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Kayleigh McEnany gets "pants on fire" rating for claiming Trump "never downplayed" coronavirus

Trump worked hard on containing the virus and tried not to panic people. The Dems did the opposite.

Keep in mind the posters on here saying Trump should have caused a panic because nobody would have freaked out are still sitting at home with 14 cases of toilet paper.
Public health policy requires honesty or it's a failure.

Anthony Fauci lied about masks; now he complains that ...

Dr. Fauci Made the Coronavirus Pandemic Worse by Lying ...

Dr. Fauci Was Asked If He Regrets Lying About Masks, His ...

Top HHS adviser reportedly tried to stop Fauci from ...

THE LIST: Fauci's Many Mistakes and Lies: NIH Director ...
And if he played it up, Democrats would have accused him of inciting panic. Time for a SUPERCUT!

Perfect example of WHY TRUMPs lies hurt us....

Trump knew in January how deadly and dangerous and contagious this virus was....And could have WARNED our governor's and mayors and us of the threat, with the FACTs that he was told....And he knew, and he believed.

Instead he let mayors and governors send their citizens, out and about, spreading it...while Trump mocked Dem and Rep governors trying to take precautions.

What an evil, evil, evil man.


Dear Rot....You do know spamming is not allowed! :)

What if Trump told us the TRUTH in January, when he knew how deadly this virus was....?

No. We would not. Our first death was not until Feb 29th. You would have called him racist like when he implemented the travel ban on China.
Now that the audio is public knowledge, it is 100% fair to say that anyone seen in enclosed public spaces without a mask lacks autonomy. Their adulation of trump has turned them into zombies. and they should be treated accordingly. Whatever stops that diseased breath from coming out. Screw the lot of them.
Americans simply can not accept the truth, they panic, buy up all the toilet paper in town and make a run on the super markets. When told the country is broke they look the other way and can’t for the life of themselves u derstand what is happening to the purchase power of their hard earned dollar. When they are told this new form of government controlled health care will allow them to keep their doctor and there is no such thing as a death squad that determines who receives what care they smile and accept it as truth. So in short my fellow Americans are gullible and naive. The last thing a leader needs to do is sit in a rocking chair, next to the fire, whine, and cry on national TV about The state of affairs in this case International pandemic. Take a page out of FDR and Churchill’s play book and face fear with strength, oh......that only worked with the Greatest Generation.
Trump worked hard on containing the virus and tried not to panic people. The Dems did the opposite.

Keep in mind the posters on here saying Trump should have caused a panic because nobody would have freaked out are still sitting at home with 14 cases of toilet paper.

Yes and it amazes me that they think Americans are stupid. Most were watching what was going on and knew it would be bad.

I know I did. I went out and bought a face mask and decided 6 feet between people was a safe distance and that was way before the CDC came out with instructions.

I'm sure I wasn't the only one. Common Sense 101
A Biden Campaign spokesman was on Fox with Bret Baier and he would not answer a simple question straight, because he knew he was caught lying in his answer and it would be used against him.
get this: that Biden "ALWAYS SUPPORTED THE china Travel Ban" *LOL*
So Bret asked him to repeat the lie by asking him since the President first mentioned it he supported the Ban?
Even fact checkers change history by lying & claim Biden never called it Xenophobic and Google places those front and center false info in the search engines on the China travel ban.
Busted we still remember him saying it a few times including being against the European travel ban.:
She, Conway and Huckabee should all be co-defendants in the Rump Treason Trial after January 20, 2021... all of them channeling the ghost of Joseph Goebbels.
Trump shut down flights from China and declares a public health emergency way back in January. Trump then proceeds to shut down the country while holding daily press conferences with medical experts who told us to social distance. It was painfully obvious to most Americans how serious this was, yet Democrats still couldn’t figure out this was serious.

Rump did NOT shut down all the flight. Over 40,000 people flew in during January from China after he stopped the "Chinese" from flying in. He didn't stop the Americans who flew in from China and the "15" cases grew into thousands very quickly. Then the deaths grew from a handful to thousands and now stands at almost 200,000. Meanwhile, he had the 69 page Pandemic Book on hand that he never read. Otherwise, he would have known what to do. But he wouldn't read it because it came from Obama. Just how many serious mistakes and deaths have to happen before you Rumpsters stop giving the free rides to your Orange Deity?
Most adults would take the horrible truth over a pack of lies any day. We are not children who you tell fairy stories so they will stay quiet.
What a suitable description for Democrat politicians and their pathetic dupes. What a long list of lies - too many to post, but here's a few > Hillary's TV ads on outsourcing, the disabled reporter, false polls, MCain (hero), Khizir Khan (Muslim gold star father), Russian "collusion" hoax, Trump's Ukraine letter, impeachment nonsense, idiotic Atlantic smears, Covid progress, Afghanistan bounties, Pocahontas' affirmative action, the whole Kavanaugh smear campaign, how to pay for Medicare for all, the laughable claim that illegal aliens don't vote, false claim that Buttigieg won Iowa, definition of what sex a person is, Hillary's private internet server, Biden defunding police, Clinton murders billed as "suicides", Charlottesville fake news narrative, hypocrisy of affirmative action, silence of NOW regarding Muslim/Koran mistreatment of women, etc etc)

Yet another thread documenting that Trump supporters are just as dishonest as Trump, that they lie as much as Trump, and are as reprehensible as Trump.
Please post ONE lie that Trump has ever told. Note that I have made this challenge to Democrats many times None have ever succeeded to post an actual lie. They just laugh and then post things that ARE NOT a lie.
Rump did NOT shut down all the flight. Over 40,000 people flew in during January from China after he stopped the "Chinese" from flying in. He didn't stop the Americans who flew in from China and the "15" cases grew into thousands very quickly. Then the deaths grew from a handful to thousands and now stands at almost 200,000. Meanwhile, he had the 69 page Pandemic Book on hand that he never read. Otherwise, he would have known what to do. But he wouldn't read it because it came from Obama. Just how many serious mistakes and deaths have to happen before you Rumpsters stop giving the free rides to your Orange Deity?
What a stupid post. Hey dum dum, you think we don't know that 40,000 Americans were let in ? Of course they were. What would you have done ? Force them to remain in China, with the virus flowing all around them ? It is the Chinese who were not let in by the travel ban, which was a major accomplishment by Trump, and which moron Democrats criticized at the time (now they hail it) as being "racist".

This is how information-deprived and pitifully ignorant Democrats are. If you want to bash Trump, talking about Covid deaths is the last thing you should want to talk about.
The massive REDUCTION of the Covid mortality rate is one of Trump's great ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

In mid-April, the death rate was over 17,000/week. Mid May, dropped to 9,000/week. In mid-June was reduced to 3,000. Now is less than 2000 and last CDC reading is currently 298 for the week starting September 5 (almost a full week ago)

In addition to the reduction in the death rate, Covid-19 cases have been falling also, since late July, including in several battleground states. Hospitalizations have dropped 37 percent in the last month.


And all this reduction in the mortality rate and case rate, DID come from Trump knowing what to do. He didn't need any book from Obama. He did a lot of things that brought about the mortality rate REDUCTION >>

Covid deaths have sharply declined since April, and that is because of Trump's quick and decisive actions regarding the Task Force, ventilators (we now have so many we're exporting them), the Navy hospital ships, the stimulus checks, social distancing, opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies, federal aid to hospitals, ramped up production of medical supplies, eliminated govt restrictions on manufacturing medial supplies, travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for), Trump's advocacy of hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), convalescent plasma, and fast development of a vaccine.

I don't know why anyone would want to be a press secretary for ANY President.

Virtually all they do is spin and obfuscate. How is that fulfilling? Oh well, their choice.

And for THIS President? Holy crap.
When Lying Barbie was appointed to her job, she said she would never lie.
She was lying, because she lies and just lied again:
"Between the end of January and mid March, Trump told the public that the virus was well under control and presented little risk.

He told Bob Woodward that he played down the virus to avoid creating panic."

I thought Quid Pro Joe said that President Trump was Hysterically xenophobic? Is that downplaying?
Not my job to educate you. You should have learned by now he's full of shit on just about everything.
But, as a poster in this forum, it IS YOUR JOB to provide source/links for your wild claims that you make, based on NOTHING. That is, if you want be taken seriously here.

Its not my job to educate you either, but that's exactly what I've just done (IF you read Post # 56 and the links provided)
Trump is right to try to avoid panic. Democrats did the same thing. Who can forget Nancy Pelosi's illustrious photo ops walking through San Francisco Chinatown, to downplay the virus ? The Speaker says there's no reason for people to live in fear.

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Is Nan able to get the same intel reports that POTUS gets? Just asking not attacking.

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