Kennedy was a Liberal.


I don't see the righties, even the hardcore right, promising to "fundamentally change" America.

Why would someone want to "fundamentally change" something that they like?


Well, I love the Cleveland Browns and wish to hell someone would fundamentally change them.
First have to "couch" the notion that the founders were "classical" liberals because that kind of language includes conservatives into the mix.

They weren't "classic" anything. They were radically different then the Monarch government that ruled the colonies.

Actually, they were the very definition of Classical Liberal. And yes, that means being radically different from the Monarch...and every bit as different to the big government nanny state fucks that rule today.

Spoken like a Progressive, NOT a founder. The entire idea of the founding was to limit the powers of federal government those specifically enumerated. What in the fuck do you think the 10th amendment was for?!

And that process is called an AMENDMENT, something your dear leaders can't be bothered with...the antithesis of the founding principals. Thanks for proving my point!

Then why do modern liberals keep banging on with the same central planning policies despite the disastrous consequences? Sounds like stagnant thinking to me. Free markets and free minds, as the founders envisioned, is FAR from stagnant. It's what made America the greatest nation on earth with the highest standard of living for all..but you know better, we all understand...

As is modern liberal thinking. Same central planning bullshit over and over again. Never works, but hey, it's the INTENTION that counts, right?

That's not America

When you express even a modicum of the ideals of the founding, you can talk about what is and what is not America. Until then, you're no better than the big government Conservatives that are just sure they know what's best for everyone else and you're NOTHING like the founders.

Nothing but laughable bullshit.

Well, if this is so, you should have no problems debunking what eflatminor stated. Instead, you come up with inane retorts such as this, or claiming "blue sky". Anyone can make your dodging the question retorts like this, and you clearly are an anyone if ever there was one.

I don't see the righties, even the hardcore right, promising to "fundamentally change" America.

Why would someone want to "fundamentally change" something that they like?


Then you need to start reading...this moral decline falls into thier belief that they need to change things to fit their morals.
Neither saying they want to change things is evil, but if you feel the need to take it as such.

I don't see the righties, even the hardcore right, promising to "fundamentally change" America.

Why would someone want to "fundamentally change" something that they like?


"I want to be invisible. I do guerilla warfare. I paint my face and travel at night. You don't know it's over until you're in a body bag. You don't know until election night." --Ralph Reed, The Hill, December 17, 1997.[2].
"What Christians have got to do is take back this country, one precinct at a time, one neighborhood at a time and one state at a time. I honestly believe that in my lifetime, we will see a country once again governed by Christians...and Christian values." --Ralph Reed, Los Angeles Times, April 1990.,_Jr.

Nuff said.

Governered by Christian values..... Like the Ten Commandments. Do no lie!
Kennedy was killed by a liberal. A self proclaimed communist that didn't think he was liberal enough by today's definition of a liberal. Exactly like all of the other presidential assassinations or attempts along with our current shooting sprees we deal with today. Liberals kill people. They can't function or survive in a debate because of their ideas and therefore resort to killing as the answer to their problems. Every communist revolution involves killing large groups of their own countrymen for not agreeing with them. You can't survive as a liberal with opposing views that are truthful. Killing people is their only option. In the name of fairness of course, and equality and their favorite "for the kids".

Liberalism today, more commonly known as socialism or communism can't function amongst better ideas known as conservatism so they rely on killing to get their way. It's all they have and Kennedy was simply a victim of it. Obama is in grave danger now the obiecare is going down the toilet. He can whine about the Tea Party all he wants but the true danger to him comes from the left he thinks is on his side. We've never had a right wing attack on anyone, that hasn't and won't change any time soon.
Kennedy is by far the most overrated president of the 20th Century due to getting assassinated. Taking a bullet to the head is the most notable thing to come from his presidency. You lefties can have the worthless philandering coke addict.

The Kennedys are a scourge on the US. Damn all of them.
Kennedy is by far the most overrated president of the 20th Century due to getting assassinated. Taking a bullet to the head is the most notable thing to come from his presidency. You lefties can have the worthless philandering coke addict.

The Kennedys are a scourge on the US. Damn all of them.

The "scourge" on the US was the Confederacy, that wound up taking the lives of over half a million Americans.

Confederates were part of a larger scourge in this country known as conservativism.

It's a pretty vile mindset.
Kennedy was killed by a liberal. A self proclaimed communist that didn't think he was liberal enough by today's definition of a liberal. Exactly like all of the other presidential assassinations or attempts along with our current shooting sprees we deal with today. Liberals kill people. They can't function or survive in a debate because of their ideas and therefore resort to killing as the answer to their problems. Every communist revolution involves killing large groups of their own countrymen for not agreeing with them. You can't survive as a liberal with opposing views that are truthful. Killing people is their only option. In the name of fairness of course, and equality and their favorite "for the kids".

Liberalism today, more commonly known as socialism or communism can't function amongst better ideas known as conservatism so they rely on killing to get their way. It's all they have and Kennedy was simply a victim of it. Obama is in grave danger now the obiecare is going down the toilet. He can whine about the Tea Party all he wants but the true danger to him comes from the left he thinks is on his side. We've never had a right wing attack on anyone, that hasn't and won't change any time soon.

You guys call everything you don't like, Communism.

The word has no meaning for you.

Back then, conservatives called Eisenhower and Kennedy..communists.
My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

John F. Kennedy

When was the last time you heard a liberal say anything like that?

| United We Serve

The challenges we face are unprecedented in their size and scope, and we cannot rely on quick fixes or easy answers to put us on the road to recovery. In this new century, we need to a build a new foundation for economic growth in America.

My Administration has already begun this work with dramatic new investments in education, health care and clean energy – investments that will create new jobs and lay the foundation for lasting prosperity.

But we cannot do this alone here in Washington. We can rebuild our schools, but we need people to be mentors and tutors in those schools. We can modernize our health care system, but we need volunteers in our hospitals and communities to help care for the sick and help people lead healthier lives. We can invest in clean energy, but we need people to use energy-efficient products in their homes and train for the green jobs of the future.

Economic recovery is as much about what you're doing in your communities as what we're doing in Washington – and it’s going to take all of us, working together.
The difference is Kennedy actually believed what he said Obamas record shows he does not.

This makes no sense what so ever.

It's also moving goalposts. :lol:

I don't see the righties, even the hardcore right, promising to "fundamentally change" America.

Why would someone want to "fundamentally change" something that they like?


"I want to be invisible. I do guerilla warfare. I paint my face and travel at night. You don't know it's over until you're in a body bag. You don't know until election night." --Ralph Reed, The Hill, December 17, 1997.[2].
"What Christians have got to do is take back this country, one precinct at a time, one neighborhood at a time and one state at a time. I honestly believe that in my lifetime, we will see a country once again governed by Christians...and Christian values." --Ralph Reed, Los Angeles Times, April 1990.,_Jr.

Nuff said.

Ralph Reed is not the President
Kennedy is by far the most overrated president of the 20th Century due to getting assassinated. Taking a bullet to the head is the most notable thing to come from his presidency. You lefties can have the worthless philandering coke addict.

The Kennedys are a scourge on the US. Damn all of them.

The "scourge" on the US was the Confederacy, that wound up taking the lives of over half a million Americans.

Confederates were part of a larger scourge in this country known as conservativism.

It's a pretty vile mindset.

The Confederates were Slave owning Democrats; Progressive like Hitler Mao and Stalin. They knew what's best for the people they owned.

ObamaCare is a derivative of that slave owning Democrat Mentality: Nanny State knows Best
Kennedy was killed by a liberal. A self proclaimed communist that didn't think he was liberal enough by today's definition of a liberal. Exactly like all of the other presidential assassinations or attempts along with our current shooting sprees we deal with today. Liberals kill people. They can't function or survive in a debate because of their ideas and therefore resort to killing as the answer to their problems. Every communist revolution involves killing large groups of their own countrymen for not agreeing with them. You can't survive as a liberal with opposing views that are truthful. Killing people is their only option. In the name of fairness of course, and equality and their favorite "for the kids".

Liberalism today, more commonly known as socialism or communism can't function amongst better ideas known as conservatism so they rely on killing to get their way. It's all they have and Kennedy was simply a victim of it. Obama is in grave danger now the obiecare is going down the toilet. He can whine about the Tea Party all he wants but the true danger to him comes from the left he thinks is on his side. We've never had a right wing attack on anyone, that hasn't and won't change any time soon.

You guys call everything you don't like, Communism.

The word has no meaning for you.

Back then, conservatives called Eisenhower and Kennedy..communists.
You call everything you don't like conservatism.

The difference is we can back up our claims with facts, logic, and reason.

All you have is emotion.
Liberals do not spend money on the Space Program.......
Kennedy was no Liberal.
Kennedy is by far the most overrated president of the 20th Century due to getting assassinated. Taking a bullet to the head is the most notable thing to come from his presidency. You lefties can have the worthless philandering coke addict.

The Kennedys are a scourge on the US. Damn all of them.

The "scourge" on the US was the Confederacy, that wound up taking the lives of over half a million Americans.

Confederates were part of a larger scourge in this country known as conservativism.

It's a pretty vile mindset.

I would not call your mindset vile Sallow. Shallow, eccentric, ill-informed - maybe, but not 'vile'.
kennedy is by far the most overrated president of the 20th century due to getting assassinated. Taking a bullet to the head is the most notable thing to come from his presidency. You lefties can have the worthless philandering coke addict.

The kennedys are a scourge on the us. Damn all of them.

the "scourge" on the us was the confederacy, that wound up taking the lives of over half a million americans.

Confederates were part of a larger scourge in this country known as conservativism.

It's a pretty vile mindset.

the confederates were slave owning democrats; progressive like hitler mao and stalin. They knew what's best for the people they owned.

Obamacare is a derivative of that slave owning democrat mentality: Nanny state knows best


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