Keep This Guy Away From the White House

Overwrought right wing fantasy
Liberals had Twitter and Facebook censoring conservative views and you damn well know it and were all for it. Fortunately along came Elon Musk.

The really sad part is liberals keep saying the Republicans are trying to do away with democracy and free speech and some people actually believe them.
My God Damn Communists cannot exist without lying your funking asses off day and night.

Chances of getting beat up in any Blue city like Philly, NYC, Chicago, St Louis, or Los Angeles is 100 times greater than in Dover TN, simply because of the concentration of Blacks and Hispanics. I have no idea where you got Alaska in all of this unless you're including Frostbite as a danger.
No it’s not. You are more likely to be murdered or a victim of violent crime in Tennessee OR Alaska than Illinois. That’s a fact. Just cuz you are a blind bat doesn’t make your statement true. You should do some research so you don’t look ignorant. I mean more ignorant.
Liberals had Twitter and Facebook censoring conservative views

The funniest thing about this right wing talking point is that there was nothing "conservative" about the speech that got people banned.

But you seem more than willing to equate conservatism with bigotry and lies.


Self awareness level: 0

But hey, I think you're onto something, really.
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No it’s not. You are more likely to be murdered or a victim of violent crime in Tennessee OR Alaska than Illinois. That’s a fact. Just cuz you are a blind bat doesn’t make your statement true. You should do some research so you don’t look ignorant. I mean more ignorant.
Bull shit.
I've lived in big cities and I've lived in the places you talk about.
Clearly your research is flawed because it uses averages rather than on the ground common-sense.
And none of it takes into account the massive increase in violence since the last time they did a study on the subject.

There are some places in big cities you cannot go and not risk your life....but there's no place in TN I can't walk and have to worry about a bunch of thugs coming up to me and trying to beat my ass.
Course everyone seems to be afraid of me until I start talking to them, but I remember being places in LA and San Diego where walking at night was unsafe. My wife used to live in Philly and she carried a gun in her purse everywhere.
Bull shit.
I've lived in big cities and I've lived in the places you talk about.
Clearly your research is flawed because it uses averages rather than on the ground common-sense.
And none of it takes into account the massive increase in violence since the last time they did a study on the subject.

There are some places in big cities you cannot go and not risk your life....but there's no place in TN I can't walk and have to worry about a bunch of thugs coming up to me and trying to beat my ass.
Course everyone seems to be afraid of me until I start talking to them, but I remember being places in LA and San Diego where walking at night was unsafe. My wife used to live in Philly and she carried a gun in her purse everywhere.
Oh well shit. You’re right. I didn’t use your personal observation over years of bipartisan collected data. My fucking bad. Are you a serious person or a bot? That is retarded.

The funniest thing about this right wing talking point is that there was nothing "conservative" about the speech that got people banned.

But you seen more than willing to equate conservatism with bigotry and lies.


Self awareness level: 0

But hey, I think you're onto something, really.
Twitter censored any discussion of Hunter Biden’s laptop prior to the 2020 Presidential election.

True conservatives who are not politicians oppose corruption and influence peddling. That includes people like the well known attorney, Johnathan Turley.


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