Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

MSNBC suspends Olbermann over political contributions | The Upshot Yahoo! News

So what's good for the goose, apparently isn't good for the gander.:lol:

It's Contract Law and Employer Policy. That's just the structure. What goes on at MSNBC has nothing to do with what goes on with FOX, What goes on at MSNBC has to do with MSNBC, it's their policy Olberman violated. He donated without approval, and there was no disclosure, he should have stated on the show that he donated, which is more important. Should you ever get caught watching FOX, you will witness disclosure statements regularly.

Oh I'm so sure. Link us, please.

What are you disputing Maggie?
It's a publicity stunt, nothing more....he'll be back, smug as ever next week.

it's very possible. FOX milked that cow pretty dry though. Sometimes GE does things backwards and inside out though. It's like nobody's allowed to state the obvious there sometimes. GE should really go back in time to 1982. Life was kinder to them then.

All the antagonism expressed by the right against GE is ignorant. It employs thousands of people, and if it weren't for the fact that the company is assumed to "lean left," but "leaned right" instead, all you people would be touting GE as the symbol of American capitalism and free market success.

I don't see GE as either Right or Left Maggie, but as having a Seat in the Oligarchy that is playing us no matter which way we turn. The GE of today is not what it was 20 years ago even. Not that matters to you, nothing matters to you more than the sound of your own voice, huh?
Almost a clean sweep except for a few glitches, and they can't cope with it.
I suppose those who are brainwashed probably don't know it. But at least I know better than to go to MediaMatters for credible information. :)


Funny you think so, MM links to the person actually saying what they claimed they said.

Cold Hard evidence and you refuse to see it.
I find Keith Olberman to be a pathetic shithead. Really. The guy is a useless clot. He is trite, unintelligent, boring, self-important, unfunny. As far as MSNBC is concerned, he could have been shit canned long ago just because he has so little of value to offer. I find him repulsive and completely unpersuasive.

That said, the fact that he contributes to the political campaigns of like-minded liberal Democratics hardly qualifies as a firing offense. Not even a suspension worthy offense. It's not like he is a news "reporter." He is a fucking talking head. He is infotainment.

Doe ANYbody think, "Oh my! Now that I know he contributes to the political campaigns of his fellow travelers, Keith loses credibility?"

Fuck. He never had any actual journalistic credibility in the first place.

I cannot stand the guy, but MSLSD just lost a little more of its own credibility. That's no easy trick considering how low they were to begin with.

Sums up my opinion of him quite succinctly.
I find Keith Olberman to be a pathetic shithead. Really. The guy is a useless clot. He is trite, unintelligent, boring, self-important, unfunny. As far as MSNBC is concerned, he could have been shit canned long ago just because he has so little of value to offer. I find him repulsive and completely unpersuasive.

That said, the fact that he contributes to the political campaigns of like-minded liberal Democratics hardly qualifies as a firing offense. Not even a suspension worthy offense. It's not like he is a news "reporter." He is a fucking talking head. He is infotainment.

Doe ANYbody think, "Oh my! Now that I know he contributes to the political campaigns of his fellow travelers, Keith loses credibility?"

Fuck. He never had any actual journalistic credibility in the first place.

I cannot stand the guy, but MSLSD just lost a little more of its own credibility. That's no easy trick considering how low they were to begin with.

I agree. Which is probably why they didn't fire him but only suspended him--gives them an out with others who violate similar rules. But I think the punishment was as harsh as it was simply because he had become such a liability. Almost no viewership. Advertisers deserting them in droves. He simply wasn't drawing a profitable crowd. They used this as an excuse to see if somebody else would do better in that slot. If not, they can still bring him back. :)
LOL! Funny stuff. I watched a couple minutes of their "Election Coverage" and i really was shocked how much they looked like a bunch of angry children throwing temper tantrums. Do they really call that Journalism over at NBC? Man,they should have been embarrassed. And i'm sorry but that Madcow chick really is heinous. She talks in that deep manly voice thinking that she sounds smart. When i think of hysterical skanks,i think of ole Madcow immediately. She's a perfect Mascot for them. NBC really has fallen on tough times. Can the "Thrill up my Leg" doofus save them? I doubt it.

Nome of that is true. You lie so much!!
what MASSIVE irony
Indeed. USMB is going to need to take a massive dose of deferoxamine or possibly undergo dialysis.

The Irony Poisoning is Extreme.
Cold Hard evidence and you refuse to see it.

You wouldn't recognize Cold Hard Evidence if it slapped you on the ass and called you Judy.

Untitled Document
On February 14, a Florida Appeals court ruled there is absolutely nothing illegal about lying, concealing or distorting information by a major press organization.
The court reversed the $425,000 jury verdict in favor of journalist Jane Akre who charged she was pressured by Fox Television management and lawyers to air what she knew, and documented, to be false information. The ruling basically declares it is technically not against any law, rule, or regulation to deliberately
lie or distort the news on a television broadcast.

This case is in the court records you atrophied brained partisan con.
Last edited:
I have a policy of not clicking on any Truthmattersnotatall linkety links.

She never explains why they have any relevance to the discussion, hence My Policy.
Cold Hard evidence and you refuse to see it.

You wouldn't recognize Cold Hard Evidence if it slapped you on the ass and called you Judy.

Untitled Document
On February 14, a Florida Appeals court ruled there is absolutely nothing illegal about lying, concealing or distorting information by a major press organization.
The court reversed the $425,000 jury verdict in favor of journalist Jane Akre who charged she was pressured by Fox Television management and lawyers to air what she knew, and documented, to be false information. The ruling basically declares it is technically not against any law, rule, or regulation to deliberately
lie or distort the news on a television broadcast.

This case is in the court records you atrophied brained partisan con.
you realize that disproves your claim, right?
you claimed that FNC went to court to get permission to lie
they did no such thing
you remain a pathetic moron and a proven LIAR
I have a policy of not clicking on any Truthmattersnotatall linkety links.

She never explains why they have any relevance to the discussion, hence My Policy.

You do realize that unless you examine the evidence given you by the other side then you are nothing but a partisan hack by your own addmission right?
Media Matters for America

You dont read the evidence that is presented??????

No wonder your sooo fucking stupid

Stupid is posting links without having any ability to post a cogent commentary on why they are relevant.

You have never, in all the filth and blather you've posted on this board, ever posted anything worthy of clickage.

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