Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan Grimes

It's hilarious to watch NaziCons trying to portray Harry Reid as the obstructionist.
Dipshit, he is the one with all those bills lying dormant on his desk.

Okay, so please tell us about those bills. Are they bills that would benefit most Americans?

So you are arguing that 300 bills on Harry's desk are ALL anti-american?

Yes, most of them. They benefit conservatives and big business to the detriment of the poor and middle class. When will Boehner vote on Obama's American Jobs Act?
Or even Marco (Polo!) Rubio's Immigration Bill.
It's hilarious to watch NaziCons trying to portray Harry Reid as the obstructionist.

Harry's own family calls him "Pinky" because he is effeminate.

Effeminate? Harry played football and was a boxer.

Yes effeminate.

I was Married to his niece.

I have been to his Home in Searchlight Nevada.....I have been in the mines is family worked.

Wow, I'm surprised he didn't kick your stupid NaziCon ass.

I told you he is an effeminate sissy boy.

I am a Ranger Trained ex champion Wrestler, Harry knew better.
...and your real name is Tommy Flanagan.

You gotta wonder why the newspaper felt the need to admit that the babe "appeared before the editorial staff".Doesn't that violate political ethics during an election?
NOT a single man should vote for her. Why vote for someone that wants to tell you that you can't be part of a family or father a child???

You're a dumb male piece of shit and should just shut up! Is what Grimes feels about you.

Men need to let it be known that a child is half ours!
Men need to let it be known that we aren't responsible for women's inability to close the pay gap. Maybe they should make better choices in college?
Men need to let it be known that being part of a relationship and being loved is something we deserve!
Men need to let it be known that we deserve to be successful! Jobs, colleges, etc.

Shame on Grimes.
It's hilarious to watch NaziCons trying to portray Harry Reid as the obstructionist.
Dipshit, he is the one with all those bills lying dormant on his desk.

Okay, so please tell us about those bills. Are they bills that would benefit most Americans?

The public has no way of knowing since they are not allowed on the floor of the Senate for debate, amendments and a vote.
She's still going to lose. On the other hand, Democrats might have an outside shot in Georgia now. Nunn seems to have gotten some momentum in the last week, likely due to Perdue's asinine outsourcing remark.

I voted for her Dad, Sam Nunn and he did a great job for the state of Georgia and the country. I am skeptical about voting for a married woman with 2 kids that uses he maiden name instead of her married name to run for office. I wonder why she does that?
Ummm...because she wants the association with her dad?

Do you consider that ethical or opportunistic?
It's certainly opportunistic. Is taking an opportunity to remind people who your father is a bad thing?

I don't know how ethics enter into it at all.

It was definitely opportunistic for Marion Morrison to change his name to John Wayne. Was it a bad thing?

You have gone from the ridiculous to the absurd. Almost all actors change their name to one they consider more appealing to the public, but what they do does not affect my life or my pocketbook.
"[McConnell] lost his way to the point where he now is identified largely as the master of obstruction and gridlock in Washington[.]"

Grimes not admitting she voted for Obama is grounds enough to dismiss her as a lightweight weasel

Why should she?

Because if she should get elected she will vote exactly the way Harry Reid tells her to vote and he does Obama's bidding. Perhaps she is ashamed or too embarrassed to admit the obvious. Why don't you tell me why she won't admit the obvious?
"[McConnell] lost his way to the point where he now is identified largely as the master of obstruction and gridlock in Washington[.]"

Mitch McConnell is doing God's and the People's work by obstructing everything Obama wants. I cancelled my subscription to our local paper because of their liberal stance. Kentuckians should do the same.
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McConnell and Reid are good reasons for term limits.

I agree. However, I certainly consider Reid by far the lesser of two evils. I'm 68, and used to vote more Republican than Democrat. However, I've never seen such OBSTRUCTION as exhibited by Boehner and McConnell. I know it isn't technically treason - but I consider it treason against the American people.

It's laughable that democrats are butt hurt the opposition party wanted Obama to have one term. I suppose the Dems wanted Bush to enjoy two terms?
Any one that isn't a partisan hack knows the obstructionist in the Senate is Reid. His own party is pissed at Reid for blocking key pieces of bi partisan legislation.

This is on record. Over 300 bills are sitting on his desk.

I'm never sure if you are intellectually dishonest, or genuinely uninformed. I tend to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are uninformed.

When the House sends an infrastructure Bill to the Senate that has a provision that outlaws all abortions - which has nothing to do with infrastructure - should Harry Reid dignify that with a vote?
Assumming that's true, where were you when democrats loaded up bills like that with liberal bullshit provisions?
Any one that isn't a partisan hack knows the obstructionist in the Senate is Reid. His own party is pissed at Reid for blocking key pieces of bi partisan legislation.

This is on record. Over 300 bills are sitting on his desk.

I'm never sure if you are intellectually dishonest, or genuinely uninformed. I tend to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are uninformed.

When the House sends an infrastructure Bill to the Senate that has a provision that outlaws all abortions - which has nothing to do with infrastructure - should Harry Reid dignify that with a vote?

Absolutely! Every other word out of the Dems is infrastructure. Bring the bill to the floor of the Senate for debate. With the majority it would be simple to amend it to exclude the abortion part, vote and send it back to the House.
Keep in mind the GOP gains nothing with a McConnell win. They just hold on.
That's air-headed, especially after the dashed hopes. I do understand why you think so though.

The same cannot be said of Dem candidates.

Really? Then why isn't it a big deal that Corey Booker is winning by double digits in New Jersey?
Keep in mind the GOP gains nothing with a McConnell win. They just hold on.
That's air-headed, especially after the dashed hopes. I do understand why you think so though.

The same cannot be said of Dem candidates.

Really? Then why isn't it a big deal that Corey Booker is winning by double digits in New Jersey?
Why would it be? I don't recall Republicans getting excited about that race.

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