Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan Grimes

How weird would it be if Grimes wins after the establishment Democrats threw her under the bus?
New York City Mayor Di Blasio has condemned the disgraceful GOP Christie brand of complete disrespect of first responders, in all situations(?): Apparently all to be quarantined. For example(?), it is known that federal troops have been deployed in West Africa. It is also clear that Christie/McConnell/Boehner apparently intend them harm, disrespect, even quarantined and forced into mass deprivation of Constitutional Civil Liberty guarantees.
New York mayor criticizes New Jersey apos s apos disrespect apos of Ebola nurse - LA Times
  • The Dr. in New Jersey may in fact have a cold. Then it's on to the apparent quarantine of all the schools in New Jersey(?)!
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great White Governor--Of Likeness of Many Herd of Buffalo--really major kind of stupid guy, like so many other leaders, GOP! GOP even unable to find crossbows stored in Iraq(?), not too many years ago(?)!)
She's still going to lose. On the other hand, Democrats might have an outside shot in Georgia now. Nunn seems to have gotten some momentum in the last week, likely due to Perdue's asinine outsourcing remark.

I voted for her Dad, Sam Nunn and he did a great job for the state of Georgia and the country. I am skeptical about voting for a married woman with 2 kids that uses he maiden name instead of her married name to run for office. I wonder why she does that?
McConnell and Republicans have done many things to piss me off since Obama became president - but nothing has pissed me off more than how they behaved over Obamacare. Republicans had many years in power when they could have reformed heathcare - but they did nothing. Then, when a black Democrat finally gets something done on healthcare - they went apeshit and refused to participate to help make it better. Obamacare is certainly better than nothing - but it could have been so much better if Republicans had helped instead of obstructing.

They weren't allowed to help in the Harry Reid Senate.
Reid is simply doing what he was elected to do as Senate Majority Leader.
So when Reid blocks bills he's doing what he was elected to di.
When Republicans block bills they're being obstructionist.
Got it.
If you didnt have a double standard you'd have no standard at all.

What is Reid holding up that would be good for America and benefit most Americans?

Some of the 282 bills sent to the Senate by the House are bound to be good for America. We will never know because Harry Reid won't allow them to come to the floor for debate and a vote.
New York City Mayor Di Blasio has condemned the disgraceful GOP Christie brand of complete disrespect of first responders, in all situations(?): Apparently all to be quarantined. For example(?), it is known that federal troops have been deployed in West Africa. It is also clear that Christie/McConnell/Boehner apparently intend them harm, disrespect, even quarantined and forced into mass deprivation of Constitutional Civil Liberty guarantees.
New York mayor criticizes New Jersey apos s apos disrespect apos of Ebola nurse - LA Times
  • The Dr. in New Jersey may in fact have a cold. Then it's on to the apparent quarantine of all the schools in New Jersey(?)!
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great White Governor--Of Likeness of Many Herd of Buffalo--really major kind of stupid guy, like so many other leaders, GOP! GOP even unable to find crossbows stored in Iraq(?), not too many years ago(?)!)

Did the Mayor criticize Governor Cuomo for putting the same quarantine rules in place for New York? LOL
Any one that isn't a partisan hack knows the obstructionist in the Senate is Reid. His own party is pissed at Reid for blocking key pieces of bi partisan legislation.

This is on record. Over 300 bills are sitting on his desk.

I'm never sure if you are intellectually dishonest, or genuinely uninformed. I tend to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are uninformed.

When the House sends an infrastructure Bill to the Senate that has a provision that outlaws all abortions - which has nothing to do with infrastructure - should Harry Reid dignify that with a vote?

She is a fucking idiot - a dumb person who pretends to be smart.
I'm 68, and used to vote more Republican than Democrat.

yea sure you did.....people who switch parties are usually fairly are pretty far left...."i used to vote more Republican than Democrat"....dont make me laugh....oh no to late....

I never switched parties. I've always been a registered Democrat. However, since the Reagan holocaust - I've voted mostly for Democrats.
if you voted more Republican at one time you would today still show some Republican/Conservative whatever NEVER have anything half assed decent to say about anything thats on the right.....never.....even if a moderate righty here says something that aint to are against it....ANYTHING by anyone on the left you are right there defending a person who "used" to vote Republican a lot, you should be here saying shit when people like Dean posts some of the shit he posts about how Republicans are,because you would know a lot of what he says aint true.....but you thank the guy and agree with him no matter what he not only cant back up what you said about me you cant back up what you say about yourself.....

You obviously need help. Try the Fox News shrink...

all you keep on doing is backing up what im saying about cant back up what you say about other people or even are a fraud and your right wing brother shootpeeders should get both have one thing in a lot of talking but cant back up the shit you say about people....a right and left dipshit....

Although you have ZERO credibility - I appreciate you bumping the thread. Thanks.
says the guy who has a problem proving what he are your own worst enemy Lakota.....all i have to do is sit back and let you talk....even your buddy Shootspeados fares better than you....he at least knows when to shut you just won the....

She's still going to lose. On the other hand, Democrats might have an outside shot in Georgia now. Nunn seems to have gotten some momentum in the last week, likely due to Perdue's asinine outsourcing remark.

I voted for her Dad, Sam Nunn and he did a great job for the state of Georgia and the country. I am skeptical about voting for a married woman with 2 kids that uses he maiden name instead of her married name to run for office. I wonder why she does that?
Ummm...because she wants the association with her dad?
She's still going to lose. On the other hand, Democrats might have an outside shot in Georgia now. Nunn seems to have gotten some momentum in the last week, likely due to Perdue's asinine outsourcing remark.

I voted for her Dad, Sam Nunn and he did a great job for the state of Georgia and the country. I am skeptical about voting for a married woman with 2 kids that uses he maiden name instead of her married name to run for office. I wonder why she does that?
Ummm...because she wants the association with her dad?

Do you consider that ethical or opportunistic?
Any one that isn't a partisan hack knows the obstructionist in the Senate is Reid. His own party is pissed at Reid for blocking key pieces of bi partisan legislation.

This is on record. Over 300 bills are sitting on his desk.

I'm never sure if you are intellectually dishonest, or genuinely uninformed. I tend to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are uninformed.

When the House sends an infrastructure Bill to the Senate that has a provision that outlaws all abortions - which has nothing to do with infrastructure - should Harry Reid dignify that with a vote?

He dignifies nothing with a vote these days. So WTF do they do these days in the Senate? Think about it.

It's his job to bring the House bills to a vote whether you like or I like or anyone else likes it or not.

New York Times again with the stats.

"Absent those votes, Republicans were given 37 votes last year, 51 percent of the total.

And Senate votes are trending downward. Exempting nonbinding budget amendments, total amendment votes reached 218 in 2007

, Mr. Reid’s first year in control, to 175 in 2009, to 123 in 2012, to 67 last year, by Reid staff calculations. Since mid-July, Republicans have gotten four amendment votes."
The article you are citing is about the frustration of the Senate Republicans who can't get amendments attached to Senate Bills.

It's not about the frustration of House Republicans who can't get their House Bills to the Senate floor.

From your link:

To Democrats, it was a typical Reid show of force in the face of unfair Republican amendments.
Also from your link:

In his time as leader, he has allowed votes on almost 95 Republican amendments a year, 75 percent of the total. That is fewer than former Senator Bill Frist of Tennessee gave Democrats when he was majority leader — 117, or 76 percent — but more than Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi gave minority Democrats, 90 votes a year, 54 percent of the total.​

Oh Syn. Give me a break. Reid denies ammendments even to Dem co sponsored bills. There is no excuse whatsoever over what Reid is doing.

There's rumblings that Reid will not be voted in again. Everyone knows who the problem is. Libs have Reid and Cons have been stuck with McConnell. Both should be retired.

Here's a couple of great examples of Harry screwing over both parties. Look Dems are suffering as well and they aren't happy.

"Democrats such as Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota — who wants to repeal Obamacare’s medical-device tax — and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York — who has waged a highly publicized campaign to reform the way the military handles sexual-assault cases — have been denied votes on their proposed amendments to various bills.

Gillibrand had hoped to attach her sexual-assault amendment to the defense-appropriations bill that passed in December, but no amendments were allowed.

Klobuchar has called for “a more open amendment process” because she’d like a vote on repealing the medical-device tax."

Harry Reid s Obstructionism National Review Online


"One of the more blatant and serious demonstrations of Democratic obstructionism arose last week as the Senate considered a bill to extend business tax credits. As recounted by The Wall Street Journal, this annual extension is normally a routine exercise in bipartisanship.

Not this year. Majority Leader Harry Reid refused to allow Republican amendments, including one that has 79 senators on record in support to repeal the Obamacare medical-device tax, the repeal of which is particularly important to San Diego.

Without the amendments, Republicans are blocking floor action on the bill.

It’s worth emphasizing that, according to the Journal, Republican leaders in the House have allowed 125 Democratic amendments to be voted on since last July, while Sen. Reid has allowed votes on only nine GOP amendments. Just who is the obstructionist?

So, the extension of the business tax credits, which also include the research and development tax credit, also of much import to San Diego, becomes the latest victim of dysfunction. But don’t blame the Republicans."

Sen. Harry Reid obstructionist in chief
It's hilarious to watch NaziCons trying to portray Harry Reid as the obstructionist.

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