Ken Burns's The Roosevelts: An Intimate History

AA, my brother is a hard conservative. "Reliable" does not mean agreement with TR's actions.

I wonder who could be 'normal' in that position at that time with AL's background.

Like many American leaders AL hoped colonization would work for removing the african american population but came to realize that it was not possible. Like many republicans and northern democrats of the time, AL came, I believe, to hate the Old South and would it stood for than he dislike blacks.
Thanks Jake. :)

I am just looking for conservative's impressions of the documentary. :thup:
He thinks KB is accurate in the factual history and most of the interpretation.
Do they talk about FDR having the worst economic record in recorded history?
To CrusaderFrank: They did:

My seventh-grade son recently wrote a U.S. History paper extolling the virtues of President Franklin Rooseveltā€™s New Deal. ā€œIt ended the Great Depression,ā€ he wrote with great certainty. Heā€™s only 12 and parroting what the history texts and his teachers told him.

Thatā€™s his excuse. Whatā€™s Ken Burnsā€™?

Mr. Burnsā€™ docudrama on the Roosevelts ā€” for those who werenā€™t bored to tears ā€” repeats nearly all the worn-out fairy tales of the FDR presidency, including what I call the most enduring myth of the 20th century, which is that FDRā€™s avalanche of alphabet-soup government programs ended the Great Depression. Shouldnā€™t there be a statute of limitations on such lies?

The enduring myth of FDR and the New Deal
Rather than end the Great Depression, his policies prolonged it
By Stephen Moore - - Friday, September 19, 2014

MOORE The enduring myth of FDR and the New Deal - Washington Times

p.s. Iā€™ve heard the spin throughout my adult life. (I was born in 1934.) In my younger days I read everything about the Roosevelts that I could find. As soon as liberals began touting the Ken Burns series I knew that a piece or two of trivia was the only thing I could learn. I did not watch the show because no amount of trivia is worth hearing the lies again.
That particular teacher, I believe is in the small minority who teach that.

WWII end the Great Depression, nothing else.

The teacher undoubtedly also taught that the Reform and Relief venues of government legislation was successful.
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He thinks KB is accurate in the factual history and most of the interpretation.
Thanks again, Jake!

I have 3 more eps to go. They are two hours each. I am enjoying learning intimate details of their familial lives.
Do they talk about FDR having the worst economic record in recorded history?
To CrusaderFrank: They did:

My seventh-grade son recently wrote a U.S. History paper extolling the virtues of President Franklin Rooseveltā€™s New Deal. ā€œIt ended the Great Depression,ā€ he wrote with great certainty. Heā€™s only 12 and parroting what the history texts and his teachers told him.

Thatā€™s his excuse. Whatā€™s Ken Burnsā€™?

Mr. Burnsā€™ docudrama on the Roosevelts ā€” for those who werenā€™t bored to tears ā€” repeats nearly all the worn-out fairy tales of the FDR presidency, including what I call the most enduring myth of the 20th century, which is that FDRā€™s avalanche of alphabet-soup government programs ended the Great Depression. Shouldnā€™t there be a statute of limitations on such lies?

The enduring myth of FDR and the New Deal
Rather than end the Great Depression, his policies prolonged it
By Stephen Moore - - Friday, September 19, 2014

MOORE The enduring myth of FDR and the New Deal - Washington Times

p.s. Iā€™ve heard the spin throughout my adult life. (I was born in 1934.) In my younger days I read everything about the Roosevelts that I could find. As soon as liberals began touting the Ken Burns series I knew that a piece or two of trivia was the only thing I could learn. I did not watch the show because no amount of trivia is worth hearing the lies again.

Thanks Flanders.

I had read years ago, that it was because of FDR's 4 terms of POTUS, that a new law, or was it an amendment that a president could only serve a 2-term presidency. :dunno: In other words people were sick of him. :dunno:
Do they talk about FDR having the worst economic record in recorded history?

In 1935, the Brookings Institution (left-leaning) delivered a 900-page report on the New Deal and the National Recovery Administration, concluding that ā€œ on the whole it retarded recovery.ā€ The Real Deal - Society and Culture - AEI

Bet that's not in the documentary.
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Do they talk about FDR having the worst economic record in recorded history?

In 1935, the Brookings Institution (left-leaning) delivered a 900-page report on the New Deal and the National Recovery Administration, concluding that ā€œ on the whole it retarded recovery.ā€ The Real Deal - Society and Culture - AEI

Bet that's not in the documentary.
Thanks PC. I knew there would be more to the story that was presented in 14+ hours and to which I have 6 more hours to go. I value your input, as always. You are a most learned poster. :thup:
Do they talk about FDR having the worst economic record in recorded history?

They had quite a bit on the Great Depression

You mean the Roosevelt Depression?

1. Under Franklin Roosevelt- "No depression, or recession, had ever lasted even half this long."

a. 8,020,000 Americans were unemployed in 1931. In 1939, after the excellent decisions by Franklin Roosevelt, there were 9,480,000 unemployed.

Folsom, "New Deal of Raw Deal," p. 3.

2. Here is an interesting visual: imagine a triple line of the unemployed, three across, consisting of those unemployed under Hoover, in 1931. The line would have gone from Los Angeles, across the country, to the border of Maine.

What effect did Roosevelt have on the line?

Well, eight years later, in 1939, the length of the line would have gone further, from the Maine border, south to Boston, then on to New York City, then to Philadelphia, on to Washington, D.C.- and finally, into Virginia.

Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal"

Check it out at the US Bureau of the Census, 'Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970, I-126 and Unemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

Bet that's not in the documentary....
Do they talk about FDR having the worst economic record in recorded history?
They seem to be adhering to actual provable, balanced and non partisan interpretations that rely on facts instead of radical partisan misinformation and conspiracy theories. Probably not a documentary for you.

"...adhering to actual provable, balanced and non partisan interpretations that rely on facts ..."

Hey....just like me!
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I am sending those provided links to a very progressive schoolteacher friend of mine who believed everything she saw, in the documentary. THANKS! :D ( She's a teacher of French...what would she know anyway? ) :lol:
Do they talk about FDR having the worst economic record in recorded history?
They seem to be adhering to actual provable, balanced and non partisan interpretations that rely on facts instead of radical partisan misinformation and conspiracy theories. Probably not a documentary for you.

"...adhering to actual provable, balanced and non partisan interpretations that rely on facts ..."

Hey....just like me!
I DVRd this Special series of two hour episodes. So far, I am into the third one. It is very informative and interesting in traditional Ken Burns expert style and capabilities. I am wondering of the impressions of the Left and the Right as to the accuracy of it all. I did not know Teddy Roosevelt's mother and wife died on the same day, in the same house.

Very informative series.

Don't know the particulars in that case as I have only seen bits and pieces of it, but that is not surprising. People used to have a lot more 3 generation households, and in the days before modern medicine, an entire family could be wiped out in a matter of days.

When I was a kid, there was this old black family cemetery in the woods. We used to visit a lady who was well into her 80's who had lived her entire life in that area (and owned quite a bit of it too). She said that had used to be a farm and everybody except the husband died over the course of a week due to some fever or the other. Since they were quarantined nobody but the doc could go in, so the man had to bury his entire family by himself that week. That would have to be mind-numbingly difficult. Easy to forget how easy we have it these days.
I DVRd this Special series of two hour episodes. So far, I am into the third one. It is very informative and interesting in traditional Ken Burns expert style and capabilities. I am wondering of the impressions of the Left and the Right as to the accuracy of it all. I did not know Teddy Roosevelt's mother and wife died on the same day, in the same house.

Very informative series.

Don't know the particulars in that case as I have only seen bits and pieces of it, but that is not surprising. People used to have a lot more 3 generation households, and in the days before modern medicine, an entire family could be wiped out in a matter of days.

When I was a kid, there was this old black family cemetery in the woods. We used to visit a lady who was well into her 80's who had lived her entire life in that area (and owned quite a bit of it too). She said that had used to be a farm and everybody except the husband died over the course of a week due to some fever or the other. Since they were quarantined nobody but the doc could go in, so the man had to bury his entire family by himself that week. That would have to be mind-numbingly difficult. Easy to forget how easy we have it these days.

How about this....I have a friend whose mother, father, and grandmother all died on the same day of the year....different years, but same date.
He says he stays home in bed when that day rolls around.

How about this....I have a friend whose mother, father, and grandmother all died on the same day of the year....different years, but same date.
He says he stays home in bed when that day rolls around.


If he is killed when his house collapses on that date when he otherwise wouldn't have been at home, I will go with ironic for the win.

It is kind of funny to me when people get fixated on numbers/numerology type things.
Do they talk about FDR having the worst economic record in recorded history?

They had quite a bit on the Great Depression

You mean the Roosevelt Depression?

1. Under Franklin Roosevelt- "No depression, or recession, had ever lasted even half this long."

a. 8,020,000 Americans were unemployed in 1931. In 1939, after the excellent decisions by Franklin Roosevelt, there were 9,480,000 unemployed.

Folsom, "New Deal of Raw Deal," p. 3.

2. Here is an interesting visual: imagine a triple line of the unemployed, three across, consisting of those unemployed under Hoover, in 1931. The line would have gone from Los Angeles, across the country, to the border of Maine.

What effect did Roosevelt have on the line?

Well, eight years later, in 1939, the length of the line would have gone further, from the Maine border, south to Boston, then on to New York City, then to Philadelphia, on to Washington, D.C.- and finally, into Virginia.

Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal"

Check it out at the US Bureau of the Census, 'Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970, I-126 and Unemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

Bet that's not in the documentary....

Thanks for the reminder that there are no economic collapses like Republican economic collapses. You just don't get over them overnight

After the Great Republican Economic Collapse of 1929 it took 20 years before we would risk electing another Republican

After the Great Bush Economic Collapse of 2008 it will take at least 30 years before we risk Republican leadership again

I ran across this and thought it might be of interest.

I plan to watch the documentary at another time.
Thanks Flanders.

In other words people were sick of him. :dunno:

To AquaAthena: A lot of Americans were sick of him in 1936. The problem was that those Americans were Lefties. Had Huey Long not been assassinated in 1935 he might have offered FDR a real challenge at the 1936 Democrat Convention. Indeed, FDR was so worried about the Kingfish he combined some of Longā€™s populist rhetoric with Norman Thomasā€™ Socialist Party platform.

In addition to FDRā€™s many failings I believe that he was the first president to ignore a vast of majority of Americans in order to appease a vocal minority. FDRā€™s ā€œvocal minorityā€ policies have been adopted and expanded upon by every Democrat president since FDR.

Incidentally, Elizabeth Cherokee Warren is Hillary Clintonā€™s Huey Long. Iā€™m no fan of Wall Street but Cherokee is using Longā€™s play book with one problem. Todayā€™s Wall Street runs on the XVI Amendment; so her contradiction is glaringly obvious; Cherokee (and Clinton) will grow the government with more taxation which, in turn, will make the poor poorer, and Wall Streetā€™s absentee owners even wealthier.

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