Kavanaugh friend Mark Judge: 'I will cooperate' with FBI probe of sex assault claims

The term "see someone or something in a new light" is an idiom (a figure of speech) meaning to look at something differently.
It is a better than guess to say Mr. Mark Judge is likely to reiterate his already-legalized oath that like the other 3 who went on record as never having met victim and psychologist, Christine Blasey Ford.

It is an outrage that the Democrats brought her forward with a hidden agenda. The only thing they can do now is drub up things they had no intention of mentioning in public where ergo, they can use nebulous information to cloud yet another delay and demand enough time to fool and hoodwink, and destroy with character assassination, insuring a cloud to forever hang over every last living Republican who disagrees with their little united socialist republic in which their control can become as absolute as in the Bolshevik revolution. Socialists do not tolerate capitalism. Without capitalism, people cannot ever expect more from life than standing in line for hours for the privilege of having a few oranges handed down to them from socialist party storekeepers who control who gets the fresh and who gets the rotten.

The only thing it takes a village to do is to destroy the individualism and the freedom American ancestors brought onto this continent where they had to unite to get rid of royals who'd not give them the time of day in mother England's court of King Charlie the Dufus. That's what socialism intends to do to the already overtaxed American worker. I call this era the push toward Squeezing the taxpayer for every last nickel he has so the oinkuses in the DNC can totally dominate all 651,000,000 acres of American soil by expropriating citizen ownership of assets.
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Will it, remember he was an accomplice to the alleged attempted rape.
I'm attempting to be open about this. All the FBI will do is gather testimony and give it to the senate. Having said that, they (the FBI investigators) will not allow prevarications as Kavanaugh did yesterday....my opinion of course.
  • A lawyer for Mark Judge, the high school buddy of embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, told CNBC that Judge "will answer any and all questions posed to him" by the FBI about serious sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh.
  • The cooperation offer came on the heels of several Senators asking for Kavanaugh's final confirmation vote to be delayed until after the FBI has a chance to investigate claims that he tried to rape a 15-year-old high school girl in the early 1980s.
  • " If the FBI or any law enforcement agency requests Mr. Judge's cooperation, he will answer any and all questions posed to him," Judge's lawyer Barbara Van Gelder told CNBC in an email.
This puts a new light on everything.

No it does not. You will see.
Werent you one of the idiots that said the FBI couldnt investigate?
Indeed. But the point is delay, not an investigation.

I knew that asshole Flake would muck things up. The sob needs to get out of the way

No shit. He's very McCainy.

He's a jackass. Reminds me of McCain

McCain without the nasty temper.

Can you imagine all this if he hadn't kicked the bucket? OMG

I hadn't thought it could be worse, but yes, it would have been with him around.
A new light? Lol
Please elaborate
If an FBI investigation is done this guy could change the game by implicating Kavanaugh.

Or not in which case square one again

Judge won't go agsinst Kavanaugh
then why testify in CONFIDENCE stock genius?
I think it was silly to say.

Of course an FBI investigation would be confidential until over
He asked for it in confidence We'll see if he paints the pos as an angel
The witnesses to this alleged crime I believe have all given statements under penalty of perjury so the idea their story will now change seems highly unlikely. I get the frustration those on the right have with this but if nothing comes of it and I will be shocked if anything does the Democrats will have thrown away one of their biggest talking points for the midterms that the Republicans tried to cover up for Kavanaugh.
The trouble with liberals is, when it suits them, they believe in a presumption of guilt minus any pesky business of proof. The simple "thought" that Kavanaugh was going to rape her is enough to ruin a mans record of impeccable character.

Further, that simple thought he was going to "whatever" cancels any and all chance of redemption and he ought to live a life of misery and failure. So Ford has no trouble tainting/ruining a good mans life over her supposed "thought" and never mind she can't remember the date or location of her said thought. He guilty!... of causing her thought.

For the record, I simply don't believe a dammed word of any of Kavanaugh's accusers.
"The simple "thought" that Kavanaugh was going to rape her is enough to ruin a mans record of impeccable character." Intolerant, to quote Dirty Harry, when you see a naked man chasing a woman down an ally with a butcher knife, you don't figure he's collecting for the Red Cross. If Ford's descriptive statement is proven true, she had every right to believe she was going to be raped! We are ALL armchair speculators here. Not one of us knows what we would do or say or think or fear if we were in the situation Ford describes. We all know what we would like to think we would do, but 'fight or flight' makes fools of all of us at one time or another. In calm secure settings we like to think we are all Audie Murphy when faced with an enemy, but when the moment comes...nobody knows.
After demanding that he testify, Democrats will now attack him mercilessly and show that his testimony is meaningless because he was too drunk to know what was happening.
The trouble with liberals is, when it suits them, they believe in a presumption of guilt minus any pesky business of proof. The simple "thought" that Kavanaugh was going to rape her is enough to ruin a mans record of impeccable character.

Further, that simple thought he was going to "whatever" cancels any and all chance of redemption and he ought to live a life of misery and failure. So Ford has no trouble tainting/ruining a good mans life over her supposed "thought" and never mind she can't remember the date or location of her said thought. He guilty!... of causing her thought.

For the record, I simply don't believe a dammed word of any of Kavanaugh's accusers.
"The simple "thought" that Kavanaugh was going to rape her is enough to ruin a mans record of impeccable character." Intolerant, to quote Dirty Harry, when you see a naked man chasing a woman down an ally with a butcher knife, you don't figure he's collecting for the Red Cross. If Ford's descriptive statement is proven true, she had every right to believe she was going to be raped! We are ALL armchair speculators here. Not one of us knows what we would do or say or think or fear if we were in the situation Ford describes. We all know what we would like to think we would do, but 'fight or flight' makes fools of all of us at one time or another. In calm secure settings we like to think we are all Audie Murphy when faced with an enemy, but when the moment comes...nobody knows.

First you have to prove he tried to rape her

You can't....and won't
After demanding that he testify, Democrats will now attack him mercilessly and show that his testimony is meaningless because he was too drunk to know what was happening.
Well he already said he has no recollection. Kind of hard to now say he remembers everything.
The trouble with liberals is, when it suits them, they believe in a presumption of guilt minus any pesky business of proof. The simple "thought" that Kavanaugh was going to rape her is enough to ruin a mans record of impeccable character.

Further, that simple thought he was going to "whatever" cancels any and all chance of redemption and he ought to live a life of misery and failure. So Ford has no trouble tainting/ruining a good mans life over her supposed "thought" and never mind she can't remember the date or location of her said thought. He guilty!... of causing her thought.

For the record, I simply don't believe a dammed word of any of Kavanaugh's accusers.
"The simple "thought" that Kavanaugh was going to rape her is enough to ruin a mans record of impeccable character." Intolerant, to quote Dirty Harry, when you see a naked man chasing a woman down an ally with a butcher knife, you don't figure he's collecting for the Red Cross. If Ford's descriptive statement is proven true, she had every right to believe she was going to be raped! We are ALL armchair speculators here. Not one of us knows what we would do or say or think or fear if we were in the situation Ford describes. We all know what we would like to think we would do, but 'fight or flight' makes fools of all of us at one time or another. In calm secure settings we like to think we are all Audie Murphy when faced with an enemy, but when the moment comes...nobody knows.

How can her statement be 'proven true' when there is 0 witnesses and 0 evidence? Oh yeah, I forgot, it will give time for the Democrats to come up with another bunch of liars.
A new light? Lol
Please elaborate
If an FBI investigation is done this guy could change the game by implicating Kavanaugh.

Or not in which case square one again

Judge won't go agsinst Kavanaugh
then why testify in CONFIDENCE stock genius?
I think it was silly to say.

Of course an FBI investigation would be confidential until over
He asked for it in confidence We'll see if he paints the pos as an angel
Does that mean we will never know what he said, either? If it is confidential, will anything he tells the FBI be released to the senate as confidential or classified? It's okay by me--I don't need to know everything. I'm just curious how that works.
The trouble with liberals is, when it suits them, they believe in a presumption of guilt minus any pesky business of proof. The simple "thought" that Kavanaugh was going to rape her is enough to ruin a mans record of impeccable character.

Further, that simple thought he was going to "whatever" cancels any and all chance of redemption and he ought to live a life of misery and failure. So Ford has no trouble tainting/ruining a good mans life over her supposed "thought" and never mind she can't remember the date or location of her said thought. He guilty!... of causing her thought.

For the record, I simply don't believe a dammed word of any of Kavanaugh's accusers.
Lock her up! Pot meet kettle.
The trouble with liberals is, when it suits them, they believe in a presumption of guilt minus any pesky business of proof. The simple "thought" that Kavanaugh was going to rape her is enough to ruin a mans record of impeccable character.

Further, that simple thought he was going to "whatever" cancels any and all chance of redemption and he ought to live a life of misery and failure. So Ford has no trouble tainting/ruining a good mans life over her supposed "thought" and never mind she can't remember the date or location of her said thought. He guilty!... of causing her thought.

For the record, I simply don't believe a dammed word of any of Kavanaugh's accusers.
"The simple "thought" that Kavanaugh was going to rape her is enough to ruin a mans record of impeccable character." Intolerant, to quote Dirty Harry, when you see a naked man chasing a woman down an ally with a butcher knife, you don't figure he's collecting for the Red Cross. If Ford's descriptive statement is proven true, she had every right to believe she was going to be raped! We are ALL armchair speculators here. Not one of us knows what we would do or say or think or fear if we were in the situation Ford describes. We all know what we would like to think we would do, but 'fight or flight' makes fools of all of us at one time or another. In calm secure settings we like to think we are all Audie Murphy when faced with an enemy, but when the moment comes...nobody knows.

First you have to prove he tried to rape her

You can't....and won't
No. All they have to do is prove he lied. This isnt a trial. Its a background check.I'm guessing a ton of people are going to come forward with what they know about Choirboy Kav.
Nails it.....

The “No Kidding” Post That Must Be Made About The “FBI Investigation”

Jeff FFFffffffflake just threatened to give a no vote on confirmation if the left didn’t get their FBI investigation.

They say it will be a week.


The investigation will never end. What’s the over/under on the amount of bints who will come out of the woodwork in that “week”?

One will lead to another until the midterms is upon us.

And if you think the left will be cool with Kavanaugh after an FBI investigation turns up nothing you are a moron.

The “No Kidding” Post That Must Be Made About The “FBI Investigation”
15 years ago someone named me as a witness to a car accident. After a couple of months of trying to convince the plaintiffs that I wasn't there my cooperation was secured with a subpoena for trial.

I took a great deal of pleasure destroying that case from the stand. I hope Mark Judge shows the same kind of fortitude.

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