Kavanaugh friend Mark Judge: 'I will cooperate' with FBI probe of sex assault claims

Nails it.....

The “No Kidding” Post That Must Be Made About The “FBI Investigation”

Jeff FFFffffffflake just threatened to give a no vote on confirmation if the left didn’t get their FBI investigation.

They say it will be a week.


The investigation will never end. What’s the over/under on the amount of bints who will come out of the woodwork in that “week”?

One will lead to another until the midterms is upon us.

And if you think the left will be cool with Kavanaugh after an FBI investigation turns up nothing you are a moron.

The “No Kidding” Post That Must Be Made About The “FBI Investigation”
That sounds like someone is ignorant of what they should have understood by listening to Flake.
He's a jackass. Reminds me of McCain
He is a McCain disciple
Dont worry. Flake is still going to vote to confirm Kav. His specifically said he had a problem with the process. If Kav is the choirboy he claims to be then he will be a SC by next week.
You guys are trying to run this to the mid terms in the hope that the senate flips. That is your sole motivation and we are disgusted with your games.
He's a jackass. Reminds me of McCain
He is a McCain disciple
Dont worry. Flake is still going to vote to confirm Kav. His specifically said he had a problem with the process. If Kav is the choirboy he claims to be then he will be a SC by next week.
You guys are trying to run this to the mid terms in the hope that the senate flips. That is your sole motivation and we are disgusted with your games.
You guys? If it was up to me Kav would be in prison and you guys would be working on a new nominee.

How can it be run into the midterms if the investigation is only a week? Cant you count?
Nails it.....

The “No Kidding” Post That Must Be Made About The “FBI Investigation”

Jeff FFFffffffflake just threatened to give a no vote on confirmation if the left didn’t get their FBI investigation.

They say it will be a week.


The investigation will never end. What’s the over/under on the amount of bints who will come out of the woodwork in that “week”?

One will lead to another until the midterms is upon us.

And if you think the left will be cool with Kavanaugh after an FBI investigation turns up nothing you are a moron.

The “No Kidding” Post That Must Be Made About The “FBI Investigation”
That sounds like someone is ignorant of what they should have understood by listening to Flake.

Your problem is I think you're a racist moron. The post is spot on and only confirms what we've been saying for a week and a half, it's all about delay. You crackhead demoquacks don't give two shits about Ford and her BS story

Now pound sand
The trouble with liberals is, when it suits them, they believe in a presumption of guilt minus any pesky business of proof. The simple "thought" that Kavanaugh was going to rape her is enough to ruin a mans record of impeccable character.

Further, that simple thought he was going to "whatever" cancels any and all chance of redemption and he ought to live a life of misery and failure. So Ford has no trouble tainting/ruining a good mans life over her supposed "thought" and never mind she can't remember the date or location of her said thought. He guilty!... of causing her thought.

For the record, I simply don't believe a dammed word of any of Kavanaugh's accusers.
"The simple "thought" that Kavanaugh was going to rape her is enough to ruin a mans record of impeccable character." Intolerant, to quote Dirty Harry, when you see a naked man chasing a woman down an ally with a butcher knife, you don't figure he's collecting for the Red Cross. If Ford's descriptive statement is proven true, she had every right to believe she was going to be raped! We are ALL armchair speculators here. Not one of us knows what we would do or say or think or fear if we were in the situation Ford describes. We all know what we would like to think we would do, but 'fight or flight' makes fools of all of us at one time or another. In calm secure settings we like to think we are all Audie Murphy when faced with an enemy, but when the moment comes...nobody knows.

First you have to prove he tried to rape her

You can't....and won't
No. All they have to do is prove he lied. This isnt a trial. Its a background check.I'm guessing a ton of people are going to come forward with what they know about Choirboy Kav.

so far-----by my weak memory-----the only "LIE" seems to have been discovered was whether or not he was a "DRINKER"------------without blood levels------how can his own evaluation of "drinker" be disproven?
Nails it.....

The “No Kidding” Post That Must Be Made About The “FBI Investigation”

Jeff FFFffffffflake just threatened to give a no vote on confirmation if the left didn’t get their FBI investigation.

They say it will be a week.


The investigation will never end. What’s the over/under on the amount of bints who will come out of the woodwork in that “week”?

One will lead to another until the midterms is upon us.

And if you think the left will be cool with Kavanaugh after an FBI investigation turns up nothing you are a moron.

The “No Kidding” Post That Must Be Made About The “FBI Investigation”
That sounds like someone is ignorant of what they should have understood by listening to Flake.

Your problem is I think you're a racist moron. The post is spot on and only confirms what we've been saying for a week and a half, it's all about delay. You crackhead demoquacks don't give two shits about Ford and her BS story

Now pound sand
What you think of me is not a problem for me. Yes my post is spot on. Youre ignorant of the parameters of the agreement. Stupid people like you should be institutionalized for the safety of children.
The trouble with liberals is, when it suits them, they believe in a presumption of guilt minus any pesky business of proof. The simple "thought" that Kavanaugh was going to rape her is enough to ruin a mans record of impeccable character.

Further, that simple thought he was going to "whatever" cancels any and all chance of redemption and he ought to live a life of misery and failure. So Ford has no trouble tainting/ruining a good mans life over her supposed "thought" and never mind she can't remember the date or location of her said thought. He guilty!... of causing her thought.

For the record, I simply don't believe a dammed word of any of Kavanaugh's accusers.
"The simple "thought" that Kavanaugh was going to rape her is enough to ruin a mans record of impeccable character." Intolerant, to quote Dirty Harry, when you see a naked man chasing a woman down an ally with a butcher knife, you don't figure he's collecting for the Red Cross. If Ford's descriptive statement is proven true, she had every right to believe she was going to be raped! We are ALL armchair speculators here. Not one of us knows what we would do or say or think or fear if we were in the situation Ford describes. We all know what we would like to think we would do, but 'fight or flight' makes fools of all of us at one time or another. In calm secure settings we like to think we are all Audie Murphy when faced with an enemy, but when the moment comes...nobody knows.

First you have to prove he tried to rape her

You can't....and won't
No. All they have to do is prove he lied. This isnt a trial. Its a background check.I'm guessing a ton of people are going to come forward with what they know about Choirboy Kav.

so far-----by my weak memory-----the only "LIE" seems to have been discovered was whether or not he was a "DRINKER"------------without blood levels------how can his own evaluation of "drinker" be disproven?
No he lied about Blacking out. There are already many of his classmates that say he has Blacked out during drinking. That probably not going to make a difference to the repubs though.
  • A lawyer for Mark Judge, the high school buddy of embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, told CNBC that Judge "will answer any and all questions posed to him" by the FBI about serious sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh.
  • The cooperation offer came on the heels of several Senators asking for Kavanaugh's final confirmation vote to be delayed until after the FBI has a chance to investigate claims that he tried to rape a 15-year-old high school girl in the early 1980s.
  • " If the FBI or any law enforcement agency requests Mr. Judge's cooperation, he will answer any and all questions posed to him," Judge's lawyer Barbara Van Gelder told CNBC in an email.
This puts a new light on everything.
I hope he rips those lying Democrat women new assholes.

It never happened. She was never at a party where we were present. It's all a lie.
Tell it to Renate
Speaking of the yearbook, did you see Colbert's opening monologue last night on boofing? It's at the end--skip to about 17.

Yeah I guess Kavenaugh not knowing what the term really meant is funny to Democrat boofers.
Nails it.....

The “No Kidding” Post That Must Be Made About The “FBI Investigation”

Jeff FFFffffffflake just threatened to give a no vote on confirmation if the left didn’t get their FBI investigation.

They say it will be a week.


The investigation will never end. What’s the over/under on the amount of bints who will come out of the woodwork in that “week”?

One will lead to another until the midterms is upon us.

And if you think the left will be cool with Kavanaugh after an FBI investigation turns up nothing you are a moron.

The “No Kidding” Post That Must Be Made About The “FBI Investigation”
That sounds like someone is ignorant of what they should have understood by listening to Flake.

Your problem is I think you're a racist moron. The post is spot on and only confirms what we've been saying for a week and a half, it's all about delay. You crackhead demoquacks don't give two shits about Ford and her BS story

Now pound sand
What you think of me is not a problem for me. Yes my post is spot on. Youre ignorant of the parameters of the agreement. Stupid people like you should be institutionalized for the safety of children.

Dry up
No he lied about Blacking out. There are already many of his classmates that say he has Blacked out during drinking. That probably not going to make a difference to the repubs though.

Please post proof of that.
Nails it.....

The “No Kidding” Post That Must Be Made About The “FBI Investigation”

Jeff FFFffffffflake just threatened to give a no vote on confirmation if the left didn’t get their FBI investigation.

They say it will be a week.


The investigation will never end. What’s the over/under on the amount of bints who will come out of the woodwork in that “week”?

One will lead to another until the midterms is upon us.

And if you think the left will be cool with Kavanaugh after an FBI investigation turns up nothing you are a moron.

The “No Kidding” Post That Must Be Made About The “FBI Investigation”
That sounds like someone is ignorant of what they should have understood by listening to Flake.

Your problem is I think you're a racist moron. The post is spot on and only confirms what we've been saying for a week and a half, it's all about delay. You crackhead demoquacks don't give two shits about Ford and her BS story

Now pound sand
What you think of me is not a problem for me. Yes my post is spot on. Youre ignorant of the parameters of the agreement. Stupid people like you should be institutionalized for the safety of children.

Dry up
You seem angry. Youre too stupid to know this wont make a difference in the long run unless Kav is not the choirboy he claims to be.
The trouble with liberals is, when it suits them, they believe in a presumption of guilt minus any pesky business of proof. The simple "thought" that Kavanaugh was going to rape her is enough to ruin a mans record of impeccable character.

Further, that simple thought he was going to "whatever" cancels any and all chance of redemption and he ought to live a life of misery and failure. So Ford has no trouble tainting/ruining a good mans life over her supposed "thought" and never mind she can't remember the date or location of her said thought. He guilty!... of causing her thought.

For the record, I simply don't believe a dammed word of any of Kavanaugh's accusers.
"The simple "thought" that Kavanaugh was going to rape her is enough to ruin a mans record of impeccable character." Intolerant, to quote Dirty Harry, when you see a naked man chasing a woman down an ally with a butcher knife, you don't figure he's collecting for the Red Cross. If Ford's descriptive statement is proven true, she had every right to believe she was going to be raped! We are ALL armchair speculators here. Not one of us knows what we would do or say or think or fear if we were in the situation Ford describes. We all know what we would like to think we would do, but 'fight or flight' makes fools of all of us at one time or another. In calm secure settings we like to think we are all Audie Murphy when faced with an enemy, but when the moment comes...nobody knows.

First you have to prove he tried to rape her

You can't....and won't
No. All they have to do is prove he lied. This isnt a trial. Its a background check.I'm guessing a ton of people are going to come forward with what they know about Choirboy Kav.

so far-----by my weak memory-----the only "LIE" seems to have been discovered was whether or not he was a "DRINKER"------------without blood levels------how can his own evaluation of "drinker" be disproven?
No he lied about Blacking out. There are already many of his classmates that say he has Blacked out during drinking. That probably not going to make a difference to the repubs though.

his CLASSMATES SAID----- " -----we remember him blacking out at booze parties ----yeah----that too" did they call for an ambulance? What does
"BLACKING OUT" mean in teenage lingo? maybe he had pulled an
"ALL NIGHTER" he needed A's to get into law school
"The simple "thought" that Kavanaugh was going to rape her is enough to ruin a mans record of impeccable character." Intolerant, to quote Dirty Harry, when you see a naked man chasing a woman down an ally with a butcher knife, you don't figure he's collecting for the Red Cross. If Ford's descriptive statement is proven true, she had every right to believe she was going to be raped! We are ALL armchair speculators here. Not one of us knows what we would do or say or think or fear if we were in the situation Ford describes. We all know what we would like to think we would do, but 'fight or flight' makes fools of all of us at one time or another. In calm secure settings we like to think we are all Audie Murphy when faced with an enemy, but when the moment comes...nobody knows.

First you have to prove he tried to rape her

You can't....and won't
No. All they have to do is prove he lied. This isnt a trial. Its a background check.I'm guessing a ton of people are going to come forward with what they know about Choirboy Kav.

so far-----by my weak memory-----the only "LIE" seems to have been discovered was whether or not he was a "DRINKER"------------without blood levels------how can his own evaluation of "drinker" be disproven?
No he lied about Blacking out. There are already many of his classmates that say he has Blacked out during drinking. That probably not going to make a difference to the repubs though.

his CLASSMATES SAID----- " -----we remember him blacking out at booze parties ----yeah----that too" did they call for an ambulance? What does
"BLACKING OUT" mean in teenage lingo? maybe he had pulled an
"ALL NIGHTER" he needed A's to get into law school
If he was underage why would they call an ambulance and what difference does it make?
No he lied about Blacking out. There are already many of his classmates that say he has Blacked out during drinking. That probably not going to make a difference to the repubs though.

Please post proof of that.
You should have watched the hearing. Sorry.

I watched all of it......Nowhere did anyone claim that. If someone did, please post a link to it.
Watch it again. Evidently you missed it.

Kavanaugh: I've never 'blacked out' when drinking
No he lied about Blacking out. There are already many of his classmates that say he has Blacked out during drinking. That probably not going to make a difference to the repubs though.

Please post proof of that.
You should have watched the hearing. Sorry.

I watched all of it......Nowhere did anyone claim that. If someone did, please post a link to it.
Watch it again. Evidently you missed it.

Kavanaugh: I've never 'blacked out' when drinking

That link does not prove your allegation.
First you have to prove he tried to rape her

You can't....and won't
No. All they have to do is prove he lied. This isnt a trial. Its a background check.I'm guessing a ton of people are going to come forward with what they know about Choirboy Kav.

so far-----by my weak memory-----the only "LIE" seems to have been discovered was whether or not he was a "DRINKER"------------without blood levels------how can his own evaluation of "drinker" be disproven?
No he lied about Blacking out. There are already many of his classmates that say he has Blacked out during drinking. That probably not going to make a difference to the repubs though.

his CLASSMATES SAID----- " -----we remember him blacking out at booze parties ----yeah----that too" did they call for an ambulance? What does
"BLACKING OUT" mean in teenage lingo? maybe he had pulled an
"ALL NIGHTER" he needed A's to get into law school
If he was underage why would they call an ambulance and what difference does it make?

how old was he? age for alcohol consumption varied state by state.

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