Kavanaugh friend Mark Judge: 'I will cooperate' with FBI probe of sex assault claims

If Judge says the incident never happened do you think the Democrats will see things differently? I dont think so.
I have no idea but it will finally put to rest any nagging questions people have about what Judge knew.

I hope your right, but I have my doubts. I think what will happen will be during that time other women with allegations impossible to prove will come forward. and the news media will run it all. Consider the possiblity that CAV is innocent as charged... it wont really matter, his family will never recover from this.
This allegation BECAUSE it IS so serious should not have been brought forward unless there was something to back it up. Ford is not a dummy and shes not a teenage girl anymore though is seems she is being treated that way. She actually has had all these years, she could have tried to contact people... find names and places and if this was true, people would have helped her.
All this means is that Judge is not going to give the Dems an excuse to hold up Kavanaugh's confirmation. He'll tell the FBI what he already put in his statement to the Senate Judiciary Commitee (under penalty of a felony if not truthful).

The funny thing is Judge couldn't prove anything anymore than Ford can

Back to he said she said BS

Indeed. But the point is delay, not an investigation.

I knew that asshole Flake would muck things up. The sob needs to get out of the way
This judge will not be Confirmed, that's my guess.

Expect more allegations, more witnesses, more flimsy "changes of memories", most who will get a gofundme page for their efforts, this is a goldmine for someone looking fro a quick payday.

You're Constitution is under attack by global socialists and they will stop at NOTHING to ensure you don't control your own destiny or borders. Look at all the open allegations, be it Chinese spies or others who are accused of beating their wives with NO consequences?

This isn't going to end. Canada is one of the leaders of this "socialism outreach", I always get this feeling too many of you don't appreciate how the world is so different from America, and these radicals hate it and they will eventually get their way. 2016 Was supposed to finish the job, they will still get their way one way or another it seems...
If nothing comes from this what will the next delay tactic be?

The Leftists have five days to suddenly get another 5, 10, 15 whatever women to come forward to say THEY have suddenly remembered they had an encounter 35 years ago with Brett Kavanaugh and then the Leftists will demand that the FBI investigate that also and the usual three RINOs will ALL agree that yes the FBI needs to investigate all the new 5, 10, 15 accusations also so the effect then is a Permanent Delay on any vote on Brett Kavanaugh.
What this really does is allow more time to orchestrate new allegations and delay the vote even further...I posted here yesterday that this is what flake was more than likely going to do...he has no legacy, he will have one now.
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All this means is that Judge is not going to give the Dems an excuse to hold up Kavanaugh's confirmation. He'll tell the FBI what he already put in his statement to the Senate Judiciary Commitee (under penalty of a felony if not truthful).

The funny thing is Judge couldn't prove anything anymore than Ford can

Back to he said she said BS

Indeed. But the point is delay, not an investigation.

I knew that asshole Flake would muck things up. The sob needs to get out of the way

No shit. He's very McCainy.
If Judge says the incident never happened do you think the Democrats will see things differently? I dont think so.
I have no idea but it will finally put to rest any nagging questions people have about what Judge knew.

Will it, remember he was an accomplice to the alleged attempted rape.

ALLEGED accomplice. Do you realize Ford was at some party that she went to by herself.... in a different neighborhood and she cant explain how she got home. Was she drinking heavy to have such a bad memory? and if so, after 35 years she could put anyones face to that perp. And why not? Trump and Cavenaugh are part of the problem to Democrats. bringing a false charge against a privledged white guy is no big deal, I'm sure they all deserve it anyway for things we don't know about. In my opinion.. that is the mindset of most of these radical democrats
I thought Mark Judge already gave a statement under oath. What is the FBI going to do? Give him him the 3rd degree under a bright light? How about water-boarding him? Wanna bet the Democrats would have no problem with that?
All this means is that Judge is not going to give the Dems an excuse to hold up Kavanaugh's confirmation. He'll tell the FBI what he already put in his statement to the Senate Judiciary Commitee (under penalty of a felony if not truthful).
Yep. He already said I DIDNT HAPPEN.
Now he says he'll happily talk to the FBI. He just doesn't want to be a part of the Democrat circus.

This helps the Demonrats in NO way.
All this means is that Judge is not going to give the Dems an excuse to hold up Kavanaugh's confirmation. He'll tell the FBI what he already put in his statement to the Senate Judiciary Commitee (under penalty of a felony if not truthful).

The funny thing is Judge couldn't prove anything anymore than Ford can

Back to he said she said BS

Indeed. But the point is delay, not an investigation.

I knew that asshole Flake would muck things up. The sob needs to get out of the way

No shit. He's very McCainy.

He's a jackass. Reminds me of McCain
All this means is that Judge is not going to give the Dems an excuse to hold up Kavanaugh's confirmation. He'll tell the FBI what he already put in his statement to the Senate Judiciary Commitee (under penalty of a felony if not truthful).

The funny thing is Judge couldn't prove anything anymore than Ford can

Back to he said she said BS

Indeed. But the point is delay, not an investigation.

I knew that asshole Flake would muck things up. The sob needs to get out of the way

No shit. He's very McCainy.

He's a jackass. Reminds me of McCain

McCain without the nasty temper.
  • A lawyer for Mark Judge, the high school buddy of embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, told CNBC that Judge "will answer any and all questions posed to him" by the FBI about serious sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh.
  • The cooperation offer came on the heels of several Senators asking for Kavanaugh's final confirmation vote to be delayed until after the FBI has a chance to investigate claims that he tried to rape a 15-year-old high school girl in the early 1980s.
  • " If the FBI or any law enforcement agency requests Mr. Judge's cooperation, he will answer any and all questions posed to him," Judge's lawyer Barbara Van Gelder told CNBC in an email.
This puts a new light on everything.
I hope he rips those lying Democrat women new assholes.

It never happened. She was never at a party where we were present. It's all a lie.
Tell it to Renate
Speaking of the yearbook, did you see Colbert's opening monologue last night on boofing? It's at the end--skip to about 17.
Remember my post yesterday...it was all a process to give Flake and others a reason to say "no". Now he gives a "soft no" by basically giving the Dems and their global socialists time to conjure up other allegations, excuses and obstruction.

Do you REALLY think the DNC will not prevent this after getting so close to the Mid-Terms?

Again, you guys are not seeing what has already gone on the last week? This S.C will not be Confirmed, you will get one approved of by the Democrats after the Mid-Terms, and like McCain the MSM will say "what a brave hero Flake was, he saved the country from this crazy criminal judge! Phew, that was close..."
The funny thing is Judge couldn't prove anything anymore than Ford can

Back to he said she said BS

Indeed. But the point is delay, not an investigation.

I knew that asshole Flake would muck things up. The sob needs to get out of the way

No shit. He's very McCainy.

He's a jackass. Reminds me of McCain

McCain without the nasty temper.

Can you imagine all this if he hadn't kicked the bucket? OMG

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