Kavanaugh - was he for torture & has he been drug tested

For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?

Torture, you mean taking terriorists on carnival rides? No one cares about that. Matter of fact, I would support him less if he was against it, and would support him more if he advised real torture of haji fucks.

Drug test? All for it. Piss test congress and the executive branch to.
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?
NO link? NO proof? Just more BS.
Wgich psrt are you too stupid to know???
1) Kavanaugh drank heavily in High School through Law School. By his own words & those of his classmates.
2) Kavanaugh worked in the Bush Administration offering legal advice
I'm too stupid to know any part a lying democrat shill claims. All you people do is spin half truths and lies, day in day out every moment. Trump is right, you are the crime party.

Half truths? They perpetuate full on lies, and not even deliberately. The TV news people say “IT” and they (folks here and libs everywhere) repeat it like a bunch of seagulls.
Well I've seen them sometimes only report part of a fact which is why I refer to them as half truths. I know they lie. For example, a half truth would be like "Trump refuses to fill vacant government jobs", instead of "Trump doesn't fill unneeded government positions that only waste money."
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For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?
NO link? NO proof? Just more BS.
Wgich psrt are you too stupid to know???
1) Kavanaugh drank heavily in High School through Law School. By his own words & those of his classmates.
2) Kavanaugh worked in the Bush Administration offering legal advice
I'm too stupid to know any part a lying democrat shill claims. All you people do is spin half truths and lies, day in day out every moment. Trump is right, you are the crime party.

Half truths? They perpetuate full on lies, and not even deliberately. The TV news people say “IT” and they (folks here and libs everywhere) repeat it like a bunch of seagulls.
Well I've seen them sometimes only report part of a fact which is why I refer to them as half truths. I know they lie. For example, a half truth would be like "Trump refuses to fill vacant government jobs", instead of "Trump doesn't fill unneeded government postilions that only waste money."

Exactly. And Ford being a perfect excample. See, dems asked zero questions about Kavanaughs carrier. Almost no questions about any of his 300+ rulings, her they spent all this time on his underwater size, called him a gang rapist infront of his kids, and just a side not on that, they wonder why he was pissed? Can you imagine how it was explaining to your 10 year old what a gang rapist is and why you aren’t one? I would be more then impetuous , I would sucker punch your ass! That aside, when the bimbos lies got exposed they go to ice throwing? ALL the bums need to be thrown out.
NO link? NO proof? Just more BS.
Wgich psrt are you too stupid to know???
1) Kavanaugh drank heavily in High School through Law School. By his own words & those of his classmates.
2) Kavanaugh worked in the Bush Administration offering legal advice
I'm too stupid to know any part a lying democrat shill claims. All you people do is spin half truths and lies, day in day out every moment. Trump is right, you are the crime party.

Half truths? They perpetuate full on lies, and not even deliberately. The TV news people say “IT” and they (folks here and libs everywhere) repeat it like a bunch of seagulls.
Well I've seen them sometimes only report part of a fact which is why I refer to them as half truths. I know they lie. For example, a half truth would be like "Trump refuses to fill vacant government jobs", instead of "Trump doesn't fill unneeded government postilions that only waste money."

Exactly. And Ford being a perfect excample. See, dems asked zero questions about Kavanaughs carrier. Almost no questions about any of his 300+ rulings, her they spent all this time on his underwater size, called him a gang rapist infront of his kids, and just a side not on that, they wonder why he was pissed? Can you imagine how it was explaining to your 10 year old what a gang rapist is and why you aren’t one? I would be more then impetuous , I would sucker punch your ass! That aside, when the bimbos lies got exposed they go to ice throwing? ALL the bums need to be thrown out.
They are vile disgusting amoral animals.
Wgich psrt are you too stupid to know???
1) Kavanaugh drank heavily in High School through Law School. By his own words & those of his classmates.
2) Kavanaugh worked in the Bush Administration offering legal advice
I'm too stupid to know any part a lying democrat shill claims. All you people do is spin half truths and lies, day in day out every moment. Trump is right, you are the crime party.

Half truths? They perpetuate full on lies, and not even deliberately. The TV news people say “IT” and they (folks here and libs everywhere) repeat it like a bunch of seagulls.
Well I've seen them sometimes only report part of a fact which is why I refer to them as half truths. I know they lie. For example, a half truth would be like "Trump refuses to fill vacant government jobs", instead of "Trump doesn't fill unneeded government postilions that only waste money."

Exactly. And Ford being a perfect excample. See, dems asked zero questions about Kavanaughs carrier. Almost no questions about any of his 300+ rulings, her they spent all this time on his underwater size, called him a gang rapist infront of his kids, and just a side not on that, they wonder why he was pissed? Can you imagine how it was explaining to your 10 year old what a gang rapist is and why you aren’t one? I would be more then impetuous , I would sucker punch your ass! That aside, when the bimbos lies got exposed they go to ice throwing? ALL the bums need to be thrown out.
They are vile disgusting amoral animals.

Most are. Political critters should be mandated to be contained in hazmat suits.
'Kavanaugh - was he for torture & has he been drug tested'

Did he ever do pot and cocaine?
Did he ever operate his own illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server containing TS data?
Did he ever have a Chinese spy working for him for 20 years?
Did he ever fail to do a background check and hire terrorist-connected Pakistani spies?
Did he ever illegally spy on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, or USSC Justices?
Did he ever rig primaries, cheat in debates, or pay foreign spies & Russians for help winning an election?
Did he ever take $145 million from Russia/the KGB Bank as a 'Charity Donation'?
Was he ever stripped of his license to practice law because he attempted to deceive a judge/the court?
Was he ever found to be in Contempt of the Constitution or Rule of Law while working for the US govt?
Did he ever strip Americans of their Due Process Rights & have them assassinated with his own drones?
Has he ever supported criminal Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities, human traffickers, MS13, etc...?
Has he ever armed Mexican Drug Cartels, protected Hezbollah drug Ops?
Has he ever attempted to give Iran access to the US Banking System, paid ransoms for US hostages?
Has he ever ADMITTED to sexually assaulting a woman in high school and/or called himself 'Spartcus'?
Has he ever Obstructed Justice by destroying thousands of subpoenaed documents?
Has he ever Obstructed Justice by refusing to comply with Congressional Subpoenas?
Has he ever protected proven Perjurers from indictment / prosecution?

Oh, we could spend lots and lots of time asking Kavanaugh what he has or hasn't done.....


Confirm the man already!
Rather than admit he is Trump’s pick and therefore they don’t like him, and they also realize he is a moderate constitutionalist, and can’t stand that, they prefer to throw out false accusations ruining the man.

Is it a surprise? Absolutely not. They absolutely have shown they are ethically and morally corrupt.
So, why the lies?

Ford was much more believable.
Ford wasn't at all believable.
The entire hearing was a Rorschach test, for the partisans, anyway. Nothing more.
They had their minds made up before hand and saw what they wanted to see.
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?
Uh this type of speculation is just as bad as the people who were claiming Obama was gay because Michelle was really a man. Like what? What the actual fuck is wrong with you people. My my, how far the goal posts have moved on this whole kavanaugh craziness. First he was gonna take away birth control, then it was he tried to rape, then it turned into he’s a gang rapist gang leader, then it turned into he’s an angry drunk...now it’s he kicked the drug habit by picking up cocaine instead, and probably pleasures himself to watching people get tourtured.

Y’all have lost your shit to the point where I might actually vote republican for the first time since 2008. Fuck, I might even vote trump in 2020. I was hard against him in the election. Trump derangement syndrome is a real thing and needs to be added to the next DSM edition. DSM 6, it’ll have a picture of trumps hair on the cover. To diagnose TDS, hold the cover up to the patient and see if they get angry, and start spouting nonsense.

Speculation could be ended by providing more documentation.

His record indicates whast it does so the speculation is reasonable.

His statements on Presidents not being able to be indicted does lead to the idea Trump is safe to do whatever he wants. Do we want that opinion on the USSC?

The more more we learn about Kavanasugh'
s drinking does lead to speculation on if he did quit & did he replace that need with something else.

What kind of person acts like he did during hos testimony.

Kvsansaugh was in the Bush White House. Don't you think what advice he gave is important?

Thete was never anything to suggest Michelle Obama was a man other than the bigoted racist people on the right.

Trump Derangement Syndrome. Really Mr., Fake "I didn't vote for him". Because people point out the shit he does? Try pedaling your bs someplace else.
Much of that was gibberish, so I’m going to try to decode as much as possible.

I have a long record here of dislike of trump on here, especially pre election. Started whole threads on the topic. Nothing fake here, try again.

And where the hell did this nonsensical standard of proving a negative come from? Why is the burden on the accused, that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of. Especially when there’s no specific day, time, place. All the cited witnesses either cannot corroborate, or even go against fords testimony. The therapist notes go against fords testimony and do not list kavanaugh, so either a psych PHD did a really shitty job and picked a therapist who dropped the ball on the most important part of their job which is listening to clients, especially traumatic experiences...or something isn’t adding up. We have a letter from a former 6 year BF of Fords saying that she never once mentioned this alleged incidence, she has no fear of flying or claustrophobia, and she did in fact coach a friend on how to take a polygraph. Fords arrorneys advised her against taking the most important step when coming forward with these accusations in getting a forensic interview, something as a psych Phd she claims she never heard of (BS). Her vague allegations on when this event actually occurred already changed multiple times. So how on earth is kavanaugh supposed to produce an alibi for something that happened 36 years ago, and oh by the way, no specific day, time, place, no corroborating witness, and plenty of holes being poked in the accusers testimony?
So, why the lies?

Ford was much more believable.
Ford wasn't at all believable.
I guess she needed to rant & shout & cry??????
Nope. She needed to have credible substantial testimony. In my opinion, she didn't. Way to many holes in her story.
How many times do you assfucks need to be reminded that her testimony was typical for victims of sexual assault that happened years earlier? Are you just stupid or what?
It isn't typical for the amount of inconsistent testimony. It isn't typical that she forgets trips two months ago. It isn't typical that she lies about fear of flying. It isn't typical that she has changed the events and names depending on who she is talking to. It isn't typical that she remembers very vividly certain aspects but then has a complete blank on others. Its isn't typical that she has taught people how to validate supposed incidents. So no, what she has done isn't typical. Just because you want to say her actions are typical, doesn't mean that they are. You cant rant and stomp your little fit all you want.

Wow, who knew you are an expert in how victims deal with past sexual assults.
It does mean I would no go
If I an afraid of heights, I will avoid them. It does not mean I won't go to an event on the rooftop of a skyscraper if it was a good friends wedding & not go if it is just a fund raiser for some organization I don't usually support.

As to the rest of your bullshit it is meaningless coming from an ignorant, uneducated person in how victims remember those tragic events.
Ford wasn't at all believable.
I guess she needed to rant & shout & cry??????
Nope. She needed to have credible substantial testimony. In my opinion, she didn't. Way to many holes in her story.
How many times do you assfucks need to be reminded that her testimony was typical for victims of sexual assault that happened years earlier? Are you just stupid or what?
It isn't typical for the amount of inconsistent testimony. It isn't typical that she forgets trips two months ago. It isn't typical that she lies about fear of flying. It isn't typical that she has changed the events and names depending on who she is talking to. It isn't typical that she remembers very vividly certain aspects but then has a complete blank on others. Its isn't typical that she has taught people how to validate supposed incidents. So no, what she has done isn't typical. Just because you want to say her actions are typical, doesn't mean that they are. You cant rant and stomp your little fit all you want.

Wow, who knew you are an expert in how victims deal with past sexual assults.
It does mean I would no go
If I an afraid of heights, I will avoid them. It does not mean I won't go to an event on the rooftop of a skyscraper if it was a good friends wedding & not go if it is just a fund raiser for some organization I don't usually support.

As to the rest of your bullshit it is meaningless coming from an ignorant, uneducated person in how victims remember those tragic events.
Who knew you were an expert? You aren't. Your bullshit is meaningless as well.
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?

Yeah, I'm sure all of W's cocaine parties are rigorously documented. Audio, written, and video taped. I wouldn't be surprised if they have multiple affidavits on record from attending prostitutes.
W took responsibility. He was open about it. That is what seems to be missing with Kavanaugh.
You are right. If Kavanaugh released a statement saying he did do a lot of binge drinking in his youth and although he can not recall this instance, he apologize to Ford if he had done it.

The subject would be closed.

This gores to his judgement.

That sounds nice and all, but let's view the truth of it by how the screening opposition will react when the FBI investigation clears Kavanaugh. Will they:

1. Do as you intimate, close the subject and allow the confirmation to proceed with no further delays, ie, act like responsible adults?
2. Ignore the findings and continue wailing that Kavanaugh is a rapist while jumping onto the next faux scandal, insisting that THIS is the REAL problem?

Let's watch and see.

How do they clear Kavanaugh?

I guess you are referring to the Clinton email scandal" when you still have a fit even though the FBI cleared her? You mean like that? OMG ONG OMG Lock her Right. Right?
I guess she needed to rant & shout & cry??????
Nope. She needed to have credible substantial testimony. In my opinion, she didn't. Way to many holes in her story.
How many times do you assfucks need to be reminded that her testimony was typical for victims of sexual assault that happened years earlier? Are you just stupid or what?
It isn't typical for the amount of inconsistent testimony. It isn't typical that she forgets trips two months ago. It isn't typical that she lies about fear of flying. It isn't typical that she has changed the events and names depending on who she is talking to. It isn't typical that she remembers very vividly certain aspects but then has a complete blank on others. Its isn't typical that she has taught people how to validate supposed incidents. So no, what she has done isn't typical. Just because you want to say her actions are typical, doesn't mean that they are. You cant rant and stomp your little fit all you want.

Wow, who knew you are an expert in how victims deal with past sexual assults.
It does mean I would no go
If I an afraid of heights, I will avoid them. It does not mean I won't go to an event on the rooftop of a skyscraper if it was a good friends wedding & not go if it is just a fund raiser for some organization I don't usually support.

As to the rest of your bullshit it is meaningless coming from an ignorant, uneducated person in how victims remember those tragic events.
Who knew you were an expert? You aren't. Your bullshit is meaningless as well.
I can read. You are too fucking stupid to read.

Trump's Attack Against Ford Mischaracterizes How Memory Works, Experts Say
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?
Uh this type of speculation is just as bad as the people who were claiming Obama was gay because Michelle was really a man. Like what? What the actual fuck is wrong with you people. My my, how far the goal posts have moved on this whole kavanaugh craziness. First he was gonna take away birth control, then it was he tried to rape, then it turned into he’s a gang rapist gang leader, then it turned into he’s an angry drunk...now it’s he kicked the drug habit by picking up cocaine instead, and probably pleasures himself to watching people get tourtured.

Y’all have lost your shit to the point where I might actually vote republican for the first time since 2008. Fuck, I might even vote trump in 2020. I was hard against him in the election. Trump derangement syndrome is a real thing and needs to be added to the next DSM edition. DSM 6, it’ll have a picture of trumps hair on the cover. To diagnose TDS, hold the cover up to the patient and see if they get angry, and start spouting nonsense.

Speculation could be ended by providing more documentation.

His record indicates whast it does so the speculation is reasonable.

His statements on Presidents not being able to be indicted does lead to the idea Trump is safe to do whatever he wants. Do we want that opinion on the USSC?

The more more we learn about Kavanasugh'
s drinking does lead to speculation on if he did quit & did he replace that need with something else.

What kind of person acts like he did during hos testimony.

Kvsansaugh was in the Bush White House. Don't you think what advice he gave is important?

Thete was never anything to suggest Michelle Obama was a man other than the bigoted racist people on the right.

Trump Derangement Syndrome. Really Mr., Fake "I didn't vote for him". Because people point out the shit he does? Try pedaling your bs someplace else.
Much of that was gibberish, so I’m going to try to decode as much as possible.

I have a long record here of dislike of trump on here, especially pre election. Started whole threads on the topic. Nothing fake here, try again.

And where the hell did this nonsensical standard of proving a negative come from? Why is the burden on the accused, that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of. Especially when there’s no specific day, time, place. All the cited witnesses either cannot corroborate, or even go against fords testimony. The therapist notes go against fords testimony and do not list kavanaugh, so either a psych PHD did a really shitty job and picked a therapist who dropped the ball on the most important part of their job which is listening to clients, especially traumatic experiences...or something isn’t adding up. We have a letter from a former 6 year BF of Fords saying that she never once mentioned this alleged incidence, she has no fear of flying or claustrophobia, and she did in fact coach a friend on how to take a polygraph. Fords arrorneys advised her against taking the most important step when coming forward with these accusations in getting a forensic interview, something as a psych Phd she claims she never heard of (BS). Her vague allegations on when this event actually occurred already changed multiple times. So how on earth is kavanaugh supposed to produce an alibi for something that happened 36 years ago, and oh by the way, no specific day, time, place, no corroborating witness, and plenty of holes being poked in the accusers testimony?
Jesus fuck. This has NOTHING to do with proving innocence. We are looking at a situation where only three people know what happened. One said they did not remember, One said it happened & one said it didn't. Many criminal cases & civil cases are brought to trial based on just this information. Plenty of holes in Kavanaugh's testimony - his claim that it was legal for him to drink at that time, that he grossly understated his drinking, he had help getting into Yale, his anger, screaming, crying act.
Nope. She needed to have credible substantial testimony. In my opinion, she didn't. Way to many holes in her story.
How many times do you assfucks need to be reminded that her testimony was typical for victims of sexual assault that happened years earlier? Are you just stupid or what?
It isn't typical for the amount of inconsistent testimony. It isn't typical that she forgets trips two months ago. It isn't typical that she lies about fear of flying. It isn't typical that she has changed the events and names depending on who she is talking to. It isn't typical that she remembers very vividly certain aspects but then has a complete blank on others. Its isn't typical that she has taught people how to validate supposed incidents. So no, what she has done isn't typical. Just because you want to say her actions are typical, doesn't mean that they are. You cant rant and stomp your little fit all you want.

Wow, who knew you are an expert in how victims deal with past sexual assults.
It does mean I would no go
If I an afraid of heights, I will avoid them. It does not mean I won't go to an event on the rooftop of a skyscraper if it was a good friends wedding & not go if it is just a fund raiser for some organization I don't usually support.

As to the rest of your bullshit it is meaningless coming from an ignorant, uneducated person in how victims remember those tragic events.
Who knew you were an expert? You aren't. Your bullshit is meaningless as well.
I can read. You are too fucking stupid to read.

Trump's Attack Against Ford Mischaracterizes How Memory Works, Experts Say
I read very well. My previous assessment still stands. You want to discount all the surrounding information. You are indeed an ignorant one.
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?

Yeah, I'm sure all of W's cocaine parties are rigorously documented. Audio, written, and video taped. I wouldn't be surprised if they have multiple affidavits on record from attending prostitutes.
W was a drunk & coke head until the age of 35.
Shitstain obama was a drunk, coke freak and pothead. And he still is.
How many times do you assfucks need to be reminded that her testimony was typical for victims of sexual assault that happened years earlier? Are you just stupid or what?
It isn't typical for the amount of inconsistent testimony. It isn't typical that she forgets trips two months ago. It isn't typical that she lies about fear of flying. It isn't typical that she has changed the events and names depending on who she is talking to. It isn't typical that she remembers very vividly certain aspects but then has a complete blank on others. Its isn't typical that she has taught people how to validate supposed incidents. So no, what she has done isn't typical. Just because you want to say her actions are typical, doesn't mean that they are. You cant rant and stomp your little fit all you want.

Wow, who knew you are an expert in how victims deal with past sexual assults.
It does mean I would no go
If I an afraid of heights, I will avoid them. It does not mean I won't go to an event on the rooftop of a skyscraper if it was a good friends wedding & not go if it is just a fund raiser for some organization I don't usually support.

As to the rest of your bullshit it is meaningless coming from an ignorant, uneducated person in how victims remember those tragic events.
Who knew you were an expert? You aren't. Your bullshit is meaningless as well.
I can read. You are too fucking stupid to read.

Trump's Attack Against Ford Mischaracterizes How Memory Works, Experts Say
I read very well. My previous assessment still stands. You want to discount all the surrounding information. You are indeed an ignorant one.
You mean as you ignore the experts
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?

Yeah, I'm sure all of W's cocaine parties are rigorously documented. Audio, written, and video taped. I wouldn't be surprised if they have multiple affidavits on record from attending prostitutes.
W was a drunk & coke head until the age of 35.
Shitstain obama was a drunk, coke freak and pothead. And he still is.
It isn't typical for the amount of inconsistent testimony. It isn't typical that she forgets trips two months ago. It isn't typical that she lies about fear of flying. It isn't typical that she has changed the events and names depending on who she is talking to. It isn't typical that she remembers very vividly certain aspects but then has a complete blank on others. Its isn't typical that she has taught people how to validate supposed incidents. So no, what she has done isn't typical. Just because you want to say her actions are typical, doesn't mean that they are. You cant rant and stomp your little fit all you want.

Wow, who knew you are an expert in how victims deal with past sexual assults.
It does mean I would no go
If I an afraid of heights, I will avoid them. It does not mean I won't go to an event on the rooftop of a skyscraper if it was a good friends wedding & not go if it is just a fund raiser for some organization I don't usually support.

As to the rest of your bullshit it is meaningless coming from an ignorant, uneducated person in how victims remember those tragic events.
Who knew you were an expert? You aren't. Your bullshit is meaningless as well.
I can read. You are too fucking stupid to read.

Trump's Attack Against Ford Mischaracterizes How Memory Works, Experts Say
I read very well. My previous assessment still stands. You want to discount all the surrounding information. You are indeed an ignorant one.
You mean as you ignore the experts
Not all the experts agree on this. Just the ones you agree with. Physcologicalscience.org is one of many expert sites that confirm what I just said.You are conveniently ignoring the other parts of her testimony which show her as less than credible.
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Ford wasn't at all believable.
I guess she needed to rant & shout & cry??????
Nope. She needed to have credible substantial testimony. In my opinion, she didn't. Way to many holes in her story.
How many times do you assfucks need to be reminded that her testimony was typical for victims of sexual assault that happened years earlier? Are you just stupid or what?
It isn't typical for the amount of inconsistent testimony. It isn't typical that she forgets trips two months ago. It isn't typical that she lies about fear of flying. It isn't typical that she has changed the events and names depending on who she is talking to. It isn't typical that she remembers very vividly certain aspects but then has a complete blank on others. Its isn't typical that she has taught people how to validate supposed incidents. So no, what she has done isn't typical. Just because you want to say her actions are typical, doesn't mean that they are. You cant rant and stomp your little fit all you want.

Wow, who knew you are an expert in how victims deal with past sexual assults.
It does mean I would no go
If I an afraid of heights, I will avoid them. It does not mean I won't go to an event on the rooftop of a skyscraper if it was a good friends wedding & not go if it is just a fund raiser for some organization I don't usually support.

As to the rest of your bullshit it is meaningless coming from an ignorant, uneducated person in how victims remember those tragic events.


s0n.... hate to break it to you but most of the world has moved on from this. That stuff may have mattered a week ago but nobody cares about it anymore.:coffee:
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?

Torture, you mean taking terriorists on carnival rides? No one cares about that. Matter of fact, I would support him less if he was against it, and would support him more if he advised real torture of haji fucks.

Drug test? All for it. Piss test congress and the executive branch to.
'Kavanaugh - was he for torture & has he been drug tested'

Did he ever do pot and cocaine?
Did he ever operate his own illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server containing TS data?
Did he ever have a Chinese spy working for him for 20 years?
Did he ever fail to do a background check and hire terrorist-connected Pakistani spies?
Did he ever illegally spy on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, or USSC Justices?
Did he ever rig primaries, cheat in debates, or pay foreign spies & Russians for help winning an election?
Did he ever take $145 million from Russia/the KGB Bank as a 'Charity Donation'?
Was he ever stripped of his license to practice law because he attempted to deceive a judge/the court?
Was he ever found to be in Contempt of the Constitution or Rule of Law while working for the US govt?
Did he ever strip Americans of their Due Process Rights & have them assassinated with his own drones?
Has he ever supported criminal Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities, human traffickers, MS13, etc...?
Has he ever armed Mexican Drug Cartels, protected Hezbollah drug Ops?
Has he ever attempted to give Iran access to the US Banking System, paid ransoms for US hostages?
Has he ever ADMITTED to sexually assaulting a woman in high school and/or called himself 'Spartcus'?
Has he ever Obstructed Justice by destroying thousands of subpoenaed documents?
Has he ever Obstructed Justice by refusing to comply with Congressional Subpoenas?
Has he ever protected proven Perjurers from indictment / prosecution?

Oh, we could spend lots and lots of time asking Kavanaugh what he has or hasn't done.....


Confirm the man already!

We don't know if he does other drugs.

He was too busy hiring good looking women instead of the most qualified to hire any spies but he did argue that charges against Russian entities tied to hacking the election thrown out.
As for spying on Americans, he was ion favor of the original Patriot Act & lobbied to get it passed. Going through our library records, etc

As for your due process bullshit, if a US citizens moves to Yemen & teaches kids how to be suicide bombers, I say kill him. Some American you are. I have news, he surrendered due process when he joined Al Qaeda.

Sanctuary citiies hsve nothing to do with going after gang violence. How stupid can you get?

Hillary Clinton did not destroy any subpoenaed records.

The Executive branch does not always honor Legislative subpoenas as per the US Constitution.
For a 6-10 year span, Brett Kavanaugh felt a need to drink himself into oblivion on multiple occasions. Did he just quit cold turkey?? Did he find that as he got older that he no longer had is group of drinking buddies? Maybe he switched from alcohol to drugs?

We saw all that sniffing. Maybe a little too much snorting?

And, as an advisor for W, did he advise for torture? Was he involved in the decision to invade Iraq?

Why are Republicans hiding these documents?

Yeah, I'm sure all of W's cocaine parties are rigorously documented. Audio, written, and video taped. I wouldn't be surprised if they have multiple affidavits on record from attending prostitutes.
W was a drunk & coke head until the age of 35.
Shitstain obama was a drunk, coke freak and pothead. And he still is.
Wow, who knew you are an expert in how victims deal with past sexual assults.
It does mean I would no go
If I an afraid of heights, I will avoid them. It does not mean I won't go to an event on the rooftop of a skyscraper if it was a good friends wedding & not go if it is just a fund raiser for some organization I don't usually support.

As to the rest of your bullshit it is meaningless coming from an ignorant, uneducated person in how victims remember those tragic events.
Who knew you were an expert? You aren't. Your bullshit is meaningless as well.
I can read. You are too fucking stupid to read.

Trump's Attack Against Ford Mischaracterizes How Memory Works, Experts Say
I read very well. My previous assessment still stands. You want to discount all the surrounding information. You are indeed an ignorant one.
You mean as you ignore the experts
Not all the experts agree on this. Just the ones you agree with. Physcologicalscience.org is one of many expert sites that confirm what I just said.You are conveniently ignoring the other parts of her testimony which show her as less than credible.
Most agree with my post.

Don't tell me you are going to have a meltdown because she once said mid-eighties & then said it was 1982.
Yeah, I'm sure all of W's cocaine parties are rigorously documented. Audio, written, and video taped. I wouldn't be surprised if they have multiple affidavits on record from attending prostitutes.
W was a drunk & coke head until the age of 35.
Shitstain obama was a drunk, coke freak and pothead. And he still is.
Who knew you were an expert? You aren't. Your bullshit is meaningless as well.
I can read. You are too fucking stupid to read.

Trump's Attack Against Ford Mischaracterizes How Memory Works, Experts Say
I read very well. My previous assessment still stands. You want to discount all the surrounding information. You are indeed an ignorant one.
You mean as you ignore the experts
Not all the experts agree on this. Just the ones you agree with. Physcologicalscience.org is one of many expert sites that confirm what I just said.You are conveniently ignoring the other parts of her testimony which show her as less than credible.
Most agree with my post.

Don't tell me you are going to have a meltdown because she once said mid-eighties & then said it was 1982.
You are the one that seems to have the meltdowns. Only morons like you agree with your post. You don't look at the whole picture, you only believe people that support your conclusion. You cant truly and logically defend your position so you state ignorant little comments such as the meltdown. You really aren't very bright and you aren't any good at this.

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