Keep Your Foot on the Gas Conservatives


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
WASHINGTON — Even before Brett Kavanaugh won the Senate's consent to ascend to the Supreme Court, liberals started looking for ways to remove him.

A petition to impeach Kavanaugh has gathered over 125,000 signatures, progressive groups have raised money to expel him from the federal bench and a key Democratic lawmaker has promised to investigate the judge if the party retakes the House in November.

"We will particularly focus on making sure House Democrats know that progressives expect them to use their full power to get Kavanaugh off the bench if they gain control of the House," she added. "A majority of Americans opposed Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court and we believe a majority will ultimately support his impeachment as well."

Impeaching Kavanaugh rouses progressive Democrats after confirmation

WASHINGTON, DC: Senator Susan Collins spoke power to truth. Your truth, her truth, and my truth. And Brett Kavanaugh’s truth. The process of Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to confirmation vote is been painful. The actions of Senate Democrats and the Soros funded resistance group members screaming at Senators Flake, McConnell, Cruz and Hatch has been an embarrassment for the United States on a national stage. They are the Democrat Dragon with their scorching firebreath.

“Today we have come to the conclusion of a confirmation process that has become so dysfunctional, it looks more like a caricature of a gutter-level political campaign than a solemn occasion.”

The resistance speaks within minutes of the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh

Senator Susan Collins slays the Democrat Dragon of Resistance

So going to take a nap in the middle of a race?
Where'd "Old Scratch" Schumer run off to anyway? I expected him to be flapping on the Supreme Court stairs with the rest of the mob after the vote yesterday.
This all reminds me of watching the movie "The Day After Tomorrow"...I sat there transfixed by the ludicrousness of it all, saying to myself; "no, this movie couldn't possibly get any more stupid."....Only to have it get even more stupid five minutes later.

Just when you think that the dems have plumbed the depths of idiotic, futile, and childish moves....
LOL!! Even if the dems manage to impeach someone in the House, the Senate will use the impeachment papers as scratch pads.
I welcome the vitriolic response of the opposition! How better to rouse the complacent into getting off their asses and voting! The more disparate the messages, the more stark the contrast the better the GOP will do, IMHO. I'm fine with our message and track record under Trump, how about U!
This all reminds me of watching the movie "The Day After Tomorrow"...I sat there transfixed by the ludicrousness of it all, saying to myself; "no, this movie couldn't possibly get any more stupid."....Only to have it get even more stupid five minutes later.

Just when you think that the dems have plumbed the depths of idiotic, futile, and childish moves....

I saw it in the theatre and was laughing. The people in front of me got mad because I kept laughing at how ridiculous it was.
WASHINGTON — Even before Brett Kavanaugh won the Senate's consent to ascend to the Supreme Court, liberals started looking for ways to remove him.

A petition to impeach Kavanaugh has gathered over 125,000 signatures, progressive groups have raised money to expel him from the federal bench and a key Democratic lawmaker has promised to investigate the judge if the party retakes the House in November.

"We will particularly focus on making sure House Democrats know that progressives expect them to use their full power to get Kavanaugh off the bench if they gain control of the House," she added. "A majority of Americans opposed Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court and we believe a majority will ultimately support his impeachment as well."

Impeaching Kavanaugh rouses progressive Democrats after confirmation

WASHINGTON, DC: Senator Susan Collins spoke power to truth. Your truth, her truth, and my truth. And Brett Kavanaugh’s truth. The process of Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to confirmation vote is been painful. The actions of Senate Democrats and the Soros funded resistance group members screaming at Senators Flake, McConnell, Cruz and Hatch has been an embarrassment for the United States on a national stage. They are the Democrat Dragon with their scorching firebreath.

“Today we have come to the conclusion of a confirmation process that has become so dysfunctional, it looks more like a caricature of a gutter-level political campaign than a solemn occasion.”

The resistance speaks within minutes of the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh

Senator Susan Collins slays the Democrat Dragon of Resistance

So going to take a nap in the middle of a race?
Feinstein has already said she has no intention of going there, trying to impeach Kavanaugh or Trump. And she is the one who has the say in that. So stop goading people to froth at the mouth over nothing. Or is that your job?
WASHINGTON — Even before Brett Kavanaugh won the Senate's consent to ascend to the Supreme Court, liberals started looking for ways to remove him.

A petition to impeach Kavanaugh has gathered over 125,000 signatures, progressive groups have raised money to expel him from the federal bench and a key Democratic lawmaker has promised to investigate the judge if the party retakes the House in November.

"We will particularly focus on making sure House Democrats know that progressives expect them to use their full power to get Kavanaugh off the bench if they gain control of the House," she added. "A majority of Americans opposed Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court and we believe a majority will ultimately support his impeachment as well."

Impeaching Kavanaugh rouses progressive Democrats after confirmation

WASHINGTON, DC: Senator Susan Collins spoke power to truth. Your truth, her truth, and my truth. And Brett Kavanaugh’s truth. The process of Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to confirmation vote is been painful. The actions of Senate Democrats and the Soros funded resistance group members screaming at Senators Flake, McConnell, Cruz and Hatch has been an embarrassment for the United States on a national stage. They are the Democrat Dragon with their scorching firebreath.

“Today we have come to the conclusion of a confirmation process that has become so dysfunctional, it looks more like a caricature of a gutter-level political campaign than a solemn occasion.”

The resistance speaks within minutes of the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh

Senator Susan Collins slays the Democrat Dragon of Resistance

So going to take a nap in the middle of a race?
Feinstein has already said she has no intention of going there, trying to impeach Kavanaugh or Trump. And she is the one who has the say in that. So stop goading people to froth at the mouth over nothing. Or is that your job?

The Senate doesn't impeach, the House does. So Pelosi or the dems' next speaker would set the stage for an impeachment vote. The Senate would hold trial and impeach or not with a 67 vote requirement, which is going nowhere.
Feinstein has already said she has no intention of going there, trying to impeach Kavanaugh or Trump. And she is the one who has the say in that. So stop goading people to froth at the mouth over nothing. Or is that your job?

"Brett Kavanaugh may have just been confirmed to the Supreme Court, but the grassroots movement that came together to oppose him will only continue to grow," declared Heidi Hess, co-director of the progressive group CREDO Action, immediately after the vote. "Eventually, when the dust settles and the right-wing fever that has overtaken Congress breaks, Kavanaugh will be impeached for lying under oath to the Senate Judiciary Committee, or for other criminal acts."

"No one is above the law, not even a Supreme Court Justice," said John Bonifaz, co-founder and president of Free Speech For People, a group that has already launched a website,, which includes a petition calling for an immediate probe by the House of Represenatives.

"Dr. Christine Blasey Ford has presented powerful and credible testimony that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when she was 15 years old," Bonifaz stated. "And, there are serious allegations from two other women that he committed other acts of sexual violence. All of this warrants an immediate impeachment investigation.”

The progressive advocacy group Roots Action agreed, calling impeachment the only constitutional remedy for the devastating confirmation that has outraged millions nationwide. "The House of Representatives has impeached 15 judges, including one on the Supreme Court," the group declared in a email to supporters. "Now, we must demand that the House provide what hasn't yet happened — a full investigation of Kavanaugh's record, which includes perjury on numerous topics."

The confirmation of Kavanaugh, said Anna Galland, executive director of the MoveOn Civic Fund, "underlines the central importance of winning elections" and her group is vowing to help make sure that Republicans pay the price in the upcoming mid-terms and beyond.

"At the end of the day," Galland stated, "most Americans reject Trump and Republicans’ right-wing extremism and want a country where everyone is treated with dignity and respect and constitutional rights are maintained. If we organize, mobilize, and vote, we will win. We must all commit to action in coming weeks to take back control of our government from right-wing extremists, and to lay the groundwork from which we can build a better future."

For his part, Rep. Jerrold Nalder (D-NY) has said that if the Democrats win the majority of the House in the November mid-terms nothing will stop him from opening a probe into Kavanaugh's sexual misconduct and perjury allegations.

Kavanaugh Confirmation Followed Immediately by This Call: 'Impeach Kavanaugh'

Looks like its the job of a lot of lefties....
WASHINGTON — Even before Brett Kavanaugh won the Senate's consent to ascend to the Supreme Court, liberals started looking for ways to remove him.

A petition to impeach Kavanaugh has gathered over 125,000 signatures, progressive groups have raised money to expel him from the federal bench and a key Democratic lawmaker has promised to investigate the judge if the party retakes the House in November.

"We will particularly focus on making sure House Democrats know that progressives expect them to use their full power to get Kavanaugh off the bench if they gain control of the House," she added. "A majority of Americans opposed Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court and we believe a majority will ultimately support his impeachment as well."

Impeaching Kavanaugh rouses progressive Democrats after confirmation

WASHINGTON, DC: Senator Susan Collins spoke power to truth. Your truth, her truth, and my truth. And Brett Kavanaugh’s truth. The process of Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to confirmation vote is been painful. The actions of Senate Democrats and the Soros funded resistance group members screaming at Senators Flake, McConnell, Cruz and Hatch has been an embarrassment for the United States on a national stage. They are the Democrat Dragon with their scorching firebreath.

“Today we have come to the conclusion of a confirmation process that has become so dysfunctional, it looks more like a caricature of a gutter-level political campaign than a solemn occasion.”

The resistance speaks within minutes of the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh

Senator Susan Collins slays the Democrat Dragon of Resistance

So going to take a nap in the middle of a race?
Feinstein has already said she has no intention of going there, trying to impeach Kavanaugh or Trump. And she is the one who has the say in that. So stop goading people to froth at the mouth over nothing. Or is that your job?

Feinstein sat on Fords letter for 7 weeks...then complained there was not enough time spent investigating the claim.

Fuck her.
WASHINGTON — Even before Brett Kavanaugh won the Senate's consent to ascend to the Supreme Court, liberals started looking for ways to remove him...

So going to take a nap in the middle of a race?

This is very simple. The President needs to come out and very clearly state that ANY attempt by the Democrats to overturn the confirmation of Justice Kavanuagh will ensure that only the most extreme right-wing judicial nominees are made, not only to the SCOTUS, but to all lower courts as well.

If their heads explode over an Originalist, imagine the seizures when Trump nominates overt Ultra-Conservatives.
There is no reason to put the foot on the gas when you can let the unhinged leftist barrel down the road into a brick wall.

Their antics are what will lead to more votes for the GOP............let them crash.
WASHINGTON — Even before Brett Kavanaugh won the Senate's consent to ascend to the Supreme Court, liberals started looking for ways to remove him.

A petition to impeach Kavanaugh has gathered over 125,000 signatures, progressive groups have raised money to expel him from the federal bench and a key Democratic lawmaker has promised to investigate the judge if the party retakes the House in November.

"We will particularly focus on making sure House Democrats know that progressives expect them to use their full power to get Kavanaugh off the bench if they gain control of the House," she added. "A majority of Americans opposed Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court and we believe a majority will ultimately support his impeachment as well."

Impeaching Kavanaugh rouses progressive Democrats after confirmation

WASHINGTON, DC: Senator Susan Collins spoke power to truth. Your truth, her truth, and my truth. And Brett Kavanaugh’s truth. The process of Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to confirmation vote is been painful. The actions of Senate Democrats and the Soros funded resistance group members screaming at Senators Flake, McConnell, Cruz and Hatch has been an embarrassment for the United States on a national stage. They are the Democrat Dragon with their scorching firebreath.

“Today we have come to the conclusion of a confirmation process that has become so dysfunctional, it looks more like a caricature of a gutter-level political campaign than a solemn occasion.”

The resistance speaks within minutes of the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh

Senator Susan Collins slays the Democrat Dragon of Resistance

So going to take a nap in the middle of a race?
Feinstein has already said she has no intention of going there, trying to impeach Kavanaugh or Trump. And she is the one who has the say in that. So stop goading people to froth at the mouth over nothing. Or is that your job?

The Senate doesn't impeach, the House does. So Pelosi or the dems' next speaker would set the stage for an impeachment vote. The Senate would hold trial and impeach or not with a 67 vote requirement, which is going nowhere.
Oops. You're right.
I wonder why the news was quoting Feinstein, then?
WASHINGTON — Even before Brett Kavanaugh won the Senate's consent to ascend to the Supreme Court, liberals started looking for ways to remove him.

A petition to impeach Kavanaugh has gathered over 125,000 signatures, progressive groups have raised money to expel him from the federal bench and a key Democratic lawmaker has promised to investigate the judge if the party retakes the House in November.

"We will particularly focus on making sure House Democrats know that progressives expect them to use their full power to get Kavanaugh off the bench if they gain control of the House," she added. "A majority of Americans opposed Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court and we believe a majority will ultimately support his impeachment as well."

Impeaching Kavanaugh rouses progressive Democrats after confirmation

WASHINGTON, DC: Senator Susan Collins spoke power to truth. Your truth, her truth, and my truth. And Brett Kavanaugh’s truth. The process of Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to confirmation vote is been painful. The actions of Senate Democrats and the Soros funded resistance group members screaming at Senators Flake, McConnell, Cruz and Hatch has been an embarrassment for the United States on a national stage. They are the Democrat Dragon with their scorching firebreath.

“Today we have come to the conclusion of a confirmation process that has become so dysfunctional, it looks more like a caricature of a gutter-level political campaign than a solemn occasion.”

The resistance speaks within minutes of the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh

Senator Susan Collins slays the Democrat Dragon of Resistance

So going to take a nap in the middle of a race?
Feinstein has already said she has no intention of going there, trying to impeach Kavanaugh or Trump. And she is the one who has the say in that. So stop goading people to froth at the mouth over nothing. Or is that your job?

The Senate doesn't impeach, the House does. So Pelosi or the dems' next speaker would set the stage for an impeachment vote. The Senate would hold trial and impeach or not with a 67 vote requirement, which is going nowhere.
Oops. You're right.
I wonder why the news was quoting Feinstein, then?
Because the media is full of it. Haven't realized that yet?
I welcome the vitriolic response of the opposition! How better to rouse the complacent into getting off their asses and voting! The more disparate the messages, the more stark the contrast the better the GOP will do, IMHO. I'm fine with our message and track record under Trump, how about U!

This is a perfect example of why Democrats only need to be recognized in history books.

Every legislature knows that you can't impeach except for high crimes and misdemeanors just like a presidential impeachment.

What Democrats are saying is they don't care about the law. Screw the law. If something takes place that we don't like, we are going to abuse our power as we did with the FBI and IRS.

The leftist mentality is dictatorship. They are no different than Saddam Hussein. \

These anti-Americans not only need to be removed from office, but deported to some communist/ socialist country to boot. They don't belong in a country of laws. They belong in a jungle where laws are what you decide at the time.
Feinstein has already said she has no intention of going there, trying to impeach Kavanaugh or Trump. And she is the one who has the say in that. So stop goading people to froth at the mouth over nothing. Or is that your job?

"Brett Kavanaugh may have just been confirmed to the Supreme Court, but the grassroots movement that came together to oppose him will only continue to grow," declared Heidi Hess, co-director of the progressive group CREDO Action, immediately after the vote. "Eventually, when the dust settles and the right-wing fever that has overtaken Congress breaks, Kavanaugh will be impeached for lying under oath to the Senate Judiciary Committee, or for other criminal acts."

"No one is above the law, not even a Supreme Court Justice," said John Bonifaz, co-founder and president of Free Speech For People, a group that has already launched a website,, which includes a petition calling for an immediate probe by the House of Represenatives.

"Dr. Christine Blasey Ford has presented powerful and credible testimony that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when she was 15 years old," Bonifaz stated. "And, there are serious allegations from two other women that he committed other acts of sexual violence. All of this warrants an immediate impeachment investigation.”

The progressive advocacy group Roots Action agreed, calling impeachment the only constitutional remedy for the devastating confirmation that has outraged millions nationwide. "The House of Representatives has impeached 15 judges, including one on the Supreme Court," the group declared in a email to supporters. "Now, we must demand that the House provide what hasn't yet happened — a full investigation of Kavanaugh's record, which includes perjury on numerous topics."

The confirmation of Kavanaugh, said Anna Galland, executive director of the MoveOn Civic Fund, "underlines the central importance of winning elections" and her group is vowing to help make sure that Republicans pay the price in the upcoming mid-terms and beyond.

"At the end of the day," Galland stated, "most Americans reject Trump and Republicans’ right-wing extremism and want a country where everyone is treated with dignity and respect and constitutional rights are maintained. If we organize, mobilize, and vote, we will win. We must all commit to action in coming weeks to take back control of our government from right-wing extremists, and to lay the groundwork from which we can build a better future."

For his part, Rep. Jerrold Nalder (D-NY) has said that if the Democrats win the majority of the House in the November mid-terms nothing will stop him from opening a probe into Kavanaugh's sexual misconduct and perjury allegations.

Kavanaugh Confirmation Followed Immediately by This Call: 'Impeach Kavanaugh'

Looks like its the job of a lot of lefties....
It will get about as far as that guy who keeps putting ads on tv to impeach Trump. They are fools and they are giving conservatives something to villify, nothing more. It's a stupid move; I agree with Feinstein on that.
Hold on the democrats have one more plan up their sleeve.
WASHINGTON — Even before Brett Kavanaugh won the Senate's consent to ascend to the Supreme Court, liberals started looking for ways to remove him.

A petition to impeach Kavanaugh has gathered over 125,000 signatures, progressive groups have raised money to expel him from the federal bench and a key Democratic lawmaker has promised to investigate the judge if the party retakes the House in November.

"We will particularly focus on making sure House Democrats know that progressives expect them to use their full power to get Kavanaugh off the bench if they gain control of the House," she added. "A majority of Americans opposed Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court and we believe a majority will ultimately support his impeachment as well."

Impeaching Kavanaugh rouses progressive Democrats after confirmation

WASHINGTON, DC: Senator Susan Collins spoke power to truth. Your truth, her truth, and my truth. And Brett Kavanaugh’s truth. The process of Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to confirmation vote is been painful. The actions of Senate Democrats and the Soros funded resistance group members screaming at Senators Flake, McConnell, Cruz and Hatch has been an embarrassment for the United States on a national stage. They are the Democrat Dragon with their scorching firebreath.

“Today we have come to the conclusion of a confirmation process that has become so dysfunctional, it looks more like a caricature of a gutter-level political campaign than a solemn occasion.”

The resistance speaks within minutes of the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh

Senator Susan Collins slays the Democrat Dragon of Resistance

So going to take a nap in the middle of a race?
Feinstein has already said she has no intention of going there, trying to impeach Kavanaugh or Trump. And she is the one who has the say in that. So stop goading people to froth at the mouth over nothing. Or is that your job?

The Senate doesn't impeach, the House does. So Pelosi or the dems' next speaker would set the stage for an impeachment vote. The Senate would hold trial and impeach or not with a 67 vote requirement, which is going nowhere.
Oops. You're right.
I wonder why the news was quoting Feinstein, then?
Because the media is full of it. Haven't realized that yet?
No, not on the MSM anyway, where REASONABLE people go for the news.

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