Kayleigh McEnany Details How The Media Undermined The Trump Administration In New Book

Sure...cause absolutely NONE of Trump's issues were caused by his incompetence, corruption, and outright stupidity and narcissism.
It's always someone else's fault. :)

Oh yeah, PS, the Deep State doesn't exist...except in the minds of the feeble members of Alt-Right Nation.
This man truly was their savior.
This massive, living, breathing fantasy, all built around one deeply troubled man-child. In America.

Fucking incredible.
Nope. Your bias won’t allow you to see that was far better a choice than a demented president - and the results we‘ve seen in just one year shows it: thousands of Americans left behind to be tortured and killed by Islamic terrorists; enabling Islamic terrorists with $85 billion of advanced American military equipment; a border so porous that a million of uneducated, semi-literates are streaming across, many infected with CO; policies that give handouts to so many that people are refusing to work, creating supply chain problems and shortages; thr same policies exacerbating inflation; gas prices so high that working class Americans now have to lower their food intake to fill Up the tank; giving money to HAMAS via Palestinians; calling an innocent and acquitted white kid a white supremacist; and now trying to push through a massive spending bill that will accelerate the crash of the economy.

You fell for the media propaganda, and you’re still falling for it. As a result, we have the likes of Biden-Harris destroying the country.
He was a terrible choice for President. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders. All would have made better Presidents. All would have responded to the pandemic with more action and more force than Trump did. The rest of your screed is just right wing rant. Same tired talking points I hear everyday from the usual suspects. The fact that you refuse to acknowledge that the seeds of this economic carnage were planted in the last administration just tells me you don't like anyone with the letter "D" after their name.
He was a terrible choice for President. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders. All would have made better Presidents. All would have responded to the pandemic with more action and more force than Trump did. The rest of your screed is just right wing rant. Same tired talking points I hear everyday from the usual suspects. The fact that you refuse to acknowledge that the seeds of this economic carnage were planted in the last administration just tells me you don't like anyone with the letter "D" after their name.
Of course those R candidates would have been better. But the choice was Trump, and he was still preferable to a liberal president.

And your chalking up my list of Biden’s massive failures to “right wing talking points”, without even attempting to defend them, tells me you have no way to do so. Thus, you simply dismiss them. It’s a subtle way of silencing.

I just hope you deluded leftists remain less than 30% of the voters. The independents are going to see that the destructive liberal policies come to a halt; I just pray that the damage isn’t irreparable by then.
The media lied about it, exaggerated it, misstated it - all while hiding Biden’s multiple gaffes. Had the media been even somewhat objective, all the cheating in the world on Election Day could not have overcome a Trump landslide.

You mean his videos or his tweets? The media had NOTHING to do with those. You are delusional.. Trump has always been a loser because of his psyhcosis.

This massive, living, breathing fantasy, all built around one deeply troubled man-child. In America.

Fucking incredible.

The fantasy of the Deep State predates Trump, but it got far more life and power given it during the Trump years.
You mean his videos or his tweets? The media had NOTHING to do with those. You are delusional.. Trump has always been a loser because of his psyhcosis.

Oh, did he tweet? The horrors.

In the meantime, before we had the Communists unleash their virus, Trump‘s policies had us in the best economy in our lifetimes, the illegals waiting in Mexico, some advances toward peace in the Middle East, removal from horrible foreign deals, and not a single Islamic terrorist attack.

You‘re another deluded leftist. You voted for a dementia patient, and we see the country failing as a result. With G-d‘s help, we will see either Trump or DeSantis as president in three years.
No it's not real.. its a fictional device to avoid responsibily and blame someone or something else. It's just another conspiracy theory like Pizza Gate or election fraud. Trump will never admit he lost or that he lost because of his covid respone and superspreader rallies. "Deep state did it!"
Good Lord, are you really that ignorant? No, don't answer. Its that obvius.
Name, names!

Who is in the deep state. Who is their leader? What is his goals? Do people in this Deep State report to him? Do they get paid by this Deep State Leader? Do people in this Deep State, know they are in and working for, the Deep State?
Name names? Go find a directory of anyone who has been in government and in D.C. for the past 35 years.

The DEEP state is NOT an organization. Good Lord, you people get dumber by the second.
The REAL cheating to defeat Trump wasn’t some at the ballot box, but for years prior, with an anti-Trump FBI and a complicit media.

Even today, liberals believe the lies. They have actually convinced themselves that they’ve heard Trump say things he NEVER said.
Another hilarious bleating of whiny excuses.

Your boy got his a$$ kicked good-and-proper... fair-and-square... he was his own worst enemy... thank God.
Naming names is not the same as direction. Taking liberties with liberties. We lost whatever innocence we had left by the end of WW 2. The FBI was already a bit corrupted with J. Edgar Hoover. The new alphabet agencies created from that time on are set in their ways and in their power.

Do you remember the end of WW2?
The deep state is very, very real.
Sure it is. Trump & you asslickers need someome to blame because Trump was & still is a deranged incompetent fool, in over his head who had no idea how to govern. Hence a "Deep State" out to get him.

Not only is Trump a malignant psychopath, he's a corrupt one.
Sure it is. Trump & you asslickers need someome to blame because Trump was & still is a deranged incompetent fool, in over his head who had no idea how to govern. Hence a "Deep State" out to get him.

Not only is Trump a malignant psychopath, he's a corrupt one.
Do yourself a favor and go back over the history of D.C. for the past 40 years.

Don't worry, I don't actually expect you to do anything to pull your head out of your ass.
Name, names!

Who is in the deep state. Who is their leader? What is his goals? Do people in this Deep State report to him? Do they get paid by this Deep State Leader? Do people in this Deep State, know they are in and working for, the Deep State?
AND do they have a secret handshake?
Do yourself a favor and go back over the history of D.C. for the past 40 years.

Don't worry, I don't actually expect you to do anything to pull your head out of your ass.
How bout pulling your head out of Trump's ass long enough to clue us in on who & what this "Deep State" is that you Trumptards keep pissing & moaning about.

We won't keep you long then you can reisert your head back into Trump's brown eye.
How bout pulling your head out of Trump's ass long enough to clue us in on who & what this "Deep State" is that you Trumptards keep pissing & moaning about.

We won't keep you long then you can reisert your head back into Trump's brown eye.
D.C. is the deep State moron. Those who work there, those who influence power there, those who will kill you for that power.

Go learn your fucking history and stop expecting others to do your work for you.
D.C. is the deep State moron. Those who work there, those who influence power there, those who will kill you for that power.

Go learn your fucking history and stop expecting others to do your work for you.
Oh, you must mean this Deep State that protected Trump for 4 years including his goons in Congress who let him off the hook on impeachment. You mean that Deep State, retard?

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