Kent state wrestler suspended for not praising gay nfl prospect

Off-campus you have the 1st Amendment to be a dick. On-campus, if you get suspended for this I'd assume you broke some 'code of conduct' thing.
Several thoughts.

First, Steve, your thread title is bullshit. Stick with the facts which are bad enough.

Second, the Gay Mafia has so completely infiltrated society that I am glad to see some people fight against, regardless of the stupidity involved in writing what the guy wrote. But this is what we now have in the age of Twitter and FB.

Third, were these comments directed toward some white christian male, using similar derogatory words, we all know it would go nowhere. The double standard is nauseating.

Fourth, I think political correctness is about to be destroyed. There are plenty of people sick to death of this fucking bullshit.

Fifth, I hope the kid files a lawsuit and wins big.
Off-campus you have the 1st Amendment to be a dick. On-campus, if you get suspended for this I'd assume you broke some 'code of conduct' thing.

Code of conduct trumps the first amendment? Codes. Of conducts impacts off campus stuff as well.
...Yup he broke their code of conduct:

8. DISCRIMINATION – Intentional or unintentional act that treats an individual or group in an adverse manner based on a protected category. Protected categories include, but are not limited to: race, color, religion, gender,sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, disability, genetic information, age, military status, or identity as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era, recently separated veteran, or other protected veteran.
Code of Student Conduct
"Protected category".

That's pretty frightening in America. More frightening is that many in this country agree with it.
...Yup he broke their code of conduct:

8. DISCRIMINATION – Intentional or unintentional act that treats an individual or group in an adverse manner based on a protected category. Protected categories include, but are not limited to: race, color, religion, gender,sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, disability, genetic information, age, military status, or identity as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era, recently separated veteran, or other protected veteran.
Code of Student Conduct
It's a state school. First amendment protects free speech.
"University enforces its own rules"

My god what an earth shattering piece of news. I wonder in novasteve has any urgent breaking headlines about the lavatorial habits or mammals of the Ursidae family?
'Protected Category' is used in the Americans with Disabilities Act, and other anti-discrimination legislation as well.
If you think suspending him is fine then you will have no problem with a school suspending an athlete for supporting gay mArriage
...Yup he broke their code of conduct:

8. DISCRIMINATION – Intentional or unintentional act that treats an individual or group in an adverse manner based on a protected category. Protected categories include, but are not limited to: race, color, religion, gender,sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, disability, genetic information, age, military status, or identity as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era, recently separated veteran, or other protected veteran.
Code of Student Conduct
It's a state school. First amendment protects free speech.

Hmm...Would think so. Quick search for something related:

Is It A First Amendment Violation To Kick A Student Out Of Nursing School For Blogging About A Patient?
from the questions,-questions dept
Michael Scott points us to an interesting lawsuit, in which a student who was expelled from nursing school after blogging about patients, is fighting to say that the expulsion violated her First Amendment rights and her due process rights. Of course, the First Amendment doesn't mean you get to say whatever you want, but I believe the key issue here is that she was attending the University of Louisville -- which is a state school, so there is some aspect of government action here. On the due process side, she claims that she was never given a fair hearing and never told what specific rules she violated. The district court had ruled in her favor, ordering the university to reinstate her, but did so by effectively ignoring her specific charges, and claiming instead that the woman had not violated the university's honor code or confidentiality agreement, so it was a simple contract dispute where she had not violated the contract.
Is It A First Amendment Violation To Kick A Student Out Of Nursing School For Blogging About A Patient? | Techdirt

Hate relying on wiki, but not willing to spend all morning looking:

Speech code - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In the United States, the Supreme Court has not issued a direct ruling on whether speech codes at public universities are unconstitutional. However, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan has struck down a speech code at the University of Michigan, indicating that broad speech codes seeking to prohibit hate speech probably violate the First Amendment (Doe v. University of Michigan, 1989). Subsequent challenges against such language supposedly couched in harassment policies, diversity mandates, and so forth instead of being self-identified as speech codes have generally succeeded to date."
I'd think the issue here is that while he can be suspended for breaking the code of conduct discrimination rules, he can't be criminally or civilly sued for the speech that being protected. Since he's unlikely to sue the school, though he'd almost certainly win, he'll have to eat the suspension.
How is that relevant? If a student at kent state were suspended for
The team for supporting same sex marriage you'd be fine with it?

You mentioned Free Speech rights. Was he arrested?

What does that have to do with anything? If a gay were suspended for speaking on gay rights so long as he wasn't arrested it is fine ?

That is correct. If he was not arrested or fined by a government agency for what he said, free speech isn't in danger.
Another jock proves what they say about some jocks. Not very smart. Like the dude couldn't figure out that his words on his Twitter account might cause him trouble. Hell no wonder they suspended him from the team. To dumb to wrestle. And that's saying a lot.

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