Keep This Guy Away From the White House

For the sake of democracy we better hope not
Democrats oppose free speech and want to impose censorship.

Free speech is EXTREMELY important in a representative democracy or a constitutional republic like we have. It is so important it is covered by the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

This does not explain your opposition to the federal government stepping in, just your opposition to the means Trump said he would use.
So, again:
If the state and local governments are unwilling or unable to enforce the laws and protect the rights of their people - why do you believe the Feds should not step in?

Beyond that - It's not.

Note that this is a specified exception to the posse comitatus act.

The Act empowers the U.S. president to call into service the U.S. Armed Forces and the National Guard:
  • when requested by a state's legislature, or governor if the legislature cannot be convened, to address an insurrection against that state (§ 251),
  • to address an insurrection, in any state, which makes it impracticable to enforce the law (§ 252), or
  • to address an insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination or conspiracy, in any state, which results in the deprivation of constitutionally secured rights, and where the state is unable, fails, or refuses to protect said rights (§ 253).

And when the state and local government refuse to protect the rights of their people, the federal government has the authority to step in.
See above.
The state and local governments are enforcing laws you fascist. How about we send Biden troops to Tennessee an Alaska? Moronic. You are not looking at any data other than you dont like liberals. How about you keep the Federal government off the local lawns?

Except if the president declares Marshal Law.

Lincoln had to do it during the Civil War

Then lets send Biden troops into Tennessee and Alaska who are not keeping crime and violence under control! All these red states open to Biden storm troopers "helping" them out? You guys are a total gas flip flopping in the wind on core ideology based on if you like hurting someone specific.

The state and local governments are enforcing laws you fascist. How about we send Biden troops to Tennessee an Alaska? Moronic. You are not looking at any data other than you dont like liberals. How about you keep the Federal government off the local lawns?

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Then lets send Biden troops into Tennessee and Alaska who are not keeping crime and violence under control! All these red states open to Biden storm troopers "helping" them out? You guys are a total gas flip flopping in the wind on core ideology based on if you like hurting someone specific.

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My God Damn Communists cannot exist without lying your funking asses off day and night.

Chances of getting beat up in any Blue city like Philly, NYC, Chicago, St Louis, or Los Angeles is 100 times greater than in Dover TN, simply because of the concentration of Blacks and Hispanics. I have no idea where you got Alaska in all of this unless you're including Frostbite as a danger.
What's really on trial during the Trump era, is the entire justice system itself.

We all know what happened on Jan. 6. We all know what lead up to it and who caused it.

If the justice system can't indict Trump then the justice system will lose all credibility with the American people. It will prove itself a massive joke that only prosecutes poor, working class and other powerless people.

Agreed but it has always been this way.

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