Keep this antivaxxer in your Thoughts

It isn't that the unvaccinated don't believe in covid or want to get sick. We just have 0 faith in our government and their FauciFlu, or with Congress' favorite stock pic, Pfizer, who is churning out shit that doesn't work. In fact, we need to protect ourselves from you vaxed x3, soon to be 4 injections, carriers now.

And I should be able to protect myself without fear of permanent heart damage or an embolism, or death by vax. All I need are safe monoclonal antibodies. Which our government opposes, so I can't get them. I wouldn't worry about that too much though, if I could have the cure for covid. But I can't. Our government does not want Pfizer to stop making serums. So, I have to rely on another country's government to acquire it.

The problem:
Congress owns a lot of Pfizer stock.
Congress is giving THAT company billions and billions of our $ and pushed their product worldwide as a vaccine.
Pfizer serum, according to Pfizer, is about 10% effective against covid, but now, covid is part of your DNA.
India has practically wiped out covid with Ivermectin, but that is bad for Pfizer, so the USA forbids it for use in covid cases. It is very safe too! Canadians aren't making a lot off of Pfizer stock so you can get it there.

The answer:
Owning Pfizer stock and making decisions concerning Pfizer is a conflict of interest. And they are killing people to pull it off. Get these sons of bitches out of office and our healthcare...
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Very small number of vaxxed dying. If not show us. The numbers say you’re like 80% more likely to die.

Yes, even some vaccinated people die of COVID. But very small number.

You assholes wont even wear masks. Fuck getting vaccinated. Just put on a fucking mask.
Why the CDC said they DO NOT WORK! Fuckin' moron.

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