Kavanaugh - was he for torture & has he been drug tested

Uh this type of speculation is just as bad as the people who were claiming Obama was gay because Michelle was really a man. Like what? What the actual fuck is wrong with you people. My my, how far the goal posts have moved on this whole kavanaugh craziness. First he was gonna take away birth control, then it was he tried to rape, then it turned into he’s a gang rapist gang leader, then it turned into he’s an angry drunk...now it’s he kicked the drug habit by picking up cocaine instead, and probably pleasures himself to watching people get tourtured.

Y’all have lost your shit to the point where I might actually vote republican for the first time since 2008. Fuck, I might even vote trump in 2020. I was hard against him in the election. Trump derangement syndrome is a real thing and needs to be added to the next DSM edition. DSM 6, it’ll have a picture of trumps hair on the cover. To diagnose TDS, hold the cover up to the patient and see if they get angry, and start spouting nonsense.

Speculation could be ended by providing more documentation.

His record indicates whast it does so the speculation is reasonable.

His statements on Presidents not being able to be indicted does lead to the idea Trump is safe to do whatever he wants. Do we want that opinion on the USSC?

The more more we learn about Kavanasugh'
s drinking does lead to speculation on if he did quit & did he replace that need with something else.

What kind of person acts like he did during hos testimony.

Kvsansaugh was in the Bush White House. Don't you think what advice he gave is important?

Thete was never anything to suggest Michelle Obama was a man other than the bigoted racist people on the right.

Trump Derangement Syndrome. Really Mr., Fake "I didn't vote for him". Because people point out the shit he does? Try pedaling your bs someplace else.
Much of that was gibberish, so I’m going to try to decode as much as possible.

I have a long record here of dislike of trump on here, especially pre election. Started whole threads on the topic. Nothing fake here, try again.

And where the hell did this nonsensical standard of proving a negative come from? Why is the burden on the accused, that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of. Especially when there’s no specific day, time, place. All the cited witnesses either cannot corroborate, or even go against fords testimony. The therapist notes go against fords testimony and do not list kavanaugh, so either a psych PHD did a really shitty job and picked a therapist who dropped the ball on the most important part of their job which is listening to clients, especially traumatic experiences...or something isn’t adding up. We have a letter from a former 6 year BF of Fords saying that she never once mentioned this alleged incidence, she has no fear of flying or claustrophobia, and she did in fact coach a friend on how to take a polygraph. Fords arrorneys advised her against taking the most important step when coming forward with these accusations in getting a forensic interview, something as a psych Phd she claims she never heard of (BS). Her vague allegations on when this event actually occurred already changed multiple times. So how on earth is kavanaugh supposed to produce an alibi for something that happened 36 years ago, and oh by the way, no specific day, time, place, no corroborating witness, and plenty of holes being poked in the accusers testimony?
Jesus fuck. This has NOTHING to do with proving innocence. We are looking at a situation where only three people know what happened. One said they did not remember, One said it happened & one said it didn't. Many criminal cases & civil cases are brought to trial based on just this information. Plenty of holes in Kavanaugh's testimony - his claim that it was legal for him to drink at that time, that he grossly understated his drinking, he had help getting into Yale, his anger, screaming, crying act.

You know, one thing that hasn't been pointed out that much is the reason
for 6 prior FBI investigations. Now we all know it was for certain jobs
on the Judicial Bench that he has held. Every background check involves
close friends, throughout his entire life and there are questions about drinking
and compromising situations.

One of his background checks was for his time at the Bush Whitehouse.
In his position, he had to be cleared to carry our Nuclear Codes. He was
in possession of the codes to launch our missiles. I would imagine that

background check is pretty in depth. I would imagine, Booze, temperament
and compromising situations are all at the forefront of that investigation.

If that woman had really wanted to remain unknown, she would have never
testified before the Senate. She would have just told them, "I'm not doing
it." The folks from the media tailing her, she could have had prevented by

This entire charade has been a calculated trap from the outset. Not wanting
herself known was simply giving Feinstein cover for not releasing the info
until an opportune situation.

This bitch has been lying big-time. She followed the playbook to the letter.
Make a claim that you cannot prove, but a claim that they cannot charge you
with perjury. We'll let public opinion handle that.

The complicit media won't even talk about Ramierez or the lying Swetnick anymore, They already know both of them are raving liars.

We need to get him on the Bench and commence fucking you liberals for
the next 30 years.

One of the things that demolishes her claim that she wanted to remain anonymous was her taking the polygraph. There is no reason whatsoever to do that unless you are very sure you will have to defend your story. As it is, the polygraph itself is strange. Only two questions? Doesn't sound like it was very rigorous.

And, quite frankly, the best way to remain anonymous is to NOT send a democrat anything they might be able to use in one of their attacks.
Bullcrap. The polygraph suggested by her attorney gave her credibility. She knew Trump & the Republicans would just call her a liar. She knew it was a long time ago & there were no witnesses other than those in that room.

It would be She said/he said.

She took the polygrapgh., Kavanaugh ranted & cried.

You do realize that one of Kavanaugh's job white working under Ken Starr in investigating the Clintons was to be the leaker to the press? Really, Get a fucking education & a Brain.
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?
Uh this type of speculation is just as bad as the people who were claiming Obama was gay because Michelle was really a man. Like what? What the actual fuck is wrong with you people. My my, how far the goal posts have moved on this whole kavanaugh craziness. First he was gonna take away birth control, then it was he tried to rape, then it turned into he’s a gang rapist gang leader, then it turned into he’s an angry drunk...now it’s he kicked the drug habit by picking up cocaine instead, and probably pleasures himself to watching people get tourtured.

Y’all have lost your shit to the point where I might actually vote republican for the first time since 2008. Fuck, I might even vote trump in 2020. I was hard against him in the election. Trump derangement syndrome is a real thing and needs to be added to the next DSM edition. DSM 6, it’ll have a picture of trumps hair on the cover. To diagnose TDS, hold the cover up to the patient and see if they get angry, and start spouting nonsense.

Speculation could be ended by providing more documentation.

His record indicates whast it does so the speculation is reasonable.

His statements on Presidents not being able to be indicted does lead to the idea Trump is safe to do whatever he wants. Do we want that opinion on the USSC?

The more more we learn about Kavanasugh'
s drinking does lead to speculation on if he did quit & did he replace that need with something else.

What kind of person acts like he did during hos testimony.

Kvsansaugh was in the Bush White House. Don't you think what advice he gave is important?

Thete was never anything to suggest Michelle Obama was a man other than the bigoted racist people on the right.

Trump Derangement Syndrome. Really Mr., Fake "I didn't vote for him". Because people point out the shit he does? Try pedaling your bs someplace else.
Much of that was gibberish, so I’m going to try to decode as much as possible.

I have a long record here of dislike of trump on here, especially pre election. Started whole threads on the topic. Nothing fake here, try again.

And where the hell did this nonsensical standard of proving a negative come from? Why is the burden on the accused, that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of. Especially when there’s no specific day, time, place. All the cited witnesses either cannot corroborate, or even go against fords testimony. The therapist notes go against fords testimony and do not list kavanaugh, so either a psych PHD did a really shitty job and picked a therapist who dropped the ball on the most important part of their job which is listening to clients, especially traumatic experiences...or something isn’t adding up. We have a letter from a former 6 year BF of Fords saying that she never once mentioned this alleged incidence, she has no fear of flying or claustrophobia, and she did in fact coach a friend on how to take a polygraph. Fords arrorneys advised her against taking the most important step when coming forward with these accusations in getting a forensic interview, something as a psych Phd she claims she never heard of (BS). Her vague allegations on when this event actually occurred already changed multiple times. So how on earth is kavanaugh supposed to produce an alibi for something that happened 36 years ago, and oh by the way, no specific day, time, place, no corroborating witness, and plenty of holes being poked in the accusers testimony?
Jesus fuck. This has NOTHING to do with proving innocence. We are looking at a situation where only three people know what happened. One said they did not remember, One said it happened & one said it didn't. Many criminal cases & civil cases are brought to trial based on just this information. Plenty of holes in Kavanaugh's testimony - his claim that it was legal for him to drink at that time, that he grossly understated his drinking, he had help getting into Yale, his anger, screaming, crying act.

You know, one thing that hasn't been pointed out that much is the reason
for 6 prior FBI investigations. Now we all know it was for certain jobs
on the Judicial Bench that he has held. Every background check involves
close friends, throughout his entire life and there are questions about drinking
and compromising situations.

One of his background checks was for his time at the Bush Whitehouse.
In his position, he had to be cleared to carry our Nuclear Codes. He was
in possession of the codes to launch our missiles. I would imagine that

background check is pretty in depth. I would imagine, Booze, temperament
and compromising situations are all at the forefront of that investigation.

If that woman had really wanted to remain unknown, she would have never
testified before the Senate. She would have just told them, "I'm not doing
it." The folks from the media tailing her, she could have had prevented by

This entire charade has been a calculated trap from the outset. Not wanting
herself known was simply giving Feinstein cover for not releasing the info
until an opportune situation.

This bitch has been lying big-time. She followed the playbook to the letter.
Make a claim that you cannot prove, but a claim that they cannot charge you
with perjury. We'll let public opinion handle that.

The complicit media won't even talk about Ramierez or the lying Swetnick anymore, They already know both of them are raving liars.

We need to get him on the Bench and commence fucking you liberals for
the next 30 years.
All women who accuse your dear leaders are liars.
I get it.
Speculation could be ended by providing more documentation.

His record indicates whast it does so the speculation is reasonable.

His statements on Presidents not being able to be indicted does lead to the idea Trump is safe to do whatever he wants. Do we want that opinion on the USSC?

The more more we learn about Kavanasugh'
s drinking does lead to speculation on if he did quit & did he replace that need with something else.

What kind of person acts like he did during hos testimony.

Kvsansaugh was in the Bush White House. Don't you think what advice he gave is important?

Thete was never anything to suggest Michelle Obama was a man other than the bigoted racist people on the right.

Trump Derangement Syndrome. Really Mr., Fake "I didn't vote for him". Because people point out the shit he does? Try pedaling your bs someplace else.
Much of that was gibberish, so I’m going to try to decode as much as possible.

I have a long record here of dislike of trump on here, especially pre election. Started whole threads on the topic. Nothing fake here, try again.

And where the hell did this nonsensical standard of proving a negative come from? Why is the burden on the accused, that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of. Especially when there’s no specific day, time, place. All the cited witnesses either cannot corroborate, or even go against fords testimony. The therapist notes go against fords testimony and do not list kavanaugh, so either a psych PHD did a really shitty job and picked a therapist who dropped the ball on the most important part of their job which is listening to clients, especially traumatic experiences...or something isn’t adding up. We have a letter from a former 6 year BF of Fords saying that she never once mentioned this alleged incidence, she has no fear of flying or claustrophobia, and she did in fact coach a friend on how to take a polygraph. Fords arrorneys advised her against taking the most important step when coming forward with these accusations in getting a forensic interview, something as a psych Phd she claims she never heard of (BS). Her vague allegations on when this event actually occurred already changed multiple times. So how on earth is kavanaugh supposed to produce an alibi for something that happened 36 years ago, and oh by the way, no specific day, time, place, no corroborating witness, and plenty of holes being poked in the accusers testimony?
Jesus fuck. This has NOTHING to do with proving innocence. We are looking at a situation where only three people know what happened. One said they did not remember, One said it happened & one said it didn't. Many criminal cases & civil cases are brought to trial based on just this information. Plenty of holes in Kavanaugh's testimony - his claim that it was legal for him to drink at that time, that he grossly understated his drinking, he had help getting into Yale, his anger, screaming, crying act.

You know, one thing that hasn't been pointed out that much is the reason
for 6 prior FBI investigations. Now we all know it was for certain jobs
on the Judicial Bench that he has held. Every background check involves
close friends, throughout his entire life and there are questions about drinking
and compromising situations.

One of his background checks was for his time at the Bush Whitehouse.
In his position, he had to be cleared to carry our Nuclear Codes. He was
in possession of the codes to launch our missiles. I would imagine that

background check is pretty in depth. I would imagine, Booze, temperament
and compromising situations are all at the forefront of that investigation.

If that woman had really wanted to remain unknown, she would have never
testified before the Senate. She would have just told them, "I'm not doing
it." The folks from the media tailing her, she could have had prevented by

This entire charade has been a calculated trap from the outset. Not wanting
herself known was simply giving Feinstein cover for not releasing the info
until an opportune situation.

This bitch has been lying big-time. She followed the playbook to the letter.
Make a claim that you cannot prove, but a claim that they cannot charge you
with perjury. We'll let public opinion handle that.

The complicit media won't even talk about Ramierez or the lying Swetnick anymore, They already know both of them are raving liars.

We need to get him on the Bench and commence fucking you liberals for
the next 30 years.

One of the things that demolishes her claim that she wanted to remain anonymous was her taking the polygraph. There is no reason whatsoever to do that unless you are very sure you will have to defend your story. As it is, the polygraph itself is strange. Only two questions? Doesn't sound like it was very rigorous.

And, quite frankly, the best way to remain anonymous is to NOT send a democrat anything they might be able to use in one of their attacks.
Bullcrap. The polygraph suggested by her attorney gave her credibility. She knew Trump & the Republicans would just call her a liar. She knew it was a long time ago & there were no witnesses other than those in that room.

It would be She said/he said.

She took the polygrapgh., Kavanaugh ranted & cried.

You do realize that one of Kavanaugh's job white working under Ken Starr in investigating the Clintons was to be the leaker to the press? Really, Get a fucking education & a Brain.

You just demolished her claim that she wanted to remain anonymous. That means that the timing of the release was deliberate and political, and she was part of it.
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?

Torture, you mean taking terriorists on carnival rides? No one cares about that. Matter of fact, I would support him.s if he was against it, and would support him more if he advised real torture of haji fucks.

Drug test? All for it. Piss test congress and the executive branch to.
How about we put you naked on a bucket & hook electrodes to your balls. Oh wait, a sniveling POS like you doesn't have any balls.
No one was put on a bucket with electrodes hooked to their balls. A man was put on a bucket and told there were electrodes hooked to his balls. But nothing was done. It was a psychological ploy. An extremely gentle coercion.

Really hook up the electrodes. Run a substantial charge through them. Make the other prisoners watch through the leg holes of the women's panties over their heads.

Now we have much stronger questioning.

OK. Come on over, stand naked on a bucket. You can trust me that what I connect to your balls is not really an electrode.

It was torture just as water boarding was torture.

Afterf WWII we prosecuted Japanese for doing a lot less. You support trading in this countrey's reputation as being above that shit for worthless intelligence.
Much of that was gibberish, so I’m going to try to decode as much as possible.

I have a long record here of dislike of trump on here, especially pre election. Started whole threads on the topic. Nothing fake here, try again.

And where the hell did this nonsensical standard of proving a negative come from? Why is the burden on the accused, that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of. Especially when there’s no specific day, time, place. All the cited witnesses either cannot corroborate, or even go against fords testimony. The therapist notes go against fords testimony and do not list kavanaugh, so either a psych PHD did a really shitty job and picked a therapist who dropped the ball on the most important part of their job which is listening to clients, especially traumatic experiences...or something isn’t adding up. We have a letter from a former 6 year BF of Fords saying that she never once mentioned this alleged incidence, she has no fear of flying or claustrophobia, and she did in fact coach a friend on how to take a polygraph. Fords arrorneys advised her against taking the most important step when coming forward with these accusations in getting a forensic interview, something as a psych Phd she claims she never heard of (BS). Her vague allegations on when this event actually occurred already changed multiple times. So how on earth is kavanaugh supposed to produce an alibi for something that happened 36 years ago, and oh by the way, no specific day, time, place, no corroborating witness, and plenty of holes being poked in the accusers testimony?
Jesus fuck. This has NOTHING to do with proving innocence. We are looking at a situation where only three people know what happened. One said they did not remember, One said it happened & one said it didn't. Many criminal cases & civil cases are brought to trial based on just this information. Plenty of holes in Kavanaugh's testimony - his claim that it was legal for him to drink at that time, that he grossly understated his drinking, he had help getting into Yale, his anger, screaming, crying act.

You know, one thing that hasn't been pointed out that much is the reason
for 6 prior FBI investigations. Now we all know it was for certain jobs
on the Judicial Bench that he has held. Every background check involves
close friends, throughout his entire life and there are questions about drinking
and compromising situations.

One of his background checks was for his time at the Bush Whitehouse.
In his position, he had to be cleared to carry our Nuclear Codes. He was
in possession of the codes to launch our missiles. I would imagine that

background check is pretty in depth. I would imagine, Booze, temperament
and compromising situations are all at the forefront of that investigation.

If that woman had really wanted to remain unknown, she would have never
testified before the Senate. She would have just told them, "I'm not doing
it." The folks from the media tailing her, she could have had prevented by

This entire charade has been a calculated trap from the outset. Not wanting
herself known was simply giving Feinstein cover for not releasing the info
until an opportune situation.

This bitch has been lying big-time. She followed the playbook to the letter.
Make a claim that you cannot prove, but a claim that they cannot charge you
with perjury. We'll let public opinion handle that.

The complicit media won't even talk about Ramierez or the lying Swetnick anymore, They already know both of them are raving liars.

We need to get him on the Bench and commence fucking you liberals for
the next 30 years.

One of the things that demolishes her claim that she wanted to remain anonymous was her taking the polygraph. There is no reason whatsoever to do that unless you are very sure you will have to defend your story. As it is, the polygraph itself is strange. Only two questions? Doesn't sound like it was very rigorous.

And, quite frankly, the best way to remain anonymous is to NOT send a democrat anything they might be able to use in one of their attacks.
Bullcrap. The polygraph suggested by her attorney gave her credibility. She knew Trump & the Republicans would just call her a liar. She knew it was a long time ago & there were no witnesses other than those in that room.

It would be She said/he said.

She took the polygrapgh., Kavanaugh ranted & cried.

You do realize that one of Kavanaugh's job white working under Ken Starr in investigating the Clintons was to be the leaker to the press? Really, Get a fucking education & a Brain.

You just demolished her claim that she wanted to remain anonymous. That means that the timing of the release was deliberate and political, and she was part of it.

She reported iot to the Senator when the POS Kavanaugh was nominated. She thought that people should be aware of the type of person Kavanaugh is. She should have known You & your party would not care.
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?
you must of been drinking with him if you know this. how many times have you blacked out from those nights?
You KNOW that if any of those interviews presented evidence against Judge K, some Leftist would have "leaked" them to the NYT. Draw your own conclusion.
Why are you so afraid for the public to know?????

That they never investigated Kanaugh's drinking or his honesty in his testimony. They never interviewed Ford or Kavanaugh. So if a person they interviewed might corralaborate Ford, they never interviewed Ford so how would they know?

I though it was supoposed to be this wide open investigation like the lying fuck Trump had said.
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?
you must of been drinking with him if you know this. how many times have you blacked out from those nights?
I listened to his classmates.
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?

It is clear you have nothing to offer but irrational partisan hate, here is the news of the FBI supplemental report that basically calls Dr. Ford a liar, since NONE of the people she named as witnesses supports her claims, even under the FBI's questions, they still don't support Dr. Ford, not even Keyser.

Fox News

Judiciary Committee releases executive summary of supplemental FBI report on Kavanaugh


Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans released an executive summary of the FBI's confidential supplemental background investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh late Thursday, which key swing-vote senators vowed they would continue to review Friday ahead of a major vote on his confirmation.

According to the summary of the report, FBI agents interviewed 10 people and reached out to 11. They focused exclusively on witnesses with potential first-hand knowledge of alleged sexual misconduct by Kavanaugh.

"The FBI provided to the Senate 12 detailed FD-302 reports summarizing their interviews with the witnesses as well as supporting materials cited by the witnesses during their interviews," the summary reads. Only senators and top aides are being allowed to review the full report in a secure facility on Capitol Hill."

red bolding mine

The allegations were about sexual assault, not about drinking or drug use.
Realdave has shit for brains...
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?

It is clear you have nothing to offer but irrational partisan hate, here is the news of the FBI supplemental report that basically calls Dr. Ford a liar, since NONE of the people she named as witnesses supports her claims, even under the FBI's questions, they still don't support Dr. Ford, not even Keyser.

Fox News

Judiciary Committee releases executive summary of supplemental FBI report on Kavanaugh


Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans released an executive summary of the FBI's confidential supplemental background investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh late Thursday, which key swing-vote senators vowed they would continue to review Friday ahead of a major vote on his confirmation.

According to the summary of the report, FBI agents interviewed 10 people and reached out to 11. They focused exclusively on witnesses with potential first-hand knowledge of alleged sexual misconduct by Kavanaugh.

"The FBI provided to the Senate 12 detailed FD-302 reports summarizing their interviews with the witnesses as well as supporting materials cited by the witnesses during their interviews," the summary reads. Only senators and top aides are being allowed to review the full report in a secure facility on Capitol Hill."

red bolding mine

The allegations were about sexual assault, not about drinking or drug use.

But Kavanaigh lied under oath. Of course you don't care. It goes to his credibility,
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?
you must of been drinking with him if you know this. how many times have you blacked out from those nights?
I listened to his classmates.
Have you stopped receiving your welfare checks?
Wow the right wing nutjobs are having a freakin fit trying to justify this farse of an FBI investigation as they prepare to put an crazy unhinged lying person on the USSC.
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?
you must of been drinking with him if you know this. how many times have you blacked out from those nights?
I listened to his classmates.
Have you stopped receiving your welfare checks?

Have you quit beating your wife? You are so clever.
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?
you must of been drinking with him if you know this. how many times have you blacked out from those nights?
I listened to his classmates.
Have you stopped receiving your welfare checks?

Have you quit beating your wife? You are so clever.
Your an angry litttle piece of shit.
You might try context and facts when spewing your Liberal bullshit.
But then you wouldn’t be a Liberal.
'Kavanaugh - was he for torture & has he been drug tested'

I am not sure about all of that but I do know Feinstein betrayed her country and had a Chinese spy working in her inner circle for 20 years...... but 'Nothing to see here'! :p
Jesus fuck. This has NOTHING to do with proving innocence. We are looking at a situation where only three people know what happened. One said they did not remember, One said it happened & one said it didn't. Many criminal cases & civil cases are brought to trial based on just this information. Plenty of holes in Kavanaugh's testimony - his claim that it was legal for him to drink at that time, that he grossly understated his drinking, he had help getting into Yale, his anger, screaming, crying act.

You know, one thing that hasn't been pointed out that much is the reason
for 6 prior FBI investigations. Now we all know it was for certain jobs
on the Judicial Bench that he has held. Every background check involves
close friends, throughout his entire life and there are questions about drinking
and compromising situations.

One of his background checks was for his time at the Bush Whitehouse.
In his position, he had to be cleared to carry our Nuclear Codes. He was
in possession of the codes to launch our missiles. I would imagine that

background check is pretty in depth. I would imagine, Booze, temperament
and compromising situations are all at the forefront of that investigation.

If that woman had really wanted to remain unknown, she would have never
testified before the Senate. She would have just told them, "I'm not doing
it." The folks from the media tailing her, she could have had prevented by

This entire charade has been a calculated trap from the outset. Not wanting
herself known was simply giving Feinstein cover for not releasing the info
until an opportune situation.

This bitch has been lying big-time. She followed the playbook to the letter.
Make a claim that you cannot prove, but a claim that they cannot charge you
with perjury. We'll let public opinion handle that.

The complicit media won't even talk about Ramierez or the lying Swetnick anymore, They already know both of them are raving liars.

We need to get him on the Bench and commence fucking you liberals for
the next 30 years.

One of the things that demolishes her claim that she wanted to remain anonymous was her taking the polygraph. There is no reason whatsoever to do that unless you are very sure you will have to defend your story. As it is, the polygraph itself is strange. Only two questions? Doesn't sound like it was very rigorous.

And, quite frankly, the best way to remain anonymous is to NOT send a democrat anything they might be able to use in one of their attacks.
Bullcrap. The polygraph suggested by her attorney gave her credibility. She knew Trump & the Republicans would just call her a liar. She knew it was a long time ago & there were no witnesses other than those in that room.

It would be She said/he said.

She took the polygrapgh., Kavanaugh ranted & cried.

You do realize that one of Kavanaugh's job white working under Ken Starr in investigating the Clintons was to be the leaker to the press? Really, Get a fucking education & a Brain.

You just demolished her claim that she wanted to remain anonymous. That means that the timing of the release was deliberate and political, and she was part of it.

She reported iot to the Senator when the POS Kavanaugh was nominated. She thought that people should be aware of the type of person Kavanaugh is. She should have known You & your party would not care.

It's obvious she was coached and prepared all along for it to go public. I mean, come on, a softball polygraph that she didn't even know who paid for? Those who "leaked" it at the last moment after sitting in it for months are the cynical woman users, because they could have dealt with it all along. The Republicans just reacted to her accusation. It's not their fault her story didn't hold up to scrutiny.
You KNOW that if any of those interviews presented evidence against Judge K, some Leftist would have "leaked" them to the NYT. Draw your own conclusion.
Why are you so afraid for the public to know?????

That they never investigated Kanaugh's drinking or his honesty in his testimony. They never interviewed Ford or Kavanaugh. So if a person they interviewed might corralaborate Ford, they never interviewed Ford so how would they know?

I though it was supoposed to be this wide open investigation like the lying fuck Trump had said.

You demanded it, you got it, and now you don't want it. This just makes it harder for democrats from red states to vote no.
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?

It is clear you have nothing to offer but irrational partisan hate, here is the news of the FBI supplemental report that basically calls Dr. Ford a liar, since NONE of the people she named as witnesses supports her claims, even under the FBI's questions, they still don't support Dr. Ford, not even Keyser.

Fox News

Judiciary Committee releases executive summary of supplemental FBI report on Kavanaugh


Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans released an executive summary of the FBI's confidential supplemental background investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh late Thursday, which key swing-vote senators vowed they would continue to review Friday ahead of a major vote on his confirmation.

According to the summary of the report, FBI agents interviewed 10 people and reached out to 11. They focused exclusively on witnesses with potential first-hand knowledge of alleged sexual misconduct by Kavanaugh.

"The FBI provided to the Senate 12 detailed FD-302 reports summarizing their interviews with the witnesses as well as supporting materials cited by the witnesses during their interviews," the summary reads. Only senators and top aides are being allowed to review the full report in a secure facility on Capitol Hill."

red bolding mine

The allegations were about sexual assault, not about drinking or drug use.
Realdave has shit for brains...
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?

It is clear you have nothing to offer but irrational partisan hate, here is the news of the FBI supplemental report that basically calls Dr. Ford a liar, since NONE of the people she named as witnesses supports her claims, even under the FBI's questions, they still don't support Dr. Ford, not even Keyser.

Fox News

Judiciary Committee releases executive summary of supplemental FBI report on Kavanaugh


Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans released an executive summary of the FBI's confidential supplemental background investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh late Thursday, which key swing-vote senators vowed they would continue to review Friday ahead of a major vote on his confirmation.

According to the summary of the report, FBI agents interviewed 10 people and reached out to 11. They focused exclusively on witnesses with potential first-hand knowledge of alleged sexual misconduct by Kavanaugh.

"The FBI provided to the Senate 12 detailed FD-302 reports summarizing their interviews with the witnesses as well as supporting materials cited by the witnesses during their interviews," the summary reads. Only senators and top aides are being allowed to review the full report in a secure facility on Capitol Hill."

red bolding mine

The allegations were about sexual assault, not about drinking or drug use.

But Kavanaigh lied under oath. Of course you don't care. It goes to his credibility,

Got anything solid on that? You know, solid enough to set off the extreme left partisans on the committee? Because if they're not going off, their lawyers have told them it's a lost cause.
Wow the right wing nutjobs are having a freakin fit trying to justify this farse of an FBI investigation as they prepare to put an crazy unhinged lying person on the USSC.

I'm glad no one is doing that. That would be bad.
Uh this type of speculation is just as bad as the people who were claiming Obama was gay because Michelle was really a man. Like what? What the actual fuck is wrong with you people. My my, how far the goal posts have moved on this whole kavanaugh craziness. First he was gonna take away birth control, then it was he tried to rape, then it turned into he’s a gang rapist gang leader, then it turned into he’s an angry drunk...now it’s he kicked the drug habit by picking up cocaine instead, and probably pleasures himself to watching people get tourtured.

Y’all have lost your shit to the point where I might actually vote republican for the first time since 2008. Fuck, I might even vote trump in 2020. I was hard against him in the election. Trump derangement syndrome is a real thing and needs to be added to the next DSM edition. DSM 6, it’ll have a picture of trumps hair on the cover. To diagnose TDS, hold the cover up to the patient and see if they get angry, and start spouting nonsense.

Speculation could be ended by providing more documentation.

His record indicates whast it does so the speculation is reasonable.

His statements on Presidents not being able to be indicted does lead to the idea Trump is safe to do whatever he wants. Do we want that opinion on the USSC?

The more more we learn about Kavanasugh'
s drinking does lead to speculation on if he did quit & did he replace that need with something else.

What kind of person acts like he did during hos testimony.

Kvsansaugh was in the Bush White House. Don't you think what advice he gave is important?

Thete was never anything to suggest Michelle Obama was a man other than the bigoted racist people on the right.

Trump Derangement Syndrome. Really Mr., Fake "I didn't vote for him". Because people point out the shit he does? Try pedaling your bs someplace else.
Much of that was gibberish, so I’m going to try to decode as much as possible.

I have a long record here of dislike of trump on here, especially pre election. Started whole threads on the topic. Nothing fake here, try again.

And where the hell did this nonsensical standard of proving a negative come from? Why is the burden on the accused, that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of. Especially when there’s no specific day, time, place. All the cited witnesses either cannot corroborate, or even go against fords testimony. The therapist notes go against fords testimony and do not list kavanaugh, so either a psych PHD did a really shitty job and picked a therapist who dropped the ball on the most important part of their job which is listening to clients, especially traumatic experiences...or something isn’t adding up. We have a letter from a former 6 year BF of Fords saying that she never once mentioned this alleged incidence, she has no fear of flying or claustrophobia, and she did in fact coach a friend on how to take a polygraph. Fords arrorneys advised her against taking the most important step when coming forward with these accusations in getting a forensic interview, something as a psych Phd she claims she never heard of (BS). Her vague allegations on when this event actually occurred already changed multiple times. So how on earth is kavanaugh supposed to produce an alibi for something that happened 36 years ago, and oh by the way, no specific day, time, place, no corroborating witness, and plenty of holes being poked in the accusers testimony?
Jesus fuck. This has NOTHING to do with proving innocence. We are looking at a situation where only three people know what happened. One said they did not remember, One said it happened & one said it didn't. Many criminal cases & civil cases are brought to trial based on just this information. Plenty of holes in Kavanaugh's testimony - his claim that it was legal for him to drink at that time, that he grossly understated his drinking, he had help getting into Yale, his anger, screaming, crying act.

You know, one thing that hasn't been pointed out that much is the reason
for 6 prior FBI investigations. Now we all know it was for certain jobs
on the Judicial Bench that he has held. Every background check involves
close friends, throughout his entire life and there are questions about drinking
and compromising situations.

One of his background checks was for his time at the Bush Whitehouse.
In his position, he had to be cleared to carry our Nuclear Codes. He was
in possession of the codes to launch our missiles. I would imagine that

background check is pretty in depth. I would imagine, Booze, temperament
and compromising situations are all at the forefront of that investigation.

If that woman had really wanted to remain unknown, she would have never
testified before the Senate. She would have just told them, "I'm not doing
it." The folks from the media tailing her, she could have had prevented by

This entire charade has been a calculated trap from the outset. Not wanting
herself known was simply giving Feinstein cover for not releasing the info
until an opportune situation.

This bitch has been lying big-time. She followed the playbook to the letter.
Make a claim that you cannot prove, but a claim that they cannot charge you
with perjury. We'll let public opinion handle that.

The complicit media won't even talk about Ramierez or the lying Swetnick anymore, They already know both of them are raving liars.

We need to get him on the Bench and commence fucking you liberals for
the next 30 years.

One of the things that demolishes her claim that she wanted to remain anonymous was her taking the polygraph. There is no reason whatsoever to do that unless you are very sure you will have to defend your story. As it is, the polygraph itself is strange. Only two questions? Doesn't sound like it was very rigorous.

And, quite frankly, the best way to remain anonymous is to NOT send a democrat anything they might be able to use in one of their attacks.

Maybe they have updated polygraph machines...I don't no...but the older
one's you would have to have many questions to establish a pattern of the
truth. The guy in this instance said he asked her questions before hooking
her up to a machine and his first question was..."Everything we discussed earlier were you telling me the truth?" I had never heard of that.

I was always informed that you were asked your name...address...phone
number...number of children, etc...for the examiner to get the paramiters
of truth set on the machine. (Not everybody has the same read-out)

Then they started asking the important questions and would gauge those
against the answers they knew were correct.

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