Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

MM doesn't understand that Glenn Beck is not a Journalist - he's an Infotainer/Commentator.

And it would be helpful if she provided any evidence that showed that Murdoch received government pork the way GE has.

GE also has been a major player in Obama's Cap & Tax scheme. They're getting some payoffs now through government policy and contracts, but if Cap & Tax passes, GE stands to make billions. I'm guessing Newscorp has received zero government contracts and zero government policy initiatives in their favor.

For the life of me, I don't know how anybody trusts MediaMatters with anything given its track record for hateful disinformation or how anybody expects to be taken seriously when quoting MediaMatters. At the same time I see Beck as yes, an entertainer. Anybody who expects to hold a major audience day in and day out has to be something of a performer. But he is also dealing in subject matter and providing real, very well researched information that other media sources won't touch. And it is because he is providing that service that is generating his impressive numbers.

I think Olbermann appealed mostly to the most angry, partisan, and mean spirited on the Left. He did have something of a following there, but, as others have suggested, I'm guessing his steadily dropping viewership was a factor in his suspension.

You are beyond serious brainwashing. Total indoctrination by the loony right is complete. My sympathies.
MM doesn't understand that Glenn Beck is not a Journalist - he's an Infotainer/Commentator.

And it would be helpful if she provided any evidence that showed that Murdoch received government pork the way GE has.

GE also has been a major player in Obama's Cap & Tax scheme. They're getting some payoffs now through government policy and contracts, but if Cap & Tax passes, GE stands to make billions. I'm guessing Newscorp has received zero government contracts and zero government policy initiatives in their favor.

For the life of me, I don't know how anybody trusts MediaMatters with anything given its track record for hateful disinformation or how anybody expects to be taken seriously when quoting MediaMatters. At the same time I see Beck as yes, an entertainer. Anybody who expects to hold a major audience day in and day out has to be something of a performer. But he is also dealing in subject matter and providing real, very well researched information that other media sources won't touch. And it is because he is providing that service that is generating his impressive numbers.

I think Olbermann appealed mostly to the most angry, partisan, and mean spirited on the Left. He did have something of a following there, but, as others have suggested, I'm guessing his steadily dropping viewership was a factor in his suspension.

You are beyond serious brainwashing. Total indoctrination by the loony right is complete. My sympathies.

Whatever Maggie. Whatever. (Wanders off reciting "I will not feed the trolls, argue with idiots, or engage in exercises of futility. . . I will not feed the. . . .)
Throwing Olbermann under the bus too huh?

Who did you think was most biased of the liberal media?

Just because a pundit expresses liberal opinions hardly means I wholeheartedly agree 100% of the time. You guys should try it, by not being dumb sheep to your fox and do the same thing.

I don't watch "liberal media." But presenting facts doesn't mean bias, although I do realize that you people have strayed so far from fact-checking that you can't tell the difference.

Well I do my 'fact checking' by watching and then checking out the facts.

You seem to do your fact checking through Media Matters who I would guess have made maybe six honest and objective evaluations in their history. And I bet you aren't checking THEM out.

Based on your comment I suspect you think MSNBC is great too. I watched some of their coverage on election night. It was horrendous, blatantly partisan, blatantly insulting to the intelligent viewer.

If you do any fact-checking, it is so very obviously from sources of your personal choice. And no, I do not watch MSNBC on a regular basis. I turn on Morning Joe but will switch to C-Span at 7am. Now there's a place that WILL knock your socks off as far as truth. My television news source is almost always CNN, which is the ONLY fair and balanced cable news channel. Their panels of journalists are consistently an even mix.
How do you make comparisions or informed comments without watching?

Denial of MSNBC, ABC, CBS, or NPR as liberal does not give you a liberal pass.

WHO are you talking to?

Here's where I form opinions on current news items and events: I read THE WEEK in hard copy, which reviews the current news items and events, but from BOTH perspectives. THE WEEK quotes from all publications: NYT, WSJ, LATimes, Washington Times, etc., etc. I then might go online to one of those to read the entire piece written about the subject.

The Week Magazine: Political News and Cartoons, Current Events and Entertainment Online

^Ironically, their current issue, which I haven't read yet, headlines the Olbermann suspension, so you can see for yourself how they treat the top stories.

Frankly, I'm part of a dying breed of READERS. I don't use blogsites like Huffington Post to feed their opinions for me to then parrot. I also rarely even read Media Matters, except if I happen to be directed there while reading something else online. I do subscribe to Politico. Are they biased too?

The right wing noise machine has so dismissed The New York Times that it is rare anyone from the left even DARES post a quote or link to one of their articles knowing full well the people who SHOULD read what might be posted from NYT, won't. So why bother? How's that for media control?

If you people had your way, the news media would be entirely comprised of right wing idealogues, "news" articles with a definite slant to the right by virtue of just their headlines alone, and all blogsites other than those supporting the far right would be abolished. Yes, MSNBC is a left-leaning outlet, BUT, it makes no bones about that fact. (Unlike FoxNoise who continues to claim it is "fair and balanced," which the entire world knows by now is pure horseshit.)
GE also has been a major player in Obama's Cap & Tax scheme. They're getting some payoffs now through government policy and contracts, but if Cap & Tax passes, GE stands to make billions. I'm guessing Newscorp has received zero government contracts and zero government policy initiatives in their favor.

For the life of me, I don't know how anybody trusts MediaMatters with anything given its track record for hateful disinformation or how anybody expects to be taken seriously when quoting MediaMatters. At the same time I see Beck as yes, an entertainer. Anybody who expects to hold a major audience day in and day out has to be something of a performer. But he is also dealing in subject matter and providing real, very well researched information that other media sources won't touch. And it is because he is providing that service that is generating his impressive numbers.

I think Olbermann appealed mostly to the most angry, partisan, and mean spirited on the Left. He did have something of a following there, but, as others have suggested, I'm guessing his steadily dropping viewership was a factor in his suspension.

You are beyond serious brainwashing. Total indoctrination by the loony right is complete. My sympathies.

Whatever Maggie. Whatever. (Wanders off reciting "I will not feed the trolls, argue with idiots, or engage in exercises of futility. . . I will not feed the. . . .)

If you ever said anything different, I wouldn't get on your case. Yes, it is indeed an exercise in futility to try to reason with someone so afflicted with tunnel vision.
Maggie posts MediaMatters as a source and accuses me of being brainwashed????



I find Keith Olberman to be a pathetic shithead. Really. The guy is a useless clot. He is trite, unintelligent, boring, self-important, unfunny. As far as MSNBC is concerned, he could have been shit canned long ago just because he has so little of value to offer. I find him repulsive and completely unpersuasive.

That said, the fact that he contributes to the political campaigns of like-minded liberal Democratics hardly qualifies as a firing offense. Not even a suspension worthy offense. It's not like he is a news "reporter." He is a fucking talking head. He is infotainment.

Doe ANYbody think, "Oh my! Now that I know he contributes to the political campaigns of his fellow travelers, Keith loses credibility?"

Fuck. He never had any actual journalistic credibility in the first place.

I cannot stand the guy, but MSLSD just lost a little more of its own credibility. That's no easy trick considering how low they were to begin with.
^That last absurd comment is why I can't seriously have a discussion with you. Surely you jest.

Throwing Olbermann under the bus too huh?

Who did you think was most biased of the liberal media?

Just because a pundit expresses liberal opinions hardly means I wholeheartedly agree 100% of the time. You guys should try it, by not being dumb sheep to your fox and do the same thing.

I don't watch "liberal media." But presenting facts doesn't mean bias, although I do realize that you people have strayed so far from fact-checking that you can't tell the difference.
ah, there it is

"you are all dumb sheep"
Are you serious? Media Matters (yes, it's left-wing, because somebody needs to be on FOXWATCH 24/7), tracks every ignorant comment and lie Glenn Beck utters, complete with backup video so there can be no question as to exactly what he said. There are 138 PAGES for you to peruse. Are you saying that every one of these was thereafter apologized for by some bigwig at Fox? Thanks, foxy, you just gave me my biggest laugh of the day.

Glenn Beck | Media Matters for America

Glenn Beck | Media Matters for America

lol, and here you sit an parrot a site (mediamatters) that makes up lies, twist things out of context to prove some dumb point, and is working to get a News station and radio and t.v host SHUT DOWN.

good grief.:cuckoo:

I guess you missed the part where I clearly pointed out upfront that the links contained within that Media Matters link SHOWS THE FUCKING BECK VIDEOS. So tell us again how MM lies but Beck didn't? This should be good.
because MM LIES about what was said, takes it OUT OF CONTEXT and TWISTS into something it never was
MM doesn't understand that Glenn Beck is not a Journalist - he's an Infotainer/Commentator.

And it would be helpful if she provided any evidence that showed that Murdoch received government pork the way GE has.

GE also has been a major player in Obama's Cap & Tax scheme. They're getting some payoffs now through government policy and contracts, but if Cap & Tax passes, GE stands to make billions. I'm guessing Newscorp has received zero government contracts and zero government policy initiatives in their favor.

For the life of me, I don't know how anybody trusts MediaMatters with anything given its track record for hateful disinformation or how anybody expects to be taken seriously when quoting MediaMatters. At the same time I see Beck as yes, an entertainer. Anybody who expects to hold a major audience day in and day out has to be something of a performer. But he is also dealing in subject matter and providing real, very well researched information that other media sources won't touch. And it is because he is providing that service that is generating his impressive numbers.

I think Olbermann appealed mostly to the most angry, partisan, and mean spirited on the Left. He did have something of a following there, but, as others have suggested, I'm guessing his steadily dropping viewership was a factor in his suspension.

You are beyond serious brainwashing. Total indoctrination by the loony right is complete. My sympathies.
You are beyond serious brainwashing. Total indoctrination by the loony left is complete. My sympathies.
LOL! Funny stuff. I watched a couple minutes of their "Election Coverage" and i really was shocked how much they looked like a bunch of angry children throwing temper tantrums. Do they really call that Journalism over at NBC? Man,they should have been embarrassed. And i'm sorry but that Madcow chick really is heinous. She talks in that deep manly voice thinking that she sounds smart. When i think of hysterical skanks,i think of ole Madcow immediately. She's a perfect Mascot for them. NBC really has fallen on tough times. Can the "Thrill up my Leg" doofus save them? I doubt it.

Nome of that is true. You lie so much!!
I find Keith Olberman to be a pathetic shithead. Really. The guy is a useless clot. He is trite, unintelligent, boring, self-important, unfunny. As far as MSNBC is concerned, he could have been shit canned long ago just because he has so little of value to offer. I find him repulsive and completely unpersuasive.

That said, the fact that he contributes to the political campaigns of like-minded liberal Democratics hardly qualifies as a firing offense. Not even a suspension worthy offense. It's not like he is a news "reporter." He is a fucking talking head. He is infotainment.

Doe ANYbody think, "Oh my! Now that I know he contributes to the political campaigns of his fellow travelers, Keith loses credibility?"

Fuck. He never had any actual journalistic credibility in the first place.

I cannot stand the guy, but MSLSD just lost a little more of its own credibility. That's no easy trick considering how low they were to begin with.

You know, if they hadn't announced it, probably only about 10 people would even know.

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