Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan Grimes


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

Two major Kentucky newspapers have endorsed Alison Lundergan Grimes for Senate over incumbent Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R).

The Courier-Journal and the Lexington Herald-Leader both ran editorials Sunday in support of the Democrat, who currently serves as Kentucky's Secretary of State.

In its endorsement, the Courier-Journal's editorial board praised Grimes' stance on issues like the minimum wage and early childhood education, while accusing McConnell of "lacking a vision for Kentucky."

"[McConnell] lost his way to the point where he now is identified largely as the master of obstruction and gridlock in Washington," reads theendorsement. "Kentucky needs a U.S. senator who sees a higher calling than personal ambition and a greater goal than self-aggrandizement."

The endorsement also addressed Grimes' recent interview with the editorial board, during which sherepeatedly refused to say whether or not she voted for President Barack Obama in 2012.

"Ms. Grimes, to her credit, was willing to appear before this newspaper's editorial board," reads the editorial. "She did this fully aware that Mr. McConnell's campaign could — and did — seize on snippets to use in political attacks."

McConnell, the editorial board says, did not accept their invitation for a similar interview.

The Lexington Herald-Leader's endorsement strongly rebukes McConnell, who the editorial board says has "repeatedly hurt the country to advance his political strategy."

"The Senate may never recover from the bitter paralysis McConnell has inflicted through record filibusters that allow his minority to rule by obstruction," reads the editorial. "He poses as a champion of the right to criticize the government, but it's really his rich buddies' right to buy the government that he champions."

"If McConnell had a better record, he would not have to argue for six more years by obsessively linking Grimes to Obama, who will be gone in two years no matter what," the editorial continues.

More: Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan Grimes

It would be better for Kentucky and the nation if Grimes can defeat McConnell. I wish her good luck.
If Grimes can pull off this upset in KY then that will be a small consolation for the Dems. :)
She's still going to lose. On the other hand, Democrats might have an outside shot in Georgia now. Nunn seems to have gotten some momentum in the last week, likely due to Perdue's asinine outsourcing remark.
"[McConnell] lost his way to the point where he now is identified largely as the master of obstruction and gridlock in Washington[.]"

She's still going to lose. On the other hand, Democrats might have an outside shot in Georgia now. Nunn seems to have gotten some momentum in the last week, likely due to Perdue's asinine outsourcing remark.

Although I hope Democrats retain the Senate - I'm not sure how much difference it will make over the next two years - regardless of the outcome.
She's still going to lose. On the other hand, Democrats might have an outside shot in Georgia now. Nunn seems to have gotten some momentum in the last week, likely due to Perdue's asinine outsourcing remark.

Although I hope Democrats retain the Senate - I'm not sure how much difference it will make over the next two years - regardless of the outcome.

If the GOP wins the Senate they will do everything they can to force Obama to veto legislation that will hurt the Dems in 2016. If the Senate minority filibuster those attempts the GOP will nuke the filibuster. If Obama has to appoint someone to the SCOTUS the GOP will obstruct anyone with even a whiff of being vaguely liberal to the the bench.
But, wait, you say: How can our poor state afford to give up the power that Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has amassed in 30 years in Washington, especially if Republicans take the Senate, making him the majority leader?

McConnell does have power. He commands a perpetual-motion money machine; dollars flow in, favors flow out.

The problem is how McConnell uses his power. He has repeatedly hurt the country to advance his political strategy.

McConnell has sabotaged jobs and transportation bills, even as Kentucky's unemployment exceeds the nation's and an Interstate 75 bridge crumbles over the Ohio River. He blocked tax credits for companies that move jobs back to this country while preserving breaks for those that move jobs overseas. He opposed extending unemployment benefits, while bemoaning the "jobless" recovery. He brags about resolving crises that he helped create.

The Senate may never recover from the bitter paralysis McConnell has inflicted through record filibusters that allow his minority to rule by obstruction.

Read more here: Elect Grimes to Senate for a better future Editorial
Give it up. There is a "Red" wave in the making. Senate 54-45+1 and Republicans increase the House +6. Ferguson, radicalism, corruption and incompetence have not gone unnoticed even by a demographic shift. Eventually jobs and law & order are trumped by common sense.
McConnell and Reid are good reasons for term limits.
Keep in mind the GOP gains nothing with a McConnell win. They just hold on.
That's air-headed, especially after the dashed hopes. I do understand why you think so though.

The same cannot be said of Dem candidates.
"[McConnell] lost his way to the point where he now is identified largely as the master of obstruction and gridlock in Washington[.]"


Any one that isn't a partisan hack knows the obstructionist in the Senate is Reid. His own party is pissed at Reid for blocking key pieces of bi partisan legislation.

This is on record. Over 300 bills are sitting on his desk.

Now that being said, I have not one problem with this part of their statement.

"He poses as a champion of the right to criticize the government, but it's really his rich buddies' right to buy the government that he champions."

And I hope he goes down in flames to Grimes because he is nothing more than an "inside the beltway" bastard.

I'm doing what I can from up here to push the anti McConnell movement.

He needs to be punished for how he has treated conservative members of his party. McConnell is a son of a bitch.

This part nails him to a T. I hope and pray Grimes permanently retires him.

"Kentucky needs a U.S. senator who sees a higher calling than personal ambition and a greater goal than self-aggrandizement."

Link to Lakhota's OP.
Keep in mind the GOP gains nothing with a McConnell win. They just hold on.
That's air-headed, especially after the dashed hopes. I do understand why you think so though.

The same cannot be said of Dem candidates.

I think so because it's mathematics. You may have heard of it. Look into it.
Statistics and trends. You lose. Georgia is the only state which still has a chance of turning blue. After six years of Dem control, Hope & Change is now old hat. Blacks and millennials are not turning out because there is no hope or Obama to vote for.

People don't stay stupid forever.
McConnell and Reid are good reasons for term limits.

I agree. However, I certainly consider Reid by far the lesser of two evils. I'm 68, and used to vote more Republican than Democrat. However, I've never seen such OBSTRUCTION as exhibited by Boehner and McConnell. I know it isn't technically treason - but I consider it treason against the American people.

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Keep in mind the GOP gains nothing with a McConnell win. They just hold on.
That's air-headed, especially after the dashed hopes. I do understand why you think so though.

The same cannot be said of Dem candidates.

I think so because it's mathematics. You may have heard of it. Look into it.
You should try logic. You probably haven't even heard of it.

If you want to dispute the fact that the GOP Senate gains nothing if McConnell is re-elected, because they already hold the seat,

by all means, let's have that debate.

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