Kazakh president asks Russia-led bloc for military help

Revolt in Kazakhstan: Here’s What You Need to Know​

As protests in the oil-rich Central Asian country gain momentum, the events threaten to reverberate across the region.

Washington's Role in Kazakhstan's Chaos​

The New Atlas
The US was behind recent deadly violence in Central Asia’s Kazakhstan. Let’s explore the overall agenda, the US funding through the National Endowment for Democracy, the opposition leaders, and the lies the Western media is telling to try and bury all of it. Kazakhstan’s recent crisis is important to not only understand and learn from, but view as a possible warning for further destabilization efforts by Washington targeting other Central Asian nations.
There is some information about the possible involvement of Nazarbayev in the pogroms in Alma-Ata.

(in Russian)
Within twelve days, the CSTO peacekeeping contingent, including the "difficult-to-leave russians", will leave Kazakhstan.
Now I would like to ask the US Secretary of State Blinken – when will the US occupation contingent, illegally stationed in Syria, be withdrawn?
Now I would like to ask the US Secretary of State Blinken – when will the US occupation contingent, illegally stationed in Syria, be withdrawn?
But didn’t Russia fight in Syria with the patronage of the Pentagon?
generally, observing all these post-Soviet republics gradually slipping into non-existence one cannot but think about cyclic nature of History.

all these Ukraines, Kazakhstans etc. are incapable of living if left without Russian resourses and governance.

whatever whoever does to save them, they are doomed to collapse.

and in the end of the World economic crisis Russian Empire, or Greater Russia will be restored...
Ukraine can stand on its own if Russia would leave them alone for a change.

They actually have huge amounts of untapped labor that tends to be highly skilled and multi lingual. Meaning that they are well schooled but vastly under utilized. (They need jobs)

They are indeed Europe's and Russia's source for grain. They also have a huge port and offshore services that are remarkable in that area. They export most of the grain consumed in the neighborhood...

Ukraine also has a huge contingent of IT professionals and programmers.

Also with their extensive rail they can move all kinds of manufactured specialty metals...which they currently make several high performance and efficient aircraft.

They also have an extremely extensive spacecraft center... several satellites orbiting the globe are theirs.

All in all the place is exhausted from the corruption that Russia has infected them with...they want OUT. Can't say as I blame them. Lots of great resources to exploit and enrich the common person's life if only they weren't aligned with Russia. (Which they don't want to be a part of anymore). They wish to join the capitalists of the EU. No, they are not rich yet...but with the major areas of untapped resources they have it won't be long.
For Russia, no. There are many black soils in Russia, it itself exports grain.
Not really that important...but it does lend to the point that Ukraine would be better aligned with the EU than Russia.

But I get the feeling that Russia doesn't want some of its dirty secrets let out by Ukraine joining the EU.
They also have an extremely extensive spacecraft center... several satellites orbiting the globe are theirs.
In fact, they are the main manufacturers of Russian missiles, rocket engines were produced in Ukraine. No one knows how RosCosmos and Missle weapons is currently provided in Russia witout Ukraine.
In fact, they are the main manufacturers of Russian missiles, rocket engines were produced in Ukraine. No one knows how RosCosmos and Missle weapons is currently provided in Russia witout Ukraine.
Russia learned nothing from the Korean and Vietnam conflicts...
China is waiting in the wings for the US and Russia to wear each other out so they can come in and wipe us both out.

If they let Ukraine go we, together, we can stop PRC from it's abuses of the world. Ukraine is starving economically from not joining the EU... western and Japanese businesses can vitalize that place like Russia never could.

Russia really doesn't need the rockets and engine tech that they steal from Ukraine. They can buy them. But first they would have to deal with their own corrupt oligarchy... while painful it will solve most of their problems.
Not really that important...but it does lend to the point that Ukraine would be better aligned with the EU than Russia.

But I get the feeling that Russia doesn't want some of its dirty secrets let out by Ukraine joining the EU.
I believe that Ukraine should not join the EU, it is against its interests. It's just robbed and killed.
Russia is actually a much more Eurocentric country than Ukraine, both historically and de facto. Especially Muscovy. Russia, in particular, is the guarantor of Europe's energy security and de facto imposes on Russians European "values" and a Eurocentric distortion of history.

Ukraine should integrate only with Poland, especially since Ukrainians are Poles.
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It makes no sense to integrate with Europe at all, for anyone, including the United States, this is a rotting, endangered swamp. They chose their path to the neolithic matriarchy, into the shit from which the East once pulled them out, so let them die on their own, without drawing Ukraine, the USA and Eastern Europe into the process of decay
I believe that Ukraine should not join the EU, it is against its interests. She's just robbed and killed.
Russia is actually a much more Eurocentric country than Ukraine, both historically and de facto. Especially Muscovy. Russia, in particular, is the guarantor of Europe's energy security and de facto imposes on Russians European "values" and a Eurocentric distortion of history.

Ukraine should integrate only with Poland, especially since Ukrainians are Poles.
Ukraine is a lot of things...not necessarily better aligned with Poland. (Poland is part of the EU)

Poland has Slovaks and Hungarians too... even Romanians. (Who are problematic at best LoL)

But the Russian infection of corruption as SOP is the real issue. It must be cleaned up if Ukraine wants to survive and prosper. Integrity raises ALL Ships.
bears, vodka, balalayka... :)
Russians, close your ears when Westerners (and/or post Soviet born/grown up Ukrainians) share their knowledge on Russia not to make your brains explode :)
By the way, the Russians of the southeast of the European part, the Cossak regions of the Don and the Volga region also descend from the Poles. It is believed that Vyatichi and Radimichi lived there, according to the chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years" these are the descendants of the Lyakhs (which means Poles)
Don surzhik was a transition between Ukrainian and Moscow dialects. And the Moscow Golyad was taught Slavic only in the 15th century.

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