Kavanaugh's former Yale roommate just destroyed Kavanaugh. Stating he lied under oath.

Why would the Republicans over turn Roe vs Wade when they made it a legal, you guys never make sense.

Thats a stupid question. They want abortion to be illegal. You can ask any card carrying conservative pro lifer.

It still doesn't make sense, I guess only in liberal propaganda land it does.

I know it doesnt make sense but when have repubs ever made sense? Are you really not knowing that 99.9% of pro lifers are repubs?

Yeah, leftards backed eugenicists like Sanger that believed that "negroes" should have cheap if not totally free abortions. You are like a chicken that worships at the photo of Colonel Sanders......whatever....rock on wid yo bad self.
You sound like another idiot parroting myths given to you by your leaders. Sanger was against abortion you dumbass. :laugh:

Correct. She favored segregation and sterilization instead. What a fantastic role model you have.

Yep, it was a great interview. He was authentic, credible, and measured.

Yes it was a good interview, he was articulate, and spoke very well.

Yeah. I didnt need to see any interview to know Kav was lying. I watched him on national TV tell the senator that the devils triangle was a drinking game and boofing was flatulence with a straight face.

He was a preppy good god man, two Shirley temples and all those kids would pass out .


Privileged preppies are the worst. Throw in that your mom is a judge and your dad an attorney and you have the makings of what I call catastrophic white boy alcoholic benders.

I couldn't stand those kids when I was in school, over the interstate in the burbs of Chicago we had them and used to fight them a few times.


I had to play them in basketball and got invited to some of their parties. I have never seen drinking like that except in the military.
Thats a stupid question. They want abortion to be illegal. You can ask any card carrying conservative pro lifer.

It still doesn't make sense, I guess only in liberal propaganda land it does.

I know it doesnt make sense but when have repubs ever made sense? Are you really not knowing that 99.9% of pro lifers are repubs?

Yeah, leftards backed eugenicists like Sanger that believed that "negroes" should have cheap if not totally free abortions. You are like a chicken that worships at the photo of Colonel Sanders......whatever....rock on wid yo bad self.
You sound like another idiot parroting myths given to you by your leaders. Sanger was against abortion you dumbass. :laugh:

Correct. She favored segregation and sterilization instead. What a fantastic role model you have.
She isnt my role model. I just like to be truthful. If youre going to claim she tried to get Black people to have abortions you should be smart enough to see what her stance was on abortion. She favored segregation and sterilization no matter the race.
GET READY FOR IT: Your right wing talk show hosts that have been mocking, laughing, making jokes about these women's claims about Kavanaugh are going to be in an all hell fire storm tomorrow morning--because Kavanaugh's former Yale roommate has outed him, stating he lied under oath. If you're wondering who James Roche is--his mother was a REPUBLICAN representative and he grew up in a Republican family.

James Roche, one of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's freshman year roommates at Yale, said Wednesday that Kavanaugh lied under oath about his drinking and about the meaning of his yearbook entries.In an op-ed for Slate, Roche writes, "Brett Kavanaugh stood up under oath and lied about his drinking and about the meaning of words in his yearbook. He did so baldly, without hesitation or reservation."

"In his words and his behavior, Judge Kavanaugh has shown contempt for the truth, for the process, for the rule of law, and for accountability," Roche added. "His willingness to lie to avoid embarrassment throws doubt on his denials about the larger questions of sexual assault."Kavanaugh testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee that he has never been blackout drunk. He was appearing before senators to answer an accusation from California professor Christine Blasey Ford that he sexually assaulted her when they were both in high school in the early 1980s. Kavanaugh denies the allegation and says he has no memory of the party where Ford says the incident happened.

Roche says he believes his friend Deborah Ramirez, who has accused Kavanaugh of exposing himself to her at a college dorm party. He told CNN's Anderson Cooper on Wednesday night that "there is zero chance that she is making up this story."Kavanaugh has denied Ramirez's allegation. CNN has reached out to the White House for reaction to Roche's comments.

Roche told CNN, "I saw him both what I would consider blackout drunk and also dealing with the repercussions of that in the morning."I didn't socialize with Brett," Roche said. "He would come home and he was incoherent, stumbling, he would sometimes be singing, he occasionally would wear this -- I think it was an old leather football helmet -- and he would throw up, and then in the morning would have a lot of trouble getting out of bed."Roche added, "I wasn't an angel back then, either. There were times when I did the exact same thing."

He told CNN he has not been contacted by the FBI about Kavanaugh.Roche writes in the Slate op-ed he is willing to speak to the FBI about his experiences with Kavanaugh and Ramirez. The FBI has been conducting a supplemental background investigation into the nominee after Kavanaugh and Ford testified before the Judiciary Committee.Roche writes he does not know if Kavanaugh attacked Ford in high school or exposed himself to Ramirez in college, "But I can say that he lied under oath."In Roche's appearance on "Anderson Cooper 360," he said he was "shocked" when he heard Kavanaugh say "boofing" meant flatulence and "Devil's Triangle" was a drinking game, "because those words were commonly used and they were references to sexual activities. ... I heard them talking about it regularly.

I think that contributed to some of my feelings about the fact that these guys treated women in a way that I didn't like.""We were in a room together -- our beds were 10 feet apart for a couple of months," Roche told Cooper.

"And what struck me and made me more interested in speaking out about it is not only did I know that he wasn't telling, you know, the truth, I knew that he knew that he wasn't telling the truth."

Roche told CNN his memory of Kavanaugh is that "he was on the far edge of this -- he was notably heavier in his drinking than other people."He told Cooper he had gone back and forth on whether to speak out -- "there is very little upside for me and there is considerable downside for me" -- but that "at the end of the day it feels like there are not enough people who are willing and can credibly say" they know Ramirez "and she didn't lie and wouldn't lie. ... And so it felt to me like somebody had to get up and speak for her."
In the Slate op-ed, Roche notes he was raised in a Republican family -- his mother was a Republican state representative in Connecticut and "my father owns a MAGA hat."

"This is not about drinking too much or even encouraging others to drink," Roche writes. "It is not about using coarse language or even about the gray area between testing sexual boundaries with a date and sexual abuse. This is about denial. This is about not facing consequences. This is about lying."
"I was not a choirboy, but—unlike Brett—I'm not going on national television and testifying under oath that I was," Roche continued.
"In Brett's cases, if he is innocent, he should be cleared," Roche writes in the Slate op-ed. "If he is not and he is being untruthful to the nation, that should disqualify him from sitting on the highest court in the land. This just seems fair."

You can watch Anderson interview James Roche at this link also. Then you right wingers come back on here, and tell me this guy (James Roche) isn't "credibile."
Yale roommate says Kavanaugh lied under oath about drinking and yearbook - CNNPolitics

And of course this was going on last night at a Trump rally.
youtube video of trump mocking Dr. Ford - Yahoo Video Search Results

I imagine Republicans will be forced to kick Kavanaugh to the curb, and for lying under oath--they may impeach him as a Federal District court Judge.
View attachment 220187

Thing is, CNN just don’t get it. How many times have they been had?

Well I don't think you could characterize this interview as being had. The only people that are going to get their noses wiped tommorow morning is going to be all your right wing talk show hosts--that have been whole heartedly attacking these women to support Kavanuagh.

I listened to one local right wing talk show host this morning give a 15 minute speech on the Devil's triangle and the Bermuda area, and that's why Brett Kavanaugh wrote it on his calendar, it had nothing to do with a threesome sex orgy--:auiqs.jpg:

But I can say that he lied under oath."In Roche's appearance on "Anderson Cooper 360," he said he was "shocked" when he heard Kavanaugh say "boofing" meant flatulence and "Devil's Triangle" was a drinking game, "because those words were commonly used and they were references to sexual activities. ... I heard them talking about it regularly.

James Rotche just blew that one to smitherines.

Last edited:
It still doesn't make sense, I guess only in liberal propaganda land it does.

I know it doesnt make sense but when have repubs ever made sense? Are you really not knowing that 99.9% of pro lifers are repubs?

Not me I have always fully supported killing as many liberal babies as possible through abortion.

Babies dont have a political stance. You must be a republican because that made zero sense.

Their parents do and it sure is not conservatives killing their baby's and selling the baby parts .

You know some liberals that kill their babies and sell their body parts?

If they get a decent discount for the tissue and some vouchers for 25 percent off of double ply toilet paper? Leftards would consider retro-active "abortion".

Leftards would dig up their deceased relatives for stem cells and then " skull fuck" it if it would enhance their chances of being leeches on society for awhile longer.

I know it doesnt make sense but when have repubs ever made sense? Are you really not knowing that 99.9% of pro lifers are repubs?

Not me I have always fully supported killing as many liberal babies as possible through abortion.

Babies dont have a political stance. You must be a republican because that made zero sense.

Their parents do and it sure is not conservatives killing their baby's and selling the baby parts .

You know some liberals that kill their babies and sell their body parts?

If they get a decent discount for the tissue and some vouchers for 25 percent off of double ply toilet paper? Leftards would consider retro-active "abortion".

Leftards would dig up their deceased relatives for stem cells and then " skull fuck" it if it would enhance their chances of being leeches on society for awhile longer.

You've been sniffing too much paint.
Why would the Republicans over turn Roe vs Wade when they made it a legal, you guys never make sense.

Thats a stupid question. They want abortion to be illegal. You can ask any card carrying conservative pro lifer.

It still doesn't make sense, I guess only in liberal propaganda land it does.

I know it doesnt make sense but when have repubs ever made sense? Are you really not knowing that 99.9% of pro lifers are repubs?

Yeah, leftards backed eugenicists like Sanger that believed that "negroes" should have cheap if not totally free abortions. You are like a chicken that worships at the photo of Colonel Sanders......whatever....rock on wid yo bad self.
You sound like another idiot parroting myths given to you by your leaders. Sanger was against abortion you dumbass. :laugh:

BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! Yeah......you betcha. Revisionist history major, are ya???
I know it doesnt make sense but when have repubs ever made sense? Are you really not knowing that 99.9% of pro lifers are repubs?

Not me I have always fully supported killing as many liberal babies as possible through abortion.

Babies dont have a political stance. You must be a republican because that made zero sense.

Their parents do and it sure is not conservatives killing their baby's and selling the baby parts .

You know some liberals that kill their babies and sell their body parts?

It's been in the news look it up.
I just looked it up and all I can find is some conspiracy theories that PP sells fetal parts but cant find anything about random liberals having kids and selling their parts.
Thats a stupid question. They want abortion to be illegal. You can ask any card carrying conservative pro lifer.

It still doesn't make sense, I guess only in liberal propaganda land it does.

I know it doesnt make sense but when have repubs ever made sense? Are you really not knowing that 99.9% of pro lifers are repubs?

Yeah, leftards backed eugenicists like Sanger that believed that "negroes" should have cheap if not totally free abortions. You are like a chicken that worships at the photo of Colonel Sanders......whatever....rock on wid yo bad self.
You sound like another idiot parroting myths given to you by your leaders. Sanger was against abortion you dumbass. :laugh:

BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! Yeah......you betcha. Revisionist history major, are ya???
Show us where Sanger pushed for anyone to have an abortion. Surely your handlers taught you how to deal with that question right?
Not me I have always fully supported killing as many liberal babies as possible through abortion.

Babies dont have a political stance. You must be a republican because that made zero sense.

Their parents do and it sure is not conservatives killing their baby's and selling the baby parts .

You know some liberals that kill their babies and sell their body parts?

If they get a decent discount for the tissue and some vouchers for 25 percent off of double ply toilet paper? Leftards would consider retro-active "abortion".

Leftards would dig up their deceased relatives for stem cells and then " skull fuck" it if it would enhance their chances of being leeches on society for awhile longer.

You've been sniffing too much paint.

An accusation that you can't back with any credible evidence. Its akin to me claiming that your addiction to 40 ouncers of malt liquor is why you don't have even a nodding acquaintance with "truth".
So his entire claim is based upon whether Kavanaugh was ever "blackout drunk". Hate to break it to you but the only person who would know whether Kavanaugh "blacked out" would be Kavanaugh himself.

Well I hate to tell you this but you clearly didn't read the entire article. He's goes into the lying about the calendar and what those words (boofing & devils triangle) actually meant--:auiqs.jpg:
That has already been debunked.

No it wasn't.
Babies dont have a political stance. You must be a republican because that made zero sense.

Their parents do and it sure is not conservatives killing their baby's and selling the baby parts .

You know some liberals that kill their babies and sell their body parts?

If they get a decent discount for the tissue and some vouchers for 25 percent off of double ply toilet paper? Leftards would consider retro-active "abortion".

Leftards would dig up their deceased relatives for stem cells and then " skull fuck" it if it would enhance their chances of being leeches on society for awhile longer.

You've been sniffing too much paint.

An accusation that you can't back with any credible evidence. Its akin to me claiming that your addiction to 40 ouncers of malt liquor is why you don't have even a nodding acquaintance with "truth".
Its more akin to you claiming Sanger supported abortion when she was decidedly anti-abortion you fucking idiot. :21:
It still doesn't make sense, I guess only in liberal propaganda land it does.

I know it doesnt make sense but when have repubs ever made sense? Are you really not knowing that 99.9% of pro lifers are repubs?

Yeah, leftards backed eugenicists like Sanger that believed that "negroes" should have cheap if not totally free abortions. You are like a chicken that worships at the photo of Colonel Sanders......whatever....rock on wid yo bad self.
You sound like another idiot parroting myths given to you by your leaders. Sanger was against abortion you dumbass. :laugh:

BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! Yeah......you betcha. Revisionist history major, are ya???
Show us where Sanger pushed for anyone to have an abortion. Surely your handlers taught you how to deal with that question right?

Don't EVEN try to "gaslight" me, "homes".....LOL!!!
I know it doesnt make sense but when have repubs ever made sense? Are you really not knowing that 99.9% of pro lifers are repubs?

Yeah, leftards backed eugenicists like Sanger that believed that "negroes" should have cheap if not totally free abortions. You are like a chicken that worships at the photo of Colonel Sanders......whatever....rock on wid yo bad self.
You sound like another idiot parroting myths given to you by your leaders. Sanger was against abortion you dumbass. :laugh:

BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! Yeah......you betcha. Revisionist history major, are ya???
Show us where Sanger pushed for anyone to have an abortion. Surely your handlers taught you how to deal with that question right?

Don't EVEN try to "gaslight" me, "homes".....LOL!!!
Dont deflect. You made the claim. Time to support your claim or admit you are just being a parrot.
Asclepias sez??.?? " Margeret Sanger loved us negroes!!!! Do you here me due you???"

You make it too damn easy, my brother.
GET READY FOR IT: Your right wing talk show hosts that have been mocking, laughing, making jokes about these women's claims about Kavanaugh are going to be in an all hell fire storm tomorrow morning--because Kavanaugh's former Yale roommate has outed him, stating he lied under oath. If you're wondering who James Roche is--his mother was a REPUBLICAN representative and he grew up in a Republican family.

James Roche, one of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's freshman year roommates at Yale, said Wednesday that Kavanaugh lied under oath about his drinking and about the meaning of his yearbook entries.In an op-ed for Slate, Roche writes, "Brett Kavanaugh stood up under oath and lied about his drinking and about the meaning of words in his yearbook. He did so baldly, without hesitation or reservation."

"In his words and his behavior, Judge Kavanaugh has shown contempt for the truth, for the process, for the rule of law, and for accountability," Roche added. "His willingness to lie to avoid embarrassment throws doubt on his denials about the larger questions of sexual assault."Kavanaugh testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee that he has never been blackout drunk. He was appearing before senators to answer an accusation from California professor Christine Blasey Ford that he sexually assaulted her when they were both in high school in the early 1980s. Kavanaugh denies the allegation and says he has no memory of the party where Ford says the incident happened.

Roche says he believes his friend Deborah Ramirez, who has accused Kavanaugh of exposing himself to her at a college dorm party. He told CNN's Anderson Cooper on Wednesday night that "there is zero chance that she is making up this story."Kavanaugh has denied Ramirez's allegation. CNN has reached out to the White House for reaction to Roche's comments.

Roche told CNN, "I saw him both what I would consider blackout drunk and also dealing with the repercussions of that in the morning."I didn't socialize with Brett," Roche said. "He would come home and he was incoherent, stumbling, he would sometimes be singing, he occasionally would wear this -- I think it was an old leather football helmet -- and he would throw up, and then in the morning would have a lot of trouble getting out of bed."Roche added, "I wasn't an angel back then, either. There were times when I did the exact same thing."

He told CNN he has not been contacted by the FBI about Kavanaugh.Roche writes in the Slate op-ed he is willing to speak to the FBI about his experiences with Kavanaugh and Ramirez. The FBI has been conducting a supplemental background investigation into the nominee after Kavanaugh and Ford testified before the Judiciary Committee.Roche writes he does not know if Kavanaugh attacked Ford in high school or exposed himself to Ramirez in college, "But I can say that he lied under oath."In Roche's appearance on "Anderson Cooper 360," he said he was "shocked" when he heard Kavanaugh say "boofing" meant flatulence and "Devil's Triangle" was a drinking game, "because those words were commonly used and they were references to sexual activities. ... I heard them talking about it regularly.

I think that contributed to some of my feelings about the fact that these guys treated women in a way that I didn't like.""We were in a room together -- our beds were 10 feet apart for a couple of months," Roche told Cooper.

"And what struck me and made me more interested in speaking out about it is not only did I know that he wasn't telling, you know, the truth, I knew that he knew that he wasn't telling the truth."

Roche told CNN his memory of Kavanaugh is that "he was on the far edge of this -- he was notably heavier in his drinking than other people."He told Cooper he had gone back and forth on whether to speak out -- "there is very little upside for me and there is considerable downside for me" -- but that "at the end of the day it feels like there are not enough people who are willing and can credibly say" they know Ramirez "and she didn't lie and wouldn't lie. ... And so it felt to me like somebody had to get up and speak for her."
In the Slate op-ed, Roche notes he was raised in a Republican family -- his mother was a Republican state representative in Connecticut and "my father owns a MAGA hat."

"This is not about drinking too much or even encouraging others to drink," Roche writes. "It is not about using coarse language or even about the gray area between testing sexual boundaries with a date and sexual abuse. This is about denial. This is about not facing consequences. This is about lying."
"I was not a choirboy, but—unlike Brett—I'm not going on national television and testifying under oath that I was," Roche continued.
"In Brett's cases, if he is innocent, he should be cleared," Roche writes in the Slate op-ed. "If he is not and he is being untruthful to the nation, that should disqualify him from sitting on the highest court in the land. This just seems fair."

You can watch Anderson interview James Roche at this link also. Then you right wingers come back on here, and tell me this guy (James Roche) isn't "credibile."
Yale roommate says Kavanaugh lied under oath about drinking and yearbook - CNNPolitics

And of course this was going on last night at a Trump rally.
youtube video of trump mocking Dr. Ford - Yahoo Video Search Results

I imagine Republicans will be forced to kick Kavanaugh to the curb, and for lying under oath--they may impeach him as a Federal District court Judge.
Did Kavanaugh's roommate do this under oath at CNN? LOL
Asclepias sez??.?? " Margeret Sanger loved us negroes!!!! Do you here me due you???"

You make it too damn easy, my brother.
You always do these cute little things when you know you cant back your claim. :laugh:

Use the USMB search feature.....put Sanger in the top box and then put in my name and click on the profile of yours truly....a plethora of links and information posted will be an eye opener...you can do this...I have faith!!!
Their parents do and it sure is not conservatives killing their baby's and selling the baby parts .

You know some liberals that kill their babies and sell their body parts?

If they get a decent discount for the tissue and some vouchers for 25 percent off of double ply toilet paper? Leftards would consider retro-active "abortion".

Leftards would dig up their deceased relatives for stem cells and then " skull fuck" it if it would enhance their chances of being leeches on society for awhile longer.

You've been sniffing too much paint.

An accusation that you can't back with any credible evidence. Its akin to me claiming that your addiction to 40 ouncers of malt liquor is why you don't have even a nodding acquaintance with "truth".
Its more akin to you claiming Sanger supported abortion when she was decidedly anti-abortion you fucking idiot. :21:

^This guy has to be a troll.

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