Kavanaugh friend Mark Judge: 'I will cooperate' with FBI probe of sex assault claims

Nails it.....

The “No Kidding” Post That Must Be Made About The “FBI Investigation”

Jeff FFFffffffflake just threatened to give a no vote on confirmation if the left didn’t get their FBI investigation.

They say it will be a week.


The investigation will never end. What’s the over/under on the amount of bints who will come out of the woodwork in that “week”?

One will lead to another until the midterms is upon us.

And if you think the left will be cool with Kavanaugh after an FBI investigation turns up nothing you are a moron.

The “No Kidding” Post That Must Be Made About The “FBI Investigation”
That sounds like someone is ignorant of what they should have understood by listening to Flake.

Your problem is I think you're a racist moron. The post is spot on and only confirms what we've been saying for a week and a half, it's all about delay. You crackhead demoquacks don't give two shits about Ford and her BS story

Now pound sand
What you think of me is not a problem for me. Yes my post is spot on. Youre ignorant of the parameters of the agreement. Stupid people like you should be institutionalized for the safety of children.

Dry up
You seem angry. Youre too stupid to know this wont make a difference in the long run unless Kav is not the choirboy he claims to be.

I am angry....angry at assholes like you trying to ruin a man and his family on fact less allegations.
No. All they have to do is prove he lied. This isnt a trial. Its a background check.I'm guessing a ton of people are going to come forward with what they know about Choirboy Kav.

so far-----by my weak memory-----the only "LIE" seems to have been discovered was whether or not he was a "DRINKER"------------without blood levels------how can his own evaluation of "drinker" be disproven?
No he lied about Blacking out. There are already many of his classmates that say he has Blacked out during drinking. That probably not going to make a difference to the repubs though.

his CLASSMATES SAID----- " -----we remember him blacking out at booze parties ----yeah----that too" did they call for an ambulance? What does
"BLACKING OUT" mean in teenage lingo? maybe he had pulled an
"ALL NIGHTER" he needed A's to get into law school
If he was underage why would they call an ambulance and what difference does it make?

how old was he? age for alcohol consumption varied state by state.
He was underage no matter where he was. Most states age is 21
I did.....Where is the proof he ever blacked out? Hearsay only.
I think he said he drank so much beer, he fell asleep. Whatever.

is that THE SAME as "blacking out"? In young heavy drinkers (binge type) ---
a withdrawal SEIZURE is not uncommon------which is usually followed by sleep.
Old women like me know------a few shots and a long boring late night movie ---
induces sleep------I do not call that a "BLACK OUT". Sometimes the MEMORY
is affected by IMBIBING-----some people call THAT a "black out"

The Dirty Democrats are trying to lynch an innocent man

so far-----by my weak memory-----the only "LIE" seems to have been discovered was whether or not he was a "DRINKER"------------without blood levels------how can his own evaluation of "drinker" be disproven?
No he lied about Blacking out. There are already many of his classmates that say he has Blacked out during drinking. That probably not going to make a difference to the repubs though.

his CLASSMATES SAID----- " -----we remember him blacking out at booze parties ----yeah----that too" did they call for an ambulance? What does
"BLACKING OUT" mean in teenage lingo? maybe he had pulled an
"ALL NIGHTER" he needed A's to get into law school
If he was underage why would they call an ambulance and what difference does it make?

how old was he? age for alcohol consumption varied state by state.
He was underage no matter where he was. Most states age is 21

when I was a kid----New York was 18. My state was 21--------lots of traffic on
that road that led to UPSTATE NEW YORK
You seem angry. Youre too stupid to know this wont make a difference in the long run unless Kav is not the choirboy he claims to be.

Kavenaugh never claimed to be a choirboy.

Virgin and going to church was like brushing his teeth, well he had to do both. LOL.

I really don't care if he was a choirboy or not however, you are applying YOUR definition to his actions which exposes your bias.
That sounds like someone is ignorant of what they should have understood by listening to Flake.

Your problem is I think you're a racist moron. The post is spot on and only confirms what we've been saying for a week and a half, it's all about delay. You crackhead demoquacks don't give two shits about Ford and her BS story

Now pound sand
What you think of me is not a problem for me. Yes my post is spot on. Youre ignorant of the parameters of the agreement. Stupid people like you should be institutionalized for the safety of children.

Dry up
You seem angry. Youre too stupid to know this wont make a difference in the long run unless Kav is not the choirboy he claims to be.

I am angry....angry at assholes like you trying to ruin a man and his family on fact less allegations.
I dont care if skanks like you are angry. He should be ruined for what he did not only to Ford but other women.
I did.....Where is the proof he ever blacked out? Hearsay only.
I think he said he drank so much beer, he fell asleep. Whatever.

is that THE SAME as "blacking out"? In young heavy drinkers (binge type) ---
a withdrawal SEIZURE is not uncommon------which is usually followed by sleep.
Old women like me know------a few shots and a long boring late night movie ---
induces sleep------I do not call that a "BLACK OUT". Sometimes the MEMORY
is affected by IMBIBING-----some people call THAT a "black out"
When I was in the military I saw lots of people drink to the point of Blacking out. You dont necessarily fall asleep. You are just so messed up you cant even remember what you did.

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