Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan Grimes

Although I hope Democrats retain the Senate - I'm not sure how much difference it will make over the next two years - regardless of the outcome.

If the GOP wins the Senate they will do everything they can to force Obama to veto legislation that will hurt the Dems in 2016. If the Senate minority filibuster those attempts the GOP will nuke the filibuster. If Obama has to appoint someone to the SCOTUS the GOP will obstruct anyone with even a whiff of being vaguely liberal to the the bench.

True, and more evidence that the GOP has moved from a party putting country first, to a party putting party first.
well that makes both parties you see why i keep saying to vote non big 2.....

Both parties stretch the truth, however, when Gingrich took the Speakership the GOP moved from stretching the truth to being dishonest and since Obama got the nomination in the summer of 2008 to evil.
blah blah obfuscate and deflect. It's getting old, frankly.

You really are a one-trick pony, full of horse shit.
She's still going to lose. On the other hand, Democrats might have an outside shot in Georgia now. Nunn seems to have gotten some momentum in the last week, likely due to Perdue's asinine outsourcing remark.

Although I hope Democrats retain the Senate - I'm not sure how much difference it will make over the next two years - regardless of the outcome.

If the GOP wins the Senate they will do everything they can to force Obama to veto legislation that will hurt the Dems in 2016. If the Senate minority filibuster those attempts the GOP will nuke the filibuster. If Obama has to appoint someone to the SCOTUS the GOP will obstruct anyone with even a whiff of being vaguely liberal to the the bench.

True, and more evidence that the GOP has moved from a party putting country first, to a party putting party first.
well that makes both parties you see why i keep saying to vote non big 2.....

Both parties stretch the truth, however, when Gingrich took the Speakership the GOP moved from stretching the truth to being dishonest and since Obama got the nomination in the summer of 2008 to evil.
but yet you seem to think the Democrats are still just stretching the truth.....i got news for you Wry.....that means they are pretty dishonest too....only they do their shit behind your back.... and tell you they are not.....either way....BOTH Parties put party first over Country.....they only put the Country and the people first when elections are coming up.....
People don't stay stupid forever.

False. People still believe Reagan was a great president.

Go back and look at how the country felt about him at the end of his terms. Not great at all.
I take that back. Some people do stay stupid forever. For example, Those who think Texas is landlocked, and those who think an approval rating of 63% at the end of a second term is negative.

Presidential Approval for President Reagan

It's true that Reagan is popular more than two decades after leaving office. A CNN/Opinion Research poll last month gave him the third-highest approval rating among presidents of the past 50 years, behind John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton. But Reagan's average approval rating during the eight years that he was in office was nothing spectacular - 52.8 percent, according to Gallup. That places the 40th president not just behind Kennedy, Clinton and Dwight Eisenhower, but also Lyndon Johnson and George H.W. Bush, neither of whom are talked up as candidates for Mount Rushmore.

During his presidency, Reagan's popularity had high peaks - after the attempt on his life in 1981, for example - and huge valleys. In 1982, as the national unemployment rate spiked above 10 percent, Reagan's approval rating fell to 35 percent. At the height of the Iran-Contra scandal, nearly one-third of Americans wanted him to resign.

In the early 1990s, shortly after Reagan left office, several polls found even the much-maligned Jimmy Carter to be more popular. Only since Reagan's 1994 disclosure that he had Alzheimer's disease - along with lobbying efforts by conservatives, such as Grover Norquist's Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, which pushed to rename Washington's National Airport for the president - has his popularity steadily climbed.

Five myths about Ronald Reagan s legacy

His image was saved by disease. Be proud!
She's still going to lose. On the other hand, Democrats might have an outside shot in Georgia now. Nunn seems to have gotten some momentum in the last week, likely due to Perdue's asinine outsourcing remark.

I voted for her Dad, Sam Nunn and he did a great job for the state of Georgia and the country. I am skeptical about voting for a married woman with 2 kids that uses he maiden name instead of her married name to run for office. I wonder why she does that?
Ummm...because she wants the association with her dad?

Do you consider that ethical or opportunistic?
It's certainly opportunistic. Is taking an opportunity to remind people who your father is a bad thing?

I don't know how ethics enter into it at all.

It was definitely opportunistic for Marion Morrison to change his name to John Wayne. Was it a bad thing?

You have gone from the ridiculous to the absurd. Almost all actors change their name to one they consider more appealing to the public, but what they do does not affect my life or my pocketbook.
How does Michelle Nunn's name affect you?
"[McConnell] lost his way to the point where he now is identified largely as the master of obstruction and gridlock in Washington[.]"

Mitch McConnell is doing God's and the People's work by obstructing everything Obama wants. I cancelled my subscription to our local paper because of their liberal stance. Kentuckians should do the same.
Yes, because when 90% of the American public want background checks on gun purchases, Mitch McConnell is there to filibuster it - for God.

You're a dope.
McConnell and Reid are good reasons for term limits.

I agree. However, I certainly consider Reid by far the lesser of two evils. I'm 68, and used to vote more Republican than Democrat. However, I've never seen such OBSTRUCTION as exhibited by Boehner and McConnell. I know it isn't technically treason - but I consider it treason against the American people.

It's laughable that democrats are butt hurt the opposition party wanted Obama to have one term. I suppose the Dems wanted Bush to enjoy two terms?
The Democrats didn't obstruct every single thing that Bush and the Republicans wanted, dope.
Any one that isn't a partisan hack knows the obstructionist in the Senate is Reid. His own party is pissed at Reid for blocking key pieces of bi partisan legislation.

This is on record. Over 300 bills are sitting on his desk.

I'm never sure if you are intellectually dishonest, or genuinely uninformed. I tend to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are uninformed.

When the House sends an infrastructure Bill to the Senate that has a provision that outlaws all abortions - which has nothing to do with infrastructure - should Harry Reid dignify that with a vote?
Assumming that's true, where were you when democrats loaded up bills like that with liberal bullshit provisions?
Which bills, dope?
True, and more evidence that the GOP has moved from a party putting country first, to a party putting party first.

:lol: Oh yeah, because Democrats never put their party first over the country. :lol:

Keep showing everyone what a tool you are.
If they put Party over country they wouldn't have voted to give Bush the authorization for force in Iraq.

That's just one example out of dozens.

Keep showing everyone what a tool you are.
Although I hope Democrats retain the Senate - I'm not sure how much difference it will make over the next two years - regardless of the outcome.

If the GOP wins the Senate they will do everything they can to force Obama to veto legislation that will hurt the Dems in 2016. If the Senate minority filibuster those attempts the GOP will nuke the filibuster. If Obama has to appoint someone to the SCOTUS the GOP will obstruct anyone with even a whiff of being vaguely liberal to the the bench.

True, and more evidence that the GOP has moved from a party putting country first, to a party putting party first.
well that makes both parties you see why i keep saying to vote non big 2.....

Both parties stretch the truth, however, when Gingrich took the Speakership the GOP moved from stretching the truth to being dishonest and since Obama got the nomination in the summer of 2008 to evil.

Because the left was so cordial to Bush. It's amazing how short your memory is.
Tell you what, moron: you name the Bills Democrats obstructed with Bush, and I'll name the Bills Democrats cooperated on with Bush, and we'll see what level of idiot you are.
People don't stay stupid forever.

False. People still believe Reagan was a great president.

Go back and look at how the country felt about him at the end of his terms. Not great at all.
I take that back. Some people do stay stupid forever. For example, Those who think Texas is landlocked, and those who think an approval rating of 63% at the end of a second term is negative.

Presidential Approval for President Reagan

It's true that Reagan is popular more than two decades after leaving office. A CNN/Opinion Research poll last month gave him the third-highest approval rating among presidents of the past 50 years, behind John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton. But Reagan's average approval rating during the eight years that he was in office was nothing spectacular - 52.8 percent, according to Gallup. That places the 40th president not just behind Kennedy, Clinton and Dwight Eisenhower, but also Lyndon Johnson and George H.W. Bush, neither of whom are talked up as candidates for Mount Rushmore.

During his presidency, Reagan's popularity had high peaks - after the attempt on his life in 1981, for example - and huge valleys. In 1982, as the national unemployment rate spiked above 10 percent, Reagan's approval rating fell to 35 percent. At the height of the Iran-Contra scandal, nearly one-third of Americans wanted him to resign.

In the early 1990s, shortly after Reagan left office, several polls found even the much-maligned Jimmy Carter to be more popular. Only since Reagan's 1994 disclosure that he had Alzheimer's disease - along with lobbying efforts by conservatives, such as Grover Norquist's Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, which pushed to rename Washington's National Airport for the president - has his popularity steadily climbed.

Five myths about Ronald Reagan s legacy

His image was saved by disease. Be proud!
Why don't you just admit you were flat-out wrong instead of producing a copy&paste. Being publicly educated is no excuse for being disingenuous.
I voted for her Dad, Sam Nunn and he did a great job for the state of Georgia and the country. I am skeptical about voting for a married woman with 2 kids that uses he maiden name instead of her married name to run for office. I wonder why she does that?
Ummm...because she wants the association with her dad?

Do you consider that ethical or opportunistic?
It's certainly opportunistic. Is taking an opportunity to remind people who your father is a bad thing?

I don't know how ethics enter into it at all.

It was definitely opportunistic for Marion Morrison to change his name to John Wayne. Was it a bad thing?

You have gone from the ridiculous to the absurd. Almost all actors change their name to one they consider more appealing to the public, but what they do does not affect my life or my pocketbook.
How does Michelle Nunn's name affect you?

There are better ways for a woman to remind people who their father is than keeping their maiden name. Actually, I wonder what her husband thinks about her not taking his name when they married and what her two children's last names are. I would think she could have used hyphenated Mary Michelle Nunn-Martin to accomplish reminding people who her Dad is, as if the campaign ads she does on TV with her Dad aren't enough.
Using her maiden name to open doors and get preferential treatment because dear old Dad was a Senator, and a very good one that I voted for, is unethical in my playbook. Very similar to claiming to be a member of a minority, such as having Indian blood, or being from Kenya to get the advantage in college.
People don't stay stupid forever.

False. People still believe Reagan was a great president.

Go back and look at how the country felt about him at the end of his terms. Not great at all.
I take that back. Some people do stay stupid forever. For example, Those who think Texas is landlocked, and those who think an approval rating of 63% at the end of a second term is negative.

Presidential Approval for President Reagan

It's true that Reagan is popular more than two decades after leaving office. A CNN/Opinion Research poll last month gave him the third-highest approval rating among presidents of the past 50 years, behind John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton. But Reagan's average approval rating during the eight years that he was in office was nothing spectacular - 52.8 percent, according to Gallup. That places the 40th president not just behind Kennedy, Clinton and Dwight Eisenhower, but also Lyndon Johnson and George H.W. Bush, neither of whom are talked up as candidates for Mount Rushmore.

During his presidency, Reagan's popularity had high peaks - after the attempt on his life in 1981, for example - and huge valleys. In 1982, as the national unemployment rate spiked above 10 percent, Reagan's approval rating fell to 35 percent. At the height of the Iran-Contra scandal, nearly one-third of Americans wanted him to resign.

In the early 1990s, shortly after Reagan left office, several polls found even the much-maligned Jimmy Carter to be more popular. Only since Reagan's 1994 disclosure that he had Alzheimer's disease - along with lobbying efforts by conservatives, such as Grover Norquist's Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, which pushed to rename Washington's National Airport for the president - has his popularity steadily climbed.

Five myths about Ronald Reagan s legacy

His image was saved by disease. Be proud!
Why don't you just admit you were flat-out wrong instead of producing a copy&paste. Being publicly educated is no excuse for being disingenuous.
Because he's a douchebag? Just a guess here.
People don't stay stupid forever.

False. People still believe Reagan was a great president.

Go back and look at how the country felt about him at the end of his terms. Not great at all.
I take that back. Some people do stay stupid forever. For example, Those who think Texas is landlocked, and those who think an approval rating of 63% at the end of a second term is negative.

Presidential Approval for President Reagan

It's true that Reagan is popular more than two decades after leaving office. A CNN/Opinion Research poll last month gave him the third-highest approval rating among presidents of the past 50 years, behind John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton. But Reagan's average approval rating during the eight years that he was in office was nothing spectacular - 52.8 percent, according to Gallup. That places the 40th president not just behind Kennedy, Clinton and Dwight Eisenhower, but also Lyndon Johnson and George H.W. Bush, neither of whom are talked up as candidates for Mount Rushmore.

During his presidency, Reagan's popularity had high peaks - after the attempt on his life in 1981, for example - and huge valleys. In 1982, as the national unemployment rate spiked above 10 percent, Reagan's approval rating fell to 35 percent. At the height of the Iran-Contra scandal, nearly one-third of Americans wanted him to resign.

In the early 1990s, shortly after Reagan left office, several polls found even the much-maligned Jimmy Carter to be more popular. Only since Reagan's 1994 disclosure that he had Alzheimer's disease - along with lobbying efforts by conservatives, such as Grover Norquist's Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, which pushed to rename Washington's National Airport for the president - has his popularity steadily climbed.

Five myths about Ronald Reagan s legacy

His image was saved by disease. Be proud!
Why don't you just admit you were flat-out wrong instead of producing a copy&paste. Being publicly educated is no excuse for being disingenuous.
Because he's a douchebag? Just a guess here.
Synthia certainly is, but he compounds it by saying patently stupid and made-up things.
Has she said whether she voted for Obama or not in 2008 and 2012?

It does not matter. The fact that she hasn't said only means that she respects the privacy of the voting booth, unlike the Republicans.
No, it means she doesnt want to be associated with the worst president in history. She was a delegate pledged to vote for him, for pete's sake. You really think she didnt vote for him? How stupid are you?

No one is required to disclose their vote for good reasons, one being your attempt to assassinate the character of another by association. i.e. their vote.
No one is required to disclose his taxes either but that didnt prevent the Left from howling to see Romney's, and Reid from lying about it.
It speaks to Grimes' basic dishonesty and duplicity, which is of interest to the voter.

Every post you submit speaks to your basic dishonesty and character flaws.
People don't stay stupid forever.

False. People still believe Reagan was a great president.

Go back and look at how the country felt about him at the end of his terms. Not great at all.
I take that back. Some people do stay stupid forever. For example, Those who think Texas is landlocked, and those who think an approval rating of 63% at the end of a second term is negative.

Presidential Approval for President Reagan

It's true that Reagan is popular more than two decades after leaving office. A CNN/Opinion Research poll last month gave him the third-highest approval rating among presidents of the past 50 years, behind John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton. But Reagan's average approval rating during the eight years that he was in office was nothing spectacular - 52.8 percent, according to Gallup. That places the 40th president not just behind Kennedy, Clinton and Dwight Eisenhower, but also Lyndon Johnson and George H.W. Bush, neither of whom are talked up as candidates for Mount Rushmore.

During his presidency, Reagan's popularity had high peaks - after the attempt on his life in 1981, for example - and huge valleys. In 1982, as the national unemployment rate spiked above 10 percent, Reagan's approval rating fell to 35 percent. At the height of the Iran-Contra scandal, nearly one-third of Americans wanted him to resign.

In the early 1990s, shortly after Reagan left office, several polls found even the much-maligned Jimmy Carter to be more popular. Only since Reagan's 1994 disclosure that he had Alzheimer's disease - along with lobbying efforts by conservatives, such as Grover Norquist's Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, which pushed to rename Washington's National Airport for the president - has his popularity steadily climbed.

Five myths about Ronald Reagan s legacy

His image was saved by disease. Be proud!
Why don't you just admit you were flat-out wrong instead of producing a copy&paste. Being publicly educated is no excuse for being disingenuous.

booooo, why don't you admit you have no evidence to prove anyone is flat-out wrong when you attack them personally. If you have evidence of your allegations, post them; or forever be known as a dishonest partisan hack.
Has she said whether she voted for Obama or not in 2008 and 2012?

It does not matter. The fact that she hasn't said only means that she respects the privacy of the voting booth, unlike the Republicans.
No, it means she doesnt want to be associated with the worst president in history. She was a delegate pledged to vote for him, for pete's sake. You really think she didnt vote for him? How stupid are you?

No one is required to disclose their vote for good reasons, one being your attempt to assassinate the character of another by association. i.e. their vote.
No one is required to disclose his taxes either but that didnt prevent the Left from howling to see Romney's, and Reid from lying about it.
It speaks to Grimes' basic dishonesty and duplicity, which is of interest to the voter.

Every post you submit speaks to your basic dishonesty and character flaws.
And every post of yours speaks to your experience sucking off prisoners in the men's room.
People don't stay stupid forever.

False. People still believe Reagan was a great president.

Go back and look at how the country felt about him at the end of his terms. Not great at all.
I take that back. Some people do stay stupid forever. For example, Those who think Texas is landlocked, and those who think an approval rating of 63% at the end of a second term is negative.

Presidential Approval for President Reagan

It's true that Reagan is popular more than two decades after leaving office. A CNN/Opinion Research poll last month gave him the third-highest approval rating among presidents of the past 50 years, behind John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton. But Reagan's average approval rating during the eight years that he was in office was nothing spectacular - 52.8 percent, according to Gallup. That places the 40th president not just behind Kennedy, Clinton and Dwight Eisenhower, but also Lyndon Johnson and George H.W. Bush, neither of whom are talked up as candidates for Mount Rushmore.

During his presidency, Reagan's popularity had high peaks - after the attempt on his life in 1981, for example - and huge valleys. In 1982, as the national unemployment rate spiked above 10 percent, Reagan's approval rating fell to 35 percent. At the height of the Iran-Contra scandal, nearly one-third of Americans wanted him to resign.

In the early 1990s, shortly after Reagan left office, several polls found even the much-maligned Jimmy Carter to be more popular. Only since Reagan's 1994 disclosure that he had Alzheimer's disease - along with lobbying efforts by conservatives, such as Grover Norquist's Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, which pushed to rename Washington's National Airport for the president - has his popularity steadily climbed.

Five myths about Ronald Reagan s legacy

His image was saved by disease. Be proud!
Why don't you just admit you were flat-out wrong instead of producing a copy&paste. Being publicly educated is no excuse for being disingenuous.

booooo, why don't you admit you have no evidence to prove anyone is flat-out wrong when you attack them personally. If you have evidence of your allegations, post them; or forever be known as a dishonest partisan hack.
Well, in your case it was ignorance. Christine O'Donnell (the witch) did not run against your hero Harry Reid. The other idiot, Synthia, claimed that when Reagan left office he was decidedly unpopular.

You are both low-information partisan hacks who can't be bothered with or manipulate facts to conform to whatever idiotic agenda you have at the moment.

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