Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

Are you Serious, all think this person "Speaks for God" and that her opinions should Over Rule the US Constitution...are you all crazy on drugs or drunk ?
Kim Davis' Marriage History In One Handy Flowchart


No some ignorant freak from Podunk Kentucky does not speak for God...are you all so crazed you believe the mental midget Kim Davis speaks for God ...have you all been drinking...
To everything turn turn turn [Ecclesiastes]
I'm impressed. Most Leftwats think the Birds came up with that themselves.

It would have been even more impressive if you referred to it by its Hebrew name Qoheleth.

Baby steps, I guess.
I know a whole lot about the Bible dude get clear on that wing nuts are like a Sepulcher ...white marble on the outside with death and corruption inside ....Repent ........
Familiarity with the Bible will not redeem your soul. Only the blood of Christ can do that.
Why are christians so consumed with blood?
Familiarity with the Bible will not redeem your soul. Only the blood of Christ can do that.

You are aware that billions of human beings have lived and died without once hearing of Jesus right.....all of them "gone to hell" for not acknowledging the Blood of Christ etc ...have you been heavily drinking today ? that is ridiculous ...sent to hell for no reason by a "Loving God" get real bro ..gosh
and when they attempt to sway one they use threats of what God is gonna do to me ...this is really Infantile .... I am a Man... I do not live scared...Yes Life is a huge Challenge because I have to balance the Terror of being alive with the Wonder of being alive ....but giving in to fear and cosmic intimidation is not where its at for me..............

In this matter Davis' job is to acknowledge the Constitution.

Which she is doing: Amendment1: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
You're a fucking retard. No one is preventing her from exercising her religion. She is perfectly free to hate on gays as much as Jesus guides her to. If she can't do her job as the county clerk because it interferes with her religious beliefs then it's time for her to find a new job. Perhaps being a nun would be more suitable for her?
I'm surprised her crowdfunding enterprise hasn't raised much money yet. Only $6,723.50 so far, so her time in jail wasn't as profitable as she had hoped. Don't you feel bad for her?

I think most people are quietly realizing she is crazy. She is nothing more than a useful idiot right now.

I see another crowdfunding site raised $23 and another site raised 1 percent of its $150,000 goal.

I'm beginning to think most of the people at her get-out-of-jail rally were journalists and their crews, politicians and their associated people, and non-supporters who simply wanted to watch the circus.
Kim Davis with ticket for jail to go
No , she couldn't look much stranger
standing at the jail with her long hair and all
Claims that she is God's Lone Ranger

Last edited:
I'm surprised her crowdfunding enterprise hasn't raised much money yet. Only $6,723.50 so far, so her time in jail wasn't as profitable as she had hoped. Don't you feel bad for her?
What you mean to say is that obviously she isn't in this for the money, despite the fact that you pretend she is.

She's not a couple of faggoty assholes who just see $$$$ when they can't get the targeted Christians to endorse them. That has you all confused, doesn't it...
I'm surprised her crowdfunding enterprise hasn't raised much money yet. Only $6,723.50 so far, so her time in jail wasn't as profitable as she had hoped. Don't you feel bad for her?

I think most people are quietly realizing she is crazy. She is nothing more than a useful idiot right now.

I see another crowdfunding site raised $23 and another site raised 1 percent of its $150,000 goal.

I'm beginning to think most of the people at her get-out-of-jail rally were journalists and their crews, politicians and their associated people, and non-supporters who simply wanted to watch the circus.
She doesn't need money. But if the fags sue her, I promise her funding will skyrocket.
Check this out: H.R.3185 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Equality Act | | Library of Congress

Introduced in House (07/23/2015)

Equality Act

Amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity among the prohibited categories of discrimination or segregation in places of public accommodation.


Prohibits the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 from providing a claim, defense, or basis for challenging such protections.
It is really interesting that some people are so distraught and freaked out about this that they will create a whole alternate reality so that they can believe that it is wrong and unjust. Yet 99% of these people are completely unaffected by it in their personal lives. ... .

Reader, what you witnessed in the above trail of drivel, is what is known as "R E L A T I V I S M".

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that "knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context and, as such, can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes".

Such is a presentation of mental disorder; a perversion of human reasoning.

Through this perversion of reason the relativist axiomatically rejects the very existence of objectivity; which is essential to truth, that we find that such precludes the means for Left-think to serve justice.

With truth being essential to trust and, both: truth and trust being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality and, because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

And the above twaddle is a perfect example of just that.

Horseshit! ...

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Interesting how you edit my post to make it look like my entire reply was just the word "horseshit" because you can't actually deal with the entirety of what I said.
And allowing here to use her government office to advance her own religious beliefs would in fact be
using government to advance a religion and religious beliefs- a direct violation of the first amendment.

No, it would not.

She's not advancing anything accept common sense and a healthy respect for REALITY.

That you and the cult need to pretend that Marriage is something other than The Joining of One Man and One Woman, doesn't change a dam' thing.

YOU are the oddball freak here, Chester... not the lady who recognizes marriage as nature defines it.

No, the homo Nazis are, as always, the extremist lunatic fringe.

The majority is firmly on Davis' side.

More of your delusional, moron horseshit

Most Americans Support Sending Kim Davis To Jail, Poll Shows
And even more people, including Republican born-again Christians, think she should quit.

Ariel Edwards-LevyReporter, The Huffington Post
Posted: 09/09/2015 01:00 PM EDT | Edited: 5 hours ago

Most Americans think that Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis should have been sent to jail for contempt of court, according to a new HuffPost/YouGov poll.

In the survey, which was conducted prior to Davis' release from jail on Tuesday, a 56 percent majority of respondents said they supported the judge's decision to jail her for contempt of court, although fewer wanted her to actually remain behind bars.

Most respondents also thought Davis should be required to issue same-sex marriage licenses, and an even greater majority said she should resign if she's unwilling to do so.
Reader, what you witnessed in the above trail of drivel, is what is known as "R E L A T I V I S M".

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that "knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context and, as such, can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes".

Such is a presentation of mental disorder; a perversion of human reasoning.

Through this perversion of reason the relativist axiomatically rejects the very existence of objectivity; which is essential to truth, that we find that such precludes the means for Left-think to serve justice.

With truth being essential to trust and, both: truth and trust being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality and, because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

And the above twaddle is a perfect example of just that.

Horseshit! ...

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Interesting how you edit my post to make it look like my entire reply was just the word "horseshit" because you can't actually deal with the entirety of what I said.
And allowing here to use her government office to advance her own religious beliefs would in fact be
using government to advance a religion and religious beliefs- a direct violation of the first amendment.

No, it would not.

She's not advancing anything accept common sense and a healthy respect for REALITY.

That you and the cult need to pretend that Marriage is something other than The Joining of One Man and One Woman, doesn't change a dam' thing.

YOU are the oddball freak here, Chester... not the lady who recognizes marriage as nature defines it.

No, the homo Nazis are, as always, the extremist lunatic fringe.

The majority is firmly on Davis' side.

More of your delusional, moron horseshit

Most Americans Support Sending Kim Davis To Jail, Poll Shows
And even more people, including Republican born-again Christians, think she should quit.

Ariel Edwards-LevyReporter, The Huffington Post
Posted: 09/09/2015 01:00 PM EDT | Edited: 5 hours ago

Most Americans think that Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis should have been sent to jail for contempt of court, according to a new HuffPost/YouGov poll.

In the survey, which was conducted prior to Davis' release from jail on Tuesday, a 56 percent majority of respondents said they supported the judge's decision to jail her for contempt of court, although fewer wanted her to actually remain behind bars.

Most respondents also thought Davis should be required to issue same-sex marriage licenses, and an even greater majority said she should resign if she's unwilling to do so.

Lololol...a Huff Post poll. I'm sure it's wildly representative of the rest of the nation.

Get the fuck out of here, you driveling nitwit.
Horseshit! ...

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Interesting how you edit my post to make it look like my entire reply was just the word "horseshit" because you can't actually deal with the entirety of what I said.
And allowing here to use her government office to advance her own religious beliefs would in fact be
using government to advance a religion and religious beliefs- a direct violation of the first amendment.

No, it would not.

She's not advancing anything accept common sense and a healthy respect for REALITY.

That you and the cult need to pretend that Marriage is something other than The Joining of One Man and One Woman, doesn't change a dam' thing.

YOU are the oddball freak here, Chester... not the lady who recognizes marriage as nature defines it.

No, the homo Nazis are, as always, the extremist lunatic fringe.

The majority is firmly on Davis' side.

More of your delusional, moron horseshit

Most Americans Support Sending Kim Davis To Jail, Poll Shows
And even more people, including Republican born-again Christians, think she should quit.

Ariel Edwards-LevyReporter, The Huffington Post
Posted: 09/09/2015 01:00 PM EDT | Edited: 5 hours ago

Most Americans think that Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis should have been sent to jail for contempt of court, according to a new HuffPost/YouGov poll.

In the survey, which was conducted prior to Davis' release from jail on Tuesday, a 56 percent majority of respondents said they supported the judge's decision to jail her for contempt of court, although fewer wanted her to actually remain behind bars.

Most respondents also thought Davis should be required to issue same-sex marriage licenses, and an even greater majority said she should resign if she's unwilling to do so.

Lololol...a Huff Post poll. I'm sure it's wildly representative of the rest of the nation.

Get the fuck out of here, you driveling nitwit.
Sorry crackho. You wont be able to get more money for your fix. Back to being a streetwalker for you.
Check this out: H.R.3185 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Equality Act | | Library of Congress

Introduced in House (07/23/2015)

Equality Act

Amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity among the prohibited categories of discrimination or segregation in places of public accommodation.


Prohibits the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 from providing a claim, defense, or basis for challenging such protections.

Yeah! Why not... Alter one "Act" to include every manny of crap that the "Act" did not include and PRETEND IT DID!

Here's a clue, there are TWO and ONLY TWO sexual orientations: Men who crave woman sexually and vice versa... EVERYTHING ELSE is a deviancy which is the function of mental disorder, thus which is wholly invalid.
Horseshit! ...

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Interesting how you edit my post to make it look like my entire reply was just the word "horseshit" because you can't actually deal with the entirety of what I said.
And allowing here to use her government office to advance her own religious beliefs would in fact be
using government to advance a religion and religious beliefs- a direct violation of the first amendment.

No, it would not.

She's not advancing anything accept common sense and a healthy respect for REALITY.

That you and the cult need to pretend that Marriage is something other than The Joining of One Man and One Woman, doesn't change a dam' thing.

YOU are the oddball freak here, Chester... not the lady who recognizes marriage as nature defines it.

No, the homo Nazis are, as always, the extremist lunatic fringe.

The majority is firmly on Davis' side.

More of your delusional, moron horseshit

Most Americans Support Sending Kim Davis To Jail, Poll Shows
And even more people, including Republican born-again Christians, think she should quit.

Ariel Edwards-LevyReporter, The Huffington Post
Posted: 09/09/2015 01:00 PM EDT | Edited: 5 hours ago

Most Americans think that Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis should have been sent to jail for contempt of court, according to a new HuffPost/YouGov poll.

In the survey, which was conducted prior to Davis' release from jail on Tuesday, a 56 percent majority of respondents said they supported the judge's decision to jail her for contempt of court, although fewer wanted her to actually remain behind bars.

Most respondents also thought Davis should be required to issue same-sex marriage licenses, and an even greater majority said she should resign if she's unwilling to do so.

Lololol...a Huff Post poll. I'm sure it's wildly representative of the rest of the nation.

Get the fuck out of here, you driveling nitwit.

OK Nurse Rat Shit- I'm gone honney
Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Interesting how you edit my post to make it look like my entire reply was just the word "horseshit" because you can't actually deal with the entirety of what I said.
And allowing here to use her government office to advance her own religious beliefs would in fact be
using government to advance a religion and religious beliefs- a direct violation of the first amendment.

No, it would not.

She's not advancing anything accept common sense and a healthy respect for REALITY.

That you and the cult need to pretend that Marriage is something other than The Joining of One Man and One Woman, doesn't change a dam' thing.

YOU are the oddball freak here, Chester... not the lady who recognizes marriage as nature defines it.

No, the homo Nazis are, as always, the extremist lunatic fringe.

The majority is firmly on Davis' side.

More of your delusional, moron horseshit

Most Americans Support Sending Kim Davis To Jail, Poll Shows
And even more people, including Republican born-again Christians, think she should quit.

Ariel Edwards-LevyReporter, The Huffington Post
Posted: 09/09/2015 01:00 PM EDT | Edited: 5 hours ago

Most Americans think that Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis should have been sent to jail for contempt of court, according to a new HuffPost/YouGov poll.

In the survey, which was conducted prior to Davis' release from jail on Tuesday, a 56 percent majority of respondents said they supported the judge's decision to jail her for contempt of court, although fewer wanted her to actually remain behind bars.

Most respondents also thought Davis should be required to issue same-sex marriage licenses, and an even greater majority said she should resign if she's unwilling to do so.

Lololol...a Huff Post poll. I'm sure it's wildly representative of the rest of the nation.

Get the fuck out of here, you driveling nitwit.

OK Nurse Rat Shit- I'm gone honney


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