Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

So you come along to try and avoid dealing with the facts that clearly show fox viewers score the lowest on knowledge of facts and that Fox paid HUGE DOLLARS to fight in court fofr the right to LIE to their viewers?

Dudes no matter what you say about Any other media NO ONE has as bad a record as fox does.

You see the fact that they have great ratings means fucking nothing except you have alot of idiots joining you in listening to lies.

Seek help, the election has had more of a toll on you then you currently think. After you get over the court decision on fox. Perhaps you could describe it in proper context.

Speaking of which, before you blow a cork I suggest you review the washington state supreme court ruling on the subject. Democrats sued the people for the right to lie.
So you come along to try and avoid dealing with the facts that clearly show fox viewers score the lowest on knowledge of facts and that Fox paid HUGE DOLLARS to fight in court fofr the right to LIE to their viewers?

Dudes no matter what you say about Any other media NO ONE has as bad a record as fox does.

You see the fact that they have great ratings means fucking nothing except you have alot of idiots joining you in listening to lies.

LOL, you post a blog THINKPROGRESS as a study and you call us idiots.
good gawd..:lol:
So you come along to try and avoid dealing with the facts that clearly show fox viewers score the lowest on knowledge of facts and that Fox paid HUGE DOLLARS to fight in court fofr the right to LIE to their viewers?

Dudes no matter what you say about Any other media NO ONE has as bad a record as fox does.

You see the fact that they have great ratings means fucking nothing except you have alot of idiots joining you in listening to lies.

Seek help, the election has had more of a toll on you then you currently think. After you get over the court decision on fox. Perhaps you could describe it in proper context.

Speaking of which, before you blow a cork I suggest you review the washington state supreme court ruling on the subject. Democrats sued the people for the right to lie.

Your knowledge, auto, is obviously on the level of Fox News listeners as described by TM.

Grow up!
So you come along to try and avoid dealing with the facts that clearly show fox viewers score the lowest on knowledge of facts and that Fox paid HUGE DOLLARS to fight in court fofr the right to LIE to their viewers?

Dudes no matter what you say about Any other media NO ONE has as bad a record as fox does.

You see the fact that they have great ratings means fucking nothing except you have alot of idiots joining you in listening to lies.

Seek help, the election has had more of a toll on you then you currently think. After you get over the court decision on fox. Perhaps you could describe it in proper context.

Speaking of which, before you blow a cork I suggest you review the washington state supreme court ruling on the subject. Democrats sued the people for the right to lie.

Your knowledge, auto, is obviously on the level of Fox News listeners as described by TM.

Grow up!

So you approve of lying to score a political point. We already knew that. When you have the stones to actually address what I stated, wake us.
It means that I can admit that I thought the economy would not sputter in the summer.

You, on the other hand, skookerasbil, are here for merely grins, chuckles, and incredibly poor graphic arts.

Oh: hope you slept well.

Indeed I did............and what can I say? My whole life, Ive had this sick ass obsession with wanting to highlight the extreme absurd by being even more absurd. And how can I not love this forum where the shit is placed on a tee for me in big pumpkin fashion. My gay MSPaint stuff is a means to an ends: to highlight the absurd fringe thinking of liberals for the edification of political newbies/independents wandering in for guidance on this stuff:lol:

You are the absurd fringe, and what makes it fun is that you think you are normal and mainstream.

Yep, grins and chuckles. Christine on!
So you come along to try and avoid dealing with the facts that clearly show fox viewers score the lowest on knowledge of facts and that Fox paid HUGE DOLLARS to fight in court fofr the right to LIE to their viewers?

Dudes no matter what you say about Any other media NO ONE has as bad a record as fox does.

You see the fact that they have great ratings means fucking nothing except you have alot of idiots joining you in listening to lies.


So you come along to try and avoid dealing with the facts that clearly show fox viewers score the lowest on knowledge of facts and that Fox paid HUGE DOLLARS to fight in court fofr the right to LIE to their viewers?

Dudes no matter what you say about Any other media NO ONE has as bad a record as fox does.

You see the fact that they have great ratings means fucking nothing except you have alot of idiots joining you in listening to lies.

TM doesn't grok the concepts of Freedom of Choice and Competition, so she has to accuse Fox of tricking people and their viewers of being stupid.

That worked really well for Obama and the Dems last Tuesday.
I believe all news organizations--CNN, Fox, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC--have policies re their news reporters and commentators making contributions to specific political parties or candidates. So it was really a lapse and dumb move for Olbermann to do that. Perhaps he didn't read the memo at some point. Who knows?

I imagine the suspension won't be permanent and he'll be back as he does have a small but faithful radical leftwing following.

But of ALL the news organizations, MSNBC is the one that was the most blatantly and intentionally dishonest during the campaign and election returns and blatantly partisan. THAT should bother them far more than a contributions ethics gaffe by one of their darlings.

^That last absurd comment is why I can't seriously have a discussion with you. Surely you jest.
So you come along to try and avoid dealing with the facts that clearly show fox viewers score the lowest on knowledge of facts and that Fox paid HUGE DOLLARS to fight in court fofr the right to LIE to their viewers?

Dudes no matter what you say about Any other media NO ONE has as bad a record as fox does.

You see the fact that they have great ratings means fucking nothing except you have alot of idiots joining you in listening to lies.

Ya'll are going to have to issue a guarantee with your comments. Remind me where the last two "news" people were fired from? Keep focused on Fox as your problem though. :lol:
I guess only rupert murdoch who actually owns fauxnews is allowed to donate to political campaigns.

too funny.

I was so enjoying the obvious blatant hypocrisy expressed by the righties here, but I'm disappointed two threads were merged so this one thread is no longer fun.
Fox parent News Corp. donates $1 million to Republican Governors' Association

44 - Fox parent News Corp. donates $1 million to Republican Governors' Association

MSNBC has standards. Republicans, not having any, don't understand this.

It's ironic that Olbermann gave to political candidates after criticizing Fox News because its owner, Rupert Murdoch, gave $1 million donation to the Republican Governors Association. "Fox News has put its money where its mouth is," Olbermann said in an August segment that questioned the network's impartiality.

In October, Olbermann again raised the issue of Murdoch's donations, during an interview with Democratic Rep. James Clyburn. Olbermann asked whether there was "a legislative response to the idea that there is a national cable news outlet that goes beyond having a point of view and actually starts to shill for partisan causes and actually starts to donate to partisan groups of one party."

MSNBC suspends Olbermann over political contributions | The Upshot Yahoo! News

So what's good for the goose, apparently isn't good for the gander.:lol:

It's Contract Law and Employer Policy. That's just the structure. What goes on at MSNBC has nothing to do with what goes on with FOX, What goes on at MSNBC has to do with MSNBC, it's their policy Olberman violated. He donated without approval, and there was no disclosure, he should have stated on the show that he donated, which is more important. Should you ever get caught watching FOX, you will witness disclosure statements regularly.

Oh I'm so sure. Link us, please.
So you come along to try and avoid dealing with the facts that clearly show fox viewers score the lowest on knowledge of facts and that Fox paid HUGE DOLLARS to fight in court fofr the right to LIE to their viewers?

Dudes no matter what you say about Any other media NO ONE has as bad a record as fox does.

You see the fact that they have great ratings means fucking nothing except you have alot of idiots joining you in listening to lies.

TM doesn't grok the concepts of Freedom of Choice and Competition, so she has to accuse Fox of tricking people and their viewers of being stupid.

That worked really well for Obama and the Dems last Tuesday.
Oh, if ONLY the proles would wake up and realize that they need liberals to do their thinking for them! :(
Unfortunately, the credibility of the Washington Post has been trashed. Since they refused to take any action against one of their 'journalists' who lied. Anyone who uses that source for anything is an idiot.

Who was that? And also, if a lying pundit is a means test for not trusting a news outlet as a source, then Fox should have been out of business years ago.

I don't deny an editorial bias among the Fox commentators. But I can honestly say that I have NEVER heard a Fox reporter or commentator utter an untruth that was not corrected immediately once the error was discovered. You can disagree with their opinions. You can disagree with their slant on things. But I defy you to find a single instance where a misstatement of fact was made that they did not correct. It is because they do demonstrate careful integrity in what they report that they have attracted the enormous audience they have.

Are you serious? Media Matters (yes, it's left-wing, because somebody needs to be on FOXWATCH 24/7), tracks every ignorant comment and lie Glenn Beck utters, complete with backup video so there can be no question as to exactly what he said. There are 138 PAGES for you to peruse. Are you saying that every one of these was thereafter apologized for by some bigwig at Fox? Thanks, foxy, you just gave me my biggest laugh of the day.

Glenn Beck | Media Matters for America

Glenn Beck | Media Matters for America

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