Kelly Is Back And Still Stands Behind Her Insane Comments

Fraternity pranks? What, like the gang raping of dead drunk girls?

Sounds like someone didn't get into a sorority or asked out by their crush in the fraternity. LOL

I never had the least interest in either. Another thing you probably can't get your head around because you live in a narrow, narrow little world where there is only one vision, one way of looking at things, one perspective, one set of values, etc. I went to schools that focused on education, not social clubs and athletics. Only when I was in graduate school was I at a university that had those things, and as a graduate student, I was a teaching fellow, not someone interested in the asinine crap fraternities and sororities get involved in. Being a sorority girl and dating a fraternity boy or athlete were the last things of which I was ever desirous.

LOL. The stench of insecurity is strong on you. If you don't see the value of school spirit or making lifelong friendships and business connections, you obviously have issues. It is one thing to not be in a fraternity or sorority, and this is totally fine, but only a total socially inept loser would hate them.
She's STILL standing by her zany comment\s?


"I'm still white"
Sounds like someone didn't get into a sorority or asked out by their crush in the fraternity. LOL

I never had the least interest in either. Another thing you probably can't get your head around because you live in a narrow, narrow little world where there is only one vision, one way of looking at things, one perspective, one set of values, etc. I went to schools that focused on education, not social clubs and athletics. Only when I was in graduate school was I at a university that had those things, and as a graduate student, I was a teaching fellow, not someone interested in the asinine crap fraternities and sororities get involved in. Being a sorority girl and dating a fraternity boy or athlete were the last things of which I was ever desirous.

LOL. The stench of insecurity is strong on you. If you don't see the value of school spirit or making lifelong friendships and business connections, you obviously have issues. It is one thing to not be in a fraternity or sorority, and this is totally fine, but only a total socially inept loser would hate them.

You are a fucking idiot. You really live in one tiny, tiny little cave don't you? Fucking fool. Tons of people hate that kind of thing. Fraternities and sororities are for children. They are places for people who are needy, who need to be reinforced by their peers and social position. They are not for free, strong, independent, mature people. And, as far as I could ever tell, they were packed to the brim with conservatives, people I shared absolutely no values with. Idiots like you.
I never had the least interest in either. Another thing you probably can't get your head around because you live in a narrow, narrow little world where there is only one vision, one way of looking at things, one perspective, one set of values, etc. I went to schools that focused on education, not social clubs and athletics. Only when I was in graduate school was I at a university that had those things, and as a graduate student, I was a teaching fellow, not someone interested in the asinine crap fraternities and sororities get involved in. Being a sorority girl and dating a fraternity boy or athlete were the last things of which I was ever desirous.

LOL. The stench of insecurity is strong on you. If you don't see the value of school spirit or making lifelong friendships and business connections, you obviously have issues. It is one thing to not be in a fraternity or sorority, and this is totally fine, but only a total socially inept loser would hate them.

You are a fucking idiot. You really live in one tiny, tiny little cave don't you? Fucking fool. Tons of people hate that kind of thing. Fraternities and sororities are for children. They are places for people who are needy, who need to be reinforced by their peers and social position. They are not for free, strong, independent, mature people. And, as far as I could ever tell, they were packed to the brim with conservatives, people I shared absolutely no values with. Idiots like you.

LOL, you are just proving my point.
I never had the least interest in either. Another thing you probably can't get your head around because you live in a narrow, narrow little world where there is only one vision, one way of looking at things, one perspective, one set of values, etc. I went to schools that focused on education, not social clubs and athletics. Only when I was in graduate school was I at a university that had those things, and as a graduate student, I was a teaching fellow, not someone interested in the asinine crap fraternities and sororities get involved in. Being a sorority girl and dating a fraternity boy or athlete were the last things of which I was ever desirous.

LOL. The stench of insecurity is strong on you. If you don't see the value of school spirit or making lifelong friendships and business connections, you obviously have issues. It is one thing to not be in a fraternity or sorority, and this is totally fine, but only a total socially inept loser would hate them.

You are a fucking idiot. You really live in one tiny, tiny little cave don't you? Fucking fool. Tons of people hate that kind of thing. Fraternities and sororities are for children. They are places for people who are needy, who need to be reinforced by their peers and social position. They are not for free, strong, independent, mature people. And, as far as I could ever tell, they were packed to the brim with conservatives, people I shared absolutely no values with. Idiots like you.

Gracious, he remains a tool. I've had him and his buddy on ignore for some time now.
LOL. The stench of insecurity is strong on you. If you don't see the value of school spirit or making lifelong friendships and business connections, you obviously have issues. It is one thing to not be in a fraternity or sorority, and this is totally fine, but only a total socially inept loser would hate them.

You are a fucking idiot. You really live in one tiny, tiny little cave don't you? Fucking fool. Tons of people hate that kind of thing. Fraternities and sororities are for children. They are places for people who are needy, who need to be reinforced by their peers and social position. They are not for free, strong, independent, mature people. And, as far as I could ever tell, they were packed to the brim with conservatives, people I shared absolutely no values with. Idiots like you.

LOL, you are just proving my point.

Why am I not surprised you are a sorority girl.
You are a fucking idiot. You really live in one tiny, tiny little cave don't you? Fucking fool. Tons of people hate that kind of thing. Fraternities and sororities are for children. They are places for people who are needy, who need to be reinforced by their peers and social position. They are not for free, strong, independent, mature people. And, as far as I could ever tell, they were packed to the brim with conservatives, people I shared absolutely no values with. Idiots like you.

LOL, you are just proving my point.

Why am I not surprised you are a sorority girl.
What, are you jealous you didn't get into one you sailor you?
This is truly nuts but goes to show how left and right wing networks conduct themselves.

On left leaning networks, when someone does something very unprofessional, they are immediately fired. On right wing networks like fox, they get a pat on the back and tell them to keep going with their racist remarks :cuckoo:

Megyn Kelly doubles down on ?white Santa?: I did it for the kids | The Raw Story
Now dig this...

O?Reilly Defends Megyn Kelly: She?s ?Correct, Santa Is a White Person? | Mediaite

She's getting help from theFOXNEWS' big boy.

Double down is the M.O. indeed.
This is truly nuts but goes to show how left and right wing networks conduct themselves.

On left leaning networks, when someone does something very unprofessional, they are immediately fired. On right wing networks like fox, they get a pat on the back and tell them to keep going with their racist remarks :cuckoo:

Megyn Kelly doubles down on ?white Santa?: I did it for the kids | The Raw Story
Now dig this...

O?Reilly Defends Megyn Kelly: She?s ?Correct, Santa Is a White Person? | Mediaite

She's getting help from theFOXNEWS' big boy.

Double down is the M.O. indeed.
We all know Santa is black, lol.

We didn't land on the North Pole, the North Pole landed on us!
"Screaming bloody murder," yup.

So, why is everyone attacking Megyn Kelly? So what if Rachel Maddow, Joy Behar or some other liberal woman TV personality made such a comment? Would I be seeing some of the reactions I'm seeing in this thread? Of course it's 'screaming bloody murder,' that is unless someone can prove otherwise. I would never have dreamed that people would get so upset over an off the cuff remark. I also find it ironic that some people on the left would all of a sudden care what Jesus' skin color was.

If Rachel Maddow or Joy Behar had made such a comment, they probably would have had the same result as Megan Kelly did....and probably from people on the left, but I seriously doubt that either one of those two would make such a comment.

The whole point is that it is offensive that anybody would try and make a point about a mythical character (Santa) being white, because he is not real. Reindeer do not fly, and no real person can deliver gifts to all the children of the world in one night, going down their chimney. Mythical characters are portrayed by artists whichever way they want, that is why Santa looks different in all Christmas story books. He looks the same in that he wears a red suit, has a beard and is usually fat - but his features are always different....once he used to even smoke a pipe! But he is not real, and to claim that he is white is just silly - and childish, especially coming from an adult on TV, or it could be interpreted as prideful.

As for Jesus, we know he was Jewish, lived in the ME, so I don't think he would have had blue eyes - although I love blue eyes, my hub has blue eyes....If God had wanted us to know what Jesus looked like he would have had someone paint his picture. Is it important that Jesus be white? And if so, why? Would it be difficult for some to worship a God that was not white? A Christian would (should) not care the color of Jesus' skin and to argue over it makes them suspect.
Exactly Mertex, it doesn't matter what race people think Jesus or Santa are, unless they they think they are White. It is childish, stupid, and racist.

Mertex, you seem to be a high priestess of the PC Cathedral, an adherent to the mainstream orthodoxy. Does my post count for sufficient daily penance for the pain my existence inflicts on our divine non-white brothers and sisters? I pray to the our holy saints Mandela and Martin Luther King, in their names, I pray.
Exactly Mertex, it doesn't matter what race people think Jesus or Santa are, unless they they think they are White. It is childish, stupid, and racist.
Jesus and Santa are not in the same is real the other is not, but if a person is willing to argue that a mythical character is white, then apparently to that person it does matter......and yes, it is what you said.

Mertex, you seem to be a high priestess of the PC Cathedral, an adherent to the mainstream orthodoxy. Does my post count for sufficient daily penance for the pain my existence inflicts on our divine non-white brothers and sisters? I pray to the our holy saints Mandela and Martin Luther King, in their names, I pray.
I'm sure in your mind it does.
Exactly Mertex, it doesn't matter what race people think Jesus or Santa are, unless they they think they are White. It is childish, stupid, and racist.
Jesus and Santa are not in the same is real the other is not, but if a person is willing to argue that a mythical character is white, then apparently to that person it does matter......and yes, it is what you said.

Mertex, you seem to be a high priestess of the PC Cathedral, an adherent to the mainstream orthodoxy. Does my post count for sufficient daily penance for the pain my existence inflicts on our divine non-white brothers and sisters? I pray to the our holy saints Mandela and Martin Luther King, in their names, I pray.
I'm sure in your mind it does.

This leads to another question. Is Aisha Harris childish, stupid and racist for suggesting we scrap the Santa all together because he represents a White European tradition that excludes African Americans like herself. Is she childish, stupid and racist for suggesting that not only Santa is White, but that we must get rid of him because he represents White traditions?

Now I am not as politically correct as you, or sensitive, so forgive me if the above question is inappropriate. If so, tell me, and you don't have to answer. If it is ok, I would like to hear your opinion.

I have yet to hear any liberal address Aisha Harris in this discussion which is odd, she is the reason this conversation is being had.

Also how can I repent for being White?
Exactly Mertex, it doesn't matter what race people think Jesus or Santa are, unless they they think they are White. It is childish, stupid, and racist.
Jesus and Santa are not in the same is real the other is not, but if a person is willing to argue that a mythical character is white, then apparently to that person it does matter......and yes, it is what you said.

Mertex, you seem to be a high priestess of the PC Cathedral, an adherent to the mainstream orthodoxy. Does my post count for sufficient daily penance for the pain my existence inflicts on our divine non-white brothers and sisters? I pray to the our holy saints Mandela and Martin Luther King, in their names, I pray.
I'm sure in your mind it does.

This leads to another question. Is Aisha Harris childish, stupid and racist for suggesting we scrap the Santa all together because he represents a White European tradition that excludes African Americans like herself. Is she childish, stupid and racist for suggesting that not only Santa is White, but that we must get rid of him because he represents White traditions?

Now I am not as politically correct as you, or sensitive, so forgive me if the above question is inappropriate. If so, tell me, and you don't have to answer. If it is ok, I would like to hear your opinion.
She's naive, Santa isn't going to be scrapped any time soon. And, it doesn't exclude blacks, because there are black Santas. Besides, to most, it doesn't matter that he is depicted as white/black or brown. I think she's over-reacting to Megan Kelly's comment, and her suggestions are childish responses to a childish observation.

I have yet to hear any liberal address Aisha Harris in this discussion which is odd, she is the reason this conversation is being had.
I thought the discussion was due to Megan Kelly's comment? At least that is the title of the OP. Aisha Harris' comments are her response to Megan Kelly's claim, just like the rest of the responses on this thread. Some defend the comment while others argue against it.

Also how can I repent for being White?
You didn't have anything to do with it, that's why you don't have to repent, neither can you claim it as an achievement.
Jesus and Santa are not in the same is real the other is not, but if a person is willing to argue that a mythical character is white, then apparently to that person it does matter......and yes, it is what you said.

I'm sure in your mind it does.

This leads to another question. Is Aisha Harris childish, stupid and racist for suggesting we scrap the Santa all together because he represents a White European tradition that excludes African Americans like herself. Is she childish, stupid and racist for suggesting that not only Santa is White, but that we must get rid of him because he represents White traditions?

Now I am not as politically correct as you, or sensitive, so forgive me if the above question is inappropriate. If so, tell me, and you don't have to answer. If it is ok, I would like to hear your opinion.
She's naive, Santa isn't going to be scrapped any time soon. And, it doesn't exclude blacks, because there are black Santas. Besides, to most, it doesn't matter that he is depicted as white/black or brown. I think she's over-reacting to Megan Kelly's comment, and her suggestions are childish responses to a childish observation.

I have yet to hear any liberal address Aisha Harris in this discussion which is odd, she is the reason this conversation is being had.
I thought the discussion was due to Megan Kelly's comment? At least that is the title of the OP. Aisha Harris' comments are her response to Megan Kelly's claim, just like the rest of the responses on this thread. Some defend the comment while others argue against it.

Also how can I repent for being White?
You didn't have anything to do with it, that's why you don't have to repent, neither can you claim it as an achievement.

No, the conversation was started by Aisha Harris. I hope you realize you are mistaken. I also hope most people don't think Megyn Kelly brought this up, out of the blue. She was the one responding to Aisha Harris, not vice versa.

Not that is really matters though, like I said before, I don't think liberals will care, even if they know Aisha Harris started the conversation. Because like her, they support scrapping White European traditions including the White European tradition of Santa Claus.

People are calling Megyn Kelly childish, stupid and racist when it was Aisha Harris who said Santa should be be scrapped for a penguin because he represents White culture.

They are reserving the words for the wrong person.


Good to know I don't have to repent. I have done my penance!
LOL. The stench of insecurity is strong on you. If you don't see the value of school spirit or making lifelong friendships and business connections, you obviously have issues. It is one thing to not be in a fraternity or sorority, and this is totally fine, but only a total socially inept loser would hate them.

You are a fucking idiot. You really live in one tiny, tiny little cave don't you? Fucking fool. Tons of people hate that kind of thing. Fraternities and sororities are for children. They are places for people who are needy, who need to be reinforced by their peers and social position. They are not for free, strong, independent, mature people. And, as far as I could ever tell, they were packed to the brim with conservatives, people I shared absolutely no values with. Idiots like you.

Gracious, he remains a tool. I've had him and his buddy on ignore for some time now.

In fact, one of the few good reasons to go to college these days(outside of pursuing a STEM degree), is to join a fraternity to network for business connections. More money will come of those connections than being a bookworm.
She's getting help from theFOXNEWS' big boy.

Double down is the M.O. indeed.

O'Reilly really drives me crazy. Sometimes he has very poignant things to say. But then other times he completely jumps track and reduces himself to handing out candy to brain stem thinkers.

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