Kelly Is Back And Still Stands Behind Her Insane Comments

Exactly Mertex, it doesn't matter what race people think Jesus or Santa are, unless they they think they are White. It is childish, stupid, and racist.
Jesus and Santa are not in the same is real the other is not, but if a person is willing to argue that a mythical character is white, then apparently to that person it does matter......and yes, it is what you said.

Mertex, you seem to be a high priestess of the PC Cathedral, an adherent to the mainstream orthodoxy. Does my post count for sufficient daily penance for the pain my existence inflicts on our divine non-white brothers and sisters? I pray to the our holy saints Mandela and Martin Luther King, in their names, I pray.
I'm sure in your mind it does.

This leads to another question. Is Aisha Harris childish, stupid and racist for suggesting we scrap the Santa all together because he represents a White European tradition that excludes African Americans like herself. Is she childish, stupid and racist for suggesting that not only Santa is White, but that we must get rid of him because he represents White traditions?

Now I am not as politically correct as you, or sensitive, so forgive me if the above question is inappropriate. If so, tell me, and you don't have to answer. If it is ok, I would like to hear your opinion.

I have yet to hear any liberal address Aisha Harris in this discussion which is odd, she is the reason this conversation is being had.

Also how can I repent for being White?

What Aisha Harris said is acceptable where as Megan Kelly's statement in response wasn't PC, thus racist in nature despite the fact it was accurate.

Miss Harris has a deep-seeded bigotry against Whites and doesn't even know it.
Jesus and Santa are not in the same is real the other is not, but if a person is willing to argue that a mythical character is white, then apparently to that person it does matter......and yes, it is what you said.

I'm sure in your mind it does.

This leads to another question. Is Aisha Harris childish, stupid and racist for suggesting we scrap the Santa all together because he represents a White European tradition that excludes African Americans like herself. Is she childish, stupid and racist for suggesting that not only Santa is White, but that we must get rid of him because he represents White traditions?

Now I am not as politically correct as you, or sensitive, so forgive me if the above question is inappropriate. If so, tell me, and you don't have to answer. If it is ok, I would like to hear your opinion.

I have yet to hear any liberal address Aisha Harris in this discussion which is odd, she is the reason this conversation is being had.

Also how can I repent for being White?

What Aisha Harris said is acceptable where as Megan Kelly's statement in response wasn't PC, thus racist in nature despite the fact it was accurate.

Miss Harris has a deep-seeded bigotry against Whites and doesn't even know it.

You can read her response here.

"Earlier this week, I argued that our image of Santa Claus should no longer be a white man, but, instead, a penguin. I hoped the piece would come across as a little tongue-in-cheek, while at the same time expressing my real concern that America continues to promote the harmful idea of whiteness-as-default. Over the past couple of days, I’ve received a lot of responses. Some of them were positive—mostly because, as I said in the piece, people love penguins."

The biggest problem the right and Kelly has, is they didn't get her point at all.

"“You can’t take facts and then try to change them to fit some sort of a political agenda or sensitivity agenda,” Crowley says at one point. But what she and Kelly fail to realize is that changing “facts” when it comes to Santa is nothing new. And other countries have all sorts of Christmas gift-givers, including the yule goat of Scandinavia and the Three Kings (one each, traditionally, from Europe, Asia, and Africa) in Spain."

Get a clue!

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In reality, Santa should be a Chinese factory owner these days.

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This leads to another question. Is Aisha Harris childish, stupid and racist for suggesting we scrap the Santa all together because he represents a White European tradition that excludes African Americans like herself. Is she childish, stupid and racist for suggesting that not only Santa is White, but that we must get rid of him because he represents White traditions?

Now I am not as politically correct as you, or sensitive, so forgive me if the above question is inappropriate. If so, tell me, and you don't have to answer. If it is ok, I would like to hear your opinion.

I have yet to hear any liberal address Aisha Harris in this discussion which is odd, she is the reason this conversation is being had.

Also how can I repent for being White?

What Aisha Harris said is acceptable where as Megan Kelly's statement in response wasn't PC, thus racist in nature despite the fact it was accurate.

Miss Harris has a deep-seeded bigotry against Whites and doesn't even know it.

Santa Claus White? Fox News? Megyn Kelly thinks so. But Santa?s not real.

You can read her response here.

"Earlier this week, I argued that our image of Santa Claus should no longer be a white man, but, instead, a penguin. I hoped the piece would come across as a little tongue-in-cheek, while at the same time expressing my real concern that America continues to promote the harmful idea of whiteness-as-default. Over the past couple of days, I’ve received a lot of responses. Some of them were positive—mostly because, as I said in the piece, people love penguins."

The biggest problem the right and Kelly has, is they didn't get her point at all.

"“You can’t take facts and then try to change them to fit some sort of a political agenda or sensitivity agenda,” Crowley says at one point. But what she and Kelly fail to realize is that changing “facts” when it comes to Santa is nothing new. And other countries have all sorts of Christmas gift-givers, including the yule goat of Scandinavia and the Three Kings (one each, traditionally, from Europe, Asia, and Africa) in Spain."

Get a clue!

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I have a clue.

If you were a fat white male dressed up as Santa, Miss Harris would resent that. She would rather Santa disappear and be replaced by a Penguin rather than deal with your whiteness. Santa must be if a white Santa is unacceptable.
Let's cut a deal..

You give us that Santa Claus derived from a WHITE culture and we'll back off on our evidence that Mickey Mouse is actually White..


EVEN THO --- His original incarnation was as a Black character...


Snuffed out that rowdy clash ---- didn't I ???
Next thing you know --- they'll come for our deep Blues heritage. Everyone knows the Blues Brothers and Moody Blues are White.
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Let's cut a deal..

You give us that Santa Claus derived from a WHITE culture and we'll back off on our evidence that Mickey Mouse is actually White..


EVEN THO --- His original incarnation was as a Black character...


Snuffed out that rowdy clash ---- didn't I ???
Next thing you know --- they'll come for our deep Blues heritage. Everyone knows the Blues Brothers and Moody Blues are White.
That's bullshit.

He has no lips. He can't be black.
Santa is Odin - a Norse (White Guy) God:

And just so we all know who were dealing with:

What Aisha Harris said is acceptable where as Megan Kelly's statement in response wasn't PC, thus racist in nature despite the fact it was accurate.

Miss Harris has a deep-seeded bigotry against Whites and doesn't even know it.

Kelly's comments were just stupid. She's wrong as a factual matter regarding Jesus (and I think she realizes that by now, which is why she's isn't addressing that side of the criticism). As far as Santa Claus goes, she simply didn't come close to addressing Harris' point.
What Aisha Harris said is acceptable where as Megan Kelly's statement in response wasn't PC, thus racist in nature despite the fact it was accurate.

Miss Harris has a deep-seeded bigotry against Whites and doesn't even know it.

Kelly's comments were just stupid. She's wrong as a factual matter regarding Jesus (and I think she realizes that by now, which is why she's isn't addressing that side of the criticism). As far as Santa Claus goes, she simply didn't come close to addressing Harris' point.

Her comments were rational and reasonable.

This whole thing is yet another scandal liberals made up.
This leads to another question. Is Aisha Harris childish, stupid and racist for suggesting we scrap the Santa all together because he represents a White European tradition that excludes African Americans like herself. Is she childish, stupid and racist for suggesting that not only Santa is White, but that we must get rid of him because he represents White traditions?

Now I am not as politically correct as you, or sensitive, so forgive me if the above question is inappropriate. If so, tell me, and you don't have to answer. If it is ok, I would like to hear your opinion.
She's naive, Santa isn't going to be scrapped any time soon. And, it doesn't exclude blacks, because there are black Santas. Besides, to most, it doesn't matter that he is depicted as white/black or brown. I think she's over-reacting to Megan Kelly's comment, and her suggestions are childish responses to a childish observation.

I thought the discussion was due to Megan Kelly's comment? At least that is the title of the OP. Aisha Harris' comments are her response to Megan Kelly's claim, just like the rest of the responses on this thread. Some defend the comment while others argue against it.

Also how can I repent for being White?
You didn't have anything to do with it, that's why you don't have to repent, neither can you claim it as an achievement.

No, the conversation was started by Aisha Harris. I hope you realize you are mistaken. I also hope most people don't think Megyn Kelly brought this up, out of the blue. She was the one responding to Aisha Harris, not vice versa.

You are absolutely right, the article I read on Kelly's comments didn't mention that she was responding to a blog written by Aisha Harris. However, Aisha Harris wasn't claiming that Santa was black, she in fact was admitting that a "white" Santa had caused her shame as a Kelly would have been smarter to have responded that Santa was not "real" and therefore no need for her to feel ashamed, instead, Kelly went on and on trying to prove that Santa (a mythical character) was indeed "white".

Not that is really matters though, like I said before, I don't think liberals will care, even if they know Aisha Harris started the conversation. Because like her, they support scrapping White European traditions including the White European tradition of Santa Claus.
Funny that you are generalizing and lumping every Liberal in with Harris and claiming they all support scrapping white European traditions including Santa Claus, but at the same time you don't appreciate it when some liberal generalizes and lumps all Republican/conservatives as racist. It works both ways, you know.

People are calling Megyn Kelly childish, stupid and racist when it was Aisha Harris who said Santa should be be scrapped for a penguin because he represents White culture.
But don't you get it. Aisha Harris was just expressing her desires to get rid of a mythical character for her own personal reasons. She wasn't claiming that Santa was black and that white people had changed it, she was just expressing her own feelings. But what Megan Kelly did was childish, she got baited into discussing a mythical character and went so far as to assign him a race and color.
They are reserving the words for the wrong person.
No, you are bias and are taking a position of defense for Megan's position, mostly based on partisanship and not on the actual scenario.


Good to know I don't have to repent. I have done my penance!
Maybe you don't have to repent for being white, but perhaps there may be some other things which you might need to light a few candles?......:eusa_whistle:
Jesus and Santa are not in the same is real the other is not, but if a person is willing to argue that a mythical character is white, then apparently to that person it does matter......and yes, it is what you said.

I'm sure in your mind it does.

This leads to another question. Is Aisha Harris childish, stupid and racist for suggesting we scrap the Santa all together because he represents a White European tradition that excludes African Americans like herself. Is she childish, stupid and racist for suggesting that not only Santa is White, but that we must get rid of him because he represents White traditions?

Now I am not as politically correct as you, or sensitive, so forgive me if the above question is inappropriate. If so, tell me, and you don't have to answer. If it is ok, I would like to hear your opinion.

I have yet to hear any liberal address Aisha Harris in this discussion which is odd, she is the reason this conversation is being had.

Also how can I repent for being White?

What Aisha Harris said is acceptable where as Megan Kelly's statement in response wasn't PC, thus racist in nature despite the fact it was accurate.
Accurate? So you too, are of the opinion that a mythical character can be of a specific race? Is there a patent on him being white? Because artists depict him as white, black and brown. Pssst.....Santa is not "real" and you are far to old to still believe he is.

Miss Harris has a deep-seeded bigotry against Whites and doesn't even know it.
She probably does, and she expressed her opinion... maybe she has reasons for feeling that way? But Megan, just showed her childishness by even responding, and then trying to prove that Santa is indeed white......let's see the birth certificate, already!
Well the Dutch brought the tradition of St. Nick to New Amsterdam. And if you know your history, New Amsterdam was renamed New York.

So we can determine that in the New World Santa started out as a New Yorker before he had to move his work shop to the North Pole. New York was obviously too expensive even back then.


I never said Aisha Harris said Santa was black. I said she was offended by Santa being portrayed as White, to clarify that.

Secondly, I am not a republican/conservative. I have no dog in that fight. I don't think republicans/conservatives are particularly interested in the intricacies of where the idea of Santa Claus came from. They just think he is White because that is how he is shown on TV and in commercials, not all, but most.

I am sorry if I lumped you into that category. Do you support or oppose the mainstream portrayal of Santa as white?

Like I said before, I know she didn't say Santa was black. I said Harris was stupid, racist, and childish for wanting to scrap Santa because he is portrayed as White. Why are you defending her position as anything but those things?

Partisanship? I don't see this as a republican democrat issue. I see it as a preservation of white european culture issue. I oppose the further commercialization of Christmas and further cultural atomization by making a christmas symbol that "appeals to all" or letting santa be "whatever race you want him to be".

Aisha Harris is afraid of a fat white man in a red suit. What she should be afraid of are fat men in suits and ties running our country. The difference you ask? One isn't is a myth.
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I never said Aisha Harris said Santa was black. I said she was offended by Santa being portrayed as White, to clarify that.
And I didn't say you did....I was saying it, because if Aisha had said that, then it would have been more reasonable to expect Kelly to retort with her response.

Secondly, I am not a republican/conservative. I have no dog in that fight. I don't think republicans/conservatives are particularly interested in the intricacies of where the idea of Santa Claus came from. They just think he is White because that is how he is shown on TV and in commercials, not all, but most.
Based on the defense that was mounted on Kelly's behalf, I would say that many Republican/conservatives do have an interest in making sure that Santa is seen as white, that he was originally "white" and that being "white" dominates the other Santa replicas.

I am sorry if I lumped you into that category. Do you support or oppose the mainstream portrayal of Santa as white?
I always saw him as white when I was a kid, and I never questioned it. When I became an adult, knowing that he was just a mythical character, I wasn't offended when black/brown Santas appeared on the scene. I figure that since he is not real, everyone can picture him however they want.

Like I said before, I know she didn't say Santa was black. I said Harris was stupid, racist, and childish for wanting to scrap Santa because he is portrayed as White. Why are you defending her position as anything but those things?
That is your opinion and you are entitled to it, but based on the argument, the fact that Harris was just expressing her own personal feelings doesn't make her childish, maybe a bit sensitive about being black, but Megan's argument, trying to prove that Santa, a mythical character is white was rather nonsensical.

Partisanship? I don't see this as a republican democrat issue. I see it as a preservation of white european culture issue. I oppose the further commercialization of Christmas and further cultural atomization by making a christmas symbol that "appeals to all" or letting santa be "whatever race you want him to be".
So, you are afraid that if black/brown and yellow people have their own Santa it is somehow going to end the "white european culture Santa"? Why?

So, in essence, you are saying that all other "color" Santas should be done away with because it offends your are beginning to sound like Harris, only you are on the opposite side.....hmmmm, what were you saying about her.....:eusa_whistle:
Partisanship? I don't see this as a republican democrat issue. I see it as a preservation of white european culture issue. I oppose the further commercialization of Christmas and further cultural atomization by making a christmas symbol that "appeals to all" or letting santa be "whatever race you want him to be".
So, you are afraid that if black/brown and yellow people have their own Santa it is somehow going to end the "white european culture Santa"? Why?

So, in essence, you are saying that all other "color" Santas should be done away with because it offends your are beginning to sound like Harris, only you are on the opposite side.....hmmmm, what were you saying about her.....:eusa_whistle:

I never said they should be disallowed. I said they are contrived. Like if say a corporation advertised with a non-white santa, I wouldn't buy their product for example, because I think they are not only erasing European culture, but doing so for the point of a profit.

It is ironic though, you are mischaracterizing my view, but defending her, by saying we should understand where she is coming from. It shows an inherent bias towards non-whites on your part.
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