Kent state wrestler suspended for not praising gay nfl prospect

You are clueless and don't believe I the first amendment . Hope speech you approve of gets suppressed so you understand
We're all making this a 1st Amendment issue. But I suddenly wonder if the university suspended him for something else, since breaking the code of conduct anti-discrimination thing is obviously something they'd loose in court.
A gay football player? Wbo cares? We now know he is a fudge packer, who cares?
...Oh, he wasn't suspended, he was expelled,

Kent State Director of Athletics released the following statement:

“We are aware of the insensitive tweets by one of our student athletes. On behalf of Kent State University, we consider these comments to be ignorant and not indicative of the beliefs held by our university community as a whole. This is an educational opportunity for all of our student-athletes.”

Kent State Head Wrestling Coach Jim Andrassy added:

“As an alum of Kent State University and as Sam’s head coach, I was surprised and offended by what I read on Twitter. I have spoken to Sam personally, and while he is remorseful, he will be suspended indefinitely while we determine the best course of action moving forward.”

That raises the level of punishment for a free speech issue. The wrestler should sue. Should win. Should seek damages. Then go cut his tongue out for being a douche. :)
You are clueless and don't believe I the first amendment . Hope speech you approve of gets suppressed so you understand

Where does it say in the first amendment that there will be no repercussions to what you decide to say? I missed that part?

He evidently said EXACTLY what he wanted to say on his Twitter account. Where is it written that he wouldn't have any repercussion if his school took offense to what he said?

Was he arrested by the government for saying what he wanted to say? Fuck no. Therefore you got squat about his first amendment rights being "violated".

Today, right now, he can take to his Twitter account and write anything he wants about gays and whatever else he wants to right about. And he will not be arrested.

Unless he threatens the life of the President. Even then, he would only get a visit from the Secret Service. Unless they believed he would carry out the threat. Is that protected in your world? You know, threats on peoples lives? Is that "free speech?".

Keep searching. You will find something legitimate to worry over. This ain't it.
...Yup he broke their code of conduct:

8. DISCRIMINATION – Intentional or unintentional act that treats an individual or group in an adverse manner based on a protected category. Protected categories include, but are not limited to: race, color, religion, gender,sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, disability, genetic information, age, military status, or identity as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era, recently separated veteran, or other protected veteran.
Code of Student Conduct
It's a state school. First amendment protects free speech.

Where is the right to go to college protected in the constitution?
...Oh, he wasn't suspended, he was expelled,

Kent State Director of Athletics released the following statement:

“We are aware of the insensitive tweets by one of our student athletes. On behalf of Kent State University, we consider these comments to be ignorant and not indicative of the beliefs held by our university community as a whole. This is an educational opportunity for all of our student-athletes.”

Kent State Head Wrestling Coach Jim Andrassy added:

“As an alum of Kent State University and as Sam’s head coach, I was surprised and offended by what I read on Twitter. I have spoken to Sam personally, and while he is remorseful, he will be suspended indefinitely while we determine the best course of action moving forward.”

That raises the level of punishment for a free speech issue. The wrestler should sue. Should win. Should seek damages. Then go cut his tongue out for being a douche. :)

I missed the part (after reading it twice) where it said he was "expelled". As in expelled from school I guess is what you are getting at.

His coach did say he was suspended from the wrestling team. That ain't the same as being expelled form school.
Hey these free speech argument are interesting.

If I go up to a person and start trashing them out, is that free speech?

If that person feels threatened because I am exercising my free speech right by trashing this person out, and that person kicks my ass for talking to them the way I was, does his right of self defense trump my right to "free speech"?

Or is the old saying that "nothing is free" really mean what it says? Nothing is "free".

And I always thought that the first amendment was to protect a citizen who wanted to trash talk the government without penalty. Where does it say it protects an individuals right to trash talk about another individual?
Suspended indefinitely is equal to being expelled. It's true I chose a more sensational word. :)

From the link...

"Kent State wrestler Sam Wheeler has reportedly been suspended from the university's team after taking to Twitter to voice his feelings about Sam's decision to publicly come out. "​

He was suspended from the wrestling team, not that he was expelled from the school.

Suspended indefinitely is equal to being expelled. It's true I chose a more sensational word. :)

If his coach is talking suspension, then he is talking wrestling team. I read that the coach was doing the suspension. Not suspended from the school.
Hey these free speech argument are interesting.

If I go up to a person and start trashing them out, is that free speech?

If that person feels threatened because I am exercising my free speech right by trashing this person out, and that person kicks my ass for talking to them the way I was, does his right of self defense trump my right to "free speech"?

Or is the old saying that "nothing is free" really mean what it says? Nothing is "free".

And I always thought that the first amendment was to protect a citizen who wanted to trash talk the government without penalty. Where does it say it protects an individuals right to trash talk about another individual?

IF you went up to a person and started trashing them, perhaps those would be fighting words and you might get your ass kicked. In fact, this was NOT a face to face occurrence but the parties were miles apart and had no way of knowing where the other was. So there is no right of "self defense".

The government does not protect slander or libel. No one was slandering the football player since everything said was the truth. He is gay. He said he was gay. He's proud of being gay. Saying in public that he's gay is not trash talk.
Hey these free speech argument are interesting.

If I go up to a person and start trashing them out, is that free speech?

If that person feels threatened because I am exercising my free speech right by trashing this person out, and that person kicks my ass for talking to them the way I was, does his right of self defense trump my right to "free speech"?

Or is the old saying that "nothing is free" really mean what it says? Nothing is "free".

And I always thought that the first amendment was to protect a citizen who wanted to trash talk the government without penalty. Where does it say it protects an individuals right to trash talk about another individual?

IF you went up to a person and started trashing them, perhaps those would be fighting words and you might get your ass kicked. In fact, this was NOT a face to face occurrence but the parties were miles apart and had no way of knowing where the other was. So there is no right of "self defense".

The government does not protect slander or libel. No one was slandering the football player since everything said was the truth. He is gay. He said he was gay. He's proud of being gay. Saying in public that he's gay is not trash talk.

He called him a "fagboy" and "queer". That is not saying he is gay, that is abusing him for being gay and is a hate crime. If I were to tweet someone is jewish that is fine. If I were to tweet calling them a "kyke" and "bignose" that would not be fine and I would rightly expect some sort of comeback, especially if I were in any sort of prominent position in my place of work or schooling like the wrestling team.
Hey these free speech argument are interesting.

If I go up to a person and start trashing them out, is that free speech?

If that person feels threatened because I am exercising my free speech right by trashing this person out, and that person kicks my ass for talking to them the way I was, does his right of self defense trump my right to "free speech"?

Or is the old saying that "nothing is free" really mean what it says? Nothing is "free".

And I always thought that the first amendment was to protect a citizen who wanted to trash talk the government without penalty. Where does it say it protects an individuals right to trash talk about another individual?

IF you went up to a person and started trashing them, perhaps those would be fighting words and you might get your ass kicked. In fact, this was NOT a face to face occurrence but the parties were miles apart and had no way of knowing where the other was. So there is no right of "self defense".

The government does not protect slander or libel. No one was slandering the football player since everything said was the truth. He is gay. He said he was gay. He's proud of being gay. Saying in public that he's gay is not trash talk.

I was talking hypothetical. Not this particular instance. But you do seem to be saying that there are some limits to "free speech" if in fact you are face to face with someone. That provoking someone in person may not be protected free speech.

Is that correct?
Was he arrested?

No comrad. That comes later, after your religion becomes a jihad. Suppression of free speech comes before jail for having opinions. Like how you get a scratchy throat before your full blown flu goes into pneumonia..
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