugh until after the November elections in the hope they will be back in power and can fill the court vacancy with another lefty liberal loon. .... :cool:
Please, there is NO reason to call her a slut.

I wouldn't use that word and I don't like it much. But I do feel bad for 15 yo Christine and I do wonder where her mother was, as I posted on another thread. She is reported to have slept with a LOT of boys/men before she left high school. I mean upwards of 50. I see that as a mother that neglected her duty, and I don't wonder that Ford was in therapy for it. That in itself is a form of abuse for a young woman, and where was the mother? Or even the father, for pity's sake?
You don’t like the word and you wouldn’t use it much. But you would slime a woman you don’t know. Odd that.

Well now. She is pictured in her high school yearbook in drinking binges and very provocative clothing, and was said to sleep around a LOT. That does not mean she "deserved" to be assaulted or raped at all. But I don't think that is a great teenage life for a 15 year old girl. Do you? I have raised a daughter who is a few years older and certainly, most certainly, did NOT want her to experience this at 15. Would you?

Now she is a woman grown. If Kavanaugh actually did what she said he did, then she had a right to speak up about it, though she picked a curious time. But it seems he did not. Even her own long-time female friend says she never heard of it and never was at a party with him. Which now makes this GROWN WOMAN really suspect. So here is the deal: when you do things in public, like smear someone like Brett Kavanaugh, you're going to get "publicly smeared". You don't become sainted just because you're a woman and you feel like accusing someone of a sex crime.

Well, you do if you hang out in Leftist circles but those circles are insane. So there is that.
Kavanaugh has become an albatross around the GOP`s neck right now. Suburban women were already tilting Democrat and when the Repub senators get nasty with Dr. Blasey, and they will, they risk an even greater backlash at the polls in November.

She won't testify. It's not going to happen. This thing is collapsing.
Kavanaugh's victim did not speak about this for years. Why should these people remember something they never considered significant? Ms. Ford will speak on Thursday. You rape enablers failed to silence or destroy her, as you have done to countless rape victims.
You goobers are the only ones alleging rape, not even the liar Ford has gone that far.
She passed a polygraph test administered by a former FBI agent.

What were the questions they asked? Did they ask, "Did Brett Kavanaugh pull you into a room against your will, put his hand over your mouth..." etc? Or did they ask her more general and "soft" questions?

Do you even know?

We have two accounts. One is backed by a polygraph. One is not.

And you're insisting that the person who passed the polygraph shouldn't be believed.

Um, why?

No....we have an accusation that cannot be backed up with physical evidence or witnesses...the named witness to the alleged attack says he didn't see it happen..........the victim tells us she can't remember where it happened or when it happened and that the only reason she even remembered it was "memory regression" therapy 30 years later........that is what you do not have, actual evidence....
So, it is OK to rape women if there are no witnesses.
Women are normally raped without witnessses present.
Then they normally go to the police and report it and evidence is gathered so it can be determined whether or not she has indeed been raped.
Don’t you know this?.

The Criminal Justice System: Statistics
The Vast Majority of Perpetrators Will Not Go to Jail or Prison


The Majority of Sexual Assaults Are Not Reported to the Police
Only 310 out of every 1,000 sexual assaults are reported to police. That means about 2 out of 3 go unreported.1

  • Individuals of college-age2
    • Female Students: 20% report
    • Female Non-Students: 32% report
  • The elderly: 28% report3
  • Members of the military: 43% of female victims and 10% of male victims reported.4
Reasons Victims Choose to Report—or Not
Of the sexual violence crimes reported to police from 2005-2010, the survivor reporting gave the following reasons for doing so:5

  • 28% to protect the household or victim from further crimes by the offender
  • 25% to stop the incident or prevent recurrence or escalation
  • 21% to improve police surveillance or they believed they had a duty to do so
  • 17% to catch/punish/prevent offender from reoffending
  • 6% gave a different answer, or declined to cite one reason
  • 3% did so to get help or recover loss
Of the sexual violence crimes not reported to police from 2005-2010, the victim gave the following reasons for not reporting:5

  • 20% feared retaliation
  • 13% believed the police would not do anything to help
  • 13% believed it was a personal matter
  • 8% reported to a different official
  • 8% believed it was not important enough to report
  • 7% did not want to get the perpetrator in trouble
  • 2% believed the police could not do anything to help
  • 30% gave another reason, or did not cite one reason
Read more statistics about perpetrators of sexual violence.

The Criminal Justice System: Statistics | RAINN
Kavanaugh has become an albatross around the GOP`s neck right now. Suburban women were already tilting Democrat and when the Repub senators get nasty with Dr. Blasey, and they will, they risk an even greater backlash at the polls in November.

Most women don't believe the bimbo prof.

The Left expects us to forget that there is a Mrs. Kavanaugh, and that Mrs. Kavanaugh has two daughters.

In truth, almost all women know women like it SEEMS Christina Ford might have been, or is. Mmmm-hmmm. This is why the support for her is "surprisingly" low among women.
Really? What witnesses have come forward? I mean actual witnesses who have not retracted. What you got?

her doctor & her husband dating back to 2012. what harm is it to have them testify under oath? because it's' time saving?'


Those aren't witnesses. She basically told them what she remembered. They weren't there. And we already have the therapist's notes which don't even name Kavanaugh

you have the notes? they were released? oh the fact that it was from 6 years ago, loooooooooooooong before trump & the 'election' & the 2nd nomination has credence. her husband who DID say she named kavanaugh back then certainly has merit too. & if this is all political & she's some kind of plant, then it will come out. btw- she could have very well gone after justice gorsuch - who your pussy grabbing president got onto the SC... they both went to the same school, but she didn't. why not?

chew on that one, suzy.

She apparently "recovered" these memories in therapy. That's a dubious practice even in the arena of psychology. That's for starters. For enders, not one of the four people she named as witnesses collaborate her story under oath. Not. One.

This is all but over

PTSD & it's effects are nothing to ponder when you haven't been thru it, nor understand the consequences of it.. so your point about that is dismissed.

'For enders, not one of the four people she named as witnesses collaborate her story under oath. Not. One.'

when were they under oath? & she isn't being doubted by at least one, & why.

Christine Blasey Ford moves closer to deal with Senate Republicans to testify against Kavanaugh

Repressed and recovered memory is still a very controversial therapy in psychology and psychiatry, not matter what you THINK you know about PTSD. That's first. Second, any letter you submit to the Congress is considered subject to perjury, just like being under oath. It's like sworn testimony in writing. Note: Ford has submitted no such thing. Hmmmm, right?
You Conservatives re-elected David Vitter when Spitzer was ousted. Conservatives voted Donald Trump, the most vile, amoral, women abusers of all time. Trump had an affair with a porn star, Edwards was ousted. You ignore that Kavaugh was a drunk in high school & tried to rape a girl.
Don't lie & pretend that Conservatives are the party of family values.
No proof has been offered. The accuser is too cowardly to testify!
In real life Willow, it is extremely difficult for a victim of sexual assault to face her attacker.
Did she think she could make such an accusation and not face the accused? He has a right to face his accuser does he not?

it can be done via closed circuit. it's done all the time.
What are you afraid of? What is she afraid of? Face him. Speak and stop laying down conditions. You started this shit babe now come forth and speak or let’s hold the fucking vote!

sure, uh-huh. i am not afraid. i want her to testify. now educate yourself with the post about real rape stats & why you were real stupid like with that reply.
No proof has been offered. The accuser is too cowardly to testify!
In real life Willow, it is extremely difficult for a victim of sexual assault to face her attacker.
Did she think she could make such an accusation and not face the accused? He has a right to face his accuser does he not?

it can be done via closed circuit. it's done all the time.
What are you afraid of? What is she afraid of? Face him. Speak and stop laying down conditions. You started this shit babe now come forth and speak or let’s hold the fucking vote!

sure, uh-huh. i am not afraid. i want her to testify. now educate yourself with the post about real rape stats & why you were real stupid like with that reply.
You can’t answer the questions? Got it.
her doctor & her husband dating back to 2012. what harm is it to have them testify under oath? because it's' time saving?'


Those aren't witnesses. She basically told them what she remembered. They weren't there. And we already have the therapist's notes which don't even name Kavanaugh

you have the notes? they were released? oh the fact that it was from 6 years ago, loooooooooooooong before trump & the 'election' & the 2nd nomination has credence. her husband who DID say she named kavanaugh back then certainly has merit too. & if this is all political & she's some kind of plant, then it will come out. btw- she could have very well gone after justice gorsuch - who your pussy grabbing president got onto the SC... they both went to the same school, but she didn't. why not?

chew on that one, suzy.

She apparently "recovered" these memories in therapy. That's a dubious practice even in the arena of psychology. That's for starters. For enders, not one of the four people she named as witnesses collaborate her story under oath. Not. One.

This is all but over

PTSD & it's effects are nothing to ponder when you haven't been thru it, nor understand the consequences of it.. so your point about that is dismissed.

'For enders, not one of the four people she named as witnesses collaborate her story under oath. Not. One.'

when were they under oath? & she isn't being doubted by at least one, & why.

Christine Blasey Ford moves closer to deal with Senate Republicans to testify against Kavanaugh

Repressed and recovered memory is still a very controversial therapy in psychology and psychiatry, not matter what you THINK you know about PTSD. That's first. Second, any letter you submit to the Congress is considered subject to perjury, just like being under oath. It's like sworn testimony in writing. Note: Ford has submitted no such thing. Hmmmm, right?

she wants witness that can be questioned in person.... & you don't know if that actually was her therapy, do you?
What were the questions they asked? Did they ask, "Did Brett Kavanaugh pull you into a room against your will, put his hand over your mouth..." etc? Or did they ask her more general and "soft" questions?

Do you even know?

We have two accounts. One is backed by a polygraph. One is not.

And you're insisting that the person who passed the polygraph shouldn't be believed.

Um, why?

No....we have an accusation that cannot be backed up with physical evidence or witnesses...the named witness to the alleged attack says he didn't see it happen..........the victim tells us she can't remember where it happened or when it happened and that the only reason she even remembered it was "memory regression" therapy 30 years later........that is what you do not have, actual evidence....
So, it is OK to rape women if there are no witnesses.
Women are normally raped without witnessses present.
Then they normally go to the police and report it and evidence is gathered so it can be determined whether or not she has indeed been raped.
Don’t you know this?.

The Criminal Justice System: Statistics
The Vast Majority of Perpetrators Will Not Go to Jail or Prison


The Majority of Sexual Assaults Are Not Reported to the Police
Only 310 out of every 1,000 sexual assaults are reported to police. That means about 2 out of 3 go unreported.1

  • Individuals of college-age2
    • Female Students: 20% report
    • Female Non-Students: 32% report
  • The elderly: 28% report3
  • Members of the military: 43% of female victims and 10% of male victims reported.4
Reasons Victims Choose to Report—or Not
Of the sexual violence crimes reported to police from 2005-2010, the survivor reporting gave the following reasons for doing so:5

  • 28% to protect the household or victim from further crimes by the offender
  • 25% to stop the incident or prevent recurrence or escalation
  • 21% to improve police surveillance or they believed they had a duty to do so
  • 17% to catch/punish/prevent offender from reoffending
  • 6% gave a different answer, or declined to cite one reason
  • 3% did so to get help or recover loss
Of the sexual violence crimes not reported to police from 2005-2010, the victim gave the following reasons for not reporting:5

  • 20% feared retaliation
  • 13% believed the police would not do anything to help
  • 13% believed it was a personal matter
  • 8% reported to a different official
  • 8% believed it was not important enough to report
  • 7% did not want to get the perpetrator in trouble
  • 2% believed the police could not do anything to help
  • 30% gave another reason, or did not cite one reason
Read more statistics about perpetrators of sexual violence.

The Criminal Justice System: Statistics | RAINN

Sure. Is this the same organization that manufactured the now debunked "one out of three college women is assaulted" or some such? Their title page says, "We believe YOU". Yeah? How nice. But what if I'm lying and I know it, or I don't know it because I had "repressed memory therapy" but I'll just go with it anyway???
Kavanaugh has become an albatross around the GOP`s neck right now. Suburban women were already tilting Democrat and when the Repub senators get nasty with Dr. Blasey, and they will, they risk an even greater backlash at the polls in November.

Most women don't believe the bimbo prof.

The Left expects us to forget that there is a Mrs. Kavanaugh, and that Mrs. Kavanaugh has two daughters.

In truth, almost all women know women like it SEEMS Christina Ford might have been, or is. Mmmm-hmmm. This is why the support for her is "surprisingly" low among women.
Mr. Trump has a wife and a daughter so what`s your point? It didn`t stop him from buying whores and grabbing pussies.
In real life Willow, it is extremely difficult for a victim of sexual assault to face her attacker.
Did she think she could make such an accusation and not face the accused? He has a right to face his accuser does he not?

it can be done via closed circuit. it's done all the time.
What are you afraid of? What is she afraid of? Face him. Speak and stop laying down conditions. You started this shit babe now come forth and speak or let’s hold the fucking vote!

sure, uh-huh. i am not afraid. i want her to testify. now educate yourself with the post about real rape stats & why you were real stupid like with that reply.
You can’t answer the questions? Got it.

i answered. thought you were tilly, but you apparently didn't like it ? the same reasons why it's protocol in certain cases to go w/ closed circuit? too bad.
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