Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

If MSNBC is trying to be more LIKE FAUX Noise....they're doing a piss-poor job OF it!!!




Lay It ON 'EM, LIBS!!!!!!
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Hey snooky,

You have still failed to adress the facts I gave you.

Fox viewers poll results shows they end up believing lies.

Fox News SUED for the right to LIE to their viewers.

Cold hard facts.

Now how many fox viewers are going to be screaming about the cost of this trip a year from now?

I have seen you people do this many times before.

Create a lie right out of thin air.

Then go "OH We got a bad story and applogise".

Then your asshole minions reuse the story months later like it was real.

That is why some idiot Rs still think we found WMDs in Iraq.
ThinkProgress SURVEY: Daily Show/Colbert Viewers Most Knowledgable, Fox News Viewers Rank Lowest

Fox viewers rank lowest in factual knowledge

In 2003 Fox viewers where shown to be believing untruths about Iraq.

I posted them BEFORE you asked for them idiot

ThinkProgress and thecarpetbaggerreport...holy shit you've GOT to BE KIDDING ME.
I didn't think you had a LEGITIMENT STUDY on anything dear, but if we did a STUDY on you, it would find you are a dumbshit.:cuckoo:
Dear Fucking Idiot, ALL of the studies are linked to in the articles.

UNLIKE Fox they dont HIDE the real facts
What a moron. There is a thread on this. Your observation skills are nonexistent.



Hey snooky,

You have still failed to adress the facts I gave you.

Fox viewers poll results shows they end up believing lies.

Fox News SUED for the right to LIE to their viewers.

Cold hard facts.

Now how many fox viewers are going to be screaming about the cost of this trip a year from now?

I have seen you people do this many times before.

Create a lie right out of thin air.

Then go "OH We got a bad story and applogise".

Then your asshole minions reuse the story months later like it was real.

That is why some idiot Rs still think we found WMDs in Iraq.


Truth bro..........listen to Rush. The shit is fabulous when you're feeling like a change of the setting screws is needed. Alot more people than you think......those of liberal ideology......... sought pharmacological aids the last several days. Stops the ruminating thoughts that cause one to be perpetually miserable due to outside events ( in this case, the election results). Just check out the volume of posts the last few days and the level of angst amongst your liberal pals. Its epic..........
Im serious.............check it out.
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get a grip mary. You're so gay you make the color purple fade.
What's wrong with being gay, Dante?

I guess it would depend on what your commanding officer and fellow troops have to say. What did they say to you daveman
Why are you trying to deflect away from your homophobia? What have gays ever done to you? Or is your hatred based on fear? That's more likely, seeing as how you're driven solely by emotion.
I listened to Rush for YEARS , the guy is a giant hemroid who lies about EVERYTHING
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How Lexapro works Lexapro is believed to work by increasing serotonin, a substance in the brain believed to influence mood.

How SSRIs work Although the brain chemistry involved in depression or anxiety is not fully understood, it is widely recognized that chemical messengers facilitate communication between nerve cells in the brain and are involved in regulating many aspects of behavior and mood. These chemicals are called neurotransmitters and it is believed that neurotransmitter imbalances play an important role in the development of depression and anxiety. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that has been clearly linked with most, if not all, forms of depression. SSRIs are believed to work by blocking the reabsorption (reuptake) of serotonin in the brain, thus increasing available serotonin.

Truth bro........Im in the field. Check it out............will definately reduce the level of angst and misery because it wont be on your mind as much!!! Rumination of thoughts in people is devestating!!!
People dont understand that anxiety disorders are under the umbrella of depression..........its essentially a sub-category. SSRI's help people get past obesssive thoughts that cause the misery.
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Oh Dave...I call you Mary...I explanation is in order. I have many gay friends. But they tell, without being asked. They don't have to hide anything in order to be accepted.
"Some of my best friends are gay!!"

You homophobic leftists trot that out every time.

Do your alleged gay friends know you use homosexuality as an insult?

You throw your friends under the bus in a heartbeat just to score cheap points on an anonymous message board. No integrity or loyalty at all. Sad.
Dear Fucking Idiot, ALL of the studies are linked to in the articles.

UNLIKE Fox they dont HIDE the real facts

so you accuse people of following fox "lies", you don't actually watch fox at all, yopu don't need to, because your sources are all golden...... seek help, seriously.

skook just gave you a prime example of the media matters horsehockey they crap out to no end....
the dynamic that is occurring the last several days is that far left oriented people are realizing that their ideology is fringe and will never be embraced by the American people as a whole. When that realization hits these people..........its fcukking devestating, thus,my suggestion that for the time being, using something like Effexor XR or Lexipro can be useful in getting these people over the hump.
So you come along to try and avoid dealing with the facts that clearly show fox viewers score the lowest on knowledge of facts and that Fox paid HUGE DOLLARS to fight in court fofr the right to LIE to their viewers?

Dudes no matter what you say about Any other media NO ONE has as bad a record as fox does.

You see the fact that they have great ratings means fucking nothing except you have alot of idiots joining you in listening to lies.

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