Kennedy was a Liberal.

Politically, Kennedy was a centrist. He was also a hypocritical, irresponsible horndog who would have gotten a BCD from the Navy if not for family connections!

I don't see the righties, even the hardcore right, promising to "fundamentally change" America.

Why would someone want to "fundamentally change" something that they like?


"I want to be invisible. I do guerilla warfare. I paint my face and travel at night. You don't know it's over until you're in a body bag. You don't know until election night." --Ralph Reed, The Hill, December 17, 1997.[2].
"What Christians have got to do is take back this country, one precinct at a time, one neighborhood at a time and one state at a time. I honestly believe that in my lifetime, we will see a country once again governed by Christians...and Christian values." --Ralph Reed, Los Angeles Times, April 1990.,_Jr.

Nuff said.
Who the hell is Ralph Reed? Is he one of my heroes, my mentors?
Kennedy may well have been liberal but he was not anything like the liberals of today as for the founding fathers being liberal well they were opposed to the high taxes being imposed on them by the British government and having that same British government have so much power and control over their lives. So against higher taxes and having to much government control in their lives I'm not claiming the founding fathers were conservative but this sure doesn't make them seem like liberals either.



Perhaps you could explain to me, in your own words, why you would want to fundamentally change something that you like.


Change is the nature of liberalism.

It's also the nature of life.

You don't evolve and adapt? You die.

Simple as that.

O's view of the constitution is completely antithetical to what the founders envisioned. These men, fresh from a hard-fought battle to shake off the yoke of an all-powerful government, didn’t want the federal government to do anything for Americans except to leave them alone, while providing basic economic, commercial, and national security. O's vision is a massive federal govt which usurps individual liberties and renders the states to bend to an all encompassing federal govt.
Maybe if they post enough threads they will convince themselves...they sure aren't convincing anyone else

good grief, how Pathetic are liberals?
Ever since the roll out of the clusterfuck that is Obamacare the left has gone to lengths that go well beyond insane to distract from it.

yep, but it's not going to last long...we will be pounding them over the head with Obamafailnocare until the elections are over and Ofail is gone and so are his comrades in arms who pushed it on us

big votes coming people
My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

John F. Kennedy

When was the last time you heard a liberal say anything like that?
Like the founders.

Like anyone that's done good for the nation.

Conservatives seek to destroy America.

And turn it into a theocracy.

John F. Kennedy - Defining Liberal - YouTube

So, Kennedy was a liberal? How do you define liberal, by the original definition of liberal, or by he progressive-communist hijacking of the term? I couldn't help but notice your pathetic score on the libertarian test, and the last thing you would ever be is liberal under the true definition. You are a radical leftist, which JFK clearly was not.

I would not go so far as to claim JFK to be a TEA Partier, but at the same time, this is the same JFK who refused to censure Sen. Joe McCarthy, who along with his father, Joe, and brother Robert F. Kennedy attended McCarthy's wedding. Robert F. Kennedy was an aide to McCarthy. Joe Kennedy was a heavy contributor to McCarthy's campaigns.

JFK was pro-life, he was only one of 8 presidents to be a lifetime NRA member, he appointed a staunchly pro-life U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Byron White, who was one of the dissenters in Roe v. Wade. He was all for a strong military. He told Harvard professor - leftist Keneysian, Ken Galbraith who opposed Kennedy's tax cuts to shut up. He favored free trade, and was vehemently anti-communist. And wasn't it a left-wing commie, Lee Harvey Oswald who killed Kennedy? Yep.

The thing is, leftists were the first to write books about JFK to rewrite history into making him one of them when he clearly was not. There is absolutely no way JFK could run for office as a Democrat today. He would have a hard enough time running as a Republican given that America-haters like Karl Rove, Mitch McConjob, John McCain, Lyndsey Gramnesty, Paul Ryan, and John Boehner and the anti-American establishment control the GOP.
Like the founders.

Like anyone that's done good for the nation.

Conservatives seek to destroy America.

And turn it into a theocracy.

John F. Kennedy - Defining Liberal - YouTube

So, Kennedy was a liberal? How do you define liberal, by the original definition of liberal, or by he progressive-communist hijacking of the term? I couldn't help but notice your pathetic score on the libertarian test, and the last thing you would ever be is liberal under the true definition. You are a radical leftist, which JFK clearly was not.

I would not go so far as to claim JFK to be a TEA Partier, but at the same time, this is the same JFK who refused to censure Sen. Joe McCarthy, who along with his father, Joe, and brother Robert F. Kennedy attended McCarthy's wedding. Robert F. Kennedy was an aide to McCarthy. Joe Kennedy was a heavy contributor to McCarthy's campaigns.

JFK was pro-life, he was only one of 8 presidents to be a lifetime NRA member, he appointed a staunchly pro-life U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Byron White, who was one of the dissenters in Roe v. Wade. He was all for a strong military. He told Harvard professor - leftist Keneysian, Ken Galbraith who opposed Kennedy's tax cuts to shut up. He favored free trade, and was vehemently anti-communist. And wasn't it a left-wing commie, Lee Harvey Oswald who killed Kennedy? Yep.

The thing is, leftists were the first to write books about JFK to rewrite history into making him one of them when he clearly was not. There is absolutely no way JFK could run for office as a Democrat today. He would have a hard enough time running as a Republican given that America-haters like Karl Rove, Mitch McConjob, John McCain, Lyndsey Gramnesty, Paul Ryan, and John Boehner and the anti-American establishment control the GOP.

This is one of those "blue sky" arguments.

Doesn't really work..but hey..go for it.
My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

John F. Kennedy

When was the last time you heard a liberal say anything like that?

| United We Serve

The challenges we face are unprecedented in their size and scope, and we cannot rely on quick fixes or easy answers to put us on the road to recovery. In this new century, we need to a build a new foundation for economic growth in America.

My Administration has already begun this work with dramatic new investments in education, health care and clean energy – investments that will create new jobs and lay the foundation for lasting prosperity.

But we cannot do this alone here in Washington. We can rebuild our schools, but we need people to be mentors and tutors in those schools. We can modernize our health care system, but we need volunteers in our hospitals and communities to help care for the sick and help people lead healthier lives. We can invest in clean energy, but we need people to use energy-efficient products in their homes and train for the green jobs of the future.

Economic recovery is as much about what you're doing in your communities as what we're doing in Washington – and it’s going to take all of us, working together.
Here's the conservative call to service..

[ame=]bush: go out and shop - YouTube[/ame]
JFK was EVERYBODY'S president. He stood for things that most people wanted.

He was a dem, but also a centrist and his vision for America was one that everyone could relate too.

Lower taxes, civil rights, pride in America ... that's not liberal - that's American.
In the 1950's through to his death, John Kennedy was a Liberal. However, to consider what that means, one would have to see just how far the political spectrum has shifted since his assassination.

By today's standards, JFK would be counted by today's progressives (and the OP) as a far right extremist.

Ronald Reagan was once asked why he left the Democratic Party. His reply was, "I did not leave the Democratic Party, the Party left me" (paraphrased from memory).

Making a claim that JFK then is what progressives are today is a phoney comparison.

The claim is ludicrous on its face.

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