Keith is BACK!!!

"Countdown" is now the #1 podcast on iTunes, and it hasn't even aired it's first broadcast! You can check it yourself.


So I guess there are PLENTY of people who are welcoming Keith back!

Im having a difficult time believing that it's number one before it airs.
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"Countdown" is now the #1 podcast on iTunes, and it hasn't even aired it's first broadcast! You can check it yourself.


So I guess there are PLENTY of people who are welcoming Keith back!

Im having a difficult time believing that it's number one before it' airs.

Can believe it is number one for podcasts not aired. I can even believe it won't actually air.
Then why do so many of them watch Fox News until the veins in their foreheads bulge? Why do they call for it to be shut down?

I'd say some of them don't know how to change the channel. :lol:

Who is calling for Fox to be shut down?

Keep reading.

That sissy bedwetter Synthia did his damnedest to pretend that post isn't there. Let's see how you do.

All those links show is that you can't read. How is Howard Dean saying Fox is biased calling for it to shut down? Or Sen. Rockefeller saying cable news has a poisonous effect on political discourse? The closest you come is one professor saying they should lose their broadcast license.
Who is calling for Fox to be shut down?

Keep reading.

That sissy bedwetter Synthia did his damnedest to pretend that post isn't there. Let's see how you do.

All those links show is that you can't read. How is Howard Dean saying Fox is biased calling for it to shut down? Or Sen. Rockefeller saying cable news has a poisonous effect on political discourse? The closest you come is one professor saying they should lose their broadcast license.
Really? Let's take a look:
Report: Journalists Debated Whether Government Should Shut Down Fox News -
According to the report, UCLA law professor Jonathan Zasloff urged the federal government to stop the network.
"I hate to open this can of worms, but is there any reason why the FCC couldn't simply pull their broadcasting permit once it expires?" he wrote.​
Liberal journalists suggest government censor Fox News | The Daily Caller
Repeats the Zasloff quote.

Sen. Rockefeller: FCC should shut down Fox News and MSNBC « Hot Air
Watch the video. At :48 he says Rockefeller says he'd like to tell the FCC to shut down Fox and MSNBC.

Howard Dean On Fox News Sunday: Your Coverage Is "Shockingly Biased" (VIDEO)
I told you to read the comments. If you had, you'd have seen these:
1 Fans
10:49 PM on 5/06/2008
Time for the government to step in and shut down Fox News. Any "news" organizati*on so wrong on so many issues ought to be closed up. The First Amendment only applies to speakers of truth.

1 Fans
08:37 AM on 5/07/2008
You must be a neo-CON sympathize*r, cheering for Fox News like you do. It's time to shut down Fox News and all reTHUG liars. Free speech is for truth tellers, not liars.

31 Fans
11:58 AM on 5/07/2008
What needs to be done is a reinstatem*ent of the Fairness Doctrine, applied to cable as well as broadcast, which would put legal weight on them to straighten up their act or be shut down. But the right wingers in power fight tooth and nail against the FD, claiming it "restricts free speech". What it really does is place reasonable restrictio*ns on the use of the public airwaves for political propaganda*.
It says a news program cannot knowingly tell falsehoods (goodbye, Fox News) and cannot give airtime to a political candidate without devoting an equal amount of time to their opponent (goodbye, Fox News). It's no coincidenc*e that the administra*tion of Ronald Reagan, the demigod at whose feet republican*s still worship, shut down the FD. It's high time it was brought back, but the unbridled power of corporate America (thanks for that too, Ronnie) makes it highly unlikely.​

And more commentary:

Do liberals think Fox News should be shut down? - Yahoo! Answers
Fox should definitely be shut down because it is harmful to the American democratic system as described in the video documentary linked to below.​

Democratic Underground - Then they should shut down FOX News too - Democratic Underground

Democratic Underground - The FCC should shut down Fox. If truth were as precious as money.. - Democratic Underground

Democratic Underground - Fox Should Be Shut Down - Democratic Underground

Democratic Underground - Fox News should be SHUT DOWN. NT - Democratic Underground

Democratic Underground - Easy. Ask Obama to order the FCC shut down Fox and its affiliates. - Democratic Underground

Democratic Underground - Obama should immediately shut down Fox "News" Channel - Democratic Underground

Democratic Underground - Obama should immediately shut down Fox "News" Channel - Democratic Underground

Man, those guys at DU sure do love the First Amendment, don't they?

So, yes, as I said...there are people who want Fox News shut down. There really is no denying it.
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So, he's going to be on a cable station that even fewer people watch than CCCPNBC.

Only in Liberoidalville is that some kind of good news.

Only the willfully ignorant are underwhelmed. Why watch something which might challenge one's beliefs, it could only cause congnitive dissonance, but of course only in the few who are cognitive.

is that why your a regular viewer of Rush?....
Who is calling for Fox to be shut down?

Keep reading.

That sissy bedwetter Synthia did his damnedest to pretend that post isn't there. Let's see how you do.

All those links show is that you can't read. How is Howard Dean saying Fox is biased calling for it to shut down? Or Sen. Rockefeller saying cable news has a poisonous effect on political discourse? The closest you come is one professor saying they should lose their broadcast license.
And this is why I do not bother with daveman's links and assertions. He is a known liar who is unable to back up his wingnuttery.
Keep reading.

That sissy bedwetter Synthia did his damnedest to pretend that post isn't there. Let's see how you do.

All those links show is that you can't read. How is Howard Dean saying Fox is biased calling for it to shut down? Or Sen. Rockefeller saying cable news has a poisonous effect on political discourse? The closest you come is one professor saying they should lose their broadcast license.
Really? Let's take a look:
Report: Journalists Debated Whether Government Should Shut Down Fox News -
According to the report, UCLA law professor Jonathan Zasloff urged the federal government to stop the network.
"I hate to open this can of worms, but is there any reason why the FCC couldn't simply pull their broadcasting permit once it expires?" he wrote.​
Liberal journalists suggest government censor Fox News | The Daily Caller
Repeats the Zasloff quote.

Sen. Rockefeller: FCC should shut down Fox News and MSNBC « Hot Air
Watch the video. At :48 he says Rockefeller says he'd like to tell the FCC to shut down Fox and MSNBC.

Howard Dean On Fox News Sunday: Your Coverage Is "Shockingly Biased" (VIDEO)
I told you to read the comments. If you had, you'd have seen these:
1 Fans
10:49 PM on 5/06/2008
Time for the government to step in and shut down Fox News. Any "news" organizati*on so wrong on so many issues ought to be closed up. The First Amendment only applies to speakers of truth.

1 Fans
08:37 AM on 5/07/2008
You must be a neo-CON sympathize*r, cheering for Fox News like you do. It's time to shut down Fox News and all reTHUG liars. Free speech is for truth tellers, not liars.

31 Fans
11:58 AM on 5/07/2008
What needs to be done is a reinstatem*ent of the Fairness Doctrine, applied to cable as well as broadcast, which would put legal weight on them to straighten up their act or be shut down. But the right wingers in power fight tooth and nail against the FD, claiming it "restricts free speech". What it really does is place reasonable restrictio*ns on the use of the public airwaves for political propaganda*.
It says a news program cannot knowingly tell falsehoods (goodbye, Fox News) and cannot give airtime to a political candidate without devoting an equal amount of time to their opponent (goodbye, Fox News). It's no coincidenc*e that the administra*tion of Ronald Reagan, the demigod at whose feet republican*s still worship, shut down the FD. It's high time it was brought back, but the unbridled power of corporate America (thanks for that too, Ronnie) makes it highly unlikely.​

And more commentary:

Do liberals think Fox News should be shut down? - Yahoo! Answers
Fox should definitely be shut down because it is harmful to the American democratic system as described in the video documentary linked to below.​

Democratic Underground - Then they should shut down FOX News too - Democratic Underground

Democratic Underground - The FCC should shut down Fox. If truth were as precious as money.. - Democratic Underground

Democratic Underground - Fox Should Be Shut Down - Democratic Underground

Democratic Underground - Fox News should be SHUT DOWN. NT - Democratic Underground

Democratic Underground - Easy. Ask Obama to order the FCC shut down Fox and its affiliates. - Democratic Underground

Democratic Underground - Obama should immediately shut down Fox "News" Channel - Democratic Underground

Democratic Underground - Obama should immediately shut down Fox "News" Channel - Democratic Underground

Man, those guys at DU sure do love the First Amendment, don't they?

So, yes, as I said...there are people who want Fox News shut down. There really is no denying it.

Pointing to comments sections and political message boards to back up your bullshit is..., well, bullshit.

Like you!
And this is why I do not bother with daveman's links and assertions. He is a known liar who is unable to back up his wingnuttery.

Please hold out both hands. It is only fair so Daveman can hand you your own ass.
daveman can't find his own ass (unless it's government-subsidized) nevermind hand anybody theirs.
Keep reading.

That sissy bedwetter Synthia did his damnedest to pretend that post isn't there. Let's see how you do.

All those links show is that you can't read. How is Howard Dean saying Fox is biased calling for it to shut down? Or Sen. Rockefeller saying cable news has a poisonous effect on political discourse? The closest you come is one professor saying they should lose their broadcast license.
And this is why I do not bother with daveman's links and assertions. He is a known liar who is unable to back up his wingnuttery.
Your refusal to read my links does not prove I do not back up my assertions. It does prove, however, that you're a fucking idiot.

:clap2: You seldom see people being so proud of being fucking idiots.

Pointing to comments sections and political message boards to back up your bullshit is..., well, bullshit.

Like you!

You didn't read the links, you fucking idiot. You already said you don't bother with my links.

Nevertheless, I have indeed proven that people do want Fox News shut down. You asserted that no one did.

Therefore, you are wrong. And you're a fucking idiot.

Unless you're willing to make the case that DU members are not people...? That's pretty harsh. Oh, they're stupid, I'll grant you that (BTW, what's your DU name?), but they are people.

So, meanwhile, keep stamping your feet and throwing your little tantrum and insisting that you haven't made yourself look like a drooling idiot. Let us normal people know how that works out for you, mmmkay?
Keith and Michael Moore discuss Libya:

Video | Countdown with Keith Olbermann


You're the one in the middle, aren't you? Yeah.
Whatever. I enjoyed his show. He regular bitch-slapped the conservative talking heads. I wonder if he can bring me up to date on if/when Sean Vanity made good on his offer to get water-boarded or if the public will ever get to hear all of Andrea Mackris' phone-sex material provided my Bill O'Really.

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